get an std! strategies for winning in mobile acquisition

Post on 09-May-2015






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Are you outraged by the cost of buying mobile customers. Why not acquire them virally. This deck walks through the best way to get new mobile customers via user recommendations.


Successfully Competing in Mobile By Embracing STDs

(Socially Transmitted Downloads)

John Maffei General Manager, Acquisition K-Invite, Medio Systems

Everyone Needs Customers

Web and Mobile Spends Increasing Every Year

Mobile Ad Spends Growing Fast

* Cost of a iOS customer from Facebook Mobile, Dec 2013 (Ad Parlour)

Acquiring Customers is Too Expensive Spend To Much and Bad Things Happen

Everyone Wants a Perfect Match

Acquiring Users is a Lot Like Dating

Who are you really buying?

Blind Dates are Scary!

Who are you really dating or buying?

Wow, the same thing works in business!

Best Chance of Successful Match? A Friend Introduction

Who are you really buying?

It Makes Perfect Sense

1. Your customers know your products best 2. They know which of their friends would like your

products 3. Friends recommend things to highly targeted audiences 4. Referred customers engage, retain and monetize better

than customers acquired via ads

Who are you really buying?

Lots of Brands are Doing It

Who are you really buying?

Metrics Prove It

• Personal SMS messages driving 30%+ click to action – As opposed to 2.5% for targeted email


• Average users who engages sends 4+ invites to friends

• User retention 2X greater

• Users making commerce purchases are 3X greater rate

Getting Virality: Wise path for growth

Make Your Mobile App Social: Wisest Path for Growth of Your Business

5 Rules of Virality

1. Build great apps, ones that don’t suck!

2. Build viral hooks into your App

3. Make it easy to spread the word

4. Reward users Really Well for their social behavior

5. Don’t forget to track who is most viral & know their ROI

5 Rules of Mobile Virality

1. Build Compelling Game Play

Really Bad (Zynga Farmville)

Really Good (Zynga Words With Friends)

1. Build Compelling App

2. Build viral hooks into your game (friend bonuses)

2. Make Virality Core to your App

(Copy’s Example)

3. Reward Users for Their Social Behavior

Be Like GREE

War of Nations Loves Virally Acquired Users!

4. Make it Easy to Contact Friends, Spread the Word

Go beyond Facebook! Don’t Ignore SMS, Email, Twitter as a social channels

5. Understand Your Virality

How are friend acquired users stacking up? Do they buy more, stay longer, more social?

Acquisition without Monetization An Especially Painful Death

It’s all about the Economy Math, Stupid

Know Your Monetization Numbers

• What’s my ARPDAU?

• What’s my LTV?

• How long is my average customer staying?

• What activities are monetizing best?

• Do I have a grasp on cash flow restraints?

Basic Math

Cost to get a mobile user (via Ads) 2.00$

% of users who spend 2%

Cost to acquire a paying user 100.00$

Do You Know Your LTV? If no, stop spending Now! Are you covering your marketing spend?

If No, Stop Spending Now If No, lower your cost of acquisition by driving

STDs? (Socially Transmitted Downloads)

When the Math Works Buy, Buy, Buy

It’s all about the Economy Math, Stupid

1. Build compelling mobile products

2. Know your economics cold

3. Your audience should be your best sales force

4. Reward your customers handsomely for spreading the word


John Maffei General Manager, Medio

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