god spoke to moses. “send men to spy out the land of

Post on 24-Jan-2022






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25Joshua and Caleb who relied on God


God spoke to Moses.

“Send men to spy out the land of Canaan.”

Moses sent twelve men to spy out the land of Canaan.

After the spies spend forty days in the land of Canaan,

they came back with big grapes.


Numbers 13~14

Ten of the spies said, “Canaan is a very beautiful land.

But because the people in Canaan are like giants,

we cannot defeat them.”

Joshua and Caleb replied, “No. God is with us.

The people of Canaan are our bread!” Because Joshua

and Caleb relied on God, they did not fear the giants.

The people of Israel did not listen to Joshua

and Caleb. And as punishment, the people of Israel

spent forty years in the wilderness.


The people of Israel who went into the land of Canaan

with Joshua continuously gained victory

over the Canana people. This is because God helped

them. Many nations came together to fight

with the Israel people.


Joshua prayed to God.

“God, please make the sun stand still!”

God listened to Joshua’s prayer and made the sun stand

still. Joshua relied on God and gained great victory

from the fight.


My teacher told me, “If you memorize the memory verses for one month,

I’ll give you a present.”

Namwoo believed in his teacher’s promise and memorized the memory

verses for one month. Even though it was hard, he gained strength

because he thought about his teacher’s promise.

Other students would say “Wow, how can you do that?”

“Will the teacher really give us a present?”

and stopped memorizing, but Namwoo truly believed in his teacher’s


Believe in Promises


One month passed. “It has been already a month since I made

the promise. Raise your hand if you memorized the memory verse.”

Only Namwoo raised his hand. And he stood up and recited

the memory verse. “Is Namwoo really the only one who did it?

That’s too bad, because I prepared a present for every student

in this class. I’ll give a present to Namwoo who kept my promise.”

Namwoo received a big present and was really happy.


Delicious summer fruitsDelicious summer fruits


Fruits that grow during the summer are juicy

and very sweet. Say the name of the fruit and color it



This is the grape that Joshua

and Caleb brought. Glue colored paper

for the grapes and color the leaves.


Trace this verse:

Write this verse:

To Teacher To parents

as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord

Joshua 24:15

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