grades 3 and 4. select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word sleigh a. sway b. bright...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Grades 3 and 4

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the



a.                 swayb.                    brightc.                     sweat

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word


a. steer b. dryer c. mare

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

trya. myb. layc. boy

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

flata. greatb. bragc. jar

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

booka. tookb. luckyc. harpoon

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word


a. yawnb. mousec. thousand

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

feathera. peacefulb. measurec. seasons

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

whirla. whichb. turnc. road

Select the word that has the same vowel sounds the word

reinsa. sleighb. ceilingc. diet

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

smootha. bookmarkb. croakedc. raccoon

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

heada. greedb. ledc. leaf

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

cloudya. shawlb. showedc. rowdy

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

avoida. awaitb. annoyedc. violin

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the underlined letters in the


reda. peacefulb. measurec. seasons

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word

tiptoea. approachb. baboonc. haunted

Select the word that has the same vowel sound as the word


a. heartb. chairc. worm

Select the word that has the same sound as the underlined part of the word

anothera. operateb. eachc. ears

Select the word that has the same sound as the underlined part of the word

objecta. goalb. giantc. grab

Select the word that has the same sound as the underlined part of the word

childrena. dirtb. chartc. dream

Select the word that has the same sound as the underlined part of the word

cough a. famous b. ghastly c. daughter

Choose the word that has the same sound as the underlined part of the word

wealtha. thirtyb. shelfc. hoot

Choose the word that has the same sound as the underlined part of the word

freezea. mushroomb. moccasinc. easy

Choose the word that has the same sound as the underlined part of the word

centa. crestb. sincec. cart

Choose the word that has the

same sound as the underlined part of the


bouncea. droveb. should

c. count

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in

understood?a. balloonb. crook

c. shampoo

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in

plow? a. powder b. own c. blow

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in


a. echo b. canoe c. enjoy

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letter in


a. figureb. dutyc. pudding

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in

peach?a. aheadb. featherc. week

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letter in

awful?a. photob. clearc. punish

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letter in

applya. hindb. uneasyc. noisy

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in


a. somehow b. crown c. groan

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in


a. fluteb. furryc. bookcase

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letter in


a. goldenb. openc. mop

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in


a. costb. reachc. hit

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letters in


a. buyb. sayc. oil

Which word has the same sound as the underlined letter in


a. listb. dryc. chief

Prefixes and Suffixes

Grades 3, 4, and 5

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined prefix.

nontoxica. underb. lessc. not

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined prefix.

misprinta. underb. incorrectc. between

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined prefix.

bicyclea. awayb. twoc. not

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined prefix.

subsoila. underb. greaterc. less

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined prefix.

submergea. lessb. acrossc. under

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined prefix.

transportationa. acrossb. afterc. in place of

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined suffix.

fearlessa. moreb. withoutc. below

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined suffix.

carelessa. belowb. withoutc. like

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined suffix.


a. one whob. withc. able to

Choose the letter of the word that best tells the meaning of the underlined prefix.

transmita. betweenb. afterc. across

The er in baker is the same as the er in _______

a. dangerb. teacherc. smaller

The un in unusual means the same as the

un in ______


b. underc. uncle

The ing in eating means the same as the ing in


a. stringb. springc. cryingd. bring

The ed in washed is the same as the ed in ______.

a. bedb. weedc. lookedd. shed

Which word means to read again?

a. readerb. readingc. readyd. reread

The er in harder is like the er in ___.

a. softerb. herdc. wered. prefer

The re in replace is the same as the re in

a. realizeb. redoc. rescued. restaurant

The un in unkind is the same as the un in _____.

a. underb. unlockc. unitd. universe

The –ing in walking is the same as the –ing in _____.

a. singb. laughingc. bringd. string

In the word disconnect, dis probably means _____.

a. againb. full ofc. opposite ofd. toward

What is the root word of these words?

replay playful player

a. lay c. repb. ful d. play

What is the root wordof these words?

shorter shortly shortest

a. or b. short

c. ly d. test

unwrap unusual unhappy

What does un mean in these words?

a. underb. not enoughc. the opposite ofd. half

What do you do if you reread a book?

a. read it againb. don’t read itc. read it for the first timec. return it and get another


What is the suffix in the word slowly?

a. owlb. lowc. lyd. slow

What is the suffix in the word painting?

a. painb. tingc. ingd. ng

Which of these prefixes means again?

a. un-b. dis-c. im-d. re-

Grade 3

To aid means to ____.


To purchase means to _____.

a. buyb. breakc. collectd. divide

Amazement means _____.

a. joyb. angerc. wonderd. sparkle

Jane went to see the doctor because she has a medical problem.

Medical means _____.

a. familyb. schoolc. healthd. money

The owner will expand the store and add more

products. Expand means _____.

a. enlarge

b. closec. visitd. sell

In the 1800’s, people moved west to find more territory.

Territory means _____.

a. cashb. foodc. landd. cities

Food was running low, so each soldier received a small

ration. A ration means a _____.

a. tableb. forkc. mouthd. serving

If you squat down, you can see the baby rabbits under the bush.

Squat means _____.

a. bendb. fallc. marchd. swim

I had to strain to hear Grandma’s quiet voice. Strain means _____.

a. try hardb. sit downc. not listend. go outside

I couldn’t believe she knew how to pronounce my name!

Pronounce means _____.

a. feelb. openc. sayd. taste

Dad’s big coat will fall off such a slender person. Slender means


a. niceb. loudc. smartd. thin

Grade 3

Place the book on the shelf.

a. Meet me at John’s place.b. Which place has the most fun?c. Annie held my place in line.d. Did you place the cup on the


She took a trip to Florida.

a. Be careful, or you will trip!b. We planned our trip together.c. I trip over things lots of times.

I turned on the light so I could see better.

a. The feather was very light.b. She wore light colors because

it was going to be a hot day.c. There is only one light in the

living room.

We broke a rule when we ran in the hallway.

a. The king and queen rule the country.

b. The judge will rule fairly.c. The doctor wants to rule out

chicken pox.d. We understand every rule of

the game.

There is no extra charge to deliver the package.

a. An angry bull will sometimes charge.

b. The soldier sounded the charge.

c. The charge is five dollars.d. They will charge him with


That river leads to the sea.

a. The president leads the nation.

b. That runner leads to race.c. Spring Street leads to Grove


d. She leads an exciting life.

I can play the horn and the flute.

a. The goat has a broken horn.b. The horn is a warning for ships.c. The car’s horn is very loud.d. We heard the sound of the

drums and the horn.

She read a story to me.

a. We live in a two story house.

b. The library is on the third story.

c. “The Three Little Pigs” is a story.

Wear a heavy coat on a cold day.

a. A button fell off my coat.

b. Sasha’s dog has a healthy coat.c. The room needs another coat of

paint.d. This medicine will coat your sore


I will guide you along the trail.

a. Did you ask the guide for directions?

b. There are two guide words at the top of each dictionary page.

c. Please guide the students to the classroom.

d. We followed the guide through the museum.

Grades 4 and 5

Dreadful means _____.

a. angryb. excitedc. terribled. vague

To consent is to _____.

a. agreeb. changec. pland. protect

An occupation is a ____.

a. jobb. toolc. helperd. message

A quantity is ____.

a. a momentb. a demandc. an amountd. an explanation

Something that is popular is _____.

a. boughtb. glowingc. hardd. well-liked

A frontier is most like a _____.

a. cabinb. firec. townd. wilderness

A marine animal lives in the ____.

a. desertb. junglec. sead. woods

To trek is to ____.

a. drinkb. jumpc. trickd. walk

Moisture means ____.

a. motionb. dampnessc. strengthd. foolishness

I felt tranquil sitting in the shade on a quiet spring day.

Tranquil means ____.

a. excitedb. jealousc. awkwardd. peaceful

Baltimore is a great metropolis. A metropolis is


a. a cityb. an ideac. a persond. a chemical

The coach announced that the practice session is mandatory for every player

who wants to be on the team. Mandatory means ____.

a. funb. boringc. requiredd. confusing

When Mom told Carla she could not spend the night with her friend, Carla became indignant and

stomped upstairs. Indignant means _____.

a. impatientb. angryc. quietd. thoughtful

She could not fathom why her friend wanted to stay indoors. Fathom means


a. confessb. decidec. enjoyd. understand

Grades 4 and 5

Mary gripped the bat tightly as she waited for the pitch.

a. There’s a bat hanging upside down in the tree.

b. He swung the bat and missed the ball.

c. I watched my cat bat at the butterfly as it flew past him.

When she flipped the switch the light came on.

a. The moon looked like a yellow light in the sky.

b. The moon seemed to light up the sky.

c. The moon looked as light as a feather as it floated through the clouds.

The pen dripped red ink all over my paper.

a. The animals ran back and forth in their pen.

b. Will you get a new pen tomorrow at the school store?

c. Could you please pen the dog in his kennel?

She had to wait as I looked up the balance of her account.

a. I can’t account for the missing pieces of the game.

b. Can you give me an accurate account of yesterday’s event?

c. The teller asked me for the number of my account.

I was afraid the rope would snap if I tried to climb it.

a. I couldn’t close the snap on my purse.

b. The dog will snap at me if I try to pet him.

c. The rubber band will snap if you pull it too far.

d. Don’t make a snap judgment about the book – read it first!

I rose from my chair in astonishment.

a. The sun rose early this morning.b. Dad gave Mom a beautiful red

rose.c. My dress is a beautiful shade of


Susan tried to roll the clay into a ball.

a. As I cleared the table, I felt my hand sink into the bowl of mashed potatoes.

b. The boat was so heavy that it started to sink.

c. The ocean is a sink for carbon dioxide.

Many celebrities complain that they about being hounded by the press.

a. The last step of the directions is to press the green button.

b. You will have to press your pants before you can wear them.

c. The press are gathering to take notes on the president’s speech.

d. There were so many people that Tim got lost in the press of the crowd.

Many actors do not want their private lives written about by reporters.

a. Many people spend their whole lives in one place.

b. Grandma lives for the day she can go home from the hospital.

c. The president’s family lives in the White House.


I lost my house key.

a. Our team lost the game.b. Fred lost his homework.c. Mike felt lost in math class.d. Ann lost interest in the book.

Tyrell drew a picture for me.

a. The long day drew to a close.b. Dad drew money from the

bank.c. The little dog drew back in

fear.d. Beth drew in her coloring


Did you hear that sound?

a. Don’t make a sound.b. She made a sound choice.c. Someone should sound the alarm.d. This board is sound, but that one

is rotten.

The man held still and the artist started to draw.

a. The used a bucket to draw water from the well.

b. The referee called the game a draw after five hours.

c. In his free time, he liked to draw pictures of his friends.

d. The teacher began to draw the students’ attention to the map.

Did you slip the photo back into the photo album?

a. Don’t slip and fall on the ice!b. I will slip this envelope under the

door.c. A slip of paper kept my place in

the book.d. I am going to slip outside for a

quick walk around the block.

The course on boating safety was canceled.

a. We had soup for the first course of our meal.

b. I am taking a computer course this summer.

c. Columbus set a course for the new world.

d. The grass on the golf course is trimmed very short.

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