growth hacking: the characteristics of a content hacker [infographic]

Post on 08-May-2015






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Have you ever heard of growth hacking? It’s a marketing technique developed by technology startups that uses creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure. It’s a bit scrappy, and completely focused on results. Does that sound familiar? Growth hacking isn’t too far off from its counterpart, content marketing, a technique that we all know and love. In fact, it’s so close that it just might call for an entirely new breed of hacker: The content hacker. Wait, hacking? Can’t you go to jail for that? Listen, if you want your blog to grow, you may want to learn a thing or two from the content hacker. He or she is traffic-obsessed and focused on nothing but growth. This infographic will give you a peek inside their inner inner psyche and help you become your own content hacker. View Original: --- The #ContentHacker doesn't see product/market fit, he sees content/audience fit #contentmarketing The #ContentHacker eats, sleeps, and drinks blog growth #contentmarketing An opportunistic #ContentHacker turns contacts into connections #contentmarketing Where a #GrowthHacker sees scale, a #ContentHacker sees sustainability #contentmarketing The #ContentHacker eats data and only settles for moving the needle forward #contentmarketing An SEO-minded #ContentHacker has been leveraging the search base since 1991 #contentmarketing Viral growth can be manufactured if you're a real #ContentHacker #contentmarketing Style guides are for wimps. No need for them for the modern #ContentHacker #contentmarketing


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