genetic basis of heterosis

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  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis





    General Statements and Explanations of some

    Basic Genetic Principles.

    Th e crossing of unre lated individuals often

    results in offspring with increased vigor. This is

    called heterosis or hybrid vigor, and the genetic

    background for it is not known with certainty.

    There are two general modes in which het-

    erosis is expressed. The firs t is an increase in

    size or num ber of parts. It is the resul t of grea ter

    cell activity or greater number of cells. The

    second way is by an increase in biological effici-

    ency such as reproductive rate or survix-a1ability.

    In addition to this, there may be a reduction of

    grow th and/or survival rate . that is, hybird

    weakness, reversed , or negative heterosis. This

    is not common, however, it does occur (18). Stern.

    1948, has found one exampl e of negative hetero-

    isis in Drosophilla, Hemizgotes and homozygotes

    for a serie s of position alleles R+ and +3 possess

    norm al venation. However, the heterozygote

    R+ /+ 3 exhibits various degrees of deficient ven-

    ation. Thus the genotypic combination of the

    two, or the

    heterozygosity at a single locus de-

    ceases effectiveness (26).

    Heterosis has been utilized for many plant

    and animal improvements.

    Farm crops: Maize, sugar beets, sorghums, forage

    crops, and grasses.

    Horticultural crops: Tomatoes, squashes, cucum-

    bers, eggplants, onions, and annual orna-



    Livestock: Swin e, poult ry, beef and milk ca ttle.

    Vegetatively propagated plants (13).

    The greatest development of heterosis has

    been in


    Mays (33). One hundred per cent of the

    corn now grown in the corn belt is hybrid corn(l3).

    Commerically, hybrid corn seed is produced by

    thz double-cross as follows:

    Inbred Inbred Inbred Inbred


    B C D


    (AxB) x (CxD)

    (double-cross) (25)


    pape r presented in a n Animal Breeding class

    at Louisiana Polytechnic Institute.

    The expression of each charac ter, as a rule ,

    is independent of other characters. Thus. the

    plan t will not be heterotic as a whole. Brieger.

    1950. rep ort s that the heterotic characters affect-

    ed in maize, are: height, position of e ar . size of

    leaves. chlorophyll formation, root system, resist-

    ance to disease, pests. and unfavorable conditions,

    size an d numbe r of kernels, width and len gth of

    ear, size and bran ching of tassel, and th e amount


    of pollen shed. Earliness, lateness, row nu

    plant and kernel color are not affected by

    erosis (3). However, Leng reports tha t

    number is affected in widely different degre

    heterosis, and tha t number of kernels p er

    (ear length) is the only primary yield comp


    which large positive effects of heterosi

    manifested consistently (20).

    Chambers, et al, (4), reported that in

    hybrid vigor is evident in number of pig

    litter, and litter weights at birth but it incr

    as the litter becomes less dependent upo

    direct mothering ability of the dam.


    expressed to a greater extent in the incr

    viability of pigs and productivity of two

    cross gilts than in the increased gro wth ra

    individual pigs. The ext ra number of pig

    litter in most cases

    was sufficient to accou

    a larger percentage of th e increase in tota l

    weight. Therefore, since heterosis is express

    both number of pigs survived and gro wth

    per pig, total weight of litter seems to be th

    best over all measure of performance for com

    ison of lines or crosses 4).

    When a heterozygote A1 A1 resembles in

    otype of the homozygotes AI AI or



    allele A1 is said to be dominant or rece

    Dominance is when AI At. resembles

    Dominance is absent when A A: is ex

    midway between A1 AI and A: A ? . Domin

    is incomplete when A1 Ar is intermediate bet

    AI A, and At. A? . Overdominance is when

    is more extreme-for example, larger-t

    ei ther AI A1 or A. A? (25).

    Mutations constantly produce delete

    mutants. Natural selection quickly eliminate

    dominant gene alleles but cannot eliminate re

    ive gene alleles because they are covered

    overpowered by good dominants. Thu s in

    the deleterious alleles build up in a popula

    Grea t loads of these delete rious recessive a

    are present in normally crossbred popula

    (25). This has been proven tr ue by Dobzh

    in Drosophila pseudoobscura where a m

    ity of the individua ls carry heterozygous re

    ives. When these were inbred. the offspring

    more highly homozygous but it resulted


    of vigor. This vigor was restored when t h

    bred lines were intercrossed (8).

    Inbreeding increases the proportion o

    mozygotes in the population.

    For exampl

    F.L f a monohybrid cross AA x aa is 25AA

    25aa. 50 percent are homozygous; 50 percen

    heterozygous. Suppose all plants ar e s

    The en tir e progeny of homozygous individua

    main homozygous, but only half of the hete r

    ous, individuals remain heterozygous, the

    half become homozygous. This is illus trat

    Table I.

    Six N

  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis


  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis


  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis


  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis



    HUNTSVILLE Historical Huntsville

    preparing a welcome-of-tomorrow for the annu

    meeting of two agricu ltura l associations set f


    5 6 7.

    While not in official sessions. the Nation

    Association of Colleges and Teachers of Agricu

    ture and Delta Tau Alpha Honor Fraternity w

    have an opportunitv for tours in an area that

    fast becoming the leading tourist attraction in t

    great Southwest.

    Meeiings will be held


    Sam Houston Sta

    Tecchers College's glamorous new 1.8 millio

    Lowman Student Center.

    Conve~itiondelegates will enjoy a tour o

    the historic campus.

    The Austin College Buil

    ing. built in


    is the oldest building west

    the Mississippi still in use for educational pu

    poses. Thc newest ol the college's ma ny faci

    ties is the Farrington Science building. Stu den

    study here under ideal conditions



    ped laboratories. Jus t one of the many adva

    tages for study that the science students have

    Lhe planatnrium.

    The Graphic Arts Building houses the on

    complete graphic arts department in the worl

    Along with studies in journalism, photograph

    and photo-engraving. the complete Southwe

    School of P rin ting is housed in this building .

    The modern new agriculture laboratory w

    be of interes t to convention delegates. The 89

    acre Country Campus offers agricultural studen

    splendid opportunities to demonstrate and stud

    in agronomy. horticulture. dairy. livestock. an

    poultry farming. Country Campus is also th

    home of Sam Houston' s excellent 9-hole go

    course in the rolling hills of Walker County.

    Historic Huntsville is the home of th e St a

    Prison. The well-kept buildings of both th

    main unit and the farm units. are a clear refle

    tion of Texas' advanced prison system. In tun

    with their striving for rehabilitation. the priso

    ers are entertained each October by well-know

    performer s at the annu al Prison Rodeo. Th

    rodeo staged for the prisoners is visited by hund

    reds of rodeo lovers from the Lone Star sta

    as well as other states.

    Across from the prison, on the shortest high

    \vay in the state. is the grave of G enera l Sam

    Houston, first president of the Republic ol' Texa

    Nestled in the tall pines of east Texas

    Sam Houston Park . The serene park grounds fea

    tur e a museum in Sam Houston's honor. Adja

    cent to the museum is the small home of th

    farnous Texan, a vivid exa mple of how the gr ea

    man lived. small log cabin houses th e law

    books he used in his practice. Behind t he whi t

    frame house is the newly built War and Peac

    House. A tri but e to Texas' own soldiers is show

    here in World War I and I1 relics.

    en N

  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis


    of ommerce

    Overlooking the park is the i~ostalgic team-

    boclt House the two-story home fashioned after


    lMississippi steamboat in which the Texas Gen-

    eral spent his last days.

    Only nine miles from the Sam Houston Park

    is Huntsv ille State Park. Thousands of Texans

    flock annually to the 21.000-acre recreational

    area. Pleasant holidays are spent fishing camp-

    ing boating and skiing.

    Driving back into scenic Huntsville. NACTA

    and DTA delegates trave l through par t of the

    155 000 acre National Forest. Driving through

    this beautiful wooded area. they end up back on

    campus under th e tall spires of Old Main.

    News Bureau. Sam Houston State

    Huntsville. Texas

    M RCH


  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis



    (Continued From Page 9)

    the interaction can be described in ter ms of the

    ability to synthesize specific metabolites. Emerson

    decribed this Neurospora heterocaryon (physio-

    logical apprcximation to a heterozygote in a

    diploid organism) with a one-gene difference be-

    tween the component nuclei showing superior

    growth to either homocaryotic strain.


    cally, it appear that one homocaryotic strain

    synthesizes too little vitamin para-amino benzoic


    wheress the other produces an excess that

    promotes a reaction deleterious to growth. The

    heterocaryon achieves a proper balance that is

    enough for growth and not to the extent that it

    is deleterious (1).

    Bonnier, 2). concluded that the single

    assumption of overdominance will make many

    accessory assumptions unnecessary. As long as

    there is not biochemical proof to the contrary,

    the assumption of overdominance seems to be the

    simplest explanation for heterosis


    Other Facis and Ideas on Heierosis.

    The simplest kind of t ru e heterosis--euheter-

    osis-is the

    r sult

    of a superior dominant allele

    sheltering a deleterious recessive mutant


    Thus heterosis proper or euheterosis is a product

    of muta tion and selection pressures. Luxur iance

    of heterozygotes is an evolutionary accident (8).

    Luxuriance is observed in some hybrids between

    normally self-ferterlized species, races. or strains.

    This luxur iance is not due to sheltering of dele ter-

    ous genes nor due to overdominance. Luxur iance

    is from the evolutionary standpoint, an accidental

    condition brought about by complementary action

    of genes found in the parental form crossed. These

    cases do not seem to be bet ter adaptable and also

    ar e more frequently found in domesticated species.

    Luxuriance is, really. pseudoheterosis 9).

    It is interesting to note in the roport of

    Wellhausen that Chalqueno corn. a hybrid of

    Conicc and Tuxpeno: two distinct races of corn


    not outdo either parent in their respective

    location as measured by yield. yet in a new

    envi ronment i t has an excess of vigor.


    the genotype is no different. The difference in

    this case must be due to different interactions be-

    tween over-all gene action and environment (31).

    Jn Drosophila paeudoobscura both of th e two

    kinds of heterosis ar e reasonably well known and

    understood. Firs t, there is the presence of deleter-

    ious recessive mutant gene being sheltered by

    their normal dominant alleles in a population.

    Accumulation of these deleterious genes is a by-

    product of the muta tion process.

    Secondly, there


    complexes of linked polygenes which give spe-

    cific heterotic interaction effects in heterozy-

    gotes (overdominance). This kind of heterosis is en-

    gendered by natura l selection and a form of

    ada pta tio n of species to its environment


    Hayman said that heterosis is a


    phenomena: possible causes are epistasis. over-

    dominance, and accumulation of favorable domin-

    ants in the heterozygotes (14).

    Many factors may influence hybrid vigor.

    Genes that have no dominance may be the ones

    that have a major effect on heterosis.


    chromosomal deletions may occur which is

    complete elimination of a normal locus.


    are also dominant unfavorable genes pre

    In the homozygote, they are not completely le

    but seldom produce seed or pollen.

    In t he h

    ozygote there is a marked reduction in

    growth, and reproduction as compared wi th e

    parent (18).

    In choromosomal resrrangements, suc

    inversions and translocations. genes without

    ation are placed in different spatial relations

    other genes. In altered position they have d

    ent effects 18). Dobzhansky and Rhodes in

    suggested a method of locating genes by para

    tric inversions. In plant s heterozygous for

    inversions. the crossovers that occur within

    inverted segments are only rarely recovere

    viable gametes. Thus. the inve rted segme

    inherited as a urlit and all genes contained w

    the segment are completely linked with very

    exceptions. In plants without inversions. w

    crossing over breaks up favorable combina

    of minor genes. the existance of them is diff

    to demonstrate. Thus. if the same characteri

    show up in all followinq generations. then i

    be assumed that these characteristics were loc

    in the inverted section. Sprague, 1941. used

    method and found that plants with heterozy

    inverted segments were superior to homozy

    inverted segment in yield and kernel weigh

    the difference as significant. Chao, study in

    bred lines of corn by this method, found tha t g

    increasing ear height in most of these inbred

    were present in chromosome 6 of the ln3 a s

    and in the long arm of chromosome 3. These g

    did not show overdominance (5).



    known that have different effec

    the different parts of an organism. These g

    may be so close together that they never

    crossing over or they may be compound g

    with multiple effects. That a chromosome

    linear arran gement of loci. each of which is a

    of a single gene with a one-effect-function.

    over-simplification. There are also single g

    with multiple effects. This has been proven

    especially tru e in growth production illustrate

    chlorophyll formation (18). However the dev

    ment of cholorophyll is affected by man y g

    all, in this case. involved in the developme

    .this heitable characte r. Each recesive a

    when homozygous allows formation of par ti

    no pigmentation resulting in an albino.

    generally believed that the majority. if no

    genes for albinism, a f f ~ c t different step

    chlorophyll production. Thus if one step fai

    go to completion. albinism results (16).

    It has also been suggested that heterosis

    be the result of t he interaction between genes

    cytoplasm. Within species, differences in rec

    cal crosses are rare; however, in two diff

    flowering types of tobacco, crosses show a m

    nal effect (18).



    Shull preferred

    explanation that heterosia was due to a stim

    resulting from a changed nucleus on a relat

    unaltered cytoplasm.


  • 8/10/2019 Genetic Basis of Heterosis


    Whaley reported that heterosis is associated

    with the ability of the hybrid to synthesize or

    to utilize one or several specific substances involv-

    ed in fundam ental growth processes of organ-

    isms. Much evidence indicates that primary

    heterosis effect is concerned with growt h sub-

    stances whose predominant activity is registered

    in the earl y part of the development cycle. Many

    hybrid plants gain their advantage a few hours

    after germination. The primary gro wth activities

    at thi s stage involves the unfolding of t he

    enzymatic pattern. Here the hybrid has its ad-

    vantage (32). Gartner,et


    (1953), found that the

    degree of heterosis in the experimental plants of

    A n i i r r h i n u m majus L. (snapdragon) was greatly

    influenced by the amount of solar radiation.

    Heterotic ability of the F1 to retain the indol-

    acetic acid has been demonstrated. The greater

    abili ty of the hybrids to retain and utilize growth

    substance under high light conditions permits

    greate r expansion of plant tissue and t hus gives

    the additional growth increment that can cumu-

    latively result in heterosis



    Cases are reported where a deleterious re-

    cessive gene caused the heterozygote to be no

    bette r than the homozygous normal. These genes

    are lethal or nearly lethal. They are all unfavor-



    Sternei al, 26), tested the viability

    of Drosphila melanogasfer for 75 sex linked recess-

    ive lethals. It was found tha t on the average the

    viabi lity of the heterozygote for lethals was .965.

    a decrease in viability of approximately




    By way of a summary, it can be said tha t

    heterosis can involve only recombinations of al-

    ready existing alleles, unless by rare chance

    mutation occurs. We are thus concerned with an

    interpreta tion limited to diffe rent types of re-

    combinations. and to different kinds of gene action

    resul ting from these recombinations (32). The

    basic principle of all explanations is tha t different

    gene combinations from the same restricted pool

    of genes will give many different phenotypes (30).

    In conclusion, heterosis is apparently not due to

    any single genetic cause.


    Beadle, G. W.. 1953, Heterosis, Journa l of Here -

    dity, 44:88

    2. Bonnier, G., 1961 Esperi ments on Hybr id Super-

    iori ty in Drosophila melanogaster: Egg Layi ng

    Capacity and Larval Survival, Genetics. 46:9-24


    Brieger, F. G., 1950, Genetic Basic of Hete rosis in

    blaize, Genetics, 35: 420-45.


    Cham bers , D. and Whatley, J. A., 1951, Heterosis in

    Crosses of Inbred Lines of Duroc Swine,

    Jou rna l of Animal Science, 10:505-15.


    Chao, C. Y., 1959, Heterotic Effects of a Chromoso-

    mal Segment in Maize, Genetics. 44:657-77.

    6. Crow, J. F., 1948, Alternative Hypothesis of Hy-

    brid Vigor. Genetics. 33:477-87.

    7. Crow, Jam es F., Dominance and Overdominance,

    edited by John W Gowen, 1952 Heterosis. Iowa

    Sta te College Press, Arnes. Iowa.

    8. Dobzhansky, T.. 1950, Genetics of National Pop-

    ulations: Orgin of Heterosis Through Natural

    Selection in Population of Drosophila pseudoob-

    scura, Genetics, 35:288-302.

    9. Dobzhansky,


    H., Natu re and Orgi n of Heteros

    edited by John W. Gowen, 1952, Heterosis, Io

    Statc College Press Ames Iowa.


    England. D. C. and

    L M.

    Winters , 1953, Effects

    Genetic Diversity and Performance of Inb

    Lines per se on Hybrid Vigor in Swin

    Journal of Animal Science, 12: 836-47.

    11. Gartner,

    J. B.,

    and others , 1953, Effect of Indo

    acetic Acid and Amount of Solar Radiation

    Heterosis in the Snapdragon, Science. 117:5


    12. Go\r.en, Jo hn W., Hybr id Vigor in Drosophil

    edited by John


    Gowen, 1952, Hetero

    Iowa State College Press, Ames. Iowa.

    13. Hayes. H. K., Development of th e Heterosis C

    cept, edited by Jo hn W. Gowen, 1952, Hetero

    Iowa Sta te College Press, Arne.. Iowa .

    14. Hayman,


    L., 1957 Interaction, Hetcrosis, A

    Diallel Crosses. Genetics. 42:336-55

    15. Henderson,


    T., 1949. Consideration of

    Genetic Explanations of Heterosis, Agrono

    Journa l, 41 :123-6.

    1G. Irwin.


    R. Specificity of Gene Effects, edi

    by Joh n W. Gowen, 1952. Heterosis, Iowa S t

    College Press, Ames, Iowa.

    17. Jones, D. F.. 1945, Heterosis Resu lting fr

    Degenera tive Changes. Genetics., 30527-42

    18. Jones, Donald


    Plasmagenes and Chromoge

    in Heterosis, edited by Jo hn W. Gowen, 19

    Heterosis, Iowa State College Press, Ames, Iow

    19. Jones,

    D. F.,

    1957, Gene Action i n Heteros

    Genetics, 42:92-103.

    20. Leng, E.


    1954, Effects of Heterosis on th e Ma

    Components of Grain Yield in Corn, Agrono

    Journal, 46:502-506.

    21. Rickey, F. D.. 1945, Bruce's Explanation of Hyb

    Vigor, Journa l of Hered ity , 36:243-4.

    22. Shu ll, G.


    1948, Wha t is Heterosis? Genet


    23. Shul l, George Harrison, Beginning of th e Hetero

    Concept, edited by John W. Gowe n, 1

    Heterosis. Iowa Sta te College Press, Ames, Io


    Sierlr, C.


    and L. &I. Winters . 1951, Study

    Heterosis in Swine, Journ al of Ani mal Scien


    25. Sinno tt, Edmund W.. Dunn, L. C.. and Dobzhans

    Theodosius, 1958. Principles of Genetics, M



    Hill Book Company, Inc., New Yo

    Chapter 19, Pages 254-268.

    26. Stern, C. 1948, Negative Heterosis and Decrea

    Effectiveness of Alleles in Heterozygote

    Genetics, 33:215-19.

    27. Ste rn, C., an d other s. 1952, Viability of He te

    zygotes for Lethals. Genetics, 37:413-49.

    78 Strauss,


    S., and J. W. Gowen, 1943, Hetero

    Its Mechanism in Terms of Chromosmes Un

    in Egg Production of Drosophila melanogasr

    Abstract. Genetics, 28:93.

    9. Tantaway, A 0 1957, Heterosis and Gene

    Variance in Hybrids Between

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    Drosophila melanogaster. in Relation to the Level

    Homozygosity, Genetics, 42535-43.

    30. Wagner, Robert P., and Mitchell, Herschell. 1

    Genetics and Metabolism. Joh n Wiley So

    Inc., New york.




    J., Heterosis in a New Populatio

    edited by John W. Gowen, 1952, Heterosis, Io

    State College Press, Ames, Iowa.

    32. Whaley, W. Gordon,

    Physiology of Gen e Act

    in Hybrids, e&ted by John W. Gowen, 1

    Heterosis. Iowa S tat e College Press , Ames, Io

    33. Zirkle, Conway, Early Ideas on Inbreeding

    Crossbreeding, edited by John W. Gowen, 1

    Heierozis, Iowa State College Press. Ames, Io

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