gameday for heroes national campaign

Post on 06-Mar-2016






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This campaign was made for the non-profit organization, Gameday for Heroes. It was completed for the capstone course Public Relations Campaign at Auburn University.








“Let them be a part of the experience”

Gameday  for  Heroes  National  Campaign  

Kellie Camuso

Carrie Gordon

Rebecca Lakin

Abigail McInnish

Michelle Wilder


Table of Contents

Executive Summary………………………………………………………………………………………...3





Media Kit—Overview……………………………………………………………………………24

Media Kit- News Release………………………………………………………………..25

Media Kit –Backgrounder………………………………………………………………..26

Media Kit –Pitch Letter………………………………………………………………….27

Media Kit –Frequently Asked Questions………………………………………………...28

Media Kit–Public Service Announcement……………………………………………....29

Sponsorship Overview……………………………………………………………………………30

Pitch Letter for Potential Sponsors………………………………………………………31

Sponsorship Levels………………………………………………………………………32

Local Chapter Overview………………………………………………………………………….33

Celebrity Endorsers……………………………………………………………………………….34

Materials Overview……………………………………………………………………………….37


Business Card…………………………………………………………………………….40



Social Media Overview…………………………………………………………………………...43

Facebook Guidelines…………………………………………….……………………….45

Twitter Guidelines……………………………………………………………………….49

Design Overview…………………………………………………………………………………52





Executive Summary The PRCM group consisted of Kellie Camuso, Carrie Gordon, Rebecca Lakin, Abigail McInnish

and Michelle Wilder. This campaign is for Gameday for Heroes, a non-profit organization that

provides collegiate athletic tickets to military members and their families. The organization is

hoping to expand; therefore, this campaign’s purpose is to generate national awareness.

In order to generate national awareness, the PRCM group has provided an extensive campaign,

complete with research, planning and implementation materials. The research stage compares

Gameday for Heroes to similar organizations and analyzes the client, target audience and

situation. This section also provides analyses of how other non-profit organizations expanded

from a local to national platform. The planning section includes details about how the PRCM

group outlined the campaign using objectives, tactics and strategies. It also includes a SWOT

(Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat) analysis, in which the PRCM group took a weakness-

opportunity approach. The implementation section features a media kit that should be distributed

to media outlets and potential sponsors, a new website, corporate sponsors and guidelines for

utilizing social media.

In order to expand Gameday for Heroes to a national level, the organization must streamline all

components of the campaign. Having a logo and a slogan that the PRCM group created will help

to brand the organization and encourage national exposure. Without a recognizable or

streamlined brand, the organization will be unable to expand nationally.


Introduction The primary purpose of Gameday for Heroes is to provide military members and their families

with collegiate tickets to athletic events. Gameday for Heroes is a 501(c) (3) non-profit

organization, meaning all donations are tax deductible. Gameday for Heroes depends solely on

ticket and monetary donations. Because of financial constraints of a new organization, the

PRCM group carefully crafted a campaign that could be implemented at a low-cost.

The PRCM group decided the campaign should be an awareness campaign. Therefore, most of

the campaign is focused on gaining attention from a wide array of media outlets such as social

media, local/national media and word-of-mouth. The group formed goals using objectives for the

campaign and used tactics and strategies to accomplish those goals. The goals, strategies and

tactics were developed to measure the effectiveness of the campaign and for long-term future use

by the client.

An extensive media kit was also created for Gameday for Heroes. The media kit includes a new

logo and tagline, along with a press release, backgrounder, pitch letter, brochure and public

service announcement. The group compiled a media distribution list for all media kits to be sent.

Research 5

Purpose of Research The research for this campaign was secondary. The PRCM group researched similar non-profit

organizations and organizations that have gone from a local to national level. The group also

focused on corporations that might be interested in sponsoring Gameday for Heroes. It was

conducted via the Internet. The group used the research to compare Gameday for Heroes with

similar organizations. The purpose of this research was to help Gameday for Heroes lay the

foundation for becoming a national organization by looking at the successes of other non-profit


In addition, the PRCM group obtained background information on Gameday for Heroes from the

director, Jana Tarleton. The group also obtained information from Matt Davis, a member of the

Auburn Athletic Department.

Research 6

Research Similar Organizations

Veteran Tickets Foundation is sponsored by veterans and seeks to provide tickets to events to

active duty military and other veterans. This organization is not restricted to athletic tickets, but

provides concert, theater and other special event tickets. The organization also allows family

members to attend the events with the military members. The website for Veteran Tickets

Foundations is (“About us, Veteran Tickets Foundation”).

Tickets for Troops is an organization in England that provides event tickets to military members.

The organization provides a variety of event tickets, not just athletic events. It also has patrons

such as famous singers, professional athletes and spouses of government officials. The patrons

provide recognizable faces/names to the organization, which gives the organization more

attention nationally. The website is (“About us, Tickets for


The USO provides a variety of services to military members. While it does not necessarily

provide athletic tickets, it does offer services to military such as entertainment, care packages

and access to the comforts of home. Its mission is similar to Gameday for Heroes, in that it seeks

to provide a service to military members, but is on a much larger scale. The website is The organization and its website provides an example of how to effectively

brand a non-profit organization (“About us, USO”).

Local to National

Research 7

Make-a-Wish Foundation started at the local level in Phoenix, Ariz. The organization had

granted eight wishes when it received national recognition from “NBC Magazine.” The exposure

from the magazine led to the national campaign of Make-a-Wish. The organization went on to

create chapters around the country to provide wishes to children everywhere, not just in Phoenix.

The chapters allowed the organization to function at the national level. The website is (“The first wish”).

Susan G. Komen for the Cure started as a project by Nancy G. Brinker as a promise to her sister,

Susan, to do everything in her power to end breast cancer. Now, the organization has become the

global leader of the breast cancer movement, having invested nearly $1.5 billion since its

inception in 1982. It is also the world’s largest grassroots network of breast cancer survivors and

activists. The website is (“About us, Susan G. Komen for the


*A complete list of websites featured in the research section can be found in Appendix A-60.

Positive Highlights to Incorporate into Gameday for Heroes

By researching similar organizations and organizations that started locally and became national,

Gameday for Heroes has successful examples to draw ideas from. The organization has no direct

competition, but can learn from organizations that give tickets to military members as sub-

projects. Some things to incorporate from those organizations include developing chapters

around the country so it is less overwhelming for the Columbus, Ga., location. This can be done

through other alumni clubs, service clubs (i.e. Rotary or Kiwanis) and other philanthropic

organizations. These are easy to reach and can at least provide information about the local

community. Another idea would be to allow family members of the military to attend the games

Research 8

with them, just as Veteran Tickets Foundation does. One thing Tickets for Troops does is to

incorporate familiar faces with the organization. Gameday for Heroes could contact professional

athletes for support of the organization.

Directory of Schools

A list of schools has been provided in order to give Gameday for Heroes a foundation in which to decide

where to establish a chapter or an idea of what schools may be interested in participating in Gameday for


The schools listed in Appendix A-11 are the top football, basketball and baseball schools in the country

and their conferences. The PRCM group would recommend mainly focusing on Big 12, Big 10 and SEC

schools for football since they are the top football schools. The PRCM group recommends all athletic

events for the SEC, because it excels in each sport (“Football Champions”). For the ACC and Big East,

the PRCM group recommends Gameday for Heroes concentrate on basketball tickets.

Research 9

Client Analysis Client: Gameday for Heroes national campaign

Contact: Jana Tarleton – Director

Problem/Opportunity the Campaign will Address

The PRCM group needs to raise awareness for Gameday for Heroes. The opportunity is to take a

realistic concept and turn it into a national campaign. Part of the problem and opportunity is that

the organization is very localized and focused solely on Auburn athletics. Our goal is to take this

local program and allow it to have national recognition with other colleges and universities. The

client also targets military members, rather than media, ticket holders or universities. When the

client does approach universities, athletic departments are contacted first instead of reaching out

to the community and local media. The ideal objective is for the athletic departments and

universities to contact the organization after it has gained media attention. In order to gain that

media attention, local media outlets should be approached first.

Organizational History/Purpose

Tigers for Heroes began as an Auburn alumni club community service project in 2009. When

the organization received recognition as a not-for-profit 501 (c) (3) organization, which allows

the tickets it receives to be tax deductible, the name was changed to Gameday for Heroes. It was

the idea of one of the members who knew active military who wanted to attend games, but

couldn’t afford tickets. The purpose of Gameday for Heroes is to provide athletic event tickets to

members of the military and their families.

Research 10

Organizational Goals

The goals of Gameday for Heroes are to provide a game day experience to members of the

military through the use of tickets to athletic events, increase monetary and ticket donations,

create local chapters through service clubs such as Rotary Club, Kiwanis and Civitan that can be

implemented nationwide and receive exposure in national media outlets.

Client’s Definition of the Issue

The client seeks national recognition of the Gameday for Heroes program with colleges,

universities and media recognizing the program. The client sees the issue as an opportunity to

expand the awareness of the organization and to give back to more members of the military.

Overview of Previous and Current Public Relations Efforts

The organization has attempted outreach through Facebook, SEC athletic departments and

hanging a sign on game days at Auburn University during tailgating events. There is also a

nationally recognized video played at every military base, but it only features Auburn athletics.

How Effective Public Relations Efforts Have Been

The Facebook campaign has 400 group members as of Feb. 3, 2011, and has active members

who post on the wall frequently. SEC schools have been reluctant to participate in the program,

due to high volumes of community service requests. The sign hung on game day is not as visible

as it could be, as it is located behind Tiger Walk activities. The video played on military bases

has generated interest in getting tickets and contacting the client, but it’s not generating ticket or

monetary donations.

Research 11

Team’s View of Organizational and Public Relations Needs

The team thinks it is necessary to change the appearance of the organization because it is too

locally focused. In order to take the campaign to the national level, it is necessary to focus on

broader areas than Auburn and the Fort Benning military base. The campaign must be

streamlined to have a more national focus, such as changing the color scheme and logo to more

patriotic colors. The focus should be more on local media outlets and bloggers rather than

athletic departments and military bases. The team thinks reaching smaller levels of media will

lead to more coverage and eventually reach a national audience. The organization needs to create

a seamless campaign, which includes social media, website, news releases and other campaign


Client’s View on Public Relations Needs

The only need the client sees is to create a national campaign, and sees the main channel of

communication as directly reaching athletic departments and military bases.

Public Relations Role in the Organization

Public relations creates awareness of Gameday for Heroes as well as collecting ticket donations.

It is vital to the organization because it is helping build a community of support around Gameday

for Heroes. Public relations efforts are also encouraging discussion which will lead to media


Research 12

Organization’s Culture

Gameday for Heroes incorporates support for military and is full of the Auburn spirit. The client

has close ties with the university and the organization was started by an Auburn alumni club in

Columbus/Phenix City.

Culture’s Impact on Campaign

The culture of the organization limits the effectiveness of the national campaign because it is

specific to one school. The feeling of strong support for the military should remain, but there

should be a neutral school affiliation.

Resources (Budget) for Public Relations and the Issue

The public relations campaign will be a grassroots effort with little monetary resources. The

resources available include personal contacts, social media, the website and word-of-mouth. The

issue with having little monetary resources is being unable to print mass amounts of fliers,

brochures and other printing needs. As the organization gains more funds from monetary

donations, printing expenses will no longer be an issue.

Research 13


The Situation: The main issue for Gameday for Heroes is that the organization desires to create

a national campaign. Originally, the focus was on Auburn athletic events and regional soldiers,

but now it is hoped to expand to a national level and provide tickets to more soldiers. The cause

of the situation is the desire for growth and national exposure. The campaign’s goal is for the

situation of creating a national campaign to affect media, donors, soldiers and universities and

colleges. It’s an opportunity to grow the organization beyond the local community.

History: The organization began as Tigers for Heroes in 2009 as an Auburn alumni club service

project, and has since become Gameday for Heroes for a more fluid switch to a national

organization. In December 2010 it was granted its not-for-profit 501 (c)(3), which allows the

tickets and donations to be tax deductible.

Relationships: The organization’s relationships involve soldiers, media, universities/colleges

and ticket holders. Currently they have established a positive relationship with soldiers and

Auburn’s athletic department. The organization also works to establish and maintain

relationships with donors.

Mission: The mission is to provide athletic tickets to soldiers. The situation is directly related to

the mission because going national will allow the opportunity to provide more tickets to more

soldiers. Jana Tarleton is passionate and dedicated to her idea. She also has personal contacts that

could encourage growth of the organization. In a country founded on freedom, military members

are respected and supported, which makes people more likely to support this cause.

Research 14

Research: The organization has sought to expand regionally, but has not yet approached the

national market. They need to benchmark more about how other organizations have gone from a

local level to a national level.

Internal Environment

Communication Resources: The resources include personal contacts, news releases, pitch

letters, bloggers, social media and school networks. The organization is exceptionally supportive

of public relations efforts and is open to new ideas to expand the campaign nationally.

Organization’s Service: The service is to provide athletic tickets to soldiers. The situation is

directly related to the mission because going national will allow the opportunity to provide more

tickets to more soldiers. Quality of the service is determined by quantity – how many tickets are

donated, where games are/quality of opponents (i.e. rivalry games, conference games.) The

quality of the service has improved since it started in 2009. They have received not-for-profit

status and have reached more schools and provide more tickets. The benefit of the service is that

it provides soldiers the opportunity to relax and enjoy a game day experience. The disadvantage

is that there are little monetary resources to provide travel expenses. The organization hopes to

receive more monetary and ticket donations.

External Environment

Competitive Environment: There are no direct competitors, but there are other organizations

that help military receive tickets as side projects. There is competition with athletic departments,

because they seek to make money by selling tickets. The athletic departments get numerous

Research 15

requests from non-profit organizations and their objective is to make money themselves. Other

non-profits are competing for the same attention from athletic departments. Competitive

organizations have a national campaign and are more likely to gain the attention from athletic

departments. The other competitors are more established, which allows them more attention and

resources from donors, athletic departments and media.

Reputation: The people that do know about them like them, but they don’t have a large

following. The organization hopes to obtain a positive reputation by growing nationally and

sending more soldiers to games.

Resistance: Athletic departments are resistant because there is no national campaign in place

for the organization. Ticket vendors might be resistant because they want a profit from ticket

sales (Stub Hub). However, other organizations have been successful with generating support for

similar causes.

Research 16

SWOT Analysis

Strengths Weaknesses

Opportunities • Passion for mission of the organization

• Strong idea that many people will support

• Lack the infrastructure for a national campaign

• Not utilizing social media and online resources effectively

• Targeting the wrong audiences (i.e. soldiers and athletic departments instead of donors and local media)

• Lack exposure and reputation

Threats • Passion for Auburn University limits contacts with other schools and hinders national potential

• Athletic departments are reluctant to support a non-national campaign

• Lack the staff to handle a successful campaign

For this campaign, the PRCM group is focusing on weaknesses and turning them into

opportunities for the organization. Many of the weaknesses come from being a new organization.

Gameday for Heroes has potential to overcome the weaknesses presented and utilize a national

campaign. The weaknesses can be overcome by utilizing social media, targeting the correct

audiences, seeking exposure and creating a positive reputation.

Research 17

Publics Analysis Target Publics

The target publics are athletic departments, military members, media outlets and potential


Organization’s Reputation

The organization doesn’t have an established reputation since it is a fairly new organization.

Auburn’s athletic department is aware of Gameday for Heroes and is starting to support it now

that it is becoming a national campaign. Military members, especially those on Fort Benning’s

base, are also aware of the organization. A video has been played across the country on military

bases to build awareness. Potential donors are not as aware as military members and Auburn’s

athletic department because donors haven’t been targeted as thoroughly as the other publics.

Attitudes Toward Organization

Athletic departments are resistant because the organization is not as established as other non-

profit organizations. They will more than likely be more supportive of the organization when it’s

more established as a national campaign. Military members are supportive of the organization

because they are the recipients of the donated tickets. Potential donors are not aware of the

organization, but if they did, it is our opinion that they would be supportive because they would

be giving back to military members.

Research 18

Past Communication Strategies

The director’s affiliation with one school has limited the effectiveness of the message and has

pushed away potential supporters, particularly athletic departments. The video played on military

bases has been effective to an extent by informing military of the organization, but they are not

the target that needs to be reached to expand Gameday for Heroes, because they need more ticket

donations not recipients of tickets.

Preferred Messages

The publics prefer factual and idealistic messages. The idea of helping someone that fights for

your rights and the facts of how to help donate. The publics prefer both logical and emotional

messages, because it is emotional to help others, especially military members, and it’s logical

because you can get a tax deduction for donating tickets.

Benefits for Publics

Donating tickets or money allows tax deduction for donors as well as a way to give back to the

military members who serve the country. For military members, the benefit is getting to attend a

collegiate athletic event for free.

Planning 19


Strategies The PRCM group chose to adopt a weakness-opportunity strategy because most for the

weaknesses stem from being a new organization. The need for awareness is one of the biggest

weaknesses that can be turned into an opportunity. By looking at the organization’s weaknesses,

the group can help Gameday for Heroes mature into a national campaign.

Client Goals

The client’s goal is to transform Gameday for Heroes into a national level campaign and

eventually be featured on major media networks. The client also wants to offer as many athletic

tickets to military members as possible. She is constantly striving for more awareness in order to

provide more tickets.

Key Publics and Messages

The key publics that have been selected are potential ticket/monetary donors, alumni groups,

local media, national media, individual schools, service project groups (chapters across the

country) and bloggers. The main focus is going to be on bloggers, alumni groups and service

project groups. The more supporters of the organization can lead to more donors and recognition

of the individual schools and national media. Those publics are going to be indirectly reached.

The key messages are to “Donate tickets,” “Give back to those who have given” and “Let them

be a part of the experience.” The organization’s positioning in the market is to provide a service

rather than competing with other non-profits. The uniqueness is that it is one of the only

Planning 20

organizations that solely provides athletic tickets to active military members and wounded

soldiers. While many organizations provide tickets as a sub-service, Gameday for Heroes

devotes all of its time and resources to this service.

Campaign Goals

The goal of this campaign is to transform a local community service project into a national

campaign by creating awareness of the organization. The PRCM group hopes to create a

seamless campaign that could be implemented in numerous universities and colleges across the


Objectives, Strategies and Tactics

Objective 1: To inform the target publics of the organization through modern and traditional

platforms; to generate word of mouth and general awareness about the organization.

Tactic 1: Create Twitter presence through followers, engagement and active usage in a

period of six months.

Tactic 2: Redirect existing Facebook group page members to “like” the Gameday for

Heroes fan page and accumulating more attention to the organization by posting more

meaningful statuses and generating human interest.

Tactic 3: Provide interested parties with brochures, mail-outs and a media kit including a

news release, feature story, biography, fact sheet, backgrounder and frequently asked


Planning 21

Tactic 4: Increase awareness of the organization on game days by providing military

family members with Gameday for Heroes T-shirts and requesting the military members

to wear either their uniform or T-shirt.

Tactic 5: Recruit potential “celebrity” endorsers (i.e. former athletes, coaches, sports

personnel, military members, etc.) to speak on behalf of the organization. Create

promotional videos including the endorsers so target audiences can relate a familiar face

with the organization.

Objective 2: To create corporate sponsorships to fund the organization nationally.

Tactic 1: To create a media kit, including a corporate sponsor letter that can be

distributed to potential sponsors. The letter will be sent to corporations Gameday for

Heroes thinks can best support the organization.

Tactic 2: Inform the Gameday for Heroes staff to follow up with relevant contacts at the

corporations. If there are chapters, the individual chapters will contact the corporations in

the general area of the chapter.

Objective 3: To gain support, two-way communication and interest among the smaller media

outlets and larger outlets as the organization expands.

Tactic 1: Provide pitch letters and news releases to smaller outlets around colleges and

universities. These outlets include student newspapers, radio stations, television stations,

magazines, alumni publications and bloggers.

Planning 22

Tactic 2: Have media kits prepared and staff members available to speak on behalf of the


Tactic 3: Have Gameday for Heroes follow up with the media outlets to ensure reception

of pitch letter and news release and provide a gentle reminder of the organization.

Follow-up should be conducted one week after initial communication.

Objective 4: To create partnerships with other organizations and service groups around the

country that would function as chapters of Gameday for Heroes.

Tactic 1: Contact service clubs near colleges and universities that can serve a similar

function as the Auburn alumni club does for the organization now. Suggestions for

service clubs include Rotary Club, Kiwanis, Lions Club, Civitan Club, tourism bureaus,

chambers of commerce, junior service clubs (Key Club, Leo Club, Rotary Ambassadors)

and local alumni groups of the particular universities (i.e. a group near Duke University

to serve the local area and military bases nearby).

Tactic 2: Establish contact through the Gameday for Heroes website, media kit, social

media and personal contacts.

Tactic 3: Book local speaking engagements with organizations to create general

awareness to spread throughout the national organization. Have the director of Gameday

for Heroes speak at local meetings of the service organizations. As the organization

grows, new members can help in this process.

Implementation 23

Implementation Overview This section includes a variety of methods for implementing a campaign. The first section is a

media kit that can be used nationally. The PRCM group also created a section based on

sponsorships. This includes a list of contact information for potential sponsors, a pitch letter and

levels of sponsorship. The third section focuses on contacting local alumni groups and civic

organizations to create local chapters of Gameday for Heroes. This section includes a list of

alumni groups and a pitch letter to send to those organizations (See Appendix A-3). The next

section is compiled of materials used to implement a campaign. It includes a brochure, business

card, postcard and a T-shirt. The fifth section is social media, which includes information on

Facebook and Twitter. The last section is a new Gameday for Heroes website that has been

implemented for a national campaign.

Implementation 24  

Media Kit Overview The following is a media kit to be distributed to both members of the press as well as potential

corporate sponsors. The media kit features a press release, pitch letter, backgrounder, frequently

asked questions, public service announcement and brochure.

The media kit provides extensive information about Gameday for Heroes that the media can

utilize to write articles and stories, which creates awareness for the organization.

Implementation 25  


Let Them Be a Part of the Experience 331 Cascade Rd.

Columbus, GA 31904 706-888-0981

News Release FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Jana Tarleton Director & Founder 706-888-0981

“Gameday” offers opportunity to give back

[ANYWHERE] – Each day Americans wake up in a land of freedom made possible by the men

and women who serve in the military. These members sacrifice their lives to ensure the freedom

and lifestyle of citizens. Providing these men and women with a relaxing experience is a small

testament to their gift of freedom.

“Gameday for Heroes,” a non- profit organization, provides the opportunity for military

members “to be a part of the experience.” Through ticket and monetary donations the

organization is able to provide a change of scenery and a work-free day filled with sporting

events and school tradition.

“Being able to give these service men and women a break and some time to enjoy

themselves, is the greatest gift,” said Jana Tarleton, director and founder of “Gameday for

Heroes.” “It is the least we can do for those who give the ultimate sacrifice.”

To donate to “Gameday for Heroes” visit their website at or

call at 706-888-0981.


Implementation 26  

Let Them Be a Part of the Experience

331 Cascade Rd. Columbus, GA 31904


Gameday for Heroes Backgrounder Gameday for Heroes began as a service project for the Auburn University alumni club of

Columbus/Phenix City. The club began the project as a way to give back to soldiers in their

local community. The members soon realized the project has potential to grow and have a

national reach.

The organization was initially named Tigers for Heroes, which provided tickets to Auburn

athletic events. The name was changed to Gameday for Heroes when the program began

expanding beyond Auburn University.

The mission of Gameday for Heroes is to provide collegiate athletic tickets to military

members and their families. The program supports members in all branches of the military and

seeks to provide tickets from universities and colleges around the country.

The organization accepts both monetary and ticket donations, all of which are tax

deductible. Gameday for Heroes does have its 501 (c) (3) status as a non- profit organization.

Interested service organizations or groups can start a local chapter of Gameday for Heroes.

Corporate sponsorships are also available and levels of sponsorships can be viewed at or by requesting a media kit.

Contact: Jana Tarleton (706) 888-0981

Implementation 27  


Let Them Be a Part of the Experience 331 Cascade Rd.

Columbus, GA 31904 706-888-0981

March 10, 2011 Nancy Wykle Editor The Herald-Sun 2828 Picket Road Durham, NC 27705 Dear Nancy Wykle: Each day Americans wake up in a land of freedom made possible by the men and women who serve in the military. These members sacrifice their lives to ensure the freedom and lifestyle of citizens. Providing these men and women with a relaxing experience is a small testament to their gift of freedom. “Gameday for Heroes,” a non- profit organization, provides the opportunity for military members “to be a part of the experience.” Through ticket and monetary donations the organization is able to provide a change of scenery and a work-free day filled with sporting events and school tradition. We think this story would be ideal for The Herald-Sun because of your recent a “Gameday for Heroes” chapter has recently been established in your area. We think your readership could become actively involved in the organization to support military members in the Durham area. Included with this letter is a copy of our media kit. Speakers on behalf of our organization are available for interviews at your convenience. Previous recipients of our service are also available for contact. We will call to confirm your interest in this story on March 22. We will be available for any questions you may have at that time. Sincerely, Jana Tarleton Director and Founder

Implementation 28  


Let Them Be a Part of the Experience 331 Cascade Rd.

Columbus, GA 31904 706-888-0981


Gameday for Heroes Frequently Asked Questions


What is the purpose of Gameday for Heroes? Gameday for Heroes seeks to provide collegiate athletic tickets to members of the military and their families. These soldiers dedicate their lives to protecting the country and this provides an opportunity to give back. How do I donate to Gameday for Heroes? Gameday for Heroes accepts monetary and ticket donations through its website or by calling (706) 888-0981. How do I become a corporate sponsor for Gameday for Heroes? Gameday for Heroes accepts and encourages corporate sponsorship. There are three levels of sponsorship: Platinum, Gold and Silver. To find out more about this opportunity visit the Gameday for Heroes website at or request a media kit. How do I request a media kit? Media kits are available for members of the press as well as interested parties. Kits can be requested by contacting the organization at (706) 888-0981. How can I become a part of Gameday for Heroes? Gameday for Heroes seeks to spread its influence by partnering with local chapters across the country. The organization accepts both existing service organizations and those wishing to start a new chapter. Information about our chapters and how to start one is available at

Implementation 29  


Let Them Be a Part of the Experience 331 Cascade Rd.

Columbus, GA 31904 706-888-0981

Public Service Announcement FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: Jana Tarleton Director & Founder 706-888-0981

Gameday for Heroes PSA: 30-Second Spot

Looking for a way to give back to those that give the ultimate sacrifice by serving in our

military? Gameday for Heroes, a non-profit organization that provides collegiate athletic tickets

to members of the military and their families, is accepting ticket and monetary donations for

upcoming sporting events in your area [When you know the specific area or university, insert the

name here]. To donate to Gameday for Heroes, visit their website at [If there is a local chapter, insert their contact information here or

use yours].



Implementation 30

Sponsorship Overview In order to implement a national campaign, corporate sponsorships are important aspects to have

for a non-profit organization to succeed.

The PRCM group composed a pitch letter to send potential corporate sponsorships that can be

used as a guideline for how Gameday for Heroes should contact potential corporate sponsors.

The PRCM group has also included a guideline for sponsorship levels, which will give potential

corporate sponsors different options as to how to donate. These levels provide certain benefits to

organizations that donate the specified amount of money.

In order to implement a national campaign, the PRCM group has provided a list of organizations

the group believes could be potential corporate sponsors for Gameday for Heroes. The list is a

compilation of corporations that sponsor organizations similar to Gameday for Heroes such as

Wounded Warrior Project and the USO. A list of corporate sponsors, which provides contact

information for the company as well as a description of the company, can be viewed in Appendix


Implementation 31

Let Them Be a Part of the Experience 331 Cascade Rd.

Columbus, GA 31904 706-888-0981

Make a difference in a soldier’s life

Dear [Recipient's Name]:

We need your help to support those who have risked their lives fighting for our country. The mission of Gameday for Heroes is to provide U.S. Military who were wounded or injured in combat action and active duty military personnel with free tickets to collegiate sporting events.

By participating as a sponsor, your organization will benefit from extended exposure through media campaigns and promotional efforts directed toward the supporters of Gameday for Heroes. For a small donation, you will receive exposure to this segment of your target audience. Gameday for Heroes is also a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization; therefore, all donations are tax-deductible.

We have three levels of sponsorship packages, as detailed in the enclosed sponsorship commitment form. You can select the level of participation that best meets your needs, and be secure in the knowledge that your sponsorship fee will be used to help Gameday for Heroes.

We are counting on your support and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please return your sponsorship commitment form in the enclosed envelope.

Thank you in advance for your willingness to support the efforts of Gameday for Heroes and make a difference in the lives of those who risk everything.


[Your Name Here]


Implementation 32

Sponsorship Information

Corporate Sponsorships Your company can help change the lives of those who risk their life to protect our country by partnering with Gameday for Heroes. There are numerous opportunities for your company to get involved.

Platinum Partner Sponsor

Platinum Partner Sponsors receive the following benefits:

• Official partner of Gameday for Heroes • Premier logo placement and link on partners page of • Press release announcing Gameday for Heroes Platinum Partner Sponsorship • Gameday for Heroes plaque and certificate of appreciation • Company logo featured on brochures/mailing cards • Brand prominence in all media promotions

INVESTMENT: $10,000+

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsors receive the following benefits:

• Logo and link on partners page of • Press release announcing Gameday for Heroes Gold Partner Sponsorship • Gameday for Heroes trophy and a certificate of appreciation • Brand prominence in all media promotions


Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsors receive the following benefits:

• Company listing on partners page of • Certificate of appreciation • Personal thank you letter


Implementation 33  

Local Chapters Since the organization started as a local service project, the PRCM group thinks similar service

groups such as Civitan, Rotary or Kiwanis could communicate more effectively within their

areas, rather than Gameday for Heroes attempting to contact target publics from the headquarters

located in Columbus, Ga. When contacting groups such as Civitan, Rotary or Kiwanis, often

times the information listed on their websites only displays their meeting locations. To get

individual club’s contact information Gameday for Heroes should call the number listed on the

sites, which are listed below.

The PRCM group suggests first deciding where Gameday for Heroes wants to start a chapter and

then calling the local service clubs in that area. To avoid an overwhelming number of calls, the

organization should set monthly goals of contacting a certain number of service groups.

• Rotary Club:

• Kiwanis Club:

• Civitan:

• Public Relations Society of America:

*See Appendix A-9 for an example survey to measure the effectiveness of the local chapters’

success and to help gauge media.

*See Appendix A-3 for a list of alumni contact information. Alumni are potential contacts for

establishing a local chapter.

Implementation 34


In order to properly utilize endorsers, it would be the responsibility of the individual

chapters in the communities to contact their local celebrities and request support of

Gameday for Heroes. Each chapter would select one or more people to endorse Gameday

for Heroes. The celebrities could participate in a short video explaining why members of

the community should donate tickets and help support the organization. The video would

be shown around the community as well as posted to the Gameday for Heroes website.

After the creation of the video, the chapters will conduct a short survey to evaluate the

effectiveness of it. This will help other chapters improve their celebrity videos.

Celebrity Endorsers Guidelines

The ideal local celebrity would be someone with a sports background that can easily

relate to Gameday for Heroes as well as relate to the audience. It would also be beneficial

for the celebrity to have a connection with the military (whether he or she serves or

someone close to him or her has/is serving). When choosing a celebrity endorser, make

sure he or she is someone that the community can easily relate to. The endorsers do not

necessarily have to be star athletes, but opinion leaders that can help the organization

gain support and recognition. The celebrity should be well spoken and know how to

address an audience.

Remember: These are only suggestions. The chapters will know their

communities the best, and will be able to determine who they think will benefit and help

the organization gain support.

Implementation 35

Video Guidelines

When making the video with the local celebrity, the following questions should be asked:

• Why did you decide to endorse Gameday for Heroes?

• Why should others want to donate tickets and support this organization?

• What makes this organization different from other non-profit organizations?

• What does this organization mean to you?

• Get the local celebrity to explain the process of how a person can donate

tickets or money to the organization.

Add any additional questions that will gain support for Gameday for Heroes.

Survey Guidelines

When creating the evaluation survey, ask the following questions on a 1-5 scale with 1

being strongly disagree and 5 being strongly agree. Also, ask a couple of open-ended


• How effective was the video at getting your attention?

• How effective was the video at increasing your desire to donate to Gameday

for Heroes?

• Was the celebrity a good representation of the organization?

• Was the celebrity a good representation for the community?

• Would you be interested in learning more about the organization?

• How would you suggest getting the attention of the community?

Implementation 36

• What local celebrity would you like to see supporting this organization?

*See Appendix A-16 for an example of this survey.

Example of National Endorser (for a local Oklahoma Chapter)

Sam Bradford was the quarterback of the Oklahoma Sooners, and in 2008 he became the

second sophomore (Tim Tebow being the other one) to win the Heisman Trophy.

Bradford was the first overall pick of the 2010 NFL draft and now plays for the St. Louis

Rams. He is an excellent choice for a celebrity endorser because he is well known among

the communities in Oklahoma. Bradford does not have a military background, but is an

icon to the Oklahoma football community and would easily be able to relate to many of

the potential donors for Gameday for Heroes. Bradford has also received national


Note: This example is of a college football player; however, local chapters may

choose a celebrity of any sport or no sport at all.

Implementation 37  

Materials Overview

In order to implement a national campaign, the PRCM group has created numerous documents

for Gameday for Heroes to utilize. The materials include: a brochure, postcard, business card and

T-shirt designs.

The PRCM group thinks these materials will be helpful when spreading the word about the

organization. These materials need to be distributed to other chapters as well as soldiers.

The brochure, business card and postcard can be included in a media kit to provide extra

information about the organization. These materials should also be distributed to chapters around

the country as well as to any person interested in Gameday for Heroes.

The T-shirts were designed in order to promote the organization at games around the country.

These shirts should be worn by the soldiers (if not in uniform), their family and friends and any

person involved in the local chapters. These T-shirts will provide an opportunity to market the

organization to many people.

“I have survived 3

deployments and coming

home to watch the Auburn

Tiger games has truly

been a great experience

for me.”

-Mario Gabriel

“The men of the Ranger Training

Brigade wish to say thanks to all

who helped bring us to the game.

Thanks so much. This is just one

example of why we are such a great

country and exactly the reason why

we serve our country everyday!”

-Michael A Scarpulla

What is Gameday for Heroes?

Gameday for Heroes, a 501 (c) (3) non- profit organization, provides the opportunity for military members “to be a part of the experience.” Through ticket and monetary donations the organization is able to provide a change of scenery and a work-free day filled with sporting events and school tradition.

Our Mission:

About Us:

Our mission is to provide U.S. Military who were wounded, or injured in combat action, and active duty military personnel with free tickets to collegiate sporting events

Mailing Address:

Gameday for Heroes Headquarters331 Cascade Drive

Columbus, GA 31904



“I would like to thank everyone

for what they have provided.

It’s a great hing that you all

are doing. My wife and I would

like to thank you personally

and my children have really

enjoyed themselves.”

-Javier Villanuev

Gameday for Heroes started as a service project for the Auburn University Alumni Club of Columbus, Ga. One of our club members became aware of soldiers that would like to attend Auburn football games, but were unable to afford tickets. This realization led to Gameday for Heroes and our members welcomed the opportunity to give back to the troops. The organization was orginally named “Tigers for Heroes,” but we soon realized this project could go beyond our area and benefit troops around the country. Gameday for Heroes continues to serve the Columbus area, but the program is expanding.

Our Story: How to donate:

Donate unused tickets:

Tickets donated throughout the season will be given to wounded and/or active duty soldiers.

We accept collegiate level tickets for:

• Football• Basketball • Baseball Tickets

If you would like to donate tickets, please contact us at with your information.

Make a monetary donation:

Your donations will be used to purchase tickets to sporting events and support this worthy cause.

To make a monetary donation, please fill out the form below and mail your donation to:

331 Cascade RoadColumbus, GA 31904

-or- visit

Their Story:Every day American soilders dedicate their lives to preserving the freedom of their fellow Americans. They deserve our support and the opportunity to have a game day experience. Show your support by donating tickets or creating your own chapter.

This is the least we can do to show our troops how much we care about them. Our troops need to know that we support and appreciate the sacrifices they make for us, our families, and our future.

Show your support for the men and women protecting your freedom by monetary and ticket donations.

Organization (if applicable):_______________________________Name:________________________________________________Phone:___________________ E-mail: ______________________Mailing Address:________________________________________City:__________________State:______ Zip code:_____________

Donation Type:

I would like to make a one-time donation of $_____________ I would like to make monthly donations for the next 12 months in the amount of $__________ *Please make checks payable to Gameday for Heroes

“Let them be a part of the Experience”

Implementation 40  

Business Card  





Implementation 41  

Postcard FRONT







Implementation 42


(“Design Studio”)

Implementation 43    

Social Media Overview It is essential for Gameday for Heroes to understand the importance of social media, especially

for an organization trying to gain national awareness. The organization should utilize social

technologies, such as Facebook and Twitter, every day to promote the organization. Social media

is significant because it allows an organization to increase awareness at a relatively low cost.

When using social media, it is important to make sure “influencers” see information about

Gameday for Heroes because these “influencers” will have the ability to reach a large audience.

In order to get the organization started in implementing social media, the PRCM group has

compiled a list of “influencers” to follow on Facebook and Twitter. These “influencers” include

talk show hosts, bloggers and celebrities.

The PRCM group set up a Facebook page for Gameday for Heroes. This page is set up for

people to “like” the organization and be able to interact on the wall and in discussions. The

PRCM group has imported pictures from Gameday for Heroes events, and it is important for the

client to keep these pictures up-to-date with the most recent event. The PRCM group suggests

the client post updates in the “What’s on your mind?” box at least once per day. These updates

can include information about games coming up, new sponsors, asking for donations, or it can

even be as simple as “Have a great day!” Remember, interaction is the key to social media. The

PRCM group provided examples of possible updates on page 46. These updates/statuses can also

be used for “tweets.”

As mentioned, Twitter is an important social media tool to implement when creating awareness

of an organization. The goal of Twitter is to “tweet” about the organization as much as possible.

The organization should “tweet” potential sponsors and influencers about Gameday for Heroes.

Implementation 44    

The PRCM group has provided a list of people to “follow” on Twitter on page 51. The PRCM

group has provided examples of possible “tweets” on page 49. These “tweets” can also be used

on the organization’s Facebook page.

When using social media, it is important to keep in mind that the organization’s objective is

interaction. It is essential to increase the number of “followers” on Twitter and to increase the

number of people to “like” status updates on Facebook. This is done by using social media sites

and getting feedback from the organization’s members or followers.

Implementation 45


Why Gameday for Heroes should be on Facebook? To gain more exposure, Gameday for Heroes should improve and maintain relationships with

military members and potential donors.

Group versus Page

A page is more functional for a business because it allows more flexibility in use. It allows the

administrator to view Facebook as the organization. Also, pages are allowed to create custom

URLs. When posting through a page, administrators have more freedom in targeting their

audience. An advantage of pages is that Facebook will provide administrators with page insights,

which are helpful to evaluate the progress of a page and track community involvement on posts.

Pages also have support for applications and promotional widgets, which allow administrators to

customize their page and advertise it. Groups are more effective for sending bulk messages and

event invitations. Groups are best with “invite only” and groups that have membership

restrictions (O’Neill).

In summary, the PRCM group would recommend creating a Facebook fan page (“20 awesome

Facebook fan pages”). See Appendix A-17 for a screenshot.

Post Guidelines

Determine what kind of posts Gameday for Heroes wants to include on its page. Some categories

include: compliments, conversation starters, questions, post encouragements or links. Always

respond to fan comments as Gameday for Heroes. This shows that Gameday for Heroes is

engaging in conversation and not talking at fans. With anyone being able to comment on the

Implementation 46

page, determine what Gameday for Heroes will consider appropriate posts. For example, two

fans could get in a college rivalry debate on a status. If a comment is deemed inappropriate,

delete the comment. In the page settings, administrators can set the level of acceptable language

for post.

Post photos from every event and game attended by Gameday for Heroes. Two strategies

Gameday for Heroes can take with photos:

1. Encourage the military service men and women to post their own photos and videos

from their Gameday for Heroes experience to the page.

2. Have Gameday for Heroes post photos and encourage fans to tag themselves. This

could help drive people back to the page and website.

Facebook Questions is a product/feature of Facebook that allows page owners to ask their fans

questions that will appear in news feeds. The right question can increases the page’s exposure

because each fan response appears on more news feeds. Gameday for Heroes could create

questions that ask people what they think is the all-time greatest college game (“Facebook guide


Example posts:

Have you been to a game through Gameday for Heroes?

Gameday for Heroes sent six military members and their families to the Duke

Basketball game today!

Give back to soldiers in your area by donating tickets to Gameday for Heroes at

Implementation 47

@Indiana University, thank you for hosting five soldiers at the Indiana vs. Purdue


@USO Have you checked out our latest video of our troops at the @Indiana

University vs. @Purdue University game?

Examples of company pages:

What Pages Gameday for Heroes should “Like” (Wounded Warriors)

Promoting the Page

Gameday for Heroes should encourage people to “like” the fan page. The PRCM group

recommends making a “Like Our New Page” event for group members.

Facebook Myth: Build it and They Will Come

Having a Facebook page will not instantly gain Gameday for Heroes more exposure. It requires

Implementation 48

Gameday for Heroes to be an active participant, which means being friendly, providing quality

content and encouraging discussion.

With Facebook’s targeted and low-cost advertising, an initial push for “likes” with highly

targeted ads to people who already “like” college sports pages and military organizations could

be beneficial. Facebook ads come in two forms – pay for click-through and pay by impressions.

For increasing general awareness, pay for impressions will expose the ad to more people. People

rarely search for products and organizations to “like,” so organizations have to find ways to

appear in their news feeds (Chafkin).

Implementation 49

Twitter Tweet Guidelines

Brevity and consistency are essential to Twitter. It’s the social media for those on the go, which

requires messages to be short (fewer than 140 characters). If Gameday for Heroes wants to share

a link, is a URL compressor so Gameday for Heroes won’t have to waste characters on

URLs. Tweet often. Many Tweeters un-follow those who rarely tweet because they are not

adding value to their tweet stream.

Use Twitter to talk to followers and fellow tweeters. Spend time talking about Gameday for

Heroes, but spend as much time talking with followers and the people Gameday for Heroes

follows. If someone tweets about Gameday for Heroes, be sure to respond within an appropriate

amount of time. Show followers that Gameday for Heroes cares by following back the ones that

are tweeting about Gameday for Heroes.

Retweeting is a way of showing that the tweet is liked. With that said, no one wants to follow

someone who only retweets, so the organization should have original content (Twitter guide


A hashtag is a feature that brings organizations to Twitter. They are used to designate topics and

spread information. They can also be used to track a topic on Twitter. Hashtags are denoted with

a “#” (Twitter help center: what are hashtags symbols?).

For more information on Twitter, visit

Example tweets:

Implementation 50

Gameday for Heroes sent six military members and their families to the Duke Basketball

game today! #gamedayforheroes #supportourtroops

Give back to soldiers in your area by donating tickets to Gameday for Heroes at #ticketsfortroops

@IndianaUniv, thank you for hosting five soldiers at the Indiana vs. Purdue game!

#hoosiers #gamedayforheroes

@the_USO Have you checked out our latest video of our troops at the @IndianaUniv vs.

Purdue game? #gamedayforheroes #militarysupport

Examples of good use of Twitter:

Building a Following

Search for people associated with Gameday for Heroes and follow them. Also get involved in a

discussion, which means two things: 1.) Get involved with current hashtag discussions and 2.)

Reply to people/organizations Gameday for Heroes follows that have the audience it wants to

reach. If the response tweets are relevant and interesting, they will reply, which will show up on

their followers feed. Also, encourage the followers of Gameday for Heroes to retweet. When

someone is speaking at events on the behalf of Gameday for Heroes, remind the speaker to

mention Twitter and that can help gain Gameday for Heroes loyal followers.

Implementation 51

Who to Follow

Bleacherreport Brownuniversity CNN PR DepofDefence DepVetAffairs Dukeblueplanet DukeChroncile ESPN

Fcanews IndianaUNIV IUBloomington militaryChannel Ohiou PRSA Rickandbubba The_USO

Thenationalguard UFlorida Uiowa Unimiami USArmy USMC USNAVY

For more to follow, visit or

Helpful Twitter Resources is the Twitter yellow pages for industry experts and people to follow. is a free service that allows users to update all social media at once. is a service that allows users to look up hashtags and that will also allow

users to define and add hashtags.

Implementation 52

Design Overview

As a part of the PRCM group's plan to streamline Gameday for Heroes, the logo and website

were redesigned to allow for expansion beyond the Auburn area.

The logo is a ticket design over an American flag, so that when someone sees the logo they

intermediately understand what Gameday for Heroes represents. The ticket is a common theme

throughout the campaign to visually drive the organization's mission. It can be seen on the

business card design, the Facebook landing page and the Twitter background. The main colors of

the design are red, white and blue. The PRCM group used these colors because they represent the

American patriotic spirit and move beyond branding Gameday for Heroes with any particular

school's team colors.

In addition to the logo, the PRCM group added a mission phrase to streamline the national

campaign of "Let Them be a Part of the Experience." This slogan is a play on the National

Guard's tag line of "Be a Part of the Action."

The website redesign is based on a simple navigation system and clean design to help improve

communication with site visitors. The information is laid out in a way that the PRCM group

thinks potential donors will want to access information. Again, the colors used throughout the

website are red, white and blue to give the site a patriotic feel. The website features a section

dedicated to telling the soldiers' stories and why Gameday for Heroes is a program worth


Implementation 53

Although the previous website included a guestbook feature, the PRCM group thought Facebook

would better serve as the guestbook for Gameday for Heroes to build a community. Facebook

would allow Gameday for Heroes to show the entire community that it responds to posts. The

redesign does include a form for site visitors to leave comments and feedback for Gameday for

Heroes, but the posts are not public like the current guestbook. This will give the organization

more control over the content that appears on its website.

Evaluation 54  

Evaluation Objective 1: To inform the target publics of the organization through modern and traditional

platforms; to generate word of mouth and general awareness about the organization.


The effectiveness of Twitter is measured by the amount of engagement Gameday for

Heroes has, based on the number of followers, number of mentions, responses to the

organization’s “tweets.” (See Implementation pages 49-51).


The effectiveness of Facebook is measured by the amount of engagement Gameday for

Heroes has, based on the numbers of “likes” on the fan page and the accumulation of

more attention to the organization by posting more meaningful statuses and generating

human interest. With a Facebook company page, Facebook will send a report (either

weekly or daily) that measures engagement (See Implementation pages 45-48).

Media Kit

The effectiveness of the media kit is measured by the number of articles, news stories,

blog posts and radio/television mentions about the organization. To measure the

effectiveness of media kits, the organization must monitor media outlets on a regular

basis. A method of performing media monitoring is by setting up Google Alerts. Google

Alerts is a content monitoring service that automatically notifies users when new content

from news, web, blogs, video and discussion groups matches a set of search terms

selected by the user.

Evaluation 55  

• Pertaining to Twitter, Facebook and media exposure, Gameday for Heroes

should acknowledge the quality of the content, in order to ensure a

positive reputation.

(See Implementation pages 24-29)


Wearing T-shirts can be effective if they generate exposure and conversation at the

athletic events attended. The shirts can also be worn outside of events, which can

generate exposure of the organization outside of athletic events. There is no concrete way

to measure the effectiveness of this particular tactic (See Implementation page 42).


The measurement of an endorsement such as a promotional video is how much attention

it draws to the organization and how many views it receives. The endorsement is more

effective if the endorser is relatable to the organization and the community, which could

be measured by a survey (See Implementation pages 34-36).

Objective 2: To create corporate sponsorships to fund the organization nationally.

Media Kit

The measurement of effectiveness of a corporate sponsor media kit is by the quality and

quantity of sponsors. Quality and quantity measure how much monetary support each

organization provides and the actual number of sponsors the organization obtains.

Objective 3: To gain support, two-way communication and interest among the smaller media

outlets and larger outlets as the organization expands.

Evaluation 56  

Media Outlets

The effectiveness of providing pitch letters and news releases is measured by the number

of stories the media outlets run and if the exposure is positive toward the organization.

Objective 4: To create partnerships with other organizations and service groups around the

country that would function as chapters of Gameday for Heroes.

Service Clubs

The effectiveness of creating service club support nationally is measured by the number

of chapters interested and the amount of support the individual chapters generate for

Gameday for Heroes.

Speaking Engagements

The effectiveness of booking speaking engagements for the organization nationally is

measured by the number of speakers booked and if, following the speaking engagement,

the audience members become involved with the organization by donations or by creating

a chapter.

Limitations of the Campaign

A limitation of the Gameday for Heroes national campaign is that the organization is small and

localized; therefore, it is more difficult to create awareness with such a small following. Another

limitation is that other organizations are trying to accomplish the same goal. While there are no

direct competitors for Gameday for Heroes, there are still organizations vying for media attention

and national recognition. If the campaign becomes successful and the staff doesn’t expand, it

could become too overwhelming to handle increased donations and not being able to distribute

those tickets. Also, having limited resources is a challenge to Gameday for Heroes. If the

Evaluation 57  

organization expands, it will become less of a constraint. The campaign can be difficult to

measure, considering that the organization is trying to gauge media mentions and word-of-mouth

on a national level. However, just because there is word-of-mouth and media attention doesn’t

mean people will act upon it and donate. Recognition is not the only goal.

Measuring Campaign Success

Two-year period

The campaign as a whole can be viewed as successful in several ways. One way is if Gameday

for Heroes gains 10 to 15 partnering colleges or universities through chapters or other service

organizations over a two-year period. Another measurement of success is if it gains a corporate

sponsor such as FedEx or Coca-Cola. Another way is to increase ticket and monetary donations

by 50 percent each year. For example, if 400 military members were sent to athletic events this

year, in two years it would need to increase to 900.

Research Methods/Tools

The PRCM group has included a survey that can be conducted via Survey Monkey nationwide

through the chapters with whom it partners. The chapters can distribute the surveys to

community members and alumni groups of universities in the area. By distributing surveys to

these groups, Gameday for Heroes is targeting people who are most likely to donate, but it is also

a random sample since the results will be from a variety of age groups, genders, ethnic

backgrounds and socioeconomic status. Another research method is the weekly or monthly

engagement updates Facebook will send Gameday for Heroes administrators. For Twitter, there

are a number of methods to measure engagement. For example, Twitterfall or Twazzup can

measure keywords mentioned in a tweet. When resources increase and the organization’s

awareness becomes national, Radian6 can be used to measure all social media mentions. Widgets

Evaluation 58  

such as the River of News and the Conversation Cloud can measure how often keywords are

mentioned, the sentiment (positive, negative) of the mentions, and they display what people are

saying about the organization.

Data Collection

Surveys about organization awareness and engagement should be collected once a year by a new

organization. After the organization has established nationally, surveys can be conducted every

other year. Facebook, Twitter and Radian6 mentions should be monitored daily or at least

weekly so that Gameday for Heroes can respond to mentions and engage with its audience.

Problems with collecting data can be anticipated because people do not always respond to

surveys unless it is important to the audience polled. If chapters are not established, this could

become a daunting task. The chapters allow people in the local area to distribute the surveys, so

people in that area are more likely to respond. Conversation mining takes time; thus, if the social

media sites are neglected, they will be ineffective.


Table of Contents


Account Information……………………………………………………………………………………A-2

Alumni Contact Information……………………………………………………………………………A-3

Chapters Survey…………………………………………………………………………………………A-9

Schools Directory………………………………………………………………………………….…...A-11

Evaluation Survey………………………………………………………………………………………A-16

Facebook Screen Shot………………………………………………………………………….….……A-17


Media Contact Information……………………………………………………………………..….…..A-19

Sponsorship Contact Information………………………………………………………………..…..…A-35

Twitter Screen Shot……………………………………………………………………………….……A-47

Website Screen Shots……………………………………………………………………………...……A-48

Website List………………………………………………………………………………………….…A-60

Works Cited…………………………………………………………………………………………….A-61

Account Information

Appendix A-1

Account Information for Social Media Pages

Gmail/Flickr Account

First: Jana

Last: Tarleton

Username: gamedayforheroes

Password: 2010wareagle

Security Question: How many campaign course groups did we have?

Answer: 3

Birthday: 08/01/1990

Facebook Account

There’s no direct login. The PRCM group can make you an administrator of this page.

Twitter Account

Name: Gameday for Heroes

Username: gamedayheroes

Account email:

Password: 2010wareagle

Alumni Contact Information

Appendix A-2

Alumni Contact Information

Atlantic Coast Conference (ACC)

Boston College Boston College Alumni Association

825 Centre St.

Newton, MA 02458-2527

Clemson Clemson Alumni Center

109 Daniel Drive

Clemson, SC 29631-3006

Florida State University FSU Alumni Association

Alumni Center

1030 West Tennessee St.

Tallahassee, Florida 32304-7719

University of Maryland University of Maryland Alumni Association

Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center

College Park, MD 20742-1521

North Carolina State NC State Alumni Association

Campus Box 7503

NC State University

Raleigh, NC 27695-7503

Wake Forest University Wake Forest Alumni Association

Box 7227

Winston-Salem, NC 27109

Duke University Duke Alumni Association

Forlines House

614 Chapel Drive

Box 90572

Durham, NC 27708-0572

Georgia Tech Georgia Tech Alumni Association

190 North Avenue

Atlanta, Georgia 30313

Appendix A-3

Miami University Newman Alumni Center

6200 San Amaro Drive Suite 200

Coral Gables, FL 33146

University North Carolina George Watts Hill Alumni Center

CB#9180, Stadium Drive

P.O. Box 660

Chapel Hill, NC 27514-0660

University of Virginia University of Virginia Alumni Association

P.O. Box 400314

Charlottesville, VA 22904

Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Alumni Association

Holtzman Alumni Center (0102)

901 Price's Fork Road

Blacksburg, VA 24061

Big 12

University of Iowa One West Park Road

100 Levitt Center

Iowa City, IA 52242-1797

Unviersity of Kansas KU Alumni Association

1266 Oread Ave.

Lawrence. KS 66045

Baylor Baylor Alumni Association

One Bear Place #97116

Waco, Texas 76798

Oklahoma University OU Alumni Association

Oklahoma Memorial Union

900 Asp Ave. Suite 427

Norman, OK 73019-4051

Oklahoma State University Oklahoma State University Alumni Association

201 ConocoPhillips

OSU Alumni Center

Appendix A-4

Stillwater, OK 74078

Texas Alumni Association of University of Texas

2110 San Jacinto Blvd.

Austin, TX 78712

University of Missouri University of Missouri Alumni Association

123 Reynolds Alumni Center

Columbia, MO 65211

Texas A&M The Association of Former Students

505 George Bush Drive

College Station, TX 77840-2918

Texas Tech Merket Alumni Center

17th and University

PO Box 45001

Lubbock, TX 79409-5001

Nebraska Nebraska Alumni Association

1520 R Street

Lincoln, NE 68508-1651

Pac 10

Arizona The University of Arizona Alumni Association

Marvin D. “Swede” Johnson Building

P.O. Box 210109

Tucson, AZ 85721-0109

Arizona State ASU Alumni Association

Old Main, 400 East Tyler Mall

PO Box 873702

Tempe, AZ 85287-3702

California Cal Alumni Association

1 Alumni House

Berkeley, CA 94720-7520

Oregon UO Alumni Association

Appendix A-5

1204 University of Oregon

Eugene, OR 97403-1204

Oregon State Oregon State University

Alumni Association

204 CH2M HILL Alumni Center

Corvallis, Oregon 97331

Stanford Stanford Alumni Association

Frances C. Arrillaga Alumni Center

326 Galvez St.

Stanford, CA 94305-6105

UCLA UCLA Alumni Association

James West Alumni Center

Box 951397

Los Angeles, CA 90095-1397

University of Southern California USC Alumni Association

Epstein Family Alumni Center

3607 Trousdale Parkway, TCC 305

Los Angeles, CA 90089-3106

University of Washington UW Alumni Association

Box 359508

Seattle, WA 98195-9508

Washington State WSU Alumni Association

Lewis Alumni Centre

PO Box 646150

Pullman, WA 99164-6150

Big Ten

Illinois Alice Campbell Alumni Center

601 South Lincoln Avenue

Urbana, IL 61801

Indiana Virgil T. DeVault Alumni Center

1000 E. 17th St.

Appendix A-6

Bloomington, IN 47408-1521

Michigan Alumni Association of the University of Michigan

200 Fletcher St.

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1007

Michigan State Michigan State University Alumni Association

242 Spartan Way

East Lansing, MI 48824

Minnesota University of Minnesota Alumni Association,

McNamara Alumni Center

University of Minnesota Gateway

200 Oak Street SE, Suite 200

Minneapolis, MN 55455-2040

Northwestern Northwestern Alumni Association

1800 Sheridan Road

Evanston, IL 60208

Ohio State Longaberger Alumni House

2200 Olentangy River Road

Columbus, OH 43210-1035

Penn State Penn State Alumni Association

Hintz Family Alumni Center

University Park, PA 16802

Purdue Dick and Sandy Dauch Alumni Center

403 West Wood St.

West Lafayette, IN 47907

Wisconsin Wisconsin Alumni Association

650 N. Lake St.

Madison, WI 53706

Southeastern Conference

Alabama Alabama Alumni Association

Box 861928

Appendix A-7

Tuscaloosa, Alabama 35486-0017

Tennessee Tyson Alumni House

1609 Melrose Ave.

Knoxville, TN 37996-3550

Georgia UGA Alumni Association

Wray-Nicholson House

298 S. Hull St.

Athens, GA 30602

LSU Lod Cook Alumni Center

3838 West Lakeshore Drive

Baton Rouge, LA 70808

Auburn Nancy Ingram

Auburn Alumni Association

317 South College St.

Auburn, AL 36849

Florida Emerson Alumni Hall

P.O. Box 14425

Gainesville, Florida 32604

Arkansas Arkansas Alumni Association

491 N. Razorback Road

Fayetteville, AR 72701

Mississippi Triplett Alumni Center

Room 172

University, MS 38677

Kentucky King Alumni House

400 Rose St.

Lexington, KY 40506-0119

South Carolina Carolina Alumni Association

1600 Hampton Street Annex

Suite 305

Columbia, SC 29208

Appendix A-8

Mississippi State MSU Alumni Association

Post Office Box AA

One Hunter Henry Blvd.

Mississippi State, MS 39762-5526

Chapter Survey

Appendix A-9

Example of Chapters Survey This survey is intended to help Gameday for Heroes gain knowledge about its target

audience and help the organization measure the audience’s knowledge about the


Circle one:

1.) What is your gender?

Male Female

2.) What is your ethnicity?

White (Caucasian)

African America


Asian Pacific

American Indian


3.) What is your age?








Older than 73

4.) What is your yearly household income?

Less than $30,000





More than $150,000

5.) Have you ever heard about the organization Gameday for Heroes?

Yes No

6.) (If applicable) How did you learn about Gameday for Heroes?

Appendix A-10

7.) Would you be willing to learn more about Gameday for Heroes?

Yes No

8.) Would you ever consider donating to Gameday for Heroes?

Yes No

9.) If you were to donate to Gameday for Heroes, what would you donate?

Money Tickets Both

10.) Would you ever consider volunteering for Gameday for Heroes?

Yes No

11.) Additional Comments:

Directory of Schools

Appendix A-11

Directory of Schools

Division I-A Teams


Boston College



Florida State

Georgia Tech


Miami (FL)

North Carolina

North Carolina State


Virginia Tech

Wake Forest

Big 12



Iowa State


Kansas State




Oklahoma State


Texas A&M

Texas Tech

Big East






South Florida


West Virginia

Appendix A-12

Big Ten





Michigan State



Ohio State

Penn State



Conference USA

East Carolina





Southern Methodist

Southern Miss






IA Independents



Notre Dame



Ball State

Bowling Green


Central Michigan

Eastern Michigan

Kent State

Miami (OH)

Northern Illinois

Appendix A-13




Western Michigan

Mountain West

Air Force

Brigham Young

Colorado State

New Mexico

San Diego State







Arizona State



Oregon State





Washington State










Mississippi State

South Carolina



Sun Belt

Appendix A-14

Arkansas State

Florida Atlantic

Florida International



Middle Tennessee

North Texas


Western Kentucky


Boise State

Fresno State



Louisiana Tech


New Mexico State

San Jose State

Utah State

Top Football Schools and their Conferences

1.) Texas (Big 12)

2.) Notre Dame (IA Independent)

3.) Penn State (Big 10)

4.) Nebraska (Big 12)

5.) Alabama (SEC)

6.) Florida (SEC)

7.) LSU (SEC)

8.) Ohio (Big 12)

9.) Georgia (SEC)

10.) Oklahoma (Big 12)

11.) University of Michigan (Big 10)

12.) South Carolina (SEC)

Most Football National Champions

1.) Notre Dame

2.) Alabama

3.) Ohio

4.) USC Trojans

5.) Oklahoma Sooners

6.) University of Miami

Appendix A-15


The above schools are the top football schools in the country and their conferences. We would mainly

focus on Big 12, Big 10, and SEC schools for football; since they are the top football schools.

Top Basketball Schools with the Most Wins

1.) Kentucky

2.) North Carolina

3.) Kansas

4.) Duke

5.) Syracuse

6.) Temple

7.) St. John’s

8.) UCLA

9.) Notre Dame

10.) Pennsylvania

Basketball Teams with the Most NCAA Championship

1.) UCLA

2.) Kentucky

3.) Indiana and North Carolina

4.) Duke

5.) Kansas

Baseball Teams with the Most NCAA Championship Since the 90s

1.) LSU

2.) Oregon State

3.) Miami (FL)

4.) Cal State Fullerton

5.) South Carolina (2010 winner)

Evaluation Survey

Appendix A-16

Example of Evaluation Survey

Answer the following questions based on your opinion of the Gameday for Heroes local celebrity


1.) How effective was the video at getting your attention?

1 2 3 4 5

2.) How effective was the video in increasing your desire to donate to Gameday for Heroes?

1 2 3 4 5

3.) Was the celebrity a good representation of Gameday for Heroes?

1 2 3 4 5

4.) Was the celebrity a good representation for the community?

1 2 3 4 5

5.) Would you be interested in learning more about the organization?

1 2 3 4 5

6.) How would you suggest getting the attention of a community in order to gain

support for Gameday for Heroes?

7.) What local celebrity would you like to see supporting Gameday for Heroes (and Why)?

Additional Comments:




Facebook Screenshots

Appendix A-17


Appendix A-18

Let Them Be a Part of the Experience

331 Cascade Rd.

Columbus, GA 31904





Media Contact List

Appendix A-19

Media List

The following is a list of media contacts. The list is not exhaustive, but lists major newspapers

and television stations within the United States.

This list of newspapers is from The site offers email addresses, mailing

addresses and phone numbers of the editors for $98.45. The contact information can also be

found by going to the newspapers’ websites. The PRCM group recommends selecting an area

Gameday for Heroes would like to reach and then using this list to find the best newspaper for

that area. For example, if the organization wanted to send a press release about tickets to citizens

of Alabama, the best newspaper choice would be either the Birmingham News or the Press

Register, which are both listed below.


Circulation Newspaper Editor

2,061,142 Wall Street Journal Alan Murray

1,830,594 USA Today John Hillkirk

876,638 New York Times Bill Keller

600,449 Los Angeles Times Russ Stanton

545,345 Washington Post Marcus Brauchli

512,520 New York Daily News Kevin Convey

501,501 New York Post Michelle Gotthelf

477,592 San Jose Mercury News Dennis Akizuki

441,506 Chicago Tribune Gerry Kern

343,952 Houston Chronicle Jeff Cohen

342,361 Philadelphia Inquirer Stan Wischnowski

Appendix A-20

314,848 Newsday Debby Krenek

309,863 Denver Post Gregory Moore

308,973 Arizona Republic Nicole Carroll

297,478 Minneapolis Star Tribune Nancy Barnes

264,459 Dallas Morning News Mark Edgar

252,608 Cleveland Plain Dealer

Debra Adams


251,697 Seattle Times Suki Dardarian

250,747 Chicago Sun-Times Don Hayner

245,326 Detroit Free Press Jeff Taylor

239,684 St. Petersburg Times Neil Brown

239,071 Portland Oregonian Peter Bhatia

224,761 San Diego Union-Tribune Jeff Light

223,549 San Francisco Chronicle Lois Kazakoff

223,037 Newark Star-Ledger Kevin Whitmer

222,683 Boston Globe Martin Baron

207,145 St. Louis Post-Dispatch Arnie Robbins

206,441 Kansas City Star Mike Fannin

205,531 Sacramento Bee Melanie Sill

185,736 St. Paul Pioneer Press Sue Campbell

183,636 Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Martin Kaiser

182,933 Indianapolis Star Dennis R. Ryerson

182,391 Orange County Register Ken Brusic

181,504 Atlanta Journal-Constitution Kevin Riley

181,058 Pittsburgh Post-Gazette David Shribman

179,695 Pittsburgh Tribune-Review Frank Craig

178,692 Baltimore Sun Mary J. Corey

Appendix A-21

177,633 Arkansas Democrat-Gazette Glen Chase

172,271 Orlando Sentinel Mark Russell

160,316 Buffalo News Margaret M. Sullivan

159,275 Louisville Courier-Journal Jean Porter

157,574 Cincinnati Enquirer Carolyn Washburn

156,968 Virginian-Pilot Denis Finley

155,995 Charlotte Observer Rick Thames

153,546 Fort Worth Star-Telegram Jim Witt

151,612 Miami Herald Mindy Marques

150,403 Las Vegas Review-Journal Michael Hengel

149,892 South Florida Sun-Sentinel Dana Banker

149,420 Columbus Dispatch Ben Marrison

149,090 Bergen County Record Frank Scandale

146,962 Detroit News Jonathan Wolman

144,985 Tampa Tribune Duke Maas

144,294 New Orleans Times-Picayune Jim Amoss

143,721 Omaha World-Herald Mike Reilly

138,493 Oklahoman Ed Kelley

135,210 Honolulu Star-Advertiser Frank Bridgewater

134,751 Hartford Courant Carolyn Lumsden

130,566 San Antonio Express-News Robert Rivard

130,555 Raleigh News & Observer John Drescher

127,727 Austin American-Statesman Fred Zipp

127,538 Nashville Tennessean Mark Silverman

124,691 Boston Herald Joe Sciacca

121,684 Memphis Commercial Appeal Chris Peck

119,399 Rochester Democrat and Chronicle Karen Magnuson

Appendix A-22

118,489 Richmond Times-Dispatch Paige Mudd

114,308 Toledo Blade Kurt Franck

112,683 Asbury Park Press Hollis Towns

110,427 Fresno Bee Betsy Lumbye

110,076 Riverside Press-Enterprise Maria DeVarenne

110,000 Philadelphia Daily News Larry Platt

109,727 Birmingham News Tom Scarritt

109,703 Salt Lake Tribune Nancy Conway

109,095 Des Moines Register Randy Brubaker

108,926 Florida Times-Union Frank Denton

104,297 Arlington Heights Daily Herald John Lampinen

100,830 Palm Beach Post Nick Moschella

97,822 Grand Rapids Press Paul Keep

96,595 Providence Journal Sue Areson

95,365 Dayton Daily News Jana Collier

94,859 Allentown Morning Call David Erdman

93,763 Washington Times Chris Dolan

93,558 Tulsa World Susan Ellerbach

92,856 Akron Beacon Journal Bruce Winges

91,697 Knoxville News Sentinel Jack McElroy

91,518 Lexington Herald-Leader Peter Baniak

90,604 Arizona Daily Star Teri Hayt

90,079 Albuquerque Journal Kent Walz

89,091 Los Angeles Daily News Carolina Garcia

87,950 Wisconsin State Journal (WSJ) John Smalley

87,138 Delaware News Journal David Ledford

85,967 Mobile Press-Register Mike Marshall

Appendix A-23

85,015 Syracuse Post-Standard Mike Connor

83,969 Vero Beach Press Journal Adam Neal

83,877 Northwest Indiana Times William Nangle

82,855 Tacoma News Tribune Karen Peterson

82,248 Baton Rouge Advocate Chris Baughman

81,743 Charleston Post and Courier William E.N. Hawkins

79,525 White Plains Journal News CynDee Royle

78,712 La Opinion Pedro Rojas


Intelligencer Journal-Lancaster New

Era Ray Shaw

77,349 Colorado Springs Gazette Jeff Thomas

75,740 Roanoke Times Carole Tarrant

75,615 South Carolina State Mark Lett

74,386 Spokane Spokesman-Review Gary Graham

73,177 Chattanooga Times Free Press J. Todd Foster

71,019 Harrisburg Patriot-News David Newhouse

70,300 Wichita Eagle Sherry Chisenhall

70,282 Long Beach Press-Telegram Sue Schmitt

70,124 New Haven Register Jack Kramer

69,991 North County Times Kent Davy

69,083 Deseret News Rick Hall

68,992 Albany Times Union Rex Smith

67,464 El Paso Times Chris Lopez

67,464 Contra Costa Times Kevin Keane

67,137 Lincoln Journal Star Michael Nelson

66,397 Worcester Telegram & Gazette Leah Lamson

66,352 Sarasota Herald-Tribune Mike Connelly

Appendix A-24

64,276 Oakland Press Glenn Gilbert

64,019 Torrance Daily Breeze Toni Sciacqua

63,988 Ventura County Star Joe Howry

63,902 Daytona Beach News-Journal Pat Rice

63,366 Newport News Daily Press Robin McCormick

This list of television station is from The list

shows local television channels by state. The PRCM group recommends again selecting the state

or area Gameday for Heroes would like to reach and then contacting the media outlets within the

area. Individual contact information can be found by visiting the station’s website.


Alabama Nebraska

Birmingham WBRC 6 FOX Omaha, KMTV 3 CBS

Birmingham WVTM 13 NBC Omaha WOWT 6 NBC

Huntsville WAFF 48 NBC

Huntsville WHJT 19 CBS Nevada

Mobile WJTC 44 UPN Las Vegas KFBT 33 WB

Mobile WKRG 5 CBS Las Vegas KLAS 8 CBS

Mobile WPMI 15 NBC Las Vegas KUPN 21 UPN

Montgomery WAKA 8 CBS Las Vegas KVBC 3 NBC

Montgomery WSFA 12 Las Vegas KVWB 21 WB


Alaska Reno KRNV

Anchorage KTUU 2 NBC

New Hampshire

Appendix A-25

Arizona Manchester WMUR ABC

Phoenix KPHO 5 CBS

Pheonix KUSK 7 New Jersey

Phoenix KUTP UPN Montclair WNJN PBS

Tucson KOLD 13 Newark WNET 13 PBS

Yuma KSWT 13 CBS Teterboro WNJU 47

Tucson KVOA 4 NBC Secaucus WWOR UPN

Arkansas New Mexico

Fort Smith KHBS 40 Albuquerque KOB NBC

Jonesboro KAIT 8 ABC Albuquerque KRQE CBS

Little Rock KARK 4 NBC New Mexico KASA FOX

Little Rock KASN 38 UPN

Little Rock KATV 7 New York

Little Rock KLRT 16 Albany WNYT NBC

Albany WXXA 23 FOX

California Binghamton WICZ

Bakersfield KGET 17 NBC Binghamton WMGC

Chico KHSL12 CBS Buffalo WIVB

Fresno KJEO 47 Buffalo WKBW 7 ABC

Fresno KSEE 24 NBC New York WABC ABC

Los Angeles KABC 7 ABC New York WPIX 11 WB

Los Angeles KMEX 34 New York WCBS CBS2

Los Angeles KNBC 4 NBC New York WNBC NBC

Los Angeles KTLA 5 IND Plattsburgh WPTZ NBC

Palm Springs KESQ 3 ABC Rochester WOKR

Palm Springs KMIR 6 NBC Schenectady WRGB 6 CBS

Appendix A-26

Redding KRCR 7 Southampton WVVH

Sacramento KCRA 3 Syracuse WIXT 9

Sacramento KXTV 10 ABC Syracuse WTVH - CBS

Salinas-Monterey KSBW 8 Utica WKTV

San Diego KFMB 8 Utica WUTR

San Diego KGTV 10 ABC Watertown WWNY CBS

San Francisco KBHK 44 UPN Watertown WWTI 50 ABC

San Francisco KGO 7 ABC

San Francisco KPIX 5 CBS North Carolina

San Francisco KTSF 26 Charlotte WBTV 13 CBS

San Jose KICU 36 IND Charlotte WCNC 36 NBC

San Jose KNTV 11 ABC Charlotte WFVT

San Mateo KCSM 60 Charlotte WJZY 46 UPN

Santa Rosa KFTY 50 Charlotte WSOC

Victorville KHIZ 64 Fayetteville WFAY FOX

Greensboro WGHP 8 FOX

Colorado New Bren WCTI NBC

Colorado Springs KKTV 11


Colorado Springs KOAA 5 NBC Raleigh WRAL

Colorado Springs KXRM 21

FOX Wilmington WECT 6 NBC

Denver KCNC 4 CBS Winston-Salem WXII

Denver KDVR 31 FOX Winston-Salem WXLV ABC

Denver KMGH 7

Denver KUSA 9 North Dakota

Fargo KXJB 4 CBS

Appendix A-27


Hartford WFSB 3 Ohio

New Britian WVIT 30 NBC Cincinnati WCPO

New Haven WTNH 8 Cincinnati WKRC 12 CBS

Cincinnati WLWT 5 NBC

Delaware Cleveland WBNX

Cleveland WEWS

District of Columbia Columbus WBC

Washington WJLA 7 ABC Columbus WBNS

Washington WUSA 9 CBS Columbus WCMH NBC

Columbus WTTE

Florida Columbus WWHO

Ft. Lauderdale WDZL 39 Dayton WDTN ABC

Fort Myers WBBH 20 NBC Dayton WKEF NBC

Fort Myers WEVU 7 Lima WTLW

Ft Myers WGCU 30 Steubenville WTOV NBC

Gainesville WCJB 20 ABC Toledo WTOL

Gainesville WUFT 5 Toledo WTVG ABC

Jacksonville WJXT 4 Toledo WNWO NBC

Jacksonville WJXX 25 ABC Toledo WUPW FOX

Miami WBFS 33 UPN Youngstown WFMJ 21 NBC

Miami WDZL 39 Youngstown WKBN CBS

Miami WFOR 4 CBS

Miami WLRN 17 PBS Oklahoma

Miami WPLG 10 ABC Oklahoma City KFOR NBC

Miami WPXM 35 Oklahoma City KOCB 34

Miami WSVN 7 FOX Oklahoma City KOCO 5

Appendix A-28

Miami WTVJ 6 NBC Oklahoma City KOKH FOX

Miami WPBS 2 PBS Tulsa KOKI 23 FOX

Miami 23 UNI Tulsa KTFO 41 UPN

Naples WZVN 26

Oklahoma City KWTV 9


Ocala WOGX 51 Fox

Orlando WESH 2 Oregon

Orlando WCPX 6 CBS Eugene KEZI 9

Orlando WFTV 9 ABC Eugene KMTR 16 NBC

Orlando WOFL 35 FOX Eugene KVAL CBS

Orlando WRBW 6 UPN Medford KDRV

Orlando WTGL 52 Medford KOBI 5 NBC

Pensacola WBQP 12 Portland KATU

Pensacola WEAR 3 ABC Portland KGW NBC

Pensacola WFGX 35 Portland KOIN CBS

Stuart WTCN Portland KPDX FOX

Tallahassee WTXL 27 ABC

Tallahassee WTLH 49 FOX Pennsylvania

Tampa WFTS 28 Allentown WFMZ

Tampa WFLA 8 NBC Allentown WLVT 39 PBS

Tampa WTVT 13 Altoona WTAJ CBS


Vero Beach WWCI Harrisburg WHP

W Palm Beach WFGC 61 Lancaster WGAL NBC

W Palm Beach WPTV 5 Philadelphia WCAU NBC

W Palm Beach WPEC 12 Philadelphia WHYY 12

W Palm Beach WXEL 42 Philadelphia WKYW CBS

Appendix A-29

W Palm Beach WFLX 29 Philadelphia WPHL

W Palm Beach WPBF 25 Philadelphia WPVI

Pittsburgh WTAE ABC

Georgia Scranton WYOU

Augusta WAGT NBC York WPMT

Augusta WRDW CBS Rhode Island

Augusta WJBF 6 ABC Providence WJAR 10 NBC

Atlanta WAGA 5 FOX Providence WRNE

Atlanta WGNX

Atlanta WSB South Carolina

Atlanta WXIA NBC Charleston WCIV 4 ABC

Columbus WTVM Charleston WCSC 5 CBS

Macon WGXA 24 FOX Charleston WTAT 24 FOX

Macon WPGA 58 ABC Columbia WOLO 25 ABC

Macon WMAZ Florence WBTW CBS

Savannah WTOC

South Dakota

Hawaii Sioux Falls KSFY ABC

Honolulu KHON FOX

Honolulu KIKU Tennessee

Honolulu KITV ABC Chattanooga WTVC

Idaho Johnson City WEMT 39

Boise KTRV 12 FOX Kingsport WKPT ABC

Boise KTVB NBC Knoxsville WATE 6

Idaho Falls KIDK CBS Memphis WKNO

Idaho Falls KIFI 8 Memphis WMC 5

Nashville WSMV NBC

Appendix A-30

Illinois Nashville WZTV 17 FOX

Chicago WFLD FOX Nashville WTVF CBS

Chicago WGN

Chicago WLS 7 ABC Texas

Chicago WMAQ NBC Abliene KTXS 12 ABC

Peoria WEEK 25 - NBC Abilene KTAB CBS

Peoria WMBD Amarillo KAMR

Quincey WGEM Amarillo KFDA 10 CBS

Rockford WQRF 39 FOX Amarillo KVII

Rockford WREF 13 Austin KAAL

Springfield WICS 20 NBC Austin KEYE CBS

Austin KGBS 65

Indiana Austin KNVA IND

Evansville WEVV CBS Austin KTBC 7 FOX

Evansville WFIE 14 NBC Austin KXAN NBC

Fort Wayne WFFT 55 Beaumont KBMT

Fort Wayne WPTA College Station KBXT

Indianapolis WISH CBS Corpus Christi KRIS NBC

Indianapolis WRTV Dallas KPXD PAX

Indianapolis WXIN 59 FOX Dallas KXTX

South Bend WNDU 16 NBC Dallas KTVT CBS

South Bend WSBT 22 Dallas KTXA UPN


Iowa El Paso KINT26 UNI

Cedar Rapids KCRG 9 El Paso KTSM 9 NBC

Des Moines KCCI 8 CBS El Paso KVIA 7 ABC

Sioux City KTIV NBC Houston KHOU CBS

Appendix A-31

Houston KHTV 39 WB

Kansas Houston KPRC

Topeka WIBW 13 CBS Houston KTMD 48

Wichita KAKE 10 ABC Houston KTRK ABC

Wichita KCTU 55 Houston KTXH UPN

Wichita KSNW 3 NBC Lubbock KAMC 28

Lubbock KLBK 13 CBS

Kentucky Odessa KPEJ 24 FOX

Bowling Green WBKO ABC Port Arthur KJAC 4 NBC

Lexington WLEX 18 NBC San Antonio KABB 20 FOX

Lexington WTVQ 36 San Antonio KENS

Louisville WDRB 41 FOX San Antonio KMOL

Louisville WHAS San Antonio KRRT UPN

Louisville WLKY 32 San Antonio KVDA

Sherman KXII CBS

Louisiana Tyler KETK 56

Alexandia WNTZ 48 FOX Tyler KLTV

Lafayette KLAF Waco KWKT 44 FOX

Lake Charles KPLC Waco KXXV ABC

Baton Rouge WBRZ

Baton Rouge WGMB 44 Utah

Lafayette KADN Salt Lake City KJZZ UPN

Lafayette KATC Salt Lake City KSL 5

Lafayette KLAF Salt Lake City KSTU FOX

Monroe KARD 14 FOX Salt Lake City KTVX 4 ABC

New Orleans WDSU 6 NBC

New Orleans WNOL 38 Vermont

Appendix A-32

New Orleans WWL 4 Burlington WCAX

Shreveport KSLA CBS

Shreveport KTBS ABC Virginia

Bristol WCYB NBC

Maine Hampton Roads WAVY NBC

Auburn WMTW Harrisonburg WHSV 3 ABC

Bangor WABI CBS Norfolk WVEC ABC

Bangor WLBZ Portsmouth WVBT

Portland WGME 13 CBS Richmond WWBT 12 NBC

Portland WPXT 51 FOX Richmond WRIC

Presque Isle WAGM Richmond WRLH 35 FOX

Roanoke WDBJ


Baltimore WBAL NBC Washington

Baltimore WBFF FOX Kennewick KVEW ABC

Baltimore WJZ 13 CBS Seattle KCPQ 13 FOX

Salisbury WBOC CBS Seattle-Tacoma KSTW

Salisbury WMDT Seattle KING 5 NBC

Massachusetts West Virginia

Boston WABU Bluefield WVVA NBC

Boston WBZ Bridgeport WDTV

Boston WCVB ABC Charleston WCHS ABC

Boston WHDH Charleston WOWK 13

Boston WLVI Huntington WSAZ NBC

Springfield WGGB Oak Hill WOAY ABC

Springfield WWLP NBC Wheeling WTRF 7 CBS

Appendix A-33

Michigan Wisconsin

Cadillac 9 WWTV CBS Eau Claire WEAU 13 NBC

Cadillac WWUP 10 CBS Green Bay WFRV

Detroit WDIV 4 NBC Green Bay WLUK 11 FOX

Detroit WDWB La Crosse WKBT

Detroit WJBK 2 FOX Madison WISC 3 CBS

Grand Rapids WOOD 8 Madison WKOW

Grand Rapids WXMI 17 Madison WMTV NBC

Kalamazoo WWMT 3 CBS Milwaukee WDJT CBS

Lansing WLNS Milwaukee WISN

Lansing WLAJ Milwaukee WITI

Marquette WLUC Milwaukee WTMJ

Transverse City WGTU Wassau WAOW ABC

Minnesota Wyoming

Duluth KBJR Cheyenne KGWN 5 CBS

Duluth KDLH

Minneapolis KARE 11

Minneapolis WCCO CBS

Minneapolis KMSP 9 UPN

Rochester KTTC

St. Paul KSTP 5 ABC


Biloxi WLOX

Jackson WAPT ABC

Appendix A-34

Jackson WDBD FOX

Jackson WLBT NBC

Natchez WNTZ 48 FOX


Cape Girardeau KBSI 23

Joplin KODE12 ABC

Kansas City KCTV 5

Kansas City KMBC ABC

Kansas City KSHB NBC

Springfield KDEB 27

Springfield KOLR 10 CBS

Springfield KSPR 33 ABC

St. Louis KPLR WB


Billings KTVQ CBS

Billings KULR 8 NBC

Missoula KECI 13 NBC

Missoula KPAX 8 CBS

Sponsorship Contact Information

Appendix A-35

Corporate Sponsors: Description and Contact

Description of Company:

American International Group, Inc. (AIG) is a leading international insurance organization with operations in more than 130 countries and jurisdictions. AIG companies serve commercial, institutional and individual customers through one of the most extensive worldwide property-casualty networks of any insurer. In addition, AIG companies are leading providers of life insurance and retirement services in the United States. AIG common stock is listed on the New York Stock Exchange, as well as the stock exchanges in Ireland and Tokyo.

Contact Information:


Charitable Donations 70 Pine Street

36th Floor New York, NY 10270

General Telephone: 212-770-7000

Contact: Edward Cloonan, Vice President, Corporate Affairs

Phone: 212-770-7000


Contact: Jamie Godfrey, Associate Director Corporate Giving


Description of the Company:

CSX’s principal operating company, CSX Transportation Inc., provides an important link to the transportation supply chain through its approximately 21,000 route-mile rail network, which serves major population centers in 23 states east of the Mississippi River, the District of Columbia and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec.


Requests must be submitted via our on-line contribution request application. All requests are reviewed and processed on a quarterly basis by the Corporate Contributions Committee.

Use this link:


Appendix A-36

Description of the Company:

United Services Automobile Association (USAA) is a Fortune 500 financial services company offering banking, investing, and insurance to people and families that serve, or served, in the United States military. In 2009, there were 7.4 million members.

USAA was founded in 1922 by a group of U.S. Army officers to self-insure each other when they were unable to secure auto insurance due to the perception that they were a high-risk group. USAA has since expanded to serve all members of the Armed Forces and all who served honorably in the US Armed Forces, as well as their families with property & casualty insurance, banking, life insurance, investment and financial planning products and services.

Contact Information:

9800 Fredericksburg Road San Antonio, TX 78288

Description of the Company: is an online retailer offering a wide variety of high-quality, brand-name merchandise at discount prices, including bedding, home decor, appliances, watches, jewelry, electronics, sporting goods, clothing and shoes. We give customers an opportunity to shop for bargains conveniently, while offering manufacturers, distributors and other retailers an alternative sales channel. Contact:

Investor Relations Mailing Address Board of Directors Contact: Kevin Moon Phone: (801) 947-3282 Fax: (801) 947-3149 6350 South 3000 East Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Phone: (801) 947-3100

Appendix A-37

Description of the Company:

Macy's is a U.S. chain of mid-to-high range department stores headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio and New York, New York. In addition to its New York flagship store, the company has designated additional regional flagships in several other major urban centers and as of January 30, 2010 operates a total of 800 stores in the United States.


Amy Kule Group Vice President, National Events & Partnership Marketing Macy's Parade & Entertainment Group 646-429-5263

To apply for corporate contributions apply here:

Description of the Company:

Raytheon Company is a major American military contractor and industrial corporation with core manufacturing concentrations in weapons and military and commercial electronics. It was previously involved in corporate and special-mission aircraft until early 2007. Raytheon is the world's largest producer of guided missiles.


Raytheon Company Investor Relations 870 Winter Street Waltham, MA 02451-1449

Todd Ernst Vice President, Investor Relations 1-781-522-5141

Jim Singer Director, Investor Relations 1-781-522-5136

Appendix A-38

Description of the Company:

U-Haul International, Inc. is a North American equipment rental company, based in Phoenix, Arizona, that has been in operation since 1945. The company was founded by Leonard Shoen in Ridgefield, Washington, who began it in the garage owned by his wife's family, and expanded through franchising with gas stations.


Attention: Sponsorship 2727 North Central Avenue Phoenix, AZ 85004

Fax: 602-263-6772 Email:

Description of the Company:

Winn-Dixie Stores, Inc. is an American supermarket chain based in Jacksonville, Florida. Winn-Dixie has ranked number 24 in the 2010 "Top 75 North American Food Retailers" based on 2009 fiscal year estimated sales of $7.3 billion by Supermarket News.and was ranked the 43rd largest retailer in the United States based on 2006 revenues by Stores magazine. Winn-Dixie currently operates 485 stores in Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, Georgia, and Mississippi. The company has existed under its present name since 1955 and can date its roots back to 1925.


Sponsorship Request Form:

Description of the Company:

JetBlue Airways Corporation is an American low-cost airline. Its main base is John F. Kennedy International Airport, also in Queens.

Submit a proposal:

Appendix A-39

Description of the Company:

The Call of Duty Endowment is a non-profit public benefit corporation which helps soldiers transition to civilian careers after their military service. The Call of Duty Endowment focuses its resources on assisting organizations that provide job placement and training to veterans, as well as engaging the media and public forums to raise awareness about the issue.

Mailing Address: Call of Duty Endowment P.O. Box 9830 Arlington, VA 22219-1830

Description of the Company:

CamelBak Products, LLC is an outdoors equipment company known primarily for its hydration products, such as hydration packs and water bottles. CamelBak is also a supplier of hydration packs, protective gear, and other products to the U.S. military and law enforcement agencies around the world.

Contact: CamelBak Products, LLC. 2000 S. McDowell, Suite 200 Petaluma, CA 94954 Event Sponsorships:

Description of the Company:

Regions Financial Corporation is a publicly held company based in Birmingham, Alabama, USA, with the corporate headquarters at the Regions Center. A member of the S&P 100 Index, the company provides retail and commercial banking, trust, securities brokerage, mortgage and insurance products and services.



Appendix A-40

Description of the Company:

MorganFranklin is a business and technology solutions company. We help clients identify and convert high-stakes financial, management, and IT challenges into value and progress. We are operations-focused and provide the expertise, resources, and project management skills required to turn strategy into results.


Corporate Headquarters 1753 Pinnacle Drive Suite 1200 McLean, VA 22102 office: 703.564.7525 fax: 703.564.7526

Description of the Company:

Bravo Company USA, Inc. is your source for parts, & tactical accessories for your AR-15, M16, M4 Carbine. AR15 Upper Receivers, M4 Barrels, Bolt Carriers


Bravo Company USA, Inc., PO Box 341 Hartland, WI 53029-0341

Appendix A-41

Description of the Company:

CB Richard Ellis Group, Inc. is a multinational real estate corporation based in Los Angeles in the United States. The company is widely considered to be the world's largest real estate services firm and currently manages 2.4 billion square feet of building space. In 2008, CBRE ranked 11th on the Business Week list of top 50 companies, 33rd on Fortune Magazine's 100 fastest growing companies, 29th on the IAOP Global Outsourcing Leaders list of 100, and 404th on the Fortune 500.

Contact: Investor Relations

Nick Kormeluk Senior Vice President, Investor Relations Los Angeles, CA Phone: 949-809-4308 E-mail:

Description of the Company:

Armag is the industry leader in manufacturing Arms, Ammunition & Explosive storage buildings for Military, Commercial clients & Law Enforcement.


300 Armag Avenue Bardstown, KY 40004

Tel: 502.348.3987 Fax: 502.348.4801

Appendix A-42

Description of the Company:

Empower Processing is a full service provider of credit/debit card payment processing and related merchant services. As a registered ISO/MSP of HSBC Bank USA, we provide competitive rates, exceptional customer service, and superior responsiveness.


Empower Processing 14340 Torrey Chase Blvd. Suite 170 Houston, Texas 77014

Telephone: 877-343-2450 Customer Service: 877-343-2449 Fax: 832-286-0403


Description of the Company:

INCAPX is designed help entrepreneurs and companies, of any size, advance their own growth and development in order to remain competitive in a global financial age by encouraging investments both inside and outside a country's boundaries. Financial globalization has not only resulted in the export of labor from rich to developing countries, but the export of technical competency and intellectual property between business communities. This has resulted in shifting the centers of financial innovation away from the Western and European markets with a focus more towards other financial opportunities throughout the many international financial communities.

Contact: PO Box 330 120 Vineyard Road Cotuit, MA 02635 TEL: 508-958-5101 FAX: 508-420-1570

Appendix A-43

Description of the Company:

Intelligent Waves LLC is a registered Veteran Owned Small business that specializes in providing information technology (IT) and communications support to a wide variety of U.S. government customers. The company was founded in 2006 and has a proven track record as a provider of cleared, trained, high-quality IT.


Intelligent Waves LLC 1900 Campus Commons Drive Suite 100 Reston,VA 20191

Tel: (703) 766-7999 Fax: (703) 766-6501

Description of the Company:

AFL is an industry leader in providing fiber optic products, engineering expertise and integrated services to the telecommunications industry. Contact: For questions regarding grants, sponsorships, employee engagement, disaster relief, etc., please send an email to

Description of the Company:

American Airlines, Inc. (AA) is the world's fourth-largest airline in passenger miles transported, passenger fleet size, and operating revenues. American Airlines is a subsidiary of the AMR Corporation and is headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas adjacent to its largest hub at Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport. American operates an extensive international and domestic network, with scheduled flights throughout North America, Latin and South America, Europe, Asia/Pacific and the Caribbean.


Appendix A-44

Description of the Company:

AT&T Inc. is the largest provider of fixed telephony in the United States, and also provides broadband and subscription television services. As of January 2011, AT&T is the largest provider of mobile telephony service in the United States, with over 95.5 million wireless customers, just ahead of Verizon Wireless' 94.1 million, and more than 210 million total customers.


Description of the Company:

BAE Systems plc is a British defense, security and aerospace company headquartered in Farnborough, Hampshire, United Kingdom, that has global interests, particularly in North America through its subsidiary BAE Systems Inc. BAE is the world's largest military contractor by sales revenue as of 2008. It was formed on 30 November 1999 by the 7.7 billion merger of two British companies, Marconi Electronic Systems (MES), the defence electronics and naval shipbuilding subsidiary of the General Electric Company plc (GEC), and aircraft, munitions and naval systems manufacturer British Aerospace (BAe).


Public Affairs & Comunications Office BAE SYSTEMS North America 1601 Research Boulevard Rockville, Maryland 20850

Appendix A-45

Description of the Company:

The Boeing Company is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of commercial jetliners and military aircraft combined. Additionally, Boeing designs and manufactures rotor-craft, electronic and defense systems, missiles, satellites, launch vehicles and advanced information and communication systems. Headquartered in Chicago, Boeing employs more than 158,000 people across the United States and in 70 countries.


Description of the Company:

The Coca-Cola Company is a beverage retailer, manufacturer and marketer of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups. The company is best known for its flagship product Coca-Cola, invented by pharmacist John Stith Pemberton in 1886. The Coca-Cola formula and brand was bought in 1889 by Asa Candler who incorporated The Coca-Cola Company in 1892. Besides its namesake Coca-Cola beverage, Coca-Cola currently offers more than 500 brands in over 200 countries or territories and serves 1.6 billion servings each day.


Industry and Consumer Affairs The Coca-Cola Company DUN 500 P.O. Box 1734 Atlanta, GA 30301

Additional information:

Appendix A-46

Description of the Company:

Clear Channel Communications is the #1 radio station owner in the United States with more than 850 stations that reach 90 million listeners. In addition, they are one of the world's largest outdoor advertising companies. Since 2002, Clear Channel has helped generate awareness of the USO by sharing our message throughout their vast communications properties. Last year, Clear Channel provided in-kind media to the USO valued at more than $2.2 million. Clear channel also provides much-appreciated support for the USO Gala.

Contact: Clear Channel 200 East Basse Road San Antonio, TX 78209 Phone 1-210-822-2828

(“Current corporate sponsors”) (“Worldwide Strategic Partners”)

Twitter Screenshots

Appendix A-47




Website Screenshots

Appendix A-48

Appendix A-49

Appendix A-50

Appendix A-51

Appendix A-52

Appendix A-53

Appendix A-54

Appendix A-55

Appendix A-56

Appendix A-57

Appendix A-58

Appendix A-59

Appendix A-60

Sources About us, Susan G. Komen for the Cure. (n.d.). Retrieved from

About us, Tickets for Troops. (n.d.). Retrieved from

About us, USO. (n.d.). Retrieved from

About us, Veteran Tickets Foundation. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Chafkin, Max. (2010, March 1). How to get customers on facebook and twitter. Inc. Magazine, Retrieved from

Current corporate sponsors. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Design studio. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Facebook guide book. (2011). Retrieved from Football Champions. (2011, February 22). NCAA Football Champions: Retrieved from Most Valuable Football Teams. (2011, February 22). NCAA Football: Retrieved from NCAA College Football Teams. (2011, February 22). College Football Teams: Retrieved from O'Neill, Nick. (2010, February 2). Facebook groups vs pages: the definitive guise. All Facebook, Retrieved from The first wish. (n.d.). Retrieved from Twitter guide book. (2011). Retrieved from Twitter help center: what are hashtags symbols?. (2011). Retrieved from 20 awesome facebook fan pages. (2011, March). Inc. Magazine, Retrieved from

Appendix A-61

Worldwide strategic partners. (n.d.). Retrieved from


Appendix A-61

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