fruit essay picturefruit essay picture azaria jack

Post on 13-Jan-2016






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Every body Should Fruit Every DayEvery body Should Fruit Every Day

Fruit Good For YouFruit Good For You

Kids need to eat things besides Kids need to eat things besides sweets, like candies or cakessweets, like candies or cakes

Fruit Good For YouFruit Good For You


Gives you a lot energy Vitams

Everybody should have fruit every single day because it has the entire vitamin, Fiber, No Fat no great source of nutrients for your body. You should have at least 5 or more servings of fruits each and every day. It also gives you allot of energy. It helps you run faster, jump higher, and it also help you to do great in school, college, or work. Fruits have natural sugars which are good for you. Eating a piece of fruit isn't like eating a candy bar.


Everybody should have fruit every single day because it’s good for you for an example, “Mom” I said “my stomach hearts” “I think I’m going to throw up”Then I ran to the toilet and threw up in it.“Shouldn’t ate too much fast food” I said


Fruit taste good fruit good for you fruit will never make you hungry fruit never eat too much fruit you might throw u might throw up fruit can help you lose weight fruit good when you work out fruit can be good for school, college, or work. Fruit has natural sugar in it fruit has, Fiber, No Fat no great source of nutrients for your body fruit has many thing that you can make with fruit , fruit


Too much sugar makes them Too much sugar makes them hyper hyper


Too much sugar makes them hyper because nearly everyone has always accepted the belief that sugar makes kids hyperactive; in fact it's so deeply ingrained that even some researchers have had trouble accepting their own results. In one study, 35 children reported by their mothers to be "behaviorally sugar sensitive" were separated into two groups. Half were told they were given a sugary drink, half were told it was a sugar-free drink.


Some else story Some else story

Once on the news some on the got a sugar rush and they had to go to the hospital and get there a tube stuck threw their mouth out there but and get it flushed out and a anther story is once for happy new years we had pie cake lots of pop when I was sick and I threw up again when I did not eat 1 healthy thing I threw up so bad that my throat heart in tell 2 weeks.

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