growing your customer list

Post on 14-Sep-2014






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These slides accompany a talk for the Digital Enterprise Program, and cover both the technologies/online processes for lead capture and nurture, and the importance of crafting the right message to your prospects. Last but not least, the importance of keeping your existing clients engaged for not just referrals, but being able to help them in other ways.


Urszula Richards, onlineiq

Salisbury and Modbury

Growing Your Customer List

Goals for this Session

• New ways of finding leads for YOUR business

• Online ways of ‘capturing’ and storing those leads

• Online tools which help convert leads into customers

• Not forgetting your marketing message


Increasing the number of leads you have will have little impact on your business if you don’t have a clear process for how to turn these leads into clients

• Eg. Increasing traffic to website no good if website does not convert

• Getting more names on your list no good if you have no plan about how you will engage with these people

Some questions first

Understanding YOUR business / organization

• Goods / services• Online / offline / local / Australia-wide• Years in operation• Number of people

How are you getting your leads right now?

• Word of Mouth• Advertising (offline)• Advertising (online)• Website / blog• Social media• Online forums, communities of interest

Leads, lists and followers

Lead – anyone who is a prospective customer – now or in the future

List – a list of leads and customers –with contact details (pref. email), in YOUR database

Followers & Likes – possible leads who have had at least one moment of awareness of your existence – but you have to guarantee ongoing communication with them

Where do you put your leads?

• CRM (Customer Relationship Managements Software)

• Spreadsheet• Accounting Software• Email Contacts• In your head!

Why your own database is key

You can control all marketing activities which lead to one central location, such as email lead capture, calls to action & landing pages

Why your own database is key

Because – you OWN it

Example – Landing Page & Lead Nurture Process

• A landing page with an offer (make it good!)

• A form to capture the email address• No risk + reason to act now• Follow up ‘success’ email (make them feel

good that they have subscribed)

Example of email capture

Example of email capture

What does this page need?

Leverage that Landing Page

• Once you have a landing page created, you can start promoting & or advertising it in many different ways.

• Facebook / Google Adwords or offline print advertising

• On your website• Through social media (as part of a strategy – don’t

over do it)• Email signature with your offer on it (linking to your

landing page)

Review your website

You should review your website, with ‘lead capture’, ‘landing page’ lenses on and provide similar opportunities for capturing client leads through Calls to Action

Review your website

Make these contextual, and one maybe two per page so they don’t confuse people or compete with each other

How could this page capture a lead?

How could this page capture a lead?

How could this page capture a lead?

Customer Buying Cycle

Marketing Basics

Now that you have the basic concept of how it works, its time to look at the actual Message itself

1. Understand your niche – their pain and desires2. Be clear about how you solve or fulfill this3. Create a hook to capture their details4. Develop your ‘know, like & trust’ system in order

to communicate over time that you understand them and are best placed to help them

Marketing Strategy - exercise

Gathering leads is only the first step, and is wasted if you don’t have a clear strategy about how to convert a lead into a customer.

Marketing Strategy - exercise

Now apply this to your business

• Who are you targeting?• What pain are you solving?• What hook can you use to attract

people?• How can you keep them engaged?

Adopting the Right Attitude for Nurturing Leads

• Once you have gained the opportunity (& privellege of communicating with someone, this is just the beginning

• Understand where your prospects may be in the buying cycle, and create an experience which will keep you top of mind for when (or if) they are ready to buy

• With automated systems, you are able to create great value once, and distribute it to many without it costing you extra

• Encourage engagement & communication so you can continue to provide value and build the ‘know, like and trust’ factors


• No risk• Guarantee• Quality• Testimonials• Consistency / longevity• Speak their language (no jargon; benefits

not features!)

Know, like and trust system

TRUST – what not to do


• You need to know them, get them to know you• Become an expert / contributor in your area /

niche• Create relevant + valuable content• Build relationships with suppliers, colleagues• Blog or other content (more about that later but

the online medium does provide many opportunities to be known without even leaving your desk)


• Be authentic (be real)• Encourage conversation & interaction• Ask questions to get to know your clients better• Adjust your communication to respond to questions and

needs• Communication ratio – 95% relationship building, 5% selling

(according to one leading marketer)• Be generous – refer prospects to others for things they can

help them with; its not all about you!• Work toward developing a client list who not only like you but

who you like (like works both ways)

Knowing your client

• Depending on how long you have been in business, and what tools you are using

• Do you know who your client or your IDEAL client is?

• How do you know what you know about your clients

Customer Clarity

• Who has a clear idea of who their ideal customer is? Will give examples about why this is important

• [if this sounds like mumbo jumbo, please take advantage of the free 4 hour mentoring session you are eligible for]

Best Practices

• Have a CRM and/or sales tracking software (do a small section on this)

• Be diligent (ie. Your contacts won’t get in there by themselves)

• Use every opportunity to add to your database• Capture email first, other information secondarily• Understand the tools that can make the process easy

for you• Create a full marketing strategy – from lead capture to


Some tools to get started

• (easy lead capture and autoresponding emails + email marketing)

• Chimpadeedoo (ipad app for offline lead capture) [by]

Extra help

• Polaris – 4 hour mentoring session• Developing understanding of your customer• Marketing message • Rhys Moult, Polaris Centre 8260 8205

• Onlineiq – automated marketing sequences and systems, websites, online marketing, 0413 606 463

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