general english unit 7 describing the steps of a process

Post on 12-Apr-2017






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General English (UNIT 7)Describing the STEPS of a PROCESS

Englishby Matifmarin

Describing a Process: □ You need some LINKING WORDS When you explain the step-by-step order of how things happen or how things get done, you are describing a process as for example: ‘how to make popcorn’, ‘how to get a visa’, ‘how to mend a puncture’, ‘how to make coffee’, ‘how glass is made’, etc.

Now, Make Popcorn!

Let’s see an example:

□ These steps use the active voice, or imperative.              Popcorn is something you often eat when you see a film at a cinema. It is very easy to make perfect popcorn if you follow the correct procedure.

______, put three tablespoons of oil in a large pot. _______, heat the oil on a high flame until one kernel of popcorn pops when you drop it into the hot oil. ______, pour a quarter cup of popcorn into the pot and cover the pot with a lid. Reduce the flame and gently shake the pot. Continue shaking until the corn has popped. ________, empty the popcorn into a large bowl and add melted butter and salt. As you can see making popcorn is very simple if you follow the steps above.

Enjoy your Film! !

First ThenNow


General English (UNIT 7)Describing the STEPS of a PROCESS

Englishby Matifmarin

Firstly, The first step is

First of all, The first stage is

To begin with, ... begins with

Initially ... commences with

Secondly After that …


Beforehand, Before this,

Previously, Prior to this,

Earlier,  Soon

At the same time, During

Simultaneously, When this happens

 Meanwhile While

Secondly, Thirdly etc After this,

Next, The next step is

Then, In the next stage,

Subsequently, In the following stage,

Later, Following this,

→ Linking words are essential for your writing to be natural and clear.


Finally ….


Next …

General English (UNIT 7)Describing the STEPS of a PROCESS

Englishby Matifmarin

Do you like Coffee? Do you know how coffee is made?

These steps use the passive voice.

Today we’re going to describe how instant coffee is produced:

_______, the coffee beans are picked from the trees and dried in the sun. ________,

the beans are roasted and after _______ cooled rapidly before being ground. The beans

are then mixed with hot water and the mixture is strained before it is frozen.__________,

the frozen mixture is ground and then dried in a vacuum before it is packed into jars. The coffee is now ready to be sold in shops.

Instant coffee is not quite as good as real coffee, but it is very popular and saves a lot of time. The manufacturers have done most of the steps for us!

First Secondly



General English (UNIT 7)Describing the STEPS of a PROCESS

Englishby Matifmarin

Exercises 1Now it’s your turn!! Tell me how to decorate a

Xmas tree.Arrange the steps in the right order and Let’s decorate the Tree!

__________, hang large ornaments.__________, fill in with smaller ornaments. Place small ornaments near the top, medium in the centre and large at the base. Work form inside of the branches to the outside. __________ , choose red or blue lights to go with it.

, hang the garland. Weave it in and out of the branches.__________ , hang the lights. Wind the lights around the branches and spread them evenly.__________, set the tree up on a tree stand and attach a tree topper.

___________, stand back and admire it!!

Suggested answers

First Next


Just before the last step Finally

Following that After that

General English (UNIT 7)Describing the STEPS of a PROCESS

Englishby Matifmarin

Exercises 2Processing an order

1 2

3 4


Match the sentences to the pictures

• We arrange delivery

• We pack the goods

• We receive the order

• We check the stock

• We enter the data

□ Use the following words to help you write the process: First, then, next, after that, finally Or First, second, third……………………1 First, we receive the order. or First, the order is received.2 _____________________________________________3 _____________________________________________4 _____________________________________________5 ______________________________________________

General English (UNIT 7)Describing the STEPS of a PROCESS

Englishby Matifmarin

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