gentry high school safety · 2019. 9. 25. ·...

Post on 08-Oct-2020






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Gentry High School

Safety Plan


The Sunflower County Consolidated School District has a School Safety Plan that has been

adopted and approved by the School Board for the entire district. Gentry High School’s Safety

Plan does not replace nor overrule the District’s Safety Plan. Gentry’s plan is to only afford

additional safety to the student body, faculty, staff, and parents of the high school.

Identifying safe school strategies and programs in response to crime data and student


A. Improvement of Graffiti and Vandalism

The administration and School Police have implemented an aggressive approach toward reducing

incidents of graffiti on campus. Gentry High School makes every effort to identify perpetrators of

crimes and implement appropriate consequences. The following activities have been implemented:

a. The administration and School Police will contact parents for payment of damages.

b. Increase awareness through bulletin announcements and special assemblies focusing on student

responsibilities and school pride.

c. Work with School Police Services and Indianola Police Department to identify and arrest


d. Consult with community-based organizations for additional resources, including clean up

supports and volunteer assistance.

Disaster Response Procedures

• Reference Emergency Procedures District Safety Plan

(1) The site disaster plan has been developed to provide for the safety of students, staff, building,

equipment, and supplies. It includes the organization of staff to meet an emergency, a system of

warning, instruction, and preparation of students, and appropriate drills.

(2) In the event of a major disaster, Gentry High School must provide for the safety and

accountability of students and staff. Each teacher should have a copy of the District Safety Plan, a

red and green laminated card, and room identification clipboard used for classroom identification

and class roll, and a laminated copy of the Emergency Procedures posted in the room.

(3) Fire Drill – In case of a fire or fire drill, the office will do an all call over the intercom. Office

personal will say “evacuate to football field”. In the event of power outage an amplified device

such as a bullhorn will be used. This is your signal to evacuate all buildings on campus. The fire

evacuation signal is not an optional signal. All buildings must be evacuated as quickly as possible.

Make sure to place your Green Card on your door and bring your student roll with you.

(5) Tornado Drill – If there is a tornado drill, the office will do an all call over the intercom saying

“bad weather”. If there is power outage an amplified device such as a bullhorn will be used.

Teachers are to take action according to the instructions posted in their room. Because Gentry is

an open campus some class rooms will stay inside their room and others will report to the nearest

hall. Be familiar with your room.

(5) Bomb Threat – In the event of a bomb threat, the administration will assume the responsibility

for initiating and directing a search and determining the need for evacuation. If an evacuation is

required, evacuation will be stated over the intercom. Teachers will be told the location to evacuate

to. This location will be the safest location away from the bomb threat. As teachers leave their

class they are to place the green card on the door and ensure they have their class roll with them.

(6) Lockdown – In the event of a civil disturbance which may threaten the safety of students, the

following procedure will be followed: The office will announce “lockdown” over the intercom

system this will indicate the need to lock doors, close windows and blinds, and ensure that all

students stay away from windows. DO NOT OPEN DOOR FOR ANY REASON. If students are

outside their classrooms, staff will direct all students to the nearest room as soon as possible. Staff

members should remain inside the door to allow access to any student or staff left outside as long

as it is safe to do so. Once the door is closed, DO NOT OPEN THE DOOR FOR ANY REASON


NOTIFIED BY POLICE OR ADMINISTRATION. If necessary, all students or staff will be

instructed to duck-and-cover under their desks. Make sure your computer is on and email is

running. The administration will attempt to communicate via email. School Police Services will

be notified either by radio or by calling 207-5526. Announcement over the intercom saying “all

clear” will indicate the "all clear". Teachers should take attendance to assure that all students are

accounted for.

(7) Rumor Control - It is of the utmost importance that we convey to all students that we, the

adults, are in control and will protect all students. Remind students that much of what they hear

will be a rumor. The administration will issue an informational bulletin to dispel rumors and to

communicate facts as needed.


In the need to evacuate from the school there will be a primary and secondary location to

evacuate. The first location is Carver Elementary School auditorium. The address for this

location is 404 Jefferson Street, Indianola, MS. Carver is .5 miles away from Gentry High


Gentry High School 801 B B King Road Indianola, MS 38751 (662) 884-1240

1. Head west toward B B King Rd

279 ft 2. Turn left onto B B King Rd

351 ft

3. Turn right onto Jefferson St Destination will be on the left

0.4 mi

Carver Upper Elementary School Indianola, MS

The secondary location is Robert Merritt Middle School located at 705 Kinlock Road, Indianola,

MS 38751. This school is 1 mile away from Gentry High School.

Driving directions to Robert L Merritt Middle School

Gentry High School 801 B B King Road Indianola, MS 38751 (662) 884-1240

1. Head west toward B B King Rd

279 ft 2. Turn left onto B B King Rd

0.2 mi 3. Turn right onto Oak St

0.5 mi 4. Turn left onto Garrard Ave

0.1 mi 5. Take the 1st right onto Carver St

0.3 mi

6. Turn right onto Kinlock Rd Destination will be on the right

197 ft

Robert L Merritt Middle School 705 Kinlock Road Indianola, MS 38751

Employee and Student Parking

All students of Gentry High School are required to park in the parking lot on the South

end of the campus in front of the school. You will need to see ROTC for your parking


All employees are required to park in the student parking lot on the North end of the

campus near the buses. Students also need to see ROTC for your parking permit.

Not having the required permit may result in your vehicle being towed at your expense.

After all buses have completed their route the fence along BB King Road and Battle

Street will be locked until school dismisses for the day.

Safe Ingress and Egress Procedures

Gentry High School objective is to provide both traffic and pedestrian plans

that will ensure all students are safe when traveling to and from school.

1. Students should not use alleyways when walking to school or designated bus stop.

2. Students should not stop at any parks in the neighborhood while walking to and from

school or designated bus stops.

3. Students should use a buddy system for walking to and from school or designated

bus stop.

4. Students should always use the crosswalk.

5. Students shall stay out of the roadway and residential yards when walking to and

from school and designated bus stops.

6. Students shall avoid strangers who attempt to approach or do approach them in an

inappropriate manner while coming to and from school or designated bus stop.

7. Students shall report such incidents to the school office immediately.

8. Drivers are required to drive safely and wear seatbelts while driving on campus and

in the school parking lot.

9. Motorists are to follow Mississippi Department of Safety laws and follow existing

drop-off and pick-up procedures for each site.


Mr. Randy Ball

Dr. Latonya Johnson

Sgt. Alford Powell

Ms. Christi Bowen

Mr. Mario Young

Mr. Robert Davis

Emergency Contact Information

Name Cell Home

Randy Ball

(662) 207-4952

Robert Davis

(662) 303-8895

Mario Young

(662) 207-1237

Emergency Supplies and


Emergency supplies and first aid supplies are necessary when a disaster of any

nature occurs. Supplies are housed in a storage area in the main office. The

following lists contain items that may be useful during a crisis of varying types.


Candles Blankets

Matches Bottled Water

Flashlights Paper Towels

Batteries Wet Wipes

Emergency Radio Cell Phone-to be used outside the school area


Assorted Band Aids Disposable latex gloves

Gauze Sterile Water (for burns)

Tape Scissors

Tweezers Elastic/Cohesive Bandages

Instant Ice Packs Peroxide

Q-Tips Antibiotic Ointment

Alcohol Cotton Balls



Student/Faculty/Staff Records

Information on file is accurate, accessible on computer, current, updated at regular

intervals, and specified on the school calendar. Student/Faculty/Staff Records are

complete with life-threatening medical facts such as the following:


Ongoing or chronic medical conditions


Individual student transportation (to and from school either car riders

or bus numbers) is on the school computer and in the permanent

record file.

Records clearly identify persons authorized to pick up the student in

the absence of parent/guardian. Copies of court orders relevant to the

children are on file in the school office.

Procedures require that records and identification be checked prior to

release of student to any person (e.g., check photo identification upon


If computerized records are unavailable, records are alphabetized by

grade level so that information can be located quickly.

Staff/faculty records meet the same qualifications noted for student


Back-up copies of student/staff records are kept at an alternate site off


Alcohol/Drug/Violence Programs

Alcohol/drug/violence prevention programs are integrated into subject areas. A

“zero tolerance” policy is in place. Rules are enforced consistently. Opportunities

are available for support groups as needed for students/staff.

Visitor Access Control

All exterior doors are monitored with a camera system.

Procedures for visitor identification are in place. All visitors enter the front

doors to the building beside the office area. Visitors must sign in and are

immediately recognized and they are given a visitor’s badge to wear. Badges

are clearly identifiable. Visitors are not allowed to proceed to classes unless

they have received prior approval from the office/principal.

To obtain a visitor’s badge you must leave your State issued identification or

leave your vehicle keys in the main office. They will be returned upon

returning the visitor’s badge.

Procedures for school visitation are covered in the school handbook and in

the teacher handbook. Signs are posted on all doors indicating the procedure

that visitors must follow upon entering the building.

The visitor procedure is consistently and efficiently implemented. Parents,

students, faculty, and staff are notified immediately if change in procedure

takes place.

Faculty and staff are alert to identified and non-identified visitors. Faculty

and staff follow a procedure in place for identifying strangers or unidentified

visitors in the building or on school ground.

If disruption is anticipated, visitors are escorted out and away from the

building and the local police department and /or school resource officer are



The existing intercom system permits communication to all rooms inside the

school building.

Fire/severe weather alarm procedures are in place and cover all buildings

and school areas. Procedures and diagrams are posted in all locations of the


Alarms can be heard in all areas of the campus. A Weather Tone Alert radio

linked to the local Emergency Management Area is in the office and

lunchroom. It has a built-in battery backup and is capable of transmitting

warnings to our school at all times.

There is a back-up procedure for alarms due to power failure. Electronic

alarms use a battery backup if power failure occurs. If the electronic alarms

will not sound, there is a manual system that can be used.

A private line other than the published school number(s) is available for

emergencies and known only to administrative personnel. A walkie-talkie

used only by administrative county personnel is also available and remains

active at all times.

A sufficient number of computers, lap top computers, fax, and e-mail

capabilities are available to serve emergencies. Batteries are kept charged

and on hand.

School personnel uses district automated messenger system to send parents

advanced notices when school is to dismiss earlier than normal.

Lost/Runaway Students

If it is suspected that a child is lost or has run away from school, the following

procedures will be followed:

The teacher should notify the administration immediately of the situation.

Administration will determine if the student came to school for any part of

the day by checking with the bus driver, through attendance records, and by

checking the sign out sheet.

Office personnel will make an all-call on the intercom for the child while

administration is checking records.

A designee will be assigned to check all areas of the school such as

restrooms, gymnasium, library, computer labs, etc.

Security camera film will be used if teacher verifies that the student was on


An attempt to notify parents or guardians will be made if the child is not

found on campus.

The school will contact the Districts S.R.O. and superintendent/conservator

Appropriate law enforcement will be notified of the situation.

A follow-up conference will be conducted the following day with parents.

Appropriate disciplinary action will be taken according to due process if


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