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Thomas Assessments


Our assessments will provide an insight into your people’s potential, what motivates them, their

core strengths and limitations. They will add a high level of certainty to all of your people related

decisions across all areas of the employee lifecycle.

What is PPA?

PPA is a behavioral profi le that provides an accurate insight into how people behave at work. It provides the real answers to questions such as:

• What are this person’s strengths?

• Is our business playing to this person’s strengths?

• Which limitations will impact on their ability to be successful?

• Will this person be successful in a role that is technical, quality or standards focused?

• Does this person drive for results?

• Can this person work with and through people?

• Will this person excel in a service, support or specialist role?

How can PPA help you?


Thomas PPA will help you to reduce the cost and risk of recruitment and speed up your process.


Thomas PPA will help you to reduce staff turnover by identifying what motivates and engages your staff.


Thomas PPA will help you to know precisely where to invest your learning and development budget to achieve the maximum impact on your business.


Thomas PPA will help your managers spend less time managing poor performers and more time motivating top performers by ensuring they are working on the behavioral issues that will bring the biggest benefi t to the business.

Features Assessment type: Individual behavioral analysisTime to complete: 8 - 12 minutes Format: Ipsative (Forced choice assessment)Availability: 56 languages Validation: Registered with the British Psychological Society. Validation research available in the PPA Technical Resource Handbook by Sidney H. Irvine PhD FBPsSWhat training is required: PPA certifi cation – 2 day

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

902-444-9301 | |

What you get

Thomas PPA takes 8 - 12 minutes to complete and

you are provided with an initial profi le detailing:

• How a person prefers to behave at work and the characteristics they will demonstrate

• Any frustrations the person has in their current role

• How or whether a person is modifying their behavior in their current role

• Their behavior under pressure

• Their strengths, limitations and value to the organization

Once PPA has been completed, you have instant access to over 20 additional reports that enable you to match people to jobs, manage, coach, develop and train your people.

Personal Profi le AnalysisA comprehensive report on an individual’s working strengths, fears, motivators and value to the organization. Indicates behavior under pressure, behavioral modifi cations and frustrations.

Management auditA succinct overview of how the candidate will align with typical management competencies.

Candidate feedbackShort positive overview of the candidate’s results. Can be provided directly back to the candidate without a debrief.

How to manageTells you how to manage the individual optimally.

Further reports include:

Strengths & Limitations, Executive Summary, Training Needs, Personal Review, Sales Audit, Admin/Tech Audit, Call Center Audit, Customer Service Audit, General Questionnaire, Management Questionnaire, Sales Questionnaire, Interviewer’s Guide, Career Guide, Compatibility Assessment, Customized Reports

“A quantifi ed measure on return was seen in the reduction of turnover by 21%...the direct operating cost of turnover has been reduced by over half a million.”

HR Manager, Trylon TSF

How you’re supported

Our client service team is here to train you, advise you and help you to use people assessments to achieve an immediate impact on your business.

Providing unrivalled support, Thomas’ client service team blends the skills and expertise of consultants, occupational psychologists, facilitators, client service advisors and technical support.

Above: PPA Sample Profi le

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |

What is Job?

Thomas Job is a behavioral assessment tool which enables you to set a template of the ideal behaviors required for your roles.

Once you have created your job profi le, Thomas Job, used in conjunction with Thomas PPA, enables you to match the ideal behaviors for the job with the profi les of your candidates and employees, using a ‘goodness of fi t’ scale.

How can Job help you?


Good recruitment and selection of a candidate starts with knowing what good looks like. Thomas Job enables you to identify the behavioral requirements of the job you are recruiting for and match the right candidates to the right job, this means you will save time during the recruitment process and reduce the risk of hiring the wrong person.


Employees in the right job typically have a high level of job satisfaction and are more likely to stay with your organization. Thomas Job enables you to boost employee satisfaction and reduce employee turnover by helping you identify the behavioral requirements of the job, understand which employees are in the right job – and which aren’t – giving you an insight on where action is needed.


Thomas Job enables you to quickly get a view of the employees whose behaviors match the requirements of their role – and those who don’t. And, by exposing the competence gaps, you can pinpoint your employee’s exact development needs, tailor their development plan and ensure your training investment is focused.


Thomas Job enables you to bring more focus to managing your people by giving you a fi rm indication of the requirements of their role, putting you in a strong position to understand how to get the best out of your workforce.

Features Assessment type: Behavioral job analysisTime to complete: 20 minutes Format: 24 questions or interactive version with 4 initial selectionsAvailability: 56 languagesWhat training is required: PPA certifi cation - 2 Day

“Our customized Sales Benchmark Profi le is aligned with our sales strategy and culture and positively impacts our recruiting and selection process. Our Sales Managers make better hiring decisions and have the ability to utilize the information for on boarding, performance management and retention which positively impacts our sales results.”

HR Director, Citrix

Our assessments will provide an insight into your people’s potential, what motivates them, their

core strengths and limitations. They will add a high level of certainty to all of your people-related

decisions across all areas of the employee lifecycle.

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |

What you get

Thomas Job provides you with a number of reports to help you understand the requirements of a role and identify how well suited an employee or candidate is to it:

• Job Profi le provides a template for the job and outlines the key behavioral characteristics of the role

• Job/Candidate Comparison report identifi es a goodness of fi t rating for an employee, or candidatesoutlining their suitability for the role

• Search & Select report identifi es a number of employees whose behavioral profi les indicate a high goodness of fi t to the role

Used in conjunction with Thomas PPA, which takes 8 - 12 minutes to complete, you are provided with an initial profi le detailing:

• How a person prefers to behave at work and the characteristics they will demonstrate

• How or whether a person is modifying their behavior in their current role beyond a level that is comfortable or sustainable in the longer term

• Any frustrations the person has in their current job

• How a person behaves under pressure

• Their strengths, limitations, basic fears and value to the organization

Above: Job/Candidate Comparison report

How you’re supported

Our client service team is here to train you, advise you and help you to use people assessments to achieve an immediate impact on your business.

Providing unrivalled support, Thomas’ client service team blend the skills and expertise of consultants, occupational psychologists, facilitators, client service advisors and technical support.

“When we introduced Thomas profi ling in 2005 our staff turnover was 29%, in 2008 it was 7% and we feel this is a clear indication of the success of Thomas’ profi ling tools.

Previously our recruitment success was, to put it mildly, hit and miss...more miss than hit! Managers used to feel they were the best interviewers in the world, however it wasn’t until we really understood what made the candidate tick and understood their profi les that we were able to make truly informed decisions on whether candidates would be suitable for FedEx. I will continue to recommend Thomas to anyone.”

Senior Manager, Customer Relations, Europe, Middle East, Indian Subcontinent & Africa, FedEx

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |

Our assessments will provide an insight into your people’s potential, what motivates them, their

core strengths and limitations. They will add a high level of certainty to all of your people related

decisions across all areas of the employee lifecycle.

What is Teams?

Thomas Teams provides you with a detailed overview of your team and will provide answers to such questions as:

• What role does each person play within the team?

• Where are the areas of weakness in the team?

• How do we address those limitations?

• Are we playing to the strengths of each team member?

• Where is confl ict occurring?

• What leadership style will inspire my team towards high performance?

Use Thomas Teams to inspire your team to achieve more, pinpoint training needs, and identify skill gaps that can be fi lled through recruitment.

How can Teams help you?


When team members work well together, there is little they cannot accomplish. But recruiting new team members can be risky – get it right and you’re achieving great things, get it wrong and you face performance dips, low morale and low productivity. Thomas Teams enables you to identify the ideal team member behavioral profi le and match the right candidates to the team.


Turnover of key staff within a team can seriously challenge the ability of your business to deliver consistently on its goals. Low morale and lack of loyalty can come from confl ict, miscommunication and lack of trust. Thomas Teams, used in conjunction with PPA, will enable you to manage and motivate your teams by providing you with an understanding of their strengths, limitations and motivators. It will provide an environment of understanding that enables you to have honest conversations and reduce staff turnover.


Many teams, especially in today’s climate, are under pressure to achieve more with fewer resources. Thomas Teams helps you ensure your teams perform to their maximum ability and enables you to develop your people as an operational unit, instead of as a group of individuals.

Features Assessment type: Behavioral team analysisTime to complete: 20 minutesFormat: 24 questions or interactive version with 4 initial selectionsWhat training is required: PPA certifi cation - 2 Day

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |

“As a result the walls between the original team were taken down. They have gained understanding, respect of different patterns of reaction and acceptance of diversity. Moreover they achieved the side effect of employee turnover decreasing from 46% to 27% and sickness/absenteeism has decreased from 10.6% to 5.8%, all in just one year.”

HR Manager for Danish Contact Centre, IKEA

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |


Teams are critical to driving effective performance in any business. But the majority of teams are signifi cantly underperforming on what’s possible. And the cost to the organization is huge. Thomas Teams will enable you to boost the performance of your team and manage them more effectively.

What you get

Thomas Teams is a behavioral team analysis tool which enables you to set a template of the ideal culture, roles and team leadership style required for your team in order to deliver its business objectives.

Thomas Teams, used in conjunction with Thomas PPA enables you and your teams to understand their strengths, limitations and the value they bring to the business. It will enable you to boost the performance of your team by managing themmore effectively.

Once you have created your report you can compare the ideal team with your existing team. The detailed comparison helps you understand the strengths, limitations, power struggles and gaps in your team make-up. And an analysis of each individual team member enables you to understand their role within the team and it provides a ‘goodness of fi t’ score against the ideal team profi le.

Use Thomas Teams to provide an environment of understanding that will enable you to motivate, lead and boost the performance of your team.

How you’re supported

Our client service team is here to train you, advise you and help you to use people assessments to achieve an immediate impact on your business.

Providing unrivalled support, Thomas’ client service team blends the skills and expertise of consultants, occupational psychologists, facilitators, client service advisors and technical support.

Example: TEAMS Sample Report

Our assessments will provide an insight into your people’s potential, what motivates them, their

core strengths and limitations. They will add a high level of certainty to all of your people-related

decisions across all areas of the employee lifecycle.

What is GIA?

GIA is an aptitude and ability assessment that measures a person’s mental horsepower. It is an independently validated group of tests that provides answers to questions such as:

• Can this person think on their feet?

• How adaptable is this person to change?

• Can they cope with the mental demands of the job?

• Is this person a problem solver?

• To what extent can we develop this person using training?

• Is this person suffi ciently challenged?

• Do they have the capacity to handle greater mental demands in their role?

• Could this person drive change in the organization?

How can GIA help you?


How quickly a recruit learns new procedures and reacts to change can mean the difference between success and failure in their job. And a resume can only tell you so much. By measuring mental horsepower, Thomas GIA can tell you who will hit the ground running and make an early impact in their role. It will help you understand how quickly your candidates learn and retain new skills and procedures, and give you a reliable prediction of their potential to grasp or develop into a new role.


As the economy shifts, it’s essential your talent stays with your business to underpin and drive its future growth. Thomas GIA will help you understand whether they are under- or over-challenged, enabling you to take action to motivate and engage them, and proactively improve employee retention.

Features Assessment type: Aptitude & abilityTime to complete: 30 - 40 minutes Format: 5 short timed testsWhat training is required: GIA certifi cation - 1 Day

“Using Thomas GIA, our new recruits hit the ground running and start selling more quickly.”

Sarah Benson, Yell

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |


Developing your top performers, making sure they are challenged and stimulated, is a continual struggle in many businesses. Thomas GIA will enable you to understand which of your talent will respond best to development activities, how open they truly are to development, and how to give them the appropriate levels of challenge.


Change is inevitable in today’s business environment and it’s essential that your leadership team can adapt. Thomas GIA will help you to identify the managers in your business with the potential to drive and manage change. It will enable you to understand how well your managers adapt in a fl uctuating environment – and how well they’ll respond to development – putting you in a position to strengthen your management capabilities.

What you get

Thomas GIA takes 30 - 40 minutes to complete and you are provided with a report that shows how accurately and quickly the person is able to handle:

• Reasoning

• Perceptual speed

• Numbers

• Word meaning

• Spatial visualization

An overall percentile provides an estimate of the person’s general intelligence, refl ecting both fl uid intelligence and crystallized intelligence. Its accent is on response to training, mental processing speed, concentration and fast track potential.

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |

How you’re supported

Our client service team is here to train you, advise you and help you to use people assessments to achieve an immediate impact on your business.

Providing unrivalled support, Thomas’ client service team blends the skills and expertise of consultants, occupational psychologists, facilitators, client service advisors and technical support.



67% 37%


27 67 37 67 65 53

GIA Profile Chart: Thomas SampleGTQ: 101

Example: GIA Sample Report

Our assessments will provide an insight into your people’s potential, what motivates them, their

core strengths and limitations. They will add a high level of certainty to all of your people related

decisions across all areas of the employee lifecycle.

What is TEIQue?

The Trait Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (TEIQue) is a personality assessment that measures an individual’s Emotional Intelligence potential. It tells you how well your people understand and manage their emotions, how well they interpret and deal with the emotions of others, and how they use this knowledge to manage relationships. It can provide answers to questions such as:

• Do they excel at developing relationships?

• How aware is this person of their strengths and limitations?

• How self motivated and adaptable is this person?

• To what extent does this person modify their behavior to suit changing situations?

• Is this person overly cautious or prone to taking excessive risks?

• How does this person react to pressure?

• Can they control their impulses when under stress?

• How sensitive is this person to other people’s emotions?

• Could this person drive change in the organization?

How can TEIQue help you? RecruitThe TEIQue helps you select candidates who can thrive in a changing and complex “people” environment. Recruiting candidates with the ideal Emotional Intelligence for their role requirements helps them cope with stress, conflict, low morale and change most effectively.

RetainPeople leave managers, not companies. Emotionally intelligent managers have high self-awareness, are excellent communicators and can adapt their natural leadership style to suit a variety of situations. As a result, their teams tend to be well motivated and have high morale, which contributes to retaining staff.

Features Assessment type: Personality & awarenessTime to complete: 20 minutes Format: 153 statements, Likert scale: 1-7 ratingAvailability: 8 languages What training is required: Thomas TEIQue certifi cation -1 day

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |

“Emotional Intelligence makes the difference between good and great leaders.”Linda Watson, Dilligencia

What you get

Thomas TEIQue takes 20 minutes to complete and you are provided with a report that shows the potential for an individual in terms of 4 main factors and 15 distinct facets:

Well-Being Factor• Facets: Happiness, Optimism, Self-esteem

Self-Control Factor• Facets: Emotion Regulation, Impulse Control, Stress Management

Emotionality Factor• Facets: Empathy, Emotion Perception, Emotion Expression, Relationships

Sociability Factor• Facets: Emotion Management, Assertiveness, Social Awareness

Independent Facets• Facets: Adaptability, Self-motivation

Along with percentile scores for each facet and factor listed above, the report provides an overall Global percentile score, which highlights a very broad snapshot of an individual’s overall Emotional Intelligence. Moving further into the report, you are provided with a detailed summary of each factor and facet, explaining the impact of each score and strategies to manage and develop those facets most important in the role or to the individual.

How you’re supported

Our client service team is here to train you, advise you and help you to use people assessments to achieve an immediate impact on your business.

Providing unrivalled support, Thomas’ client service team blends the skills and expertise of consultants, occupational psychologists, facilitators, client service advisors and technical support.

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |





15% %





Example: TEIQue Sample Report

DevelopThe TEIQue creates an environment of understanding that enables you to develop your managers’ self-awareness. TEIQue results allow senior leaders, OD, HR and training practitioners to understand the unique training requirements for each individual and also collate group results to identify opportunities for development programs for the entire organization

ManageThere is a direct link between the level of open and honest communication from a manager and how people feel and perform in their job*. Emotional Intelligence is a vital element of effective leadership, allowing leaders to have excellent self-awareness, be skilled communicators, and adapt their natural leadership style to a variety of people and situations.

*CIPD Employee Outlook, Year Review Summer 2010

What is 360?

Thomas 360 is a multi-rater feedback tool that enables you to take feedback from key colleagues, direct reports and managers to identify performance opportunities. It creates an environment for constructive feedback, enabling your people to understand their personal impact, identify development areas and improve their effectiveness.

There are two questionnaires currently available, for leadership and sales functions.

The Leadership 360 questionnaire can be used to give comprehensive feedback to develop the skills needed to be successful in leadership, managerial and other professional roles.

Leadership competencies:

The Sales 360 degree feedback questionnaire is purely in the context of a fi eld selling role.

Sales competencies:

How can 360 help you?


Thomas 360 can help you identify within your existing employee base the competencies and skills that are missing from your business, putting you in a stronger position to fi nd the person who can fi ll those gaps.


Thomas 360 provides an objective framework for developing self-awareness, confi dence and motivation, which means you’ll understand how to boost morale and minimize turnover.

Features Assessment type: 360 degree feedback toolTime to complete: 20 - 30 minutes Format: 45 competency statements, 1 competency ranking exercise, 2 free form narrative questionsWhat training is required: 2 hour Thomas360 webinar tutorial

“Thomas PPA and 360 help us hire and support the talented individuals that make our business work.”Tony Treacy, Ideas to Market

Our assessments will provide an insight into your people’s potential, what motivates them, their

core strengths and limitations. They will add a high level of certainty to all of your people-related

decisions across all areas of the employee lifecycle.

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |

• Vision

• Impact

• Infl uence

• Communication

• Team working

• Organization

• Drive

• Problem solving

• Strategic awareness

• Client focus

• Impact

• Infl uence

• Communication

• Team working

• Organization

• Drive

• Professional excellence

• Strategic awareness

What you get

The person facilitating the 360 degree feedback process inputs the details for the person being reviewed (recipient) online, and the people giving feedback (raters). An email is automatically sent out to the recipient and the raters asking them to complete the questionnaire.

The questionnaire comprises three main parts:

1. Competency Statements rated on a scale of 1 – 7: “1 – does not do this” to “7 – does this a great deal”. Raters also have the opportunity to check a box entitled “not observed” if they have not been in a position to observe the Recipient behaving in this way or if the competence is not relevant for their job role.

2. Competencies to rank in order of priority for the role.

3. Free narrative form. Raters are asked to answer two questions: What are the key development needs for this person to become more effective? What are their key strengths you have observed in the workplace?

Thomas 360 collates all of the feedback and provides a report detailing:

• Average scores for competencies

• A graph of the top 5 and bottom 5 statement averages

• Summary level of importance of each competency for the role

• Areas for development that would make the individual more effective in their role

• Key strengths and how they are observed in the workplace

• Personal development plan

Use the Thomas 360 report to create an environment that enables open, honest and positive conversations.

How you’re supported

Our client service team is here to train you, advise you and help you to use people assessments to achieve an immediate impact on your business.

Providing unrivalled support, Thomas’ client service team blends the skills and expertise of consultants, occupational psychologists, facilitators, client service advisors and technical support.

© 2011, Thomas International Inc.

1-888-597-6455 | |


Thomas 360 enables your people to understand their personal impact, identify development areas and improve their effectiveness.


Thomas 360 helps you rapidly identify the issues that contribute to under performance and focus management time in the areas that will truly benefi t your business.

Averages for competencies

The table below summarises the scores of your 360 feedback against each of the 9 competency categories. The higher thescore the greater the perception that you display the behaviour. Competencies are ordered so that the competency with thehighest average score (excluding self) is listed at the top.

Summary of level of importance of each competency for job role

The following table summarises how you rate the importance of the competency for your job role. You will also see howyour perception compares with other people that have given you feedback.

Comptencies Ranking Rating

1 = Most Important | 9 = Least Important 7 = High

Self Manager Peer Team Avg 1 = Low

Strategic Awareness 2 3 2 1 2.4 6.6

Vision 1 4 1 3 2.5 6.4

Communication 4 1 3 6 3.5 6.3

Problem Solving 3 2 5 6 4.0 6.1

Drive 7 6 4 2 5.0 6.0

Above: Sample 360 Leadership Report

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