green it / computing

Post on 09-May-2015






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Green IT Practices

-Piyush Agarwal-Regn no-20124022 MNNIT Allahabad

What is Green IT?Green IT refers toEnvironmentally sustainable IT or computing. It is the “study of practice of designing, manufacturing,using , and disposing of computers, servers and associated subsytems”

Approaches to Green Computing



Computer virtualization is the process of running two or more logical computer systems on one set of physical hardware.

Study by Mckinsey found that among a total of

32 servers at 4 production datacenters , 32%

were running at or below 3% peak and average utilization.Companies can

reap a 65% reduction in server count

through virtualization.

Power Management

PCs with a screensaver going

can use well over 100W of power , compared with only

about 10W in sleep mode.

Companies can save

between $25 to $75 on power bills per pc per year

by powering down machines when not in use

Operating system issues

Linux vs. Windows Power Usage In “desktop usage” power tests ,both Fedora

and Ubuntu had consumed more power than Microsoft Windows. Fedora and Ubuntu were consuming 65 Watts while Windows had only consumed 58 Watts .Granted,this test isn’t very controlled and was just intended to give a rough overview.

• Desktop computer power supplies(PSUs) are

generally 70–75% efficient, dissipating the remaining energy as heat.

• An industry initiative called 80 PLUS certifies PSUs that are atleast 80% efficient; typically these models are drop-in replacements for older, less efficient PSUs of the same form factor.

• An 80 Plus power supply can save about 85 KWh per PC,per year.


• Video-conferencing between office and client sites thereby reducing travel cost and decrease negative impact on the environment

• If all commuters worked one day a week from their

home,5.85 billion fewer gallons of oil would be

used each year

Reducing Paper Waste

E-mail are considered “green” because it reduces paper use when used to distribute documents electronically, thus reducing carbon footprints and cost.

Printing 50% less than before, FICO saved 8 million

sheets of paper in a year thereby saving $300,000 in paper, printer maintenance and related print costs.

Using Renewable Energy

Wind and Solar Energy Hydro Energy

Recent implementation of “Green Computing”


• Blackle is the search-engine site powered by Google Custom Search created by Heap Media.

• Blackle came into being based on the concept that when the computer screen is white,presenting an empty word page or

the Google home page,your computer consumes 74W.• When the screen is black it consumes only 59W

• The Zonbu is a new, very energy efficient PC• The Zonbu consumes just one-third of the power of a typical light bulb• The device runs the Linux operating system using a 1.2 GHz processor

and 512MB of RAM

Zonbu Computer

Fit PC• Fit PC is the size of a paperback

and is absolutely silent,yet fit enough to run Windows XP or Linux

• Fit-PC is designed to fit where standard PC is too bulky, noisy and power hungry

• Fit-PC only draws 5 watts,consuming in a day less power than a traditional PC consumes in 1 hour

Steps by Apple

• MacBook keyboards are made from single piece of aluminium

• MacBook pro notebooks have long lasting batteries whereas a normal notebook uses three batteries a Macbook will use only one through out its life time.

Steps by DELL

• Their free world-wide product recycling program allow users to properly dispose their product safely

• Their “Plant a tree for me” project can offset a customers carbon emissions for only two dollars.

Conclusion• From the all above discussion we have seen that there is high power consumption by all this data centers, computers and other technical equipments.• To reduce the power consumption and make this all equipments echo-friendly GREEN Computing is necessary

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