
Post on 19-Jul-2015






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Dermatoglyphics (from ancient Greek derma = "skin", glyph = "carving") is the scientific study of fingerprints. The term was coined by Dr. Harold Cummins, the father of American fingerprint analysis, even though the process of fingerprint identification had already been used for several hundred years [1].

All primates have ridged skin, and it can also be found on the paws of certain mammals and on the tails of some monkey species. In humans and animals, dermatoglyphs are present on fingers, palms, toes, and soles, and give insight into a critical period of embryogenesis, between 4 weeks and 5 months, when the architecture of the major organ systems is developing.

DERMATOGLYPHICS Analisis Sidik Jari Galton; Pola : Arch, loop dan whorl Lipatan germinal epidermis Herediter Terbentuk 12-19 minggu setelah konsepsi Dipengaruhi gen, diterminasi kromosom besar Dapat dipengaruhi penyakit (Rubella) Diagnosa kelainan genetik : Mutasi gen Kelainan struktur kromosom Embryopati (selama kehamilan)

Pola :Arch : simple, tented Loop : ulnar, radial, pheripheral dan central Whorl : konsentris, double loop, spiral, komplek, lateral pocket, central pocket

PalmarTriradius ;A = 0 L = 1 W = 2; a, b, c, d dan t Sudut atd : normal 0-14,9, 39,9 (besar) Tinggi t D = h/l X 100% h = t basis palmar, l = t basis digital Abnormalitas alur : aplasia, hypoplasia, disosiasi, (parsial/ complete), distorsi.

Palmar crease- 3 alur mayor : distral transversal, proximal transversal dan thenar. SIMIAN CREASE (< 6%) SYDNEY CREASE (

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