group 5 constitution[ajedit][1]

Post on 28-Jan-2018



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Heather M. Lowe

(Communication Mgr/Researcher)

Austin D. Jacobson


Traci L. Krueger

(Power Point Gura/Researcher)

· Communication- Communication will be through email, phone calls, text messages, and group discussion boards on Blackboard. At the end of the week within our feedback we will be sure to complain as a group and if there is one problem that the group had with a particular part of the project. o Breakdown- If a breakdown in communication does occur the

member will be given 5 to 12 hours in order to respond. If the member does not respond within the time allotted they will be contacted again and if there is not an immediate response than the whole group will try to get in contact with the individual. If the other members are still unsuccessful, than the missing members work will be divided up among other members and Dr. Douglas will be contacted.

· Discipline- If a member is becoming a problem within the group, their actions will receive a warning by fellow group members. If the action is not corrected than the communications manager will be contacted and will be asked to help resolve the issue. If this does not work than immediate action will be taken to inform the group’s professor and have them help mediate the situation.

· Deadlines- This group must meet by 3:00pm Wednesday afternoon every week. This deadline will be used to help keep the group communicating and help them determine what needs to be done throughout the week. First draft of assignments are due to the editor every Friday by 10:00 pm. The editor has a deadline on Sunday mornings at 8:00 am to get the revised draft out to the other group members for their input on the final draft. Sunday at 9:00 pm will be a deadline to the communications manager for immediate submission of the project.· Meetings- All group meetings will take place online and Face-to-Face. Meetings will be scheduled by the communications manager for that week no later than Sunday at 11:59 pm. Meetings will either take place Mondays at 12:00 pm or Wednesdays at 12:30 pm face-to-face. Online meetings will be scheduled for Fridays or Saturdays.

By signing our names, we as members of Group 5 in POS 220.55955 in

the spring 2010 semester at Estrella Mountain Community College, do

solemnly swear to uphold all guidelines set forth by my fellow group

members in our group wide contract and our individual contracts.

Austin David Jacobson (Editor and Researcher)

Traci Lynn Krueger (Ppt. Gura and Researcher)

Heather M. Lowe (Communication Mgr and Researcher)

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