glamour shots

Post on 27-May-2015






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Contrary to popular belief.

are not unimportant.

But why?•

Because all ages can indulge.

And besides, who reallyneeds the yellow pages. You can easily

expand your fun two fold by simply taking your very own personalized glam shots.

But please, whatever you do, don’t letyour story go untold.

Big daddy pimpin’.

• Say

Say what.

Don’t fret, let them know wassup.

Even if it entails throwin’ yeh hood up.

I mean if you really want to include your family, we do have discounts for wolf-pups.

Just make sure that you got that drank-drank in a secure tight sippay cup.

Oh yea, did I mention only normal people get glamour shots.

• Tee-hee-hee…..

Warning: fans will be used to detract from all mugs locked on mean.

O.K. so even if you don’t actually own a cat, we do have stage props to help you achieve

that special look you are after.

Balls to the Wall.

No Ron Jeremy, glamour shots and pornography are not the same thing.

• That is so wrong

What do you mean maskera is for girls only, Satan wears makeup all day.

• …and all night

Basically if glam shots were an olympic sport david hasslehoff would….

Thats what she said.

• Yea but really, what did she say?

Wam blam right in ya face glam.

Youch. It’s called


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