get gorgeous - the beauty e book by nipun k

Post on 07-May-2015



Self Improvement



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How to get long shiny hair? or Skin that always glows. DIY recipes for masks, scrubs and much more along with the detailed lists of TOP 10 products across categories



Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles











Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

Lets Get Started PERSONAL CARE


Lip-gloss can be described by glossy, vibrant and silky words. Today, lipstick has turned into lip gloss and has

been widely used among all. A young girl uses lip-gloss for looking attractive or for a kiss. One can simply make

lip gloss at home, making it at home can be exciting, flavour some and fun.

1. Homemade Lip Gloss Recipes:

You will need:

10 to 12 fresh cranberries

One full tablespoon of almond oil

One full teaspoon of honey


To begin with, put all ingredients in a bowl and put it in a microwave for some minutes. Following this mix and

crush all cranberries. And then strain by seine for removing the entire pieces of fruit. It is now ready to use and

one ought to put it into a little airtight container.

2. Chocolate Lip Gloss

You will need:

Take 4-5 chips of Chocolate

About 3 full tablespoon of cocoa butter

One capsule of Vitamin E


Put the entire ingredients in a big boiler and melt them very well. Following this, blend it by using a spoon. One

can make use of this homemade lip-gloss on lips. Pour it into a small bottle and keep in a cool place for making

the chocolate lip gloss solid.

3. Honey Citrus Lip Gloss

You will need:

2 teaspoon of beeswax

1 full teaspoon of honey

Minimum 8 teaspoon of sweet almond oil

One capsule of vitamin E

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

Microwave with safe container

5 drops of essential oil or lime or citrus

Balm container or cosmetic with lid


Take microwave safe container and put beeswax and sweet almond oil in it for melting them for not many

minutes. Take out the mixture of beeswax and almond oil from the microwave and after that pierce the

capsule of vitamin E by means of a knife and put it into the mixture. And then add the honey in it and leave for

few minutes. It is now ready to make use of and one can keep it store by using a small balm container.

4. Homemade Vanilla Lip Gloss

You will need:

1 teaspoon of aloe Vera gel

Half teaspoon of Vanilla

One teaspoon of Petroleum jelly

One and half teaspoons of coconut oil


Take the above ingredients into a big boiler and warmth them well. Leave it for cooling for one to two hours.

At this moment, one can use this lip-gloss and transfer into an airtight jar.


The neck is one of the neglected parts of the body while cleaning other parts of your body. But the fact is

that it is one of the areas of the body most vulnerable to skin darkening and it is the most sensual (We will

do another series on that too) This is because the skin is much thinner on the neck than it is on the face,

making it more prone to UV damage from natural sunlight and any other forms of UV light.

Remedies for Dark Neck

Having a dark neck is a quite common complaint. There are reasons for this problem.

• One is lack of proper cleaning. Many of us forget or ignore to clean the neck while cleaning our face and

this leads to accumulation of dirt that makes the skin on the neck dark.

• The other reason may be because of several fine folds of skin around the neck that have a tendency to

trap dust and sweat particles. Over a period of time, this also leads to darkening of the skin. Whatever the

reason may be, cleansing and then lightening the color of your skin is the best way.

Milk acts as cleanser, use plain milk to cleanse your neck. Milk is an excellent cleanser as well as a good

toner. After cleansing, scrub your neck with a granular exfoliating scrub. Any scrub that you get in medical

shop is enough or you can make your own scrub. Make a pasty mix of olive oil and sugar crystals and use

this to scrub your neck in gentle circular motions till all the sugar dissolves. This scrub will help to even out

your skin tone. The other scrub is mix crud with crushed walnut with 2 drops of lemon juice. Apply in

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

Circular portion while using walnut scrub; be careful because it may hurt you. Massage for 15 min and

then wash with warm water.

There are also some uncommon and unusual problems, one such type is pigmentation problem. In such

case applying aloe Vera gel is the best. Application of lime juice to the neck will also help. Do this only at

night, so that you do not go out in the sun with remnants of lime juice on your neck. This will make your

neck darker, since skin that has been exposed to a mix of lime juice and sunlight will do that.


Do you long for shiny tresses, but lack the funds for expensive products and treatments? Don't despair -

you don't have to be a supermodel to have gleaming locks. Before you mourn your lack luster strands,

head to the kitchen and try these simple solutions to lock in shine the natural way.

Sun, wind, saltwater, pollution, and chemicals are just some of the shine-depleting elements your hair

may be subjected to on a daily basis. They can strip your hair of its natural oils and create build-up leaving

it dull and lifeless. Fortunately, Mother Nature has a few remedies to share.

The Alluring Avocado

Mash an avocado (one avocado for short hair, two for long) in a bowl until it forms a thick paste. Spread

the paste on your hair from root to tip and leave on for 20 minutes. Shampoo and rinse. Avocados are

high in fatty acids and nutrients. Feed your hair!

Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix half a cup of apple cider vinegar with one quart of water and use as a hair rinse after your regular

shampoo. Rich in alpha-hydroxy acids, apple cider vinegar helps break down residue build-up leaving your

hair soft and full of shine. Rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and it will be shining in no time.

Eggs Over Olive Oil

Beat together two eggs for short hair, three for long, and add in three tablespoons of olive oil. Coat your

hair from root to tip and leave on for 30 minutes. Shampoo and rinse. Eggs contain eleven essential

nutrients and are packed with protein. Combine them with olive oil for conditioning and nourishment and

you have one powerful duo.

Coconut Craze

Warm three tablespoons of coconut oil and gently comb into your hair from root to tip. Wrap your hair in

a hot towel and let the oil sit for 30 minutes. Shampoo and rinse. Loaded with antioxidants, coconut oil

works to smooth dry and damaged cuticles and lock in shine.

Life doesn't have to be dull and neither does your hair! It's time to shine! Open your cabinet and start

mixing, then sit back and bask in your natural glow.

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles


It is known that we women have just 5 minutes to be young and beautiful. Every passing year takes away

something. So in case you are noticing a slight slag on those bosoms deal with it now. Here is a powerful

home remedy.

To firm breasts and tighten the skin, mix one teaspoon of vitamin E oil with one tablespoon of yogurt and

an egg. Massage this mixture into breasts and wear an old bra over the mixture for at least twenty


Rinse off with warm water.

Stay Beautiful! :)



Lip care is of great importance when it comes to the beauty of your face. Dry, patchy or dark lips can

eclipse a beautiful face. So here we bring you some of the best lip care tips that will help you take care of

your lips and maintain their pink and glow.

Everyone wants to have soft and supple lips for obvious reasons. Is your knowledge of lip care limited to

the use of lip balm? If so, then read this article as it gives you some easy ways to make your lips soft.

Are you one of those women who think that a lip scrub is not a beauty essential and don't want to spend

mega bucks on it? Then let me tell you that a lip exfoliator is an important item to have in your vanity bag.

Don't want to splurge out on a store bought version? Then take a look at these homemade lip scrubs.

How to Exfoliate Lips

Dry, chapped lips troubling you? Take a whack of how to exfoliate lips with sugar, lemon juice, oils,

creams, and what not! Discussed below are the most effective ways of getting back those once-like-rose-

petals lips

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

Honey Lip Scrub

You will need the following:

1 teaspoon of honey

1 teaspoon of baking soda

A few drops of olive oil

Mix the honey and baking soda until a smooth paste is formed. Apply the mixture on your lips and leave it

on for a few minutes then gently rub the lips to remove dead skin. Wash your lips with water and apply

olive oil on your lips to moisturize them.

Sugar Lip Scrub

Mix a small amount of coarse sugar with a few drops of water.

Apply the mixture onto lips and gently rub it in. Wash with lukewarm water and apply olive oil or vaseline

to moisturize them.

Salt & Sugar Lip Scrub

Mix salt, white sugar and vaseline. Apply the mixture on your lips and gently rub the mixture to remove

dead skin cells.

Wash your lips with water and your lips will be soft and smooth.

Use 2 or 3 time a week if your lips tend to be very dry and flaky


Need natural silky, smooth skin? Moisturizer help reduce wrinkles, pores, marks, dead cells, and dark

circles. Using the right Moisturizer makes the skin much smoother. Ingredients in Moisturizer must be

natural fruits or vegetables to get best results. Here are few homemade moisturizers choose them

according to your skin type.


1. Olive oil 1 tablespoon

Lemon juice ½ tablespoon

And egg one

Mix all three well and apply on your face let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

2. Cooked oatmeal

Honey 1 tablespoon

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

Mix both well and apply on your face let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.

3. Olive oil 1 tablespoon

Butter 3 tablespoon

Coconut oil 1 tablespoon

Mix all three well and apply on your face let it dry and then rinse off with lukewarm water.


1. apple- mash less than ½ cup

Honey ½ tablespoon

Mix all three well and apply on your face let it dry and then rinse off with cold water.

2. Lemon juice 1 tablespoon

Egg whites 2 tablespoon

Honey 2 tablespoon

Strawberries-mash ½ cup

Mix all four well and apply on your face let it dry and then rinse off with cold water.


Most women and girls leave no stone unturned to keep their skin ever glowing and beautiful. They do not

mind splurging out loads of money at their favorite beauty salon and spending hours to get a flawless and

young facial skin, lest they forget that it’s not just their facial skin that they need to care of. Their body

needs an equal amount of attention. For you wouldn’t want your face to glow and shine 10 years from

now with your body looking like an old woman’s wrinkled skin? As such, there are several body scrubs that

help in removing the dead skin cells and revealing the natural beauty underneath. Further, these body

scrubs are natural and do not contain any chemicals, unlike those found in beauty or drug stores loaded

with lots of synthetics to preserve the product. To get a soft, supple, and youthful skin, try out a natural

body scrub that can be made from simple ingredients found in the kitchen. Here are a few recipes for the

same. Try them out and beautify your skin.

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

Recipes For Natural Body Scrub

Olive Oil & Brown Sugar Body Scrub

Combine ¼ cup olive oil and ½ cup brown sugar in a small mixing bowl. Mix together with a spoon or your

hands until well-blended. Apply the scrub to your wet body and massage with your finger tips in a circular

motion. Leave it on for one minute and rinse off with warm water thereafter.

Lemon Sugar Body Scrub

Measure ½ cup each of brown sugar and sea salt in a large mixing bowl and mix generously. Add 1 tbsp

each of jojoba oil, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and honey along with 2 tsp freshly grated lemon peel.

Prick a small hole in a vitamin E capsule and squeeze out the juice into the mixture. Stir to blend all the

ingredients. Wet your body and apply and scrub. Massage the scrub into the skin using your fingertips,

giving more attention to dry areas, such as heels, knees, and elbows. Rinse off the scrub with warm water

and pat dry.

Coffee Body Scrub

In a large mixing bowl, combine 2 cups of coarsely ground coffee and ½ cup raw sugar or kosher salt. Add

in 3 tbsp yogurt and mix well to blend all the ingredients. Take a hot shower to open up the pores and

spread the scrub all over your body, rubbing it gently for 3-5 minutes. Rinse off and follow with your usual

shower routine.

Chocolate Coconut Body Scrub

Take 1 cup coarse brown sugar or turbinado sugar in a large mixing bowl. Add ½ cup coconut oil, 1 tsp

vanilla extract, and ½ tsp coconut extract. Mix well. Gently stir in 3 tbsp unsweetened dark cocoa powder.

Store the scrub in a glass or plastic container secured with a lid. To use, scoop out a tbsp of the scrub and

massage it into your wet body in circular motions. Henceforth, wash off with warm water.

Oats Body Scrub

Combine ¼ cup each of rolled oats and milk powder in a blender. Add 1 tbsp each of sea salt, cornmeal,

and powdered rose petals. Process the ingredients to get a coarse scrub mixture. Add few drops of any

essential oil and run the blender for another 5 seconds. Use the scrub onto your wet body and massage it

into the skin with your fingertips. Rinse with warm water and pat dry

Indulge Fashionistas!

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles


Winter's coming. Along hot chocolate, snowmen, and flannel sheets, it brings along with it dry, flaky

skin. Get a head start on keeping rough patches at bay with these DIY facial recipes.. :))

Oil of Olé

This guac-inspired moisturizer is suitable for even sensitive skin.

You will need:

* 2 tablespoons of fresh avocado, mashed

* 1 teaspoon honey

* 1 teaspoon plain full-fat yogurt

* ½ teaspoon lemon juice

Step 1. Combine ingredients in a bowl. Refrigerate for 30 minutes.

Step 2. While waiting for the mixture to chill, clean your face with a soap-free cleansing wash. Make

two mugs of green tea and put an ice cube or two in one of them.

Step 3. Smear a thin layer of the chilled mask on your face, avoiding your eyes. Sit back, relax for 10 or

15 minutes, and sip the warm tea.

Step 4. Rinse with lukewarm water. Slowly splash your face with the cooled tea, and then rinse with

water again. Powerful antioxidants in tea help skin stay healthy.

Note: Don’t use black tea; it will stain your skin.

Fruit Face

The fruit acids in this mask gently exfoliate, stripping away dry, dead skin cells to reveal a fresher


You will need:

* 1 ripe peach, peeled and pitted

* 1 teaspoon brandy

* Sprinkle of cornstarch

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

Step 1. Mash together the peach and brandy in a bowl. Add just enough cornstarch to make a paste.

Step 2. Smooth over your face, steering clear of lips and eyes. Sit back and relax. Feel free to sip on

any extra brandy.

Step 3. Rinse with lukewarm water after 20 minutes. Don’t leave the mask on any longer; it will

irritate skin.

Bran Scruffin’

The bran and sugar in this scrub scour away dry skin, immediately improving your face’s appearance.

You will need:

* 1 tablespoon plain yogurt

* 1 teaspoon brewer’s yeast

* 1 teaspoon finely ground bran

* 1 teaspoon sugar

Step 1. Thoroughly mix all ingredients.

Step 2. Immediately massage the scrub into your skin with your fingertips before the sugar has a

chance to dissolve.

Step 3. Rinse with lukewarm water

So, Go ahead.. Try these lovelies out for a Winter va-va-voom ;)


The following home remedies for skin whitening, not only lighten the skin tone but promise a lighter

complexion. However, best results are only achieved if they are inculcated as a part of daily routine.

1. Bring a shine to your face and remove your tan with a mix of one teaspoon each of milk powder,

honey, lemon juice, and half a teaspoon of almond oil. Apply on face and wash off after 10-15


2. Oatmeal mixed with yoghurt, tomato juice and applied to the face and kept on for 20 minutes, then

rinsed off with cold water, helps to lighten the skin by getting rid of the tan.

3. Slices of raw potato placed on the face helps reduce blemishes and other marks.

4. Lime juice being a natural bleach when mixed with turmeric powder and applied to the face is

helpful in lightening your skin tone.

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles



Need long, flirty lashes? Here are the Top 10 ratings of mascaras as rated by most of the women all

around the world. Make your choice now . according to your taste, flavor and your skin type .

1. L'Oréal Voluminous Volume Building Mascara

L'Oréal's Voluminous Volume Building Mascara claims to make 3 times fuller, lightweight lashes and

that it has panthenol and ceramide-R that condition lashes.

2. Mary Kay Endless Performance Mascara

Mary Kay's Endless Performance Mascara claims to be long wearing or lasting and is obtainable in a

variety of colors.

3. Lancome Definicils High Definition Mascara

Lancome Definicils High Definition Mascara claims to have a patented brush that coats every lash,

from base to tip, for first-rate definition; it is ophtalmologist-tested and fragrance-free.

4. Maybelline Full 'N Soft Mascara

Maybelline's Full N' Soft mascara claims to thicken the lashes and thus making them to appear full.

5. Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara

Max Factor 2000 Calorie Mascara claims to thicken the lashes and thus causing them to appear fuller.

6. L'Oréal Le Grand Curl Lift and Curl Mascara

L'Oréal's Le Grand Curl Lift and Curl Mascara claims to be a shaping formula that locks in an eye-

opening curl as lengthening, the applicator is a multi-comb brush.

7. Almay One Coat Mascara

Almay's One Coat Mascara claims to add extra length right away with no clumping; it is non-flaking,

fiber-free, non-smudging, and water-resistant.

8. Maybelline Great Lash Mascara

Maybelline's Great Lash mascara claims to thicken lashes and thus making them to appear fuller.

9. L'Oréal Lash Out Extra Extending Mascara

L'Oréal's Lash Out Extra Extending Mascara claims to directly extend lash length, a teddy bear brush

builds and breaks up, and that it is ophthalmologist tested.

10. Maybelline Volum' Express Washable Mascara

Maybelline Volum' Express Washable Mascara claims to make high volume lashes in an immediate

with no clumps, no globs, it is contact lens secure, and hypoallergenic.

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

So ladies go ahead and flutter those lashes!


Here are the Top 10 body moisturizers ratings as rated by many people around the world. Come here to

make out which is the best ratings. Choose according to your skin type and flavors. So, what is your brand?

1. Aveeno Lotion

Aveeno Lotion claims to be a mild moisturizer that can be used by sensitive skin types; it helps prevent

from skin dryness.

2. The Body Shop Body Butter

The Body Shop has an appealing tropical healing for dry skin. The Mango Body Butter is made with sweet

almond oil, mango juice, shea butter and vitamin E. Caring your body to this rich balm brings even the

dullest, driest skin back to life again.

3. Avon Skin So Soft

Avon Skin So Soft is a body moisturizing oil that claims to avoid dryness.

4. St. Ives Instant Relief Collagen Elastin Formula Lotion

St. Ives Instant Relief Collagen Elastin Formula Lotion Product is a moisturizer that claims to prevent


5. Bath & Body Works Body Cream

Bath & Body Works Body Cream product, claims to prevent dryness.

6. Bath & Body Works Purely Silk Body Lotion

Bath & Body Works Purely Silk Body Lotion helps prevent from skin dryness.

7. The Body Shop Nut Body Butter

Nut Body Butter from The Body Shop is a body moisturizer products that claims to be for dry-extremely

dry skin, it can be useful for stretch marks.

8. Neutrogena Sesame Body Oil

Neutrogena Sesame Body Oil claims to be a light sesame formula that is to say so sheer it vanishes into

shower-damp skin leaving it soft and smooth.

9. Curel Therapeutic Moisturizing Lotion

Curel Therapeutic Moisturizing Lotion is a body moisturizer product that claims to be for dry to extremely

dry and for scaly skin.

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

10. Nivea Body Skin Firming Lotion with Q10

Nivea Body Skin Firming Lotion with Q10 is a moisturizer that claims that with the skin's own Coenzyme

Q10, it helps bring back what the skin has lost, to naturally help skin take back its elasticity and firmness.

Enriched with natural moisturizers (Safflower Oil), it provides enduring moisture.

So go indulge and have fun!


Want a feel-good body scrub? Here are the top and best 10 ratings body scrubs as rated by many

people around the world. Come here to make out which is the best ratings. Choose according to your

skin type and needs. So, which is your brand .?

1. St. Ives Apricot Scrub

St. Ives Apricot Scrub is an ideal body scrubs product that is highly complemented. It comes in

different flavors.

2. Skin - An Apothecary Salt Glow

Pass the salt please! Skin Salt Glow will certainly spice up your skincare regime. This all-natural scrub

is made with sea salt, nourishing body oils, pressed fruit rinds and a mix of spices. Simply massage

lightly all over the body (leaving the face) and rinse for refreshed and fragrant skin. Choose from a

variety of fabulously fruity blends like citrus, tangerine, fresh strawberry, mango and kiwi.

3. Origins Salt Rub Smoothing Body Scrub

Origins Salt Rub Smoothing Body Scrub product is an exfoliating cleanser. It comes in different flavors.

4. Origins Ginger Body Scrub

Origins Ginger Body Scrub is an ultimate body scrubs product that is greatly complemented. It comes

in different flavors.

5.Skinmarket Deliciousness Brown Sugar Scrub

Your skin will eat up this delicious treat. Skinmarket Deliciousness Brown Sugar Scrub product is made

with brown sugar to exfoliate and macadamia and kukui nut oils to moisturize. Simply give your skin a

one time over with this sweet scrub for shining and wonderful skin.

6. Freeman Raspberry & Almond Beta Hydroxy Face & Body Scrub

Raspberry & Almond Beta Hydroxy Face & Body Scrub product claims to include fine grains and gentle

beta hydroxy extract to smooth away the rough, dry skin and impurities that normal cleansers can't.

Face and body are smoother, softer and healthier looking.

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles

7.Fresh SugarBath Brown Sugar Body Polish

SUGARbath Brown Sugar Body Polish is a gentle moisturizing treatment product. Pure brown sugar is

blended with the world's finest oils, resulting in an entirely natural exfoliant. It has the capability to calm

acne and overactive oil glands, to refresh and smooth tired complexion, and to take away dirt and toxins

from the skin's outer layer. Additionally to five rich oils, the Body Polish contains arnica and passiflora

extracts, which perk up circulation and cool muscles.

8. Organic Therapy Thalassotherapy Body Scrub

Thalassotherapy Body Scrub contains all natural ingredients like seaweed, sea salt, hemp seed oil, grape

seed oil, and sweet almond oil. Sea salt is the top exfolliant for taking off the dead and dry skin cells. This

is because of the consistent shape of the grain. This scrub is greatly recommended to slough off the dead

and dry skin cells on a regular basis, or else the toxins meant to be excreted by the skin, will go to other

eliminative organs like the liver, kidneys, and lungs to be removed.


Gone are the days when all a concealer did was hide your dark circles. The new age concealers pack a lot

more punch and promise everything from anti aging benefits to perfect paparazzi shots. Courtesy Vogue

we have here for you four hard working concealers that go a step ahead.

Firming: Elizabeth Arden New Ceramide Skin Smoothing Concealer

Your pair of over sized glasses might be working just fine at hiding your age but for a little help indoors,

this concealer is your best bet. With a patented Ceramide technology the Elizabeth Arden New Ceramide

Skin Smoothing Concealer promises to firm and strengthen the skin around the eyes. Additionally

ingredient Argireline helps plump fine lines for smooth crease free skin.

Picture perfect: Revlon Photo Ready Concealer

Not all concealers work well on camera and red carpet regulars like Eva Longoria have been a prey to this

makeup mishap in the past. The photo chromatic pigments in this concealer helps bend, diffuse and

reflect light so your concealer never looks out of place in your next picture. Plus the stick formula makes it

easy to carry and use. All you need to do is dab and blend with your ring finger.

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Brightening: Fresh Supernova Radiance Brightening Pen

Nothing gives away a long day and lack of sleep faster than your tired eyes do. Pamper them with this

illuminating formula from Fresh that helps banish any signs of fatigue with calming ingredients like

cucumber and chamomile. Mulberry root extracts round up the experience by brightening and evening

out the skin tone around your eyes. With a claim like that we'd call it- spa in a bottle.

Moisturizing: Korres Wild Rose Concealer

This concealer is a double duty agent that promises hydration and does the job of concealing well. Extracts

from desert plant, Imperata cylindrica provides continuous moisture to the delicate skin around your eyes

while wild rose oil helps keep the skin smooth so your concealer never looks cake-y and dry.



It can sometimes be pretty annoying getting advice from people on the web, and usually my posts are

really not about 'do this' and 'don't do that' but I cannot help but share a few things I very

strongly believe in. Have Fun!

1. Skip the foundation: If you have acne the first thing you want to do is slather on the thick foundation.

Don't. Foundation is for women over 35. Not only will it cover up your natural beauty, but foundation on a

teenager looks anything but natural. Instead, cover up blemishes with concealer, then follow with a

powder or tinted mosturizer. Tinted moisturizers tend to be lighter than heavy foundations.

2. You pat concealer in, you never rub it in We know this from watching the Tyra Banks show. When

applying concealer, put a bit on the pad of your middle finger and pat it in. Never rub. Got acne? Pat the

concealer on top of it.

3. Play up your lips or your eyes, never both If you are wearing heavy eye makeup, go for nude lips with

just a bit of gloss. Prefer the drama of dark lipstick? Keep face light (stay away from heavy blush) and wear

only mascara on your eyes and a light eyeshadow. Don't heavily line your eyes. Play up both and you'll

look like a clown.

And never, ever line lips in a darker color than your gloss or lipstick.

4. Less is more Ever notice how some of your friends look best with no makeup at all? No matter your age,

too much makeup makes you look worse. If you wear foundation, powder, blush, liner, mascara,

eyeshadow, lip liner and gloss on an everyday basis, then you're overdoing it. Tone it down: All you really

need is a great mascara, concealer for blemishes and gloss. Add a pop of blush in winter.

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

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5. Natural hair is always hot If you have super dark hair, lighten your look by going a shade darker or

getting lighter highlights. Blonde? Try highlights, especially framing the face. We see too many teens

lightening their hair several shades and the look can be super-tacky, not super-fabulous. The trick is to let

people assume you were born with sun-kissed hair, not that you gave yourself a bad dye job from a


6. Vaseline is your best friend Vaseline is a great, cheap eye makeup remover. It's also great for fixing

chapped, scaly lips. Slather on a bunch of Vaseline, then use a toothbrush to massage lips. Wipe the excess

off on a tissue. Your lips will be smooth and soft.

7. Buying foundation or lipstick? Test it first There are some beauty products you simply must try out at a

department store or Sephora before you buy. These include: Foundation, lipstick, blush and powder.

Buy these products in a grocery store and you'll be lucky if you picked the right color for your skin tone.

What you can get away with without testing: Mascara, eye liner, most basic eye shadows and lip gloss.

8. When can you skip sunscreen ? Never Here's a trick we wish we knew: The first beauty product you

should apply every day is sunscreen, even if it's cloudy or rainy outside. Why? Good habits start young and

if you use sunscreen now, you'll have gorgeous skin when you're 50, 60, 70. Remember, the sun's UV rays

can penetrate clouds and car windows.


Wondering about the shelf life of your pile of makeup?

Every woman we know has a pile of makeup in her drawer that she "sometimes" uses. Translation: Never

uses, but keeps just in case she finally learns how to get the green eyeshadow right!

Beauty products do have a shelf life, however, and chances are that blue eyeshadow with the glimmery

bits that you bought a couple years ago (for Halloween?) has long expired. Here's a quick guide on the

shelf lives of typical beauty products. We've listed them in alphabetical order. Oh, and just one quick little

"PS": Please keep in mind that these are estimates, no matter what anyone tells you, it's unlikely you'll go

blind from using 2-year-old mascara.

Concealer Up to 12 months.

Powder 2 years.

Cream & gel cleansers 1 year.

Pencil eye liner Should be sharpened regularly. Will last up to 3 years.

Eyeshadow Will also last up to 3 years. Extra tip:A dark eyeshadow can double as eyeliner, in fact, most

makeup artists swear by eyeshadow used as eyeliner.

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You'll need a super-flat eyeliner brush for this (MAC, Sephora and Aveda have great brushes). Get the

brush a little damp and dab in dark eyeshadow (black, brown or deep jewel-tones work great). Wiggle the

brush into your lash line focusing on the space between your lashes, then sweep the color just above your

lash line.

Brushes Wash every 2-3 months in a mild detergent.

Sponges Wash weekly and discard monthly.

Foundation Check the ingredients: A water-based foundation will last up to 12 months, oil-based will last

up to 18 months. You may find you need two different shades of foundation each year: One for summer

when your skin is naturally darker and one for winter when you're lighter. Extra tip: If your water-based

foundation dries out before it's expiration date, simply add a few drops of alcohol-free toner and shake to

mix it in. No need to do this to oil-based foundations. Because they contain oil, they will tend to separate.

You have to shake anyway.

Lip liner Up to 3 years. Extra tip: Skip the push-up lipliners. They're expensive, tend to break and you

never really know how much you have left until you run out. No need to spend money on lip liners, there's

no secret to greatness for this product. Save your money for powders and foundation.

Lipstick Some experts say 1-2 years. Others say up to 4 years. What everyone agrees on is that if it smells

rancid, throw it out, it's spoiled. Extra tip: If you store lipstick in the refrigerator, it will last longer. Bonus

tip: Want your lipstick to last longer during the day? Shade in lips with lip liner before applying lipstick.

Mascara This product expires the fastest: Throw out after 4 months. Extra tip: If you don't want your

mascara to expire faster than its fresh date, don't pump the wand in and out -- you're only exposing the

product to drying air.

Nail Polish Up to 12 months, depending on the quality and how many times you take it on a plane (the cap

always unscrews on me during flights, leaving my purse a -- fume-y -- mess!).

So get ready to do some cleaning up ladies ;)

Get Gorgeous! Styled by Nipun K.

Presented by Closet Chronicles


Stay Gorgeous!

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