g l e n l e i g h d e n n e w s...2020/08/11  · be asl eep, wake up, be surpri sed, cl i mb a...

Post on 09-Sep-2020






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Glenleighden News11th August  2020


J u n i o r S c h o o l N e w s

M i d d l e S c h o o l N e w s


S e n i o r S c h o o l N e w s



E a r l y C h i l d h o o d N e w s

Dear families and friends,

Our pre-COVID school events are returning, in one form or another.

The school oval was a blaze of colour as the students competed inthe final day of competition for the 2020 Sports Day Champions.Competition and scores were close until the end. It came down to thefinal teams event to decide which house would become the 2020champion. By a very small margin, the title went to Turnbull!

All the students are to be commended on their participation and effortin all events. The team captains, Laura (Turnbull), Megan and Rudi(Robinson), and Jamie and Isaac (Muller) enthusiastically lead theirteams in the field and track events. A full list of place getters andphotos are featured later in this publication.

Planning for our next school event is underway, with studentspreparing for a unique school performance. It will be a productionwith a difference, one that will go ahead irrespective of whatrestrictions might be in place.

During the ‘new normal’, stay connected with what is happeningwithin the school community by joining our active PS&F. Last weekthis band of merry parents shared stories and ideas from the comfortof their homes by connecting over Zoom. Mark the 25th August inyour calendar to stay connected by joining in the next PS&F meeting.

PRINCIPALJ a n M o r e y


1300 881 763



“One kind word can change someone’s entire day.” – Anonymous

Are you looking forward to a coffee with other school families? Wait no

longer. Our Chaplain, Jilanna, is inviting you to coffee on Tuesday 18th

August from 9am (after school drop off) at Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary


More and more school activities are coming back online.

This week our Early Childhood students recommence their therapeutic

horse-riding program which was interrupted by COVID-19 in Term One.

Therapeutic riding is the use of a horse to engage participants and

enhance physical, social, emotional, cognitive, behavioural and

educational learning.   

School soccer has also restarted. We were fortunate to secure funding

through Sporting Schools which is an Australian Government initiative

designed to help schools to increase children's participation in sport. Our 

coach, Scott, has returned to take sessions at the school. He takes the

Early Childhood and Junior School students through their paces at

lunchtime on Wednesdays, Middle School students on Thursdays and

Senior School students have their opportunity on Mondays. Thanks Scott

for your patience as our students refine their skills.

Don't forget there is a public holiday this coming Friday. Enjoy the great

Queensland sunshine and spend time doing the things that you and your

family love to do.

Stay safe.

Kind regards,

Jan 3


EARLY CHILDHOOD NEWSIn Early Childhood, Speech Pathologist (Katie) and OccupationalTherapist (Melissa) have been working with the students on 'pretendplay'. Pretend play is important for children to develop oral language,develop imaginative skills (e.g. using a clip for a phone) and toencourage perspective taking. Last week we played grocery shopping,where there was a shop keeper, a supermarket helper and a customer.This week, we played ‘TGS vets’, where there was a vet, an owner of asick animal and a receptionist. 5 tips for parents to embrace pretend play at home: 1. Get on your child’s level (face-to-face) at the table or on the floor.This is so that your child can see your face, gestures, and pretendactions. 2. Let your child take the lead. If your child is pushing a truck, playtrucks. They will be motivated to play with you if you follow their lead. 3. Imitate your child’s pretend actions. Add language to their play. Ifthey are pushing a truck, you could do the same and say "the truck isdriving. The truck is driving fast". 4. Keep it simple - there is no need to introduce too many ideas.Practise the same themes and sequences for your child to learn best. 5. Take turns to encourage back and forth ‘conversation’.

JUNIOR SCHOOL NEWSJunior School staff and students are experiencing several of our annualschool events in an alternative format this year. The Sports Day, in thechanged format, was thoroughly enjoyed by the students. Theycompleted some athletic events like long jump and discus during theschool week prior to the Sports Day. Events on the day still had thechildren excitedly reporting their house experiences and the number ofribbons they received.

We are sure, the children will also enjoy the new format of the annual2020 school concert. Drama lessons are an opportunity this term for thechildren to practise voice projection, gestures, facial expressions, mime,and movement in front of their peers. Acting out the actions of pickingflowers, drinking a cup of tea, brushing your teeth and driving a car areoccasions for the students to increase their ability to act andcommunicate. All the students have eagerly wanted a turn to pretend tobe asleep, wake up, be surprised, climb a beanstalk, and get to the topof the clouds. Movement is also practised by performing basic steps likeheel-to-toe and bend-your-knees to the beat of the ‘old’ country music.Holding a ‘cool’ pose and enjoying trying to master the floss dance arealso happily done by the Junior School students.

Staff are planning the item for the 2020 concert and we will then turn ourattention to refining students’ skills to perform these actions. We hopeall this practise will translate into an enjoyable and memorable schoolconcert this year.



h i@teachers . com 6

For the past few months Middle School students have beenpreparing for Sports Day during their weekly PE lessons.They were introduced to various elements of a Track andField competition, including some new events they hadpreviously not been exposed to. It was with great enthusiasmthat they learnt how to throw a discus and javelin (foamversions!!), extend their long jump skills to triple jump,exchange the relay baton around a circular track and take offfor their sprints using starter blocks! These new eventsgenerated much enthusiasm for Sports Day which evenextended to break times where students were begging staffon duty to facilitate running races and relays on our schooloval.

All this preparation culminated in two very enjoyable andcompetitive days. The first being an afternoon of 100m and200m heats and finals and the second being Sports Daywhere ball games, tug of war and relays were hotlycontested. Every single Middle School student participated tothe best of their capacity and demonstrated a healthycompetitive spirit alongside good sportsmanship. Whilst thisyear’s event was a lot of fun, we are looking forward tohopefully trying out our new track and field skills on the bigoval at FTPSS next year!!


A P R I L 2 0 1 9 V O L . I


Building the tallest tower in 5 minutes using only 20 paper cups. Inthis challenge, students learnt that a stable base is important tosupport a tall tower.Making the longest paper chain from one piece of A4 paper in 12minutes. In this challenge, students learnt that the quantity of linksthat can be cut from a single piece of paper is impacted by thewidth of each link.

This term in Senior School, some of the students are participating inSTEM activities. STEM is an approach to learning that integrates theareas of science, technology, engineering and maths. Through STEM,students learn key skills, such as:o problem solvingo creativityo teamworko independent thinkingo initiativeo communicationo critical thinking When presented with a challenge, students work together to brainstormideas, plan designs, create solutions and reflect upon their designs tocome up with improvements. Introductory challenges have included:

Within each challenge, students have also been developingmathematical skills, such as shape design and measurement.

It has been great to see the students so engaged in the challenges asthey work together to develop solutions. The critical part of learningoccurs when students reflect upon their designs, identifying the ‘tricky’parts of the process and recognising ways in which their designs canbe improved. Students have also been learning the value of workingwith a partner in timed tasks and it has been wonderful to observe theteamwork and shared encouragement between partners!


Premier Reading Challenge For students that have enrolled in the Premier Reading Challenge, just a reminder thatthe challenge finishes in 3 weeks. Students can list any books that they have read, or books that have been read tothem, and these include the school readers. Please return the reader record forms toMinna in the library. Certificates will be handed out in school assembly (and there maybe a little sneaky prize too) New Books have been added to the library this week from our students requests,including the full series of ‘Bad Guys’, non-fiction reads on Science, Animals,Dinosaurs, Our planet, Oceans and Saving the Earth and we have also added new Artand Crafts titles to the shelves. If your child has any requests for books for the libraryplease ask them to speak to our librarian Minna or send her an email(library@salda.org.au).



School LanguageLegends  Award

Early Childhood

Junior School

Middle School

Senior School

Grace TEzra B

Lachlan D

Sio AConnah H

Juliet MArcher ORoman L


Isaac EXavier TSiena D

School ValuesOur School Values Awardwent to Joey from Junior


Bir thdays

Serren BHenry HHugo O

Connor RNata l ia RGrace TOwen L

Wi l l i am HJamie S

L inco ln OMat thew N

Ar ian SRi l ey P

Eashar N



Friday 14th AugustEkka Show Holiday

Wednesday 19 AugustSenior School Information Evening

Monday 24th AugustPLP Meetings start

Friday 4th SeptemberPupil Free Day

Friday 18th SeptemberPupil Free Day, end of Term Three

Monday 5th OctoberQueens Birthday Public Holiday

Tuesday 6th OctoberStart of Term Four




EVENINGThe Glenleighden School Library

33 Cubberla Street, Fig Tree Pocket 4069

Wednesday 19 August 2020














Gather informationfrom a wide variety ofpost-school agencies,

service providers andtraining organisationsincluding TAFE,

government and non-

government agencies.

Start a collaborativepost-school transitionplanning process.

Make choices whichinform decision makingin post-schooltransition options andfinal years of schooling.





Structured workexperiencetraineeships andapprenticeshipsleisure opportunitieslife skillsopportunities for socialinteraction

R . S . V . P . B Y 1 3 T H A U G U S TS C H O O L @ S A L D A . O R G . A U O R C A L L 3 3 7 8 8 6 2 5

Engage in discussions about future pathways for your child






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