greenco burundi coffee newsletter june 2019

Post on 05-Dec-2019






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Greenco Burundi Coffee Newsletter June 2019


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The end of a new beginning June is over, summer has come and with that, we can officially announce the end of the cherry procurement season! This means that the actions moves from the coffee washing stations to the dry mill and that it´s time to focus ourselves in the processing period! But before all that, what's been going on for the last few weeks?

That harvest thing, you know? Our coffee is getting ready for the next step! After drying under the sun, the parchment is now being transported to the dry mill. Our first coffees are been processed as we write these lines, in order to be ready to travel throughout the world! Although we still have some coffee drying at the coffee washing stations,

you should not worry, these laggards will get their free ticket to the dry mill very soon!

Cash, cash everywhere!

During this last month, we have proceeded to make the first payment to the farmers in our CWSs. Throughout almost three weeks, our team has visited each of the stations in order to recognize the hard work the farmers are doing this entire season. As always, we were one of the first producers to pay in Burundi: good things don't wait! Smiles, dances and joy in general were spread among all the stations. This first payment will not only allow the farmers to improve their living standards but also invest in their plantations. Let's get started for the upcoming season!

From North America & Japan to Burundi...

June was accompanied by the visits of many friends. Among all of them, it's curious how many North American visitors we've had in recent weeks. These have been so many that we've had decided to make a map to locate ourselves (please see above). Kat (Sucafina NA), Paul & Al (Colectivo Coffee), José (Sightglass Coffee), Jonathan (Partners Coffee), Damian (49th Parallel Coffee), Jay (Intelligentsia), Phil (Phil & Sebastian), Tom (Sweet Maria's) and Cole (Rosso Coffee Roasters) have been officially appointed ambassadors for Burundian Coffee! For some of them, it was their first time in Burundi. Others, however, have already visited us several times. But they all agree on one thing: the quality and potential of Burundian coffee are probably unique in the world! As Aristotle said, "wise men speak when they have something to say". Each in their own way, these visits have really brought us a lot. The knowledge, curiosity and passion of our guests for this industry make us aware of the importance of keeping an open-minded and innovative vision in every possible way, from the tree to the cup!

If our North American visitors have been numerous, the Japanese have not been less. Indeed, our friends from Wataru decided to listen to Africa's heartbeat and leave the land of the rising sun to pay us a visit. We had the chance of visiting some of our stations and share impressions about the industry in general and our countries in particular. Although Burundi and Japan are two countries that might seem very different in principle, thanks to this visit we've been able to discover that we have much more in common than you might think a priori. A great love for good coffee is undoubtedly one of them! Arigato for your visit, we hope to see you here again soon!

And from Burundi to the world! The samples' shipment period is still ongoing! Most of our samples from this crop have already been delivered! What are you waiting for? Click on the button below in order to discover our amazing lots!

Contact us / Sample me up

Burundi's birthday

This 1st of July, Burundi celebrated its 57th birthday after its independence, although the Kingdom of Burundi dates back to the late 16th Century. For doing so, Greenco participated once again in a parade organized by the local authorities, followed by our traditional company meal where we enjoyed a good break in the middle of this intense season. We believe coffee has transformative power. This is why our best gift for Burundi is to give this country the opportunity to share with the world its unique coffees while trying to have at the same time an impact on the community producing these coffees. Long live to Burundi!

Carlos' Words

The harvest season is almost over. When I look back, I realize the hard work the whole team has done over the last 14 weeks. However, there is no time for breaks: from the coffee washing stations we are moving to the dry mill to start the processing period! And the demand is always the

same: paying attention to every small detail is key in order to continue delivering the best quality coffees in Burundi. During this month, we´ve had the pleasure of learning from people who have been in the coffee industry for decades. At Greenco, we feel very fortunate to be able to learn from them, to share our passion for coffee and also to show all the incredible things Burundi has to offer! In this month of July, we will share more exciting news such as new visits, dry mill activities and upcoming impact projects. Meanwhile, if you don't want to wait another month to keep up with all the news, don't forget to follow us on our social networks! Stay tuned!

< Signature Carlos Bobillo Barbeito ” > < “ signatureCBB >

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Greenco S.U · 33 Route Ngozi-Gitega · Ngozi · Burundi �

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