global optimization algorithms - theory and

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(1 + 1)− ES, 228(GE)2, 184(µ′, λ′(µ, λ)γ)-ES, 229(µ+ 1)-ES, 228(µ+ λ), 231(µ+ λ)-ES, 228(µ, λ)-ES, 229(µ/ρ+ λ)-ES, 229(µ/ρ, λ)-ES, 229χ2 Distribution, 49015-rule, 229

(µ+ λ), 102(µ, λ), 102µGP, 192σ-algebra, 469τ -EO, 270Γ , 532Θ notation, 551Fraglets, 216, 404

evolution of, 40480x86, 193

A⋆ Search, 296AAAI, 87Abstraction, 549ACO, 245Acquisition

module, 70, 202Action, 238AdaBoost, 383Adaptive Grammar, 568Adaptive Walk, 297

fitter dynamics, 297greedy dynamics, 297one-mutant, 297

ADDO, 392

Adenine, 42Adequacy

functional, 222ADF, 167, 168, 193, 196ADG, 199Adjacency, 44, 45adjacent neighbors, 330Adjunction, 570ADL, 198ADM, 168Admissible, 296AG, 565, 566AGA, 310Agents, 105, 160, 231, 254Aggregate, 415Aggregate Function, 415Aggregating

linear, 29Aggregation, 414, 415

gossip-based, 415linear, 29proactive, 415reactive, 415

Aggregation Protocols, 414, 415AI, 373AIM-GP, 193AIMGP, 193–195AISB, 88AL, 213Algorithm, 547

abstraction, 549anytime, 222complexity, 550determined, 550determinism, 550deterministic, 552



discrete, 549distributed, 553euclidean, 357evaluate, 219evolutionary, 95evolve, 219finite, 550generational, 102Las Vegas, 552Monte Carlo, 552optimization, 48

baysian, 70probabilistic, 22, 552randomized, 552termination, 550

Algorithmic Chemistry, 204ALife, 213All-Or-Nothing, 223, 404Allele, 43Alphabet, 562ANN, 197, 374Ant

artificial, 27Ant Colony Optimization, 245Antisymmetrie, 463ANTS, 246Anytime Algorithm, 222appleJuice, 558Application Server, 557Applications, 315Architecture

service oriented, 383Artificial Ant, 27, 354Artificial Chemistry, 213Artificial Embryogeny, 155Artificial Life, 213Asexual Reproduction, 145Assignment

soft, 206Assimilation

genetic, 279Asymmetrie, 463Attribute, 565

inherited, 565synthesized, 565

Attribute Grammar, 565extended, 567, 568L-attributed, 566reflective, 185S-attributed, 567

Autoconstructive Evolution, 215Autocorrelation, 63Automatically Defined Functions, 167, 196Automatically Defined Groups, 199Automatically Defined Link, 198Automaton

cellular, 160, 231Auxiliary Tree, 570

Average, 416

Backus-Naur Form, 564extended, 565

Baldwin, 278effect, 278

Battery, 559Bayes Classifier

naıve, 374Bayesian Optimization Algorithm, 70BBH, 152bcGP, 194BDP, 304Bee, 235Bernoulli

distribution, 483experiment, 483trial, 483

Best-First Search, 295BFS, 291BGP, 172Bias, 499Bibtex, 591Big-Ω notation, 551Big-O notation, 550Bijective, 462Bijectivity, 462BinInt, 58, 59, 337, 338Binomial Distribution, 483, 511Biochemistry, 87, 160, 231, 274, 280, 284Biology, 87, 105, 261BIOMA, 105, 246BIONETS, 404Bird, 235BitCount, 337Bittorrent, 558Black-Box, 23Bloat, 66Block

building, 152BLUE, 503Bluetooth, 559BNF, 564BOA, 70Boosting, 383Bottleneck, 554Box-Muller, 529

polar, 529BPEL, 395BPEL4WS, 393Breadth-First Search, 291Broadcast-Distributed Parallel Evolutionary Al-

gorithm, 304BTNodes, 560Bucket Brigade, 240Building Block, 152Building Block Hypothesis, 152, 334Bus, 555Bypass


extradimensional, 85

C, 193, 194CACSD, 34Candidate

solution, 42Cartesian Genetic Programming, 67, 199, 201,

202embedded, 201

Catastrophecomplexity, 331

Causality, 62, 83, 346CDF, 470

continous, 471discrete, 471

CEC, 105, 246Cellular Automaton, 160, 231Cellular Encoding, 174Central Limit Theorem, 489Central Point Of Failure, 554Centroid, 537CFG, 563, 564CGE, 186CGP, 67, 199–202

embedded, 201CGPS, 193Change

non-synonymous, 66synonymous, 66

Character String, 562Checking

model, 221Chemical Engineering, 87, 105, 142, 227, 230,

231, 251, 265, 284Chemistry, 87, 105, 142, 227, 230, 231, 251, 265,

284algorithmic, 204artificial, 213

Chi-square Distribution, 490Chomsky Hierarchy, 563Christiansen

grammar, 186, 569Christiansen Grammar, 186

evolution, 186Christiansen Grammars, 569Chromosome, 145Chromosomes

stringfixed-length, 146variable-length, 148

tree, 162CI, 109, 503CISC, 193Class

equivalence, 464Classifier, 238Classifier Systems, 233, 234, 378, 445

learning, 233, 239, 374non-learning, 239

Clearing, 134Client, 556Client-Server, 301, 556Closure, 178, 226CLT, 489Clustering, 535k-means, 540nth nearest neighbor, 541algorithm, 536hierarchical, 535leader, 543linkage, 541partitional, 535, 540partitions, 536square error, 540

Co-Evolution, 269Code Bloat, 399Codons, 172Coefficient

negative slope, 63Coefficient of Variation, 475Combination, 467Combinatorics, 467Communication, 87, 105, 142, 160, 246, 254, 265,

271, 274, 280, 291Completeness, 44, 290

weak, 44Complexity Catastrophe, 331Compress, 201Computational Embryogeny, 155Computational Intelligence, 109Computer

sciencetheoretical, 547

Computingamorphous, 413ubiquitous, 411, 413

Concatenation, 562Condition, 236Confidence

coefficient, 504interval, 503

Connection Register, 205Content Sharing, 558Contest, 373Continuous Distributions, 484Contravariance, 386Convergence

domino, 58, 59, 85, 338premature, 58prevention, 136

Correlationfitness distance, 62genotype-fitness, 63operator, 62

Count, 472Covariance, 386, 475CPU, 193, 206


Creation, 137, 146, 148, 162, 197Credit Assignment Problem, 239Criterion

termination, 54Criticality

self-organized, 269Crossbow, 560Crossover, 98, 138, 147–149, 164

homologous, 148, 195, 404point, 147SAAN, 198simplex, 287single-point, 147, 165SSAAN, 198SSIAN, 198sticky, 195strong context preserving, 165tree, 164

CS, 233CSG, 563CSP, 87, 105Cumulative Distribution Function, 470Cut, 153Cut & Splice, 148Cytosine, 42

Dagstuhl Seminar, 106Data Mining, 105, 142, 160, 174, 227, 231, 233,

254, 284, 373, 535DATA-MINING-CUP, 373, 374Database Server, 557DE, 229, 230, 286Death Penalty, 34Deceptiveness, 63, 69, 333Deceptivity, 63, 69Decile, 478Decision Maker

external, 37Decision Tree, 374Decreasing, 463

monotonically, 463Default Hierarchy, 238, 378Defense, 105Defined Length, 150DELB, 230Deme, 301Density Estimation, 506

crowding distance, 507Kernel, 508nearest neighbor, 506Parzen window, 508

Deoxyribonucleic acid, 42Deoxyribose, 42Depth-First Search, 292

iterative deepenining, 294Depth-limited Search, 293Derivation Tree, 563DERL, 230DES, 229

Design, 87, 105, 230, 271, 280circuit, 105, 142, 160, 174, 202, 230, 231, 251,

265Detector, 234Determined, 550Determinism, 550DFS, 292Differential Evolution, 229, 230, 286Differential Evolution Strategy, 229Discrete, 549Discrete Distributions, 479Distance

Euclidian, 538Hamming, 537Manhattan, 537Measure, 537

Distributed algorithms, 553Distribution, 299, 470, 479, 484χ2, 490Binomial, 483, 511chi-square, 490continuous, 484discrete, 479exponential, 489, 530normal, 486, 529

multivariate, 488standard, 486

Poisson, 480Student’s t, 494t, 494uniform, 479, 485, 527, 529, 530

continuous, 485discrete, 479

Diversification, 60Diversity, 59, 226DMC, 373DNA, 42, 172, 195do not Care, 378, 382DoE, 317Domination, 31Domino

convergence, 58, 59, 85, 338Don’t Care, 150, 236Downhill Simplex, 283DPE, 338Drunkyard’s Walk, 294Duplication, 137Dust Networks, 560

E-code, 145EA, 95, 101, 105, 108–110, 414EA/AE, 106EAG, 567, 568EARL, 233EBNF, 565ECGP, 201ECJ, 186Economics, 87, 105, 142, 160, 184, 265Edge Encoding, 174


EDI, 195Editing, 165EDL, 570Effect

Baldwin, 278hiding, 279

Effector, 234Efficiency

Pareto, 31home, 558Elitism, 103Embrogeny, 154

artificial, 154Embryogenesis, 154Embryogenic, 154Embryogeny

artificial, 155computational, 155

EMO, 106EMOO, 96, 109Encapsulation, 166Encoding

cellular, 174edge, 174

Endnote, 591Energy Source, 559Engineering, 87, 105, 230, 271, 280

electrical, 105, 142, 160, 174, 202, 230, 231,251, 265

Entropy, 478continuous, 478differential, 478information, 478

Entscheidungsproblem, 220Environment, 234

protection, 105, 227surveillance, 105, 227

EO, 269, 271Eoarchean, 97EP, 101, 231, 232Ephemeral Random Constants, 398Epistacy, 68Epistasis, 63, 68, 344, 352, 353

in Genetic Programming, 202in GPMs, 204positional, 203semantic, 202

Epistatic Road, 336Epistatic Variance, 63Equilibrium, 269

punctuated, 65, 269Equivalence

class, 464relation, 464

eRBGP, 211, 212ERL, 233Error, 499α, 509

β, 509mean square, 499threshold, 62, 338type 1, 509type 2, 509

Error Threshold, 62, 338ES, 100, 227, 228Estimation Theory, 499Estimator, 499

best linear unbiased, 503maximum likelihood, 502point, 499unbiased, 499

Euclidean Algorithm, 357Euclidian Distance, 538EUROGEN, 106, 143, 228, 232EuroGP, 160Evaluation, 53Event

certain, 467conflicting, 467elementary, 466impossible, 467random, 466

EvoCOP, 106Evolution

autoconstructive, 215Baldwinian, 278differential, 229Lamarckian, 278

Evolution Strategy, 100, 227, 228Evolutionary Algorithm, 95, 105, 108–110

basic, 98broadcast-distributed parallel, 304cycle, 96generational, 102multi-objective, 96parallelization, 300steady state, 102

Evolutionary Operation, 101, 283randomized, 101

Evolutionary Programming, 101, 201, 231, 232Evolutionary Reinforcement Learning, 233Evolvability, 62, 65EVOP, 101EvoWeb, 402EvoWorkshops, 107Expand, 201expand, 289Expected value, 473Experiment

design of, 317factorial, 317

Exploitation, 60, 62Exploration, 60, 289Exponential Distribution, 489Extended Backus-Naur Form, 565External Decision Maker, 37


Extinctive Selection, 102left, 102right, 102

Extradimensional Bypass, 85Extrema Selection, 67Extremal Optimization, 269–271

generalized, 270

Factorial, 467False Negative, 509False Positive, 509FDC, 62FDL, 575FEA, 107Fibonacci Path, 341File Sharing, 558Finance, 87, 105, 142, 160, 184, 265Finite, 550Finite State Machine, 158, 231, 355Fisher’s Exact Test, 524Fitness, 46

nature, 100optimization, 100

Fitness Assignment, 111Pareto ranking, 112Prevalence ranking, 112Tournament, 120weighted sum, 112

Fitness Landscape, 47deceptive, 63ND, 333neutral, 64NK, 329NKp, 332NKq, 332p-Spin, 332rugged, 61technological, 332

Fly, 234FOCI, 107FOGA, 143home, 558Forma, 62, 80, 81

analysis, 80Formae, 81Formal Grammar, 563Free Lunch

no, 76Frequency

absolute, 468relative, 468

Frog, 234FSM, 160, 231Full, 163Fully Connected, 556Function, 462

ADF, 167, 196aggregate, 415automatically defined, 167, 196

benchmark, 327cumulative distribution, 470gamma, 532monotone, 463objective, 21penalty, 34

adaptive, 34dynamic, 34

probability density, 472probability mass, 471synthesis, 160, 174, 191, 202trap, 64, 333zeta, 532

Functional, 462Functionality, 462FWGA, 143

G3P, 177GA, 100, 141–144

messy, 152Gads, 179–181, 185, 204

1, 1792, 185

GAGS, 179GALESIA, 143Game, 105, 160, 231, 254Gamma, 532Gamma System, 216Gauss-Markov Theorem, 503GCD, 357, 358

problem, 357GCL, 207GE, 181, 182, 184, 204GECCO, 107, 143, 161, 246, 251GEM, 108, 143Gene, 43Gene Expression Programming, 172, 174Generality, 74Generation, 53Generational, 102Generative Grammar, 562Genetic Algorithm, 100, 141–144, 242, 287

cellular, 305cycle, 141for deriving software, 179grammar-based, 179messy, 70, 152

Genetic Algorithms, 158natural representation, 145real-encoded, 145

Genetic Assimilation, 279Genetic Network Programming, 199Genetic Programming, 100, 157, 160–162

binary, 172byte code, 194compiling system, 193crossover

homologous, 195epistasis, 202

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