greece. olympia olympia is where the first olympic games were organized and played every four years...

Post on 17-Dec-2015






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Olympia• Olympia is where the first Olympic Games were organized

and played every four years in honor of Zeus. The games originated in 776 B.C.

• The temple of Zeus is located in Olympia, as well as the temple of Hera.

• The Archeological Museum at Olympia has interesting exhibits


• Considered one of the “greatest Cultural treasures” by archeologists.

• “navel of the earth”

• Tourists should allot at least half a day when visiting this site.


• Mycenae is the home of the victors of the Trojan war, the Atreides.

• Mycenae has a palace, ruins, and a tomb to accompany the breath-taking views.


• Dion was completely destroyed in an earthquake and completely excavated in the 1900’s only to discover what the ancient streets once held. Visitors can wander the streets and explore the ancient village.

Samaria Gorge

• Samaria Gorge is the longest gorge in Europe.

• It is know for its challenging hiking trails and remarkable views.

• Hiking is only permitted in the summer and even then depends on the weather.


• The picturesque view attracts honeymooners from around the world.

• Among the many things to do, Santorini has a famous volcano, breath taking beaches, and incredible beaches.

Northeastern Aegean Islands

• Visit ancient ruins, forests, or beautiful beaches on these islands.

• These islands have multiple museums, walking trails, and libraries.


• Evia is undiscovered for the most part by tourist around the world.

• This leaves Evia open for excellent investment opportunities.

The Cyclades

• These islands have an assortment of historical, religious, and natural sites to attract a variety of people.

• Also, they offer activities to keep you busy or allow you to relax in a quiet environment.


Crete offers a water park, a small zoo, numerous walking trails, and of course

beaches. Crete has a family friendly environment and a variety of things to do.


• Halkidiki offers a multitude of things to do to keep everyone occupied. Villages, museums, excursions, and architecture are only a few activities Halkidiki has to offer.


• Pelion's most famous feature are the traditional mountain villages made of stones.

• Pelion also has mountains with beaches, which is typical of Greece.


• Meteora is known for its rock towers. These towers can be climbed year-round making Meteora a popular tourist pick.

• Meteora also offers hiking trails among the rock towers to accommodate others.

Greece has a multitude of things to do to attract visitors from around the world although breath taking views are what Greece is best known for.

Greece can be a family friendly environment, or a romantic get away. This versatile environment

has made Greece the tourist attraction it is today.

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