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Post on 19-May-2015






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By: Chris NinoSarah Shafer

Kendal Habegger1st period

Brown v. Board of Education

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Case ruled by Justice Earl Warren

“Separate is inherently unequal”

Allowed integration in schools

Sonya Sotomayor3 point clue

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A current justice of the Supreme Court

Nominated and confirmed in 2010

First Latina justice

Amicus curiae3 point clue

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This allows lawyers to argue their briefs in front of the Supreme Court

Phrase used heavily by interest groups

Means “friend of the court”

Judicial Review3 point clue

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About 60 nations have something resembling this

In contrast, Parliament is supreme in Britain

Right of the federal courts to declare laws unconstitutional

Strict-Constructionist Approach

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Judge should only judge

Confine judges to applying rules only in the constitution

A conservative approach to the courts

District Courts3 point clue

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At least one per state

They don’t hear appeals; original jurisdiction

A type of court that serves as a trial court at the federal level

Court of Appeals3 point clue

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Congress created this in 1891 and there are 13

Created to help lessen the workload of the Supreme Court

They have the appellate jurisdiction

Writ of Certiorari3 point clue

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Requires the need to interpret law

Directs a lower court to set up the records of a case

Means “made more certain”

Regents of the University of

California v. Bakke 3 point clue

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Court ruled against the use of quotas

This case upheld the legality of affirmative action

This case had to deal with the University of California

John Jay3 point clue

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Was the justice for Chilsolm v. Georgia

I was the first Supreme Court Justice

I helped write the Federalist Papers

Certificate3 point clue

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Lower court asks supreme court about a rule of law in specific cases

This could be used if a lower court needs guidance

A type of document

United States v. Lopez 3 point clue

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Court case that occurred in 1995

Violation of the commerce clause

Federal Gun-Free School Zone Act was declared unconstitutional

Majority Opinion3 point clue

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When this happens the Chief Justice selects who will write the opinion

The judges agree

The majority of the justices agree on the decisions and its reasons

Concurring Opinion3 point clue

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A type of belief

Same opinion as the majority but different reasoning

Opinion where justices end up agreeing

Dissenting Opinion3 point clue

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What justices do

A justice or justices who disagree with the majority opinion

Executive Privilege3 point clue

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Withholding information

A right of the President

Right of the President to withhold information from Congress or refuse

to testify

Warren Earl Burger3 point clue

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His term was from 1969-1986

He was chief justice for Roe v. Wade and US v. Nixon

His last name makes me hungry

Roe v. Wade 3 point clue

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This had to do with the Burger Court

This case ruled that Nixon did not have executive privilege

Permitted abortions

Judicial Activism3 point clue

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This philosophy advocates applying the Constitution to social and

political questions

Court should play an active role in determining national policies

Another term for judicial intervention

Judicial Restraint3 point clue

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Philosophy that court should avoid taking initiative

Court should operate strictly within the limits of the Constitution

Limited use of judicial powers

Thurgood Marshall3 point clue

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Nominated by President Lyndon B Johnson

A revolution for the Supreme Court

First African American to serve on the Supreme Court

Dual Court System3 point clue

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The nature of the court system

Shared power of the national and state governments

The distinction of state and federal courts that make up the judicial

branch of government

Constitutional Court3 point clue

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Congress created these

A type of federal level court

Formed to carry out the direction in the Constitution for the courts to

exercise judicial power

Special Courts3 point clue

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Created by Congress

Type of federal level curt that deals with military appeals, tax appeals,

and veteran appeals

Deals with cases deriving from the delegated powers of Congress

Judiciary Act3 point clue

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Occurred in 1789

First major organizational act of Congress

Lead to the creation of district courts

Precedents3 point clue

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A standard of guide

Followed by future cases

Guides to be followed in deciding similar cases in the future

Senatorial Courtesy3 point clue

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Used because of the large number of appointments

Used to approve or disapprove potential nominees

Allowing individual senators to approve of nominees

Stare Decisis3 point clue

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Court won’t change their mind

Case is decided based on previous decision

Means “let the decision stand”

Bush v. Gore3 point clue

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Case in 2000 with a historic 5-4 decision

The Rehnquist majority ruled that Florida’s Supreme Court erred when

calling for a recount

Result awarded Florida’s electors to G.W. Bush

The Supreme Court3 point clue

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A type of federal jurisdiction

9 members

Decide constitutionality

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