green aventurine haling stone suppliers india

Post on 03-Apr-2016






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Green Aventurine increases the power of homeopathic remedies. [Eason, 285] It has an anti-inflammatory effect, easing skin eruptions, such as acne, eczema, and rosacea, and soothes allergies




Aventurine Stones and Crystals... Increase Optimism and Self


Aventurine stones are crystals that contain a good amount of quartz in

them... along with inclusions of various other minerals, which gives

them their specific color.

The Aventurine stones have slightly different metaphysical properties

depending on the color. This means each of the different colored stones have separate sections listing their


The Green Aventurine stone Green Aventurine is the most common of the colors. The green color is from

the inclusion of Fuchsite... a type of Mica.

Green Aventurine... A Heart Chakra Stone

You can imagine how this might translate into many of the

Aventurine stones. Some green Aventurine is quite sparkly... so may contain more Fuchsite... and others

are darker green.

Green Aventurine... A Heart Chakra Stone

Like most green crystals they are heart chakra stones and will help in the area of love

relationships as well. One application where you may use any of the varieties, is to meditate with

them, as this may boost your ability to handle life changes. As they contain quartz this will

amplify the energy of the inclusion within them during meditation.

Green Aventurine... A Heart Chakra Stone

These green stones have a lovely energy that has the capacity to aid you in releasing anxiety... so using them is a good way to relieve your


Green Aventurine... A Heart Chakra Stone

Due to the Green Fuchsite within the stone... this lovely green crystal is one of the stones that will help you

to make contact with elemental beings. Where you have plants

growing will attract the members of the Devic kingdom.

Green Aventurine to Aid Elementals

These beings that live within the "green" areas around your home

may be attracted by the energy of these green healing stones, as they

feel the Green Aventurine stones

Green Aventurine to Aid Elementals

Aventurine Crystals are easy to buy and these stones have strong health

benefits that aid blood pressure, and are said to aid the health of the physical heart. They have an anti-inflammatory effect... and aid skin eruptions and allergic conditions.

Why Would You Use It ... How Will They Help You

Green Aventurine stones have the ability to absorb environmental pollution. The general energy of your home will be improved by

having this green quartz crystal in as many places as possible.

Why Would You Use It ... How Will They Help You

All of these stones, including the rough stones... like the one in the

image shown here... are powerful to have in your office near your

electronic equipment to remove electromagnetic smog.

Why Would You Use It ... How Will They Help You

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