gis, key contributor to precision agriculture....recommendation and application ... invitation...

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GIS, Key contributor to

Precision Agriculture.

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Precision Agriculture© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Information Cycle in 3 DData


ent Decisi


Too Simple?

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Information Cycle in 3 D




Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan


© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan

Management Cycle in 4 D



Real time status Triggers

Now we’re talking !

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Long Management Cycle




Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan

Dashboard: Real time status


Measuring Cycle

Action Cycle

Soil structure 3-5 years Never?

Soil drainage Yearly Long term

investmentZero grade

levelling Yearly Long term investment

Irrigation system

Frequently per crop

Long term investment

P and K fertlity 3-5 years Yearly

Acidity 3-5 years Yearly



© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

YearlyManagement Cycle




Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan

Dashboard: Real time status


Measuring Cycle

Action Cycle

Seeding / Planting / Pruning

Crop Yield Fertility Yearly

Soil prep. Crop Yield Yearly

Basic N fertility

Soil analysis Models

Yearly Pre plant



© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015


Management Cycle




Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan

Dashboard: Real time status


Measuring Cycle

Action Cycle

Irrigation Days < week

Disease control < week Days

Insect control < week Days

N post em. Growth stages Days

Maturity / Harvest weeks days



© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

24 hourManagement Cycle




Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan

Dashboard: Real time status


Measuring Cycle

Action Cycle

Spider mites in citrus

Daily scouting Daily

Weather disasters

Daily weather Depends



© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Decision cycles: N Example• A sensor on a drone ‘sees’ variability

of ‘greenness’. • That leads to a variable rate N

recommendation and application • We send out the drone again after the

application to measure the immediate (2 days) and delayed (10 days) reaction of the plants to the treatment

• At harvest we measure the ultimate outcome in bushels.

• We compare the 4 maps/images. They may teach us something.

Management Cycle




Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan

Dashboard: Real time status


© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Ongoing & Future Innovations

Management Cycle




Measure Outcomes

AnalysisAction Plan

Dashboard: Real time status


Measuring & Data MapsSoil / fertlity maps

Scouting maps Insect / disease maps

Analysis & Decision Maps Weather maps

Digital Soil Maps Prescription maps Crop growth maps

Field Boundary maps Satellite Images Analysis

Deployment ToolsAutosteer tracks Seeding maps Spraying maps Irrigation maps

Spreaders maps Telematics (Eqt.) maps Telematics (Agronomy)

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

In practice…

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Vegetable Co, CA, US: Water

• ‘Board’ decision to save 30% of irrigation water

• 3 years agronomic tests of drip irrigation.

• Outcome to-date: 16 % water savings

• Concurrently, technology tests: RTK GPS, autosteer (2-3 cm accurate), longevity of tubes….

• Fertigation became part of the program, saving additionally on fertilizers

• In current CA drought, this became the ‘lifesaver’

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Vegetable Co, CA, US: Water

• Other sustainability projects:

• hydroponic cultivation in greenhouse grows 50x outdoor production / ha !

• food waste reduction through managed supply chain.

• Integrated pest management

• ‘Soil Vitality’ program (crop rotation, cover crops, soil tests, fertilizer placement, laser leveling, controlled traffic…)

• Energy efficiency throught the entire operation (field, packing, cooling/storage, transport…)

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Brazilian Citrus Co: Miticide use

• Spider mites do heavy damage in citrus

• Notorious ‘resistance builders’,

• Old system:

• Very complex product mixtures

• Intense control programs (frequent, full block sprays)

• Issues: miticide residues, unsatisfactory levels of control, employees health

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Brazilian Citrus Co: Miticide use

• New System:

• intense scouting: > 2000 samples points / day

• > 100 scouts (mostly female!)

• dataloggers in the field

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Brazilian Citrus Co: Miticide use

• New System:

• Overnight data processing (using GIS)

• —> incidence maps,

• —> recommended treatment maps

• Orders & plans passed on to SAP management system

• Within 24 hours: targeted spraying on identified pockets, NOT on entire blocks

• Outcome: 70 % savings on miticide product, better fruit, healthier workers !

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Brazilian Sugarcane Co: controlled vehicle traffic

• Planting lines of the crop ratoon have effect on operations during the full 7 years of the crop.

• The company developed a GIS based planting pattern planning software

• to optimize planting, fertilizing, harvesting…

• to minimize erosion (contouring…)

• to harvest with autosteer (machine knows where the lines are)

• to sequence harvest operations (24 hours, mimimal sap loss, no waiting lines at the sugar plant…)

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Maoming, Guangdong, PRC: agronomic integration

• In the past:

• Semi-arid, hilly landscape. Rice paddies in the bottom of the valleys. Scrub on the hills

• Low productivity, barely enough to feed subsistance farmers.

• Today: integrated, high productivity production of meat, fish and fruit.

• How?

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Maoming, Guangdong, PRC: agronomic integration

• Valley floor: tilapia ponds

• Hill sides: high value fruit, planted following contour lines

• Hill top: CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation)

• Liquid fraction of manure: part of fertigation on fruit plantation

• Slurry fraction of manure: piped to valley floor to feed methane converter, and grass for fish.

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Maoming, Guangdong, PRC: agronomic integration

• Valley floor: tilapia ponds

• Hill sides: high value fruit, planted following contour lines

• Hill top: CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation)

• Liquid fraction of manure: part of fertigation on fruit plantation

• Slurry fraction of manure: piped to valley floor to feed methane converter, and grass for fish.

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Maoming, Guangdong, PRC: agronomic integration

• Valley floor: tilapia ponds

• Hill sides: high value fruit, planted following contour lines

• Hill top: CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation)

• Liquid fraction of manure: part of fertigation on fruit plantation

• Slurry fraction of manure: piped to valley floor to feed methane converter, and grass for fish.

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Maoming, Guangdong, PRC: agronomic integration

• Valley floor: tilapia ponds

• Hill sides: high value fruit, planted following contour lines

• Hill top: CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation)

• Liquid fraction of manure: part of fertigation on fruit plantation

• Slurry fraction of manure: piped to valley floor to feed methane converter, and grass for fish.

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Maoming, Guangdong, PRC: agronomic integration

• Valley floor: tilapia ponds

• Hill sides: high value fruit, planted following contour lines

• Hill top: CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation)

• Liquid fraction of manure: part of fertigation on fruit plantation

• Slurry fraction of manure: piped to valley floor to feed methane converter, and grass for fish.

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Maoming, Guangdong, PRC: agronomic integration

• Valley floor: tilapia ponds

• Hill sides: high value fruit, planted following contour lines

• Hill top: CAFO (Confined Animal Feeding Operation)

• Liquid fraction of manure: part of fertigation on fruit plantation

• Slurry fraction of manure: piped to valley floor to feed methane converter, and grass for fish.

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Big Data System Integration

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Example• Developed over 5 years

(since 2009)

• At some point in time involved 180 developers

• Operationally & field tested on 75,000 acre (2 years)

• To be ‘Field Hardened’ on 800,000 acre in 2015-16

• Crops: corn, soy, rice, milo, organic vegetables

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Fully Integrated GIS…• Libraries based

• Software menus

• Services list (i.e. each equipment & function is a service)

• Registered weed / pest disease control products

• Fertilizer formulations

• Micro nutrient formulations

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Fully Integrated GIS…• Easy & intuitive (map navigation, GIS data) access to:

• Soil maps

• Field boundaries

• Hydrology

• Digital Elevation Maps

• Weather: archives, ongoing, predictions

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Fully Integrated GIS…• Integrate / map / plot local agronomy data:

• Remote images (satelite, airplane, drone…)

• Soil sampling data and on-the-go soil measurements

• Soil Fertility maps: base, prescription, as-applied

• Crop Nitrogen maps (NDVI: remote, machine based, backpack)

• Maps of aerial applications: prescription and as-applied

• Weed, pest & disease maps: scouting, prescription & as-applied

• Sensor networks for real time monitoring of crops

• Yield maps

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Fully Integrated GIS…• Management:

• Multimedia connection (including video) to each piece of field equipment

• Equipment telemetry: operating status & location (RTK + laser)

• Real time, cloud ready, but also off-cloud capabilities

• Central ‘control room’ and tablet based

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Fully Integrated GIS…• Industrial strength / scalable database (Oracle)

• Industrial strength / scalable GIS (ESRI)

• Multiplatform programnming language: Java

• Data access control: functional, geographic hierarchies

• < 1 second response lag time for standard queries

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Who? What? Where?• NERCITA (National Engineering Research Center for

Information Technology in Agriculture), Beijing, China

• Tested: Hong Xing (Red Star) State Farm

• Rolled out in 2015 in Heilongjiang Province, Bei’An District

• Presented to a panel of international experts in Sept 2014, at the occasion of CIGR 2015 (Worldwide version of ASABE)

Invitation Letter

Marc Vanacht May 6, 2015 AG Business Consultants 111 West Pine Place St Louis, MO 63108-2111 Phone: 1 314 616 3473 Email: Dear Marc Vanacht, The Joint International Conferences on Intelligent Agriculture (ICIA) will be held from Sept. 27th to Sept. 30th 2015, Beijing, China. ICIA will be hosted by National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (NERCITA). In recognition of your outstanding contributions in Agriculture and Food Chain Strategist, we are pleased to invite you to attend this conference and make a presentation with the title of How Precision Agriculture could look like in the year 2035. NERCITA will cover your registration fee, lodging and food expenses during the ICIA (September 27th – 30th). You may obtain more information from the web: or please feel free to contact me. Yours sincerely, Prof.Chunjiang Zhao Chairman of the ICIA Director of NERCITA ( Post Box 2449-26, Beijing 100097, P.R. China Telephone: ++8610-51503411 Fax: ++8610-51503750 Email:

通信地址:北京市海淀区曙光花园中路 11 号北京农科大厦 A 座 邮编:100097 Beijing Nongke Masion, 11#Shuguang Huayuan Zhong Lu, Haidian District, Beijing, China, 100097

国 家 农 业 信 息 化 工 程 技 术 研 究 中 心 National Engineering Research Center for Information Technology in Agriculture (NERCITA) Tel. +86-10-51503593 +86-10-51503493 Fax: +86-10-51503750

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

Thank you

© Copyright Marc Vanacht - September 2015

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