gip matching - tracking

Post on 07-May-2015






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MatchLike never


Tracking your team to optimize matching!

Use the OP to track and manage students up until raise.

Why is it important to track?

EP activity:

tracking gives you the opportunity to keep your EP

accountable and push him/her to search actively for internships

Why is it important to track?

TN manager activity:

tracking gives you the opportunity to keep your TN

managers accountable and push him/her to search actively for EPs

Why is it important to track?

EP safety:

tracking gives you the opportunity to keep your EP

accountable and push him/her to search actively for internships

Have an online EP tracker

Have an online TN tracker

Case: This is how Brazil has done it!

Lets Clasify our EPs

Level Possible Behaviour Possible conclusions Possible actions

1 The EP sent 20 applications, none of them received an answer

Your email is sounding like a spam; your EP is applying for TNs which do not fit his profile; your EP is applying to countries which filter a lot the applications; Your CV is not attractive

Review application email or process; identify the countries and if needed get in touch with NST to facilitate contact; add the managers to your social network; review the EP’s CV

Level Possible Behaviour Possible conclusions Possible actions

2 The EP has the CV in many companies, but no answer from them in weeks.

You are not following up the process effectively; the company is delayed; AIESEC in the host country is delayed; there are many applicants

Build an straight relation with the TN manager; get In touch with the VPICX responsible; call or directly kindly ask the responsible

Level Possible Behaviour Possible conclusions Possible actions

3 The EP has not been well evaluated by the company.

You are not applying to the TNs your EP suits, the company had many applicants, your EP is being restricted concerning destination countries

Review the objectives of your EP, Enhance the applicant promotion or branding, promote the TNs in other countries, show cases in other countries or companies motivating flexibility

Level Possible Behaviour Possible conclusions Possible actions

4 Your EP had many interviews but no approval.

He is getting nervous before interviews, he has problems speaking english in public, he is applying to so many TNs that he does not prepare to the interview

Simulate interview with the EP, send possible questions during an interview to him, ask questions about the TN from the interview before

Level Possible Behaviour Possible conclusions Possible actions

5 My EP is not getting his VISA.

There is a problem with AIESEC host documents, there is a problem between the countries diplomacy, the VISA is taking too long

Get official informations, call the AIESEC office in the other country, do a VISA checklist, outsource the service

How it should look and how can I plan with it?

Diego, Camila,


Ana Lu, Mariana,


Week 1 Week 2

Diego, Camila,


Ana Lu, Mariana,


Orion, Ana Paula, Ivan

Week 3


Ana Paula, Ivan

Diego, Camila,


Ana Lu, Mariana,

Make a matching & learning plan

Make a matching & learning plan

- How many times apply per week

- Apply to at least 2 regions- Standardized plan and dates to

match in 2 months- EP buddies

- Show the why

Learning plan

What kind of leadership do they want to develop?

How does that reflect in type of TNs they are looking for?

GIP Team Meeting: tracking progress

LC responsible to have EP overview

Thank you.

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