guidelines for the ion of metropolitan toronto

Post on 10-Apr-2018






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8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 1/70


" CD '


8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 2/70

ContentsIntroduction 3

An tic ip a te d Growth 3

UJ si'i of th e G ui d cllllc \ 3

Wh o u lI SC th e G ll idelin es? 4

Orga ni sation o f th<: C u id e lin es 4

Urban Structure and 5

The Guidel ine. 7

A Should the Area be Reurbanised? 7

B What Type of Reurbanisotion Area is it? 11

Ma j or Metro Ce nt res 13

Ccmrc ') 15

Corridors 16

! lI fi li Arc" , 18

C What is the Appropriate Mix of Uses? 21

Mi xe d U sc 2 1

B.d al1cc 22

M ix of Ii o usin g r ypcs 28

D What is the Appropriate

Overall Density level? 31

Gros s R c ur b :1 n isa t io n De m lty 33

US lIlg t h t' I) " ll si ty Gui(k ' liIl L'S 34

I The Urban Design Plan 35

F The Public Realm 39

Il o w mll c h Pu blic R c:dlll is R cquin:d ? 39

o f th e I'u b lic Itc a IIIl 41

G Site-Specific Densities 43

H Pedestrian Environment 45

Parking 49

J Fit and Transition 51

K Special Features 55

57pplying the Guidel ine. 1"\""'l ' lr"

A M c d i ulIl D e n s i t y Co r ri d or 57

A Lo w D CI1'i i ty Loc a l C e ll t r e 61

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 3/70


Credits Berridge Lewinberg Greenberg Ltd .

Pamela Blais

George Dark

Ken G reenberg

Jonah Ing

N ico la Jancso

Frank Lcwinbcrg

Mark Kcid

Stephane Tremblay

Michel Trocme

E,wirolllflclll: Monica Campbell

Municipality of Metropolitan

Toronto Steering Committee

John Gartner

John Livey

Edith Howard

13rcnda Ucrnards

Randy Mc Lean

Philip Abrahams

Harvey Low

Mi//i srry of Mlnlici!,al Affairs

Ruth Malady

Municipal Steering Committee

Joe Borowiec North York

Uarbara Leonhardt Torollto

Peter Moore Scarbo«)lIgh

Lou Mo retto York

Rick Torna sczcwicz Eas t Yc>rk

Perry Vagnini Etobimke

Graphic Design

Hambly & Woo lley Inc.


Th e Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto

orporatc Printing Services

Thn documCIlI w,u pruned

recycled paper conuUlmg a

mllilmum of 50% recycled

~ n d 25% p o s t - c o n ~ l I m l ' T W .

Pnnled II I Canada

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 4/70



Anticipated GrowthRece nt proje ctions ind icate that th e popula tion of

the G reater Toronto ArL'a is expe cted to incrC;l'\C

from 4 million to 6 mill ion il l th e next 2U to 30

years. The Municipali ty of Me tropolitan Toronto has

se t ta rgets :lim<.:d at :1cc omlllodating a mi nilllum of

30Q ,OOO new residents an d 400,000 ""W jobs o ver

thi s pe riod . As virtua lly all of Me tro's land area is

alrc.ldy urbani"icd, accom modatin g this growth will

invol ve redevelopment. A framework is needed to

gui de rhis process of " rcur banisation".

Basis of the Guidelines

These Guidelin es w er e deve loped on th e basis of a

body of research pr esented in th e Stu dy of the

N.. eurba ll isatioll of J\1er rIJ}Joiitall Tor(Jllto, the compan-

ion report to thi" do clIment . A compre hen sive

approach was adopted, aim ed at in tegratin g e llviron-

mental, ec o nomic, social and built fo rIll i s s u c ~ in

the rcurb :lI1isatio n of Metropolitan Toront o .

RClirbanisat ion provid c..·s an oppo rtunity to

achieve environmental goals, an d to improve the

so ei,1 "n d ph ysical f.1bn c of the lIle tropo li s. I or

l'xJmple. rcurbanisation C.lIl reduce auto depe nd en ce

in nun y ways , such a'\ creat in g t he critic..:al dcnsitic..·s

needed for walking , cyclin g, and the li se of tran'\it.

OI l l.' of th e fun dament al implic:Ition'\ of th e

Gu idel ines io; that :t!! I l l ; ~ o r new developm en t is

sl.'rvcd by tran 'i it. By definition , reurbanbatioll

involves recil'vc1oping :1iready urbanised areas, which

decreases pressure for develo plllen t of greenfields

sites outside M l'tro. Reurbani sat ion provides

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 5/70

G l l l d < : l t n t . · ~ for tbe

Ilcurballl\.'irLOll of


Metropobt.111 Toronto

an opportunity to learn

from mi stak es of the

past, and to crca te a

hi gh-quality, livable

urb::I1 environme nt,

with building at J

human scale.

Reurbanisation ca n

ensure J range of pla ces

wh ere ne w ki nds of

businesses can locate,

and prom ote diversity

o f ho usin g type :Ind

cho ice . Finally, rcurban

isa tion can support CO Ill

rnunity building Jn d

soc ial illtegration.

Who should use

the Guidelines?

T he G uidelines are

in tend ed to provide

gu idance to developers ,

loca l arca 3n d Metro

To ronto planne rs. co un

cillo rs or oth er in tc rest

cd pe rso ns rega rding

h ow the proc ess of rcur

ba nisat io n is to un fold in

Metro ove r the co ming

yea rs. They deal with

r e u r b l I 1 i s a t i o I 1 issue s at

a full ran ge o f scales,

addressing qu estions

such as:

• wh ere shollid

fCl lfualli sa t ioll occur?

• at what dellsiti es ?

• what lalld rI ses arc


• how Hlll ch land shollid he

de/Joted to streets Q/ld

parks ,

• what huilt for ms are


The G uidelines are

not intended to address

small-scale forms of

in tensifi ca tion , such as

co nversions or infill.

Rath e r, they are

addressed to th e large r

geog raphiol scale of

planning, im p ly ing an

overall urban structure

for Metro, ane! suggest

how the reurbanisation

of large r an.:as within th e

M etro f.lbric should be

rcurbaniscd. In most

cases, it is th ese "reur

banisation areas",

described bel ow , whi ch

afC th e subj ect o f th e

G uidelines , no t individ

ual development parcels

or site s.

Fo r planners, th e

Guideli nes ind icate the

elements proposed devel

opment should include,

an d offer a means of

eva luating such propos

als. Fo r cievL'iopers, th e

Guidelines indicate what

th e M e tropolitan

Government is looking

for in n ew developrnent

sche llles. As a framework

for guiding urban devel

opment in th e futufe

based on a co mprch e n

sive app ro ac h to social,

ccon o rnic , enVlfonmel1

tal and built e nvironment

obje ct ives, thc

G uidelines may also be

of in te rest to planners

and po licy m akn s in

o th er jurisdi c tions.

Orgonisation of

the Gu idel i nes

The G uidelines are

o rganised on th e bas is of

a "h ierarchy of dec i

sio ns" whi ch will lead

th e reader throu gh an

evaluation process for a

reurb anisatio l1 area.

Each set o f G uidelines is

preceded by an explana

tion of their co nt ex t and

r:1ti on alc . An cxamplc

showing the application

of th c G uidelines to an

area at Victo ria Park and

Danforth Avenu es is

ca rr ied through th e do c

ument. T his example is

fo r the purp ose of illus

tration only, showing

how th e G uidelin es

might be applied to a

particular area. T he

drawin gs do not rep re

sen t a pro posed plan fo r

th e area .

Throughout the doc

um ent , there are also

several photog raphs like

the on e below, denot ed

by a grccn border.

These arc pho tos o f

ex isting building ty pes

\vithin Metro, which

\vould fit th c schem e fOf

reu rbanisatio n prese nted

in the Guidelines.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 6/70



Structureand Transit

It is anticipated that as urbanisation contin ue" o ut -

side Metro 's urban boundaries, there will be a signif-

ican t influx of comilluccrs to M et ro. Thi'i will result

in a vast increase tn the lIumbc:r of cars e n te rin g

Metro every day . For this rCJ'\OIl. and to 'mppo n

gC IlL'ral envirOIlmcllt:l1 objcctivc.:<o; associated with tlIt.:

lise of transit (such as re d uction, in air pollution,

1l0i'\L', and th e global \A.1arlllin g effect), a fundamental

clement of the GuidL"lincs is "'trong support for the

usc of transit t l t r ( l l l , ~ " r(,Jlrbanisa tivlI at h'Y loulliems

with appropriate dell sili£'s alld land us es. The

Guiddines attempt to integrate land u '\c an d tranliit

planning in many way"i. including, for ('x;lmpk. tying

th e overall de nsity of an area to the level of tr:msi[

service aV:lib.bk .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 7/70

6 C u ! ( k h l l l ' ~ for the.'

Rl'ltrb.lnt'JtH)[! of

M,: tropolit.lI) Toronto

At the sa me tllllc.

there is a need to 

a context of cc rcaillty

for dcvdopl11l'nt and

n.:devcioplllcnt deci

sion-making. On(' of

th e ll13in stumbling

blocks in Cllrrent devd

oplllcnt planning is tlut

levels of future transit

servICe 1Il any given

location 3rc no t kno\-vn.

Decisions reg arding

den sity become based



Mode Energy Usage

(b.u / personl


Int erci ty rail

li g ht roil

69 .

City Bus

75 2

Ropid ro i l

on existing: level, of

tr:lI1sit '\crviCl.' or exist

ing transport3tioll

capaci ty. Pla1lllers are

relu ct an t to approve

higher densiti es bl'GlllSC

existing transportation

c a p ~ c i t y may no t exist,

and there is no reliable

long term plan for

transit illlprOVl:ln c nt,\

in Metro.

In orckr to introduce

an ekment of ce rtainty

into the dl'vdopmcnt

planning ]>roccss, and to

provide a fi rmer bas is

UpOIl which to Jllakt:

decisions about appro

63 9

priatt: dellsiti es fo r

devdupllll·nt. Wl' haVl'

reco mm ended in tht:

co mpanion n:porL that

{ut l ln: transit corrid ors.

and th e gC IH:ral level of

transit service be

elltrcilched in Official

Pbn policy. In thi s way,

dt:vL']opmcnt decis ions

em be nudc in th e co n

text of gn.:atc..:r c..:rtainty

abollt tht' future trans

portation ca pacity avail

able to se rvice ne w

deve lopmcnt. At the

saIne timt: this approach

would provide a lang

term b a ~ i for capital

funding ::llld co ne;tru c

tion of c.lpital improvc


A closer iu t eg ration

of land USe planning 3nd

transportation plannin g,

and till· crcatio ll of a

more certain transit

framt:'I.,'ork, should serve

to smooth th e plan ning

prOCl: SS for pbnner" and

developers alike. Th,'

approach advocated

here Ie; designed to work

with the Illarketplace,

cre:Hing opportunities

for grow th. In addition,

th e framework could be

impl eme nted so as to

create further certainty

for devclop,m'Ilt. I f the

framework i!\ im ple

Jllcnted in a proactive

way by local govern

ments. with reurbanisa

tion areas prL'dcsignated

and urban des ign plans

developed, the planning

approva lli pr ocess co u ld

be made Illore efficient.

ThUll while the

Guidelines do guide

develop lllent in ce rtain

ways, for example.

directing it to certain

locations whL'rL' transit

infrastructure c;m or will

support it. we feci that

they also co ntain th e

potential for a speed ier

approv:1is process which

will serVL' the !lurket as

well as th e public.




45 76 jAutomobile

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8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 9/70

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 10/70


Certain types of areas

should not be reur-

banised because in theirpresent form they play

an increasingly impor-

tant role in the urban

fabric and urban envi-

ronment. Included are

Should the a ~ ~ a e a ; ~ ; ~ : ~ : e ~ , open spaces,

b ' . d? and the low-be reur anise . rise residen-

tial neighbourhoods(though the neighbour-

hoods will continue toGuidelil1es fo r llit, be the locus of smallReurbafl;satio" of

A1ctropolitau Torot/tv scale forms of residential

intensification, such as

accessory units and

minor infill) .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 11/70

8 Guidclim'.. for th t:

Rl'llrb:lIlis.uioll of

MetropolItan Toronto

Other types of areas

may be rcurbanised but

will requ ire a special

response. In or de r to

ensure a hl.:31 thy an d

d iverse urban ec o llomy

and suffic ient land for

in du stry in th e future,

the ad ho c approach

th at has gene rally bee n

tak en to the rccit'signa

ti o n of u ndcrutilise d

in du stria l areas mll st be

rep lace d with on e

whi ch bases sllch dcci

sions in th e contex t o f a

Metro- wide assessment

of future nee ds for

ind ustria l lands, and th e

Ill0St appropriate loca

tions fo r redesignatio ns.

We have begun to

appreciate th e tr uc

challenges in th e rCll1c-

diatio n of "brown sites"

to make them suitab le

for reurba nisat io ll . It is

essentia l , th e refore , in

areas where there is

reason to beli eve that

there ma y be significa nt

problems of so il , air,

an d W:l tc r quality, that

the pro cess of planning

for reurbanisation begin

w ith an environmental

audi t wh ich would pro

vide an understanding

of spec ific con strJints

and opp or tunities .

T hese are ofte n of such

a magn itucit.: th at the y

become givens in shap

low· rise residential

neighbourhoods .

ing th e approach to

evelopment, to urban

design, and to th e ide n

ti ticatio n of reali stic

goals fo r rcurbanisa tion.

In [l e t , th e techniques

an d perspec tiv e

em ployed he re are ve ry

simi lar in many respects

to th ose w hich have

bee n developed to deal

with c llvironllH:ntally

sensitive natural areas.

T he iss lie of co ntami-

nated sites requires a

ew approach in wh ich

th e co st o f clean up is

no t paid fo r through

bon li S density, t h avo iding the resulting

possib ility of iluppro

pri ate bu ilt fo rm s.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 12/70



1 low rise residential neighbourhoods should

not generally be the locus 01 reurbanisation.

Small scale lorms 01 residential intensilication

such as accessory units and minor infill maycontinue to occur in these areas, however.

2 Existing natural areas, open spaces and parks

should be protected and enhanced.

3 When existing developments in natural areas,

such as ravines or valleys, become obsolete,

these areas should be restored to their natural

condition rather than redeveloped.

4 The reurbanisation 01 under·utilised industrialI lands should be decided in the context 01 a

broader understanding ollong·term supply and

demand lor industrial lands, and the implications

of decisions to reurbonise such lands on a Metro-

wide basis. Redesignation 01 industrial lands

should not be decided solely on a site·by·site or

local area basis

5 The reurbanisation 01 lands which are potentially

environmentally sensitive or contaminated shouldbegin with an environmental audit.

6 Contaminated sites should not receive density

bonuses to delray the costs 01 cleanup. Density

and built lorm decisions should be based on

other criteria, as outlined below.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 13/70



The illustration identifies, in 0 part of Metro, some 01 the

categories of land outlined in the Guidelines. Within this

window of the Metro area there are both open grid, .

mixed use neighbourhoods, an d some of the original sub

urban areos. It shows areas that would not be reur'

bonised (e .g. nOI.urol areos, parks!, or areas where

special responses may be required (contaminated siles,

underutilised industrial areas), II is apparent thot only asmall portion of the overall urban DreG will be available

for reurbanisolion.

GUIdeline, for the

R C l i r b a l l l ~ a r i o l l ofMetropolitan Toronto


The oreD around Victoria Pork an d Danforth contains

large amounts of vacant land, and some underutilised

industrial space. For the purposes of illustrating the appli

cation of the Guidelines, we will assume that Guidelines

4 an d 5 have been met, i.e. that a Metro-wide study has

determined Ihal this is an appropriate areo for redesigna ·

tion, an d an environmental audit has been completed_

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 14/70


What type

The particular urban

structure (the pattern of

distribution of develop-

ment) of a city or

metropolis has many

important though often

unrecognised implica-

tions. It affects the

amount of congestion

fand air pollution,

o the length of daily

commutes for

workers of allreurbanisation

area is it?Guid e/i"t's fo r the

RCllrbaflisatioll of

:\1t'tropolit/J/I T orot/to

kinds, the extent

to which the transit net-

work is used efficiently,

the sense of local com-

munity and neighbour-

hood, access to services

and shopping, opportuni-

ties for new businesses to

locate, and many other

aspects of urban life.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 15/70

12 Guide li ne , t"Qr th e

itcurb.llllSJtlO1l of

M etropol itan Toronto

I 6


I[ r


\!l \


1=:''_ .J

- - - - ' \ n\


Metro' 5 current structure

has a dominant core and

few centres and corridors.

The evolution of centres

and corridors across Metro

over time will result in

important benefits, such as

shorter commutes and

stronger neighbourhoods .

Decisions about

where rcurbanisa tion

shou ld occur, and at

what densities, can only

be made meaningfully

within the framework o f

a desired urb:lI1 structure.

First, th e role of a partic

ular reurbanisation area

must be dctcnnincd

within the ovaall urban

structure, :1I1d this sug

gests certain land uses

and overall densities.

Th e appropriate lIses,

densities an d built forms

on an individual site or

development parcel

with in a reurbanisation

areJ arc th en determined

within this co ntext,

based on o ther criteria,

such as urban design and

local £1ctors.

Uascd on o ur revic '.-"

of enviro nmental, eco

nomic, social an d b u il t

environme nt considera

tions, we have recom

mended in the

compan ion report a

particula r urban struc

ture fo r Metro w h ich

we fee l best achieves a

number of goals. Thi s is

essentially a hierarchi

ca l, many-centred

urban structure: , with

reurbanisation occur

ring primarily in many

nodes and centres, and

along n :rtain streets or

"corridors" . For reasons

th at will be outlined

below, the number o f

th e largest, most dense

employment concentra

tions, the "lI1ajor Met yo

eelltres J! would be limit-

ed to a ve ry few, while

other smaller, less dense

nodes or c(; n tres w ou ld

be much lllore 1111lller-

OllS . This mu lti-centred

fo rm is th e type of

urban structure we arc

recommending, which

pr o vides a context fo r

reurbanisat ion an d th e


There is an cnor

mOllS amount of rcde

velopmcnt potcntia) "in

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 16/70


Metro today. T hese

G u ideline s suggest that

rcurbanisa tio n O CC l ir

on ly in sel ected areas,

w here the max im um

poten tial exists to

ach ie ve public goals

'i llch as those mentioned

aboY<". T he G uidelines

direct rcu rban isation to

'/celltres" or nodal COI1-

cenerations of dc vclop

mell r, an d IIcorridors" ,Or li near concentrJtions

of dcvcloprncl1t alo ng

m ajor streets and arteri-

als. In add it io n , there an.:

uill/il l areas!" w hi ch do

not rep rese nt co nce n tra

tions of deve lop m e nt,

bu t places w here the

existing urban f.1br ic

wou ld be extended in to

a large area w hi ch, fo r

vario us reason s, docs not

have sllc h a f.1br ic at

prese nt (c.g. undcr-





over ' 975

1975 113 ,741

1981 192,686 69%

1991 294,181 159%

2011 ' 485,000 326%

• Prediction bosed on current

development trends,

ut ilised in d ust ria l areas).

All rcurban isa tio n a r L.:J S

arc w e ll de fi ned in arca

an d reflect a compact

develop me nt fOfm tha t

supports wa lking as a

viab le m ea ns of urba n

transportation. Th e clas-

sifica t ion o f types of

rcurbanisa tion areas is

based on concentrations

which exist today in

M et ro , not on an

abstract hierarchy of

new types we have

inven ted .

Major Metra Centres

A top plann i ng pr io ri ty

w ill be to ensu re that

wo rkers fi lling th e

400,000 ne w j obs an tic-

ipated w ith in Metro .

ll13 ny o f w ho m w ill li ve

o utside M etro , ,,v iII no t

re ly upo n the au to mo

bile to trave l to work .


7 An area of land which is to be reurbanised must

be planned in the context of its location and the

potential role defined for it in the overall strue'

ture of the Metropolitan region.

• Reurbanisation will take place primarily

in four types of area:

• maior Metro centres

• centres

• corridors

• infill areas .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 17/70

------------------ -


If current development po t·

terns continue unchanged,more and more people will

commute longer distances

from outside Metro to jobs

in the Central Area.

_ Inner Metro

r':I Outer Metro

Inner Metro was largely

developed before World

Wa r II. Outer Metro was

built in the post-war,

automobile era.

GUlddlllC\ ror thl'

R curb;UU'JtlOIl o f

Ml'rropol lc:m l ·oronw

Major Metro centres

mu st therefore be scr

viced by a hi gh- ca pac i

ty regional transit

network . If GO tra ills

were to fulfi l this ro le ,

vastly improved fn:

qucncy of scrv ict.: dur

ing peak times and

improved service

throughout the day

would be required .

Th e size Of;111

employment concentra

tion (i.e . the total

amOllnt of commercial

floorspace , or the tota l

number of wo rke rs) is a

critica l f.1ctor in deter

mining the degree of

transit usc - the larger

the con centration , the

highe r the share of trips

takt:n by transit.

H eadquarters of banks

or lI1surancc co mpal1lCS,

business services such as

management consu l

tants, advertising firms

or lawyers. are no t

directly rdated in func

tion to local or reside nt

pop ulation and shou ld

be focused primarily in

a few majo r centres .

We have set a general

target of 15 million sq.

ft. of cmploY11lcnt

related floorspace,

which based on a gen

era l relationship

between transit and size

of employm ent concen

tration observed in

othe r North American

cities, will kad to at

least 30% to 40% of

trips being taken by

transit. With Met ro' s

devd oped transit system

Jnd tradition of transit

usc, it is expected that

over 40% of trips will

be by transit.

T his policy of focus

ing empl oyment in J

few centres lo cated in

outer Metro will also

shorten trip len gt hs

(reducing auto-related

polllltion an d con ges

tion), and provide a

critical mass of CO Il CI.' Il

trated eco nomic activi

tics necessary to support

economic development

in advanced industrial

ec on oI11ies. T hc lII ajor

Metro cellfres woul d be

lim ited to the Central

Arca, North York City

Centre , Scarborough

C ity Ce nt re, and on c

centre in w estern

Metro, near Kipling and

Islington Avenues.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 18/70


An urban structure with a

few centres reduces aver ·

age trip lengths compared

to a single·centred city.

/ '


A full ron ge of typ es of

ce ntres is necessary to

sup port div ersity of ser

vices, ec o no mi c ::l ctivi

ti t,S, h Ollsin g ty pes and

bu ildi ng fo r1l1s. This

means cen tres ca n and

should V:Hy in size ,

scope , ro le , and fun c

ti o n. J\![ajtJf A1ctro

centres an .' COll cc ntra

t ions of employ m e nt,

se rv ices and bu sin css t:s

wh ich fu lfill a regional

o r ev e n nati ona l ro le

(c.g . t he Fi nan c ial

Co re). Ot her centres

arc needed to provide

seco ndary locations for

"b"c k o ffi ce" employ

ment o r o th er spe cial

bu t not necessarily head

office type uses , an d to

se rve a w ide r area

within M et ro. T hese

co uld be ca lled "sec

a ndary cen tres," :tnd

are co mp arab le to wh3t

M etr o's o ffi ciol pion

refers to as " inrerm edt -

Jrl.' centres "

O ne of th l' m ajor

we ak nesses of Metro 's

urban st ructu re has

bee n th e la ck o f co n-


9 Malor M.tro C.nt r• • :

• are the primary focus for new employment growth;

• are few in number, no more than the existing

mature concentrations consisting of the Central

Area ; and three others;

• aside from the existing Central Area employment

concentration, should be located in outer Metro,

in locations tha t represent centres of gravity with

respect to present and future housing in and

around Metro;

• are located at points of highest capacity transit

accessibility; on rapid transit integrated with a

high capacity regional transit network , to respond

to the high levels of anticipated in-commuting

from beyond Metro's borders;

• ar e well distributed across Metro;

• have compact development, in an area of

between 75 an d 150 hectares for major Metro

centres other than the Central Area;

• have roughly this amount of land available for


• are sufficiently large in floor space or number of

jobs, with a minimum target commercial space of

about 15 million sq.ft.;

• ar e nodal in form, rather than linear, in order to

support an intensive pattern of walking an d a

high degree of accessibility.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 19/70

16 Guidelin es for the

Rcurbal1l saclon of

Met ropo li tan Tor o nto

cc ntrations of dcvd op

ment whi ch serve as

local com muni ty foc i or

centres, especially in

ou ter Metro . This rok

ha s often been per-

form ed by the local or

rcgiOIui shop pi ng ce ll -

tre, whi ch ca nnot truly

serve the multi ple

fUllctions that J rcal

community centre pbys

- prov iding doctor's

and other local offices,

frui t stan ds, rn arkcts,

specialty food stores

and re stau rants, public

serv ices, clinics, recre

ationa l ce ntres, and so

on . Reurbanisat ion

provides an oppo rtunity

to cre ate real comtnu-

Ility ce ntres in areas

that are no t well served

at present.

Like all fcurban isat ion

areas, secondary and

local centres sh ould be

walking ;ucas. Local resi

dents should be ab le to

reach them easi ly and

comfortably on foo t.

They should also be well

served by transit.

Th e density permit

ted in sec ondary and

loca l ce ntres depends

primarily upon the ir

role and the leve l of

transit se rvicc available,

Local centres are the

smallest, and may fulfill

a rol e as :1 ce ntre for a

very small neighbour

hood, consisting on ly of

a few sto res, housing

Much of outer Metro

lacks centres and


and offices o r work

shops. As such, they

would b(' lo w or m edi

um density, and do not

require a high level of

transit se rvice.

Secondary centres, 011

the o ther hand, n1JY

have significant nUIll

bers of jobs, and would

be high density. T hey

will require a high level

transit service , I f scr

viced by GO tra in,

again , a Illll ch Illore fre

quent leve l of se rvice

would be required .


Hi storically, "mall1

50' /' ·ts'· have provided a

cOIll.lTIunity focus and

identity in towns and

citi es all ov er North

Amer ica . Maj or streets

also act as transit rOlltes,

and are therefore excel

len t locat ion s for

transit-orient ed

re urbanisatio n .

M etro 's major stree ts

and roads arc an

untappcd resource.

R eurbanisat ion along

I11Jin stre cts and artcri -

ai s C:11l create a CO Il l Il1U

nity fo cus like the old

main streets did, pro

viding a sense of place,

loca l ser vices and

amcnities that peoplc

can w alk to from SU [-

rounding neighbo ur

hoods. New build ing

alon g rnajor roads can

also better define

M etro 's urban inu ge ,

making the m Illore

fri endly to the pedcs-

t r i ~ l n , w hile provi ding

reside nts w ith exce llent

access to transit.

A strong re lations hip

exists in M et ro between

overall gross urb an den

sity levels and tra nsit

use: the highe r the den-

sity, the greate r the

pr opo rtion of trips

t3 kcn by trans it . Many

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 20/70


areas o f oute r Me t ro

have relatively lo w

ov erall de nsities and

low levels of transit usc .

In rcurbanising these

areas, adding pop u la

tio n and jobs (o r in

some cases where

ho useho ld size has

decrease d , simply

rL:s toring po pulation)

cou ld resu lt in sign ifi

can t in crea ses in tra nsit

use, and support

improved transit scr

vice . This suggests that

it wo uld be particularly

beneficial fo r corridors )

as well as CClltres I to be

fo rm ed in outer M et ro.

In app lying th e

Gu idelines, it is likely

that m any areas will

meet the tr ansit criteria

for centres of variou s

kinds . There :He many

points alon g th e

Danforth , for examp le,

where subway stops

exist, meeting th e critc

ria fo r a high density

centre . This does no t

suggest that all of these

places arc potential

high density centres .

Not all will have an

adequate supply of land

available for redevelop

ment; in many cases

they will be surrou nded

by very viable lo w de n

sity resident ial uses .

K eference should be

made to Gu i delines

1 to 4 . In other cases

both bnd and t ransit

se rvice may be available

at places quite close to

on e another. T he loca

tion of nearby centres

or corrid o rs, existing

and future, should als o

be taken into account,

so that a good distribu

tion of centres and car

ridors of different sizes

and types ean be

ach ieved . In instances

such as these, one area

lJlay be designated as a

lower- or der centre or

corr ido r even th ou gh it

may meet the criteria of

a higher-order reurban

isa tioll area .

I Possible Future Corridors


10 Cenf.e••

• ar e many;

• ar e well served by transit or are designated to be

well served by transit according to the transit plan;

• ar e significantly smaller in size than the maior

Me/ro centres, fulfilling a secondary or local

centre function;

• vary in size, from the very smallest local neigh

bourhood centre, may consist only of a few

stores, housing an d some offices or workshops; to

a more substantial secondary centre with a range

of services, shopping , recreation, residential andemployment uses up to SO hectares in area ;

• have adequate land area available

for reurbanisation ;

• ar e developed in a compact manner;

• are distributed throughout Metro;

• are located to respond to need

fo r a community focus.

11 Lo w Den.lfy Cenf .e .

Low density centres ar e serviced at a minimum b

frequent, moderate capacity transit vehicles

as buses or streetcars.

12 Medium Den.lfy Cenf.e .

Medium density centres ar e serviced at a mini·

mum by frequent, intermediate capacity transit

vehicles in their own right-of-way, such as LRTs

or buses, or advanced light rail (such as the

Scarborough RT), possibly in addition to bus or

streetcar service.

1 3 H ig h Den.lfy Cenf.e .

High density centres ar e serviced at a minimum

by high capacity rapid transit, such as subway,

or two or more frequent intermediate capacity,

dedicated right-of-way transit lines, and are

integrated with a high capacity regional transit


8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 21/70



14 Co •• lelo . . .

• ar e located along present or future designatedtransit routes;

• should especially but not exclusively be estab

lished in low density areas, particularly outer


• where possible , link existing an d future mojor

Melro centres and centres;

• ar e selected, in part, to improve equity across

Metro in access to trans it service;

• a re identified, in part, on the ability to realise

underutilised development potential ;

• ar e identified, in part, on the need for a local

community focus;

• will generally have a width (including the road

right-oF-way an d Flanking properties) of

between 10 0 an d 1'Q metres depending on the

location and width of existing street_

l ' Lo w Donslty Co •• loIo..

Low density corridors are serviced at a minimum

by Frequent, moderate capacity transit vehicles

such as buses or streetcars.

10 Moollum Donslty Co •• loIo.s

Medium density corridors ar e serviced at a mini

mum by frequent, intermediate capacity transit

vehicles in their own right-oF-way, such as lRTs

or buses, or advanced light rail (such as the

Scarborough RT) . They may also be serviced

by subways with stop spacing of less than

one kilometre.

G l I i d L ' l I l for the

R curballlsation of

Metropolitan TorolHo

Infill Areas

A fi nal category of reur-

banisation includes

those areas which do

not fall into "ny of th e

categories abovc, and

which when rcurban ised

will not represent con-

centrations of urban

development, but which

arc nonetheless areas to

be rcurbanised. Such

cases represent more an

ex tending or " infilli ng"

of the urban fabric

when: redevelopm en t

opportunities ex ist . An

example of th is type o f

Major transit routes ar e

much more closely spaced

in inner Metro, providing

beHer t ransit accessibility

than in outer Metro.

area might be an obso

lete industrial site with-

in an existing residential

t:,bric. Because they are

indeed " infiU" areas,

their size and locat io n

cannot be defined in thc

sam e way that they can

for celJ/res o r corridors.

However, some of the

general Guidelines ou t

lined bel ow will apply

to sllch areas, in cluding

Gui delines respecting

ITIIlll ll lUm use r l11 X, mJn -

i111 u m gross n:urbanisa

tion densities . and urban


8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 22/70



Low Density Corridor

low Density Centre

_ Med Density Corridor

_ Med Density Centre

_ High Density Centre

_ Major Metro Centre

Designated transit corridors, and the level of antiCipated

transit service, ore assumed to be laid oul in the new

Melro Official Plan. For Ihis exercise. we have assumed

a hypothe tical transit system for the purposes of illustrat-

ing Ihe applicalion 01 Ihese Guidelines only.

Theilluslralion shows a pallern of cenlres and

corridors tha I could emerge over the long term as

o resull of Ihe applicalian of Ihe Guidelines.

The location and type of centre or corridor is

closely lied 10 Ihe availabilily of Iransi!.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 23/70



. .. . .

. ),, .

The Victoria Park and Danforth 5ile has a large amount of

land available lo r redevelopment, including a shopping

centre with at-grade parking, vacant and underulilised

Industriol areos. The lorge number of holes in the urban

form of this area and 0 loco tion within three municipali

ties has not supported the crea ion of a recognized

neighbourhood related to the intersection of these two

importan t Metro thoroughfares. There is however on area

01 approximotely 70 hectares that could be developed.

The area is extremely well serviced by rapid Ironsil ; the

BloorDanlorth subwoy, and commuter GO train. Despite

having this high level of transit service, we hove assumed

this site would not qualify as a major Metro centre.

However , II does fit the choracteristics of a hi9h density


The centre should be defined so as to capitalise upon the

ovoilability 01 both subway and GO. The pOlenliol for on

intermodal transportation node can be realised by relo

cating the GO train platform. The GO Slation has been

moved eastward to Victoria

Park, in order to make it

more accessible to the

Danlorth/Victorio Pork inter

section, and to forge a clos·

er connection between the

GO station and the subway

stop to the north. GO

G l I I d c l l l l C ~ (or till'

R c u r b . l l 1 1 ~ , H I O J l ofMl'tropohtJJI Torollto



Victoria Pork and Danforth w ill noturolly form 0 focal

point for the high density centre, in the some way thot

Yonge and St. Clair do. The centre should be defined so

that this intersection can assume a position of promi


Finally, the roil corridor consti tutes a barrier and dividing

line between two very different types of orea. North 01

the corridor there are large scale developmen ts, major

arterial roods ond high rise buildings . The area south 01

the corridor is characterized by a much smalle r grain of

low-rise residential neighbourhood.

Based on these considerations, the centre has been delin

eated as shown in the illuslrolion. The node is located

primarily north of the roil corridor . The boundary extends

to the south near Ihe relocated station in order to capture

the excellent Iransit accessibility at this point. Most of this

27 hectare centre includes areos located south of the

Danforth thai are currently underu tili zed. N orth of the

Danforth, the boundary is defined by existing residentiol

areas. Except lo r the smoll

parcel near the GO station,

Ihe area to the soulh of the

train corridor is not included

in the centre. Rather, this

area would be considered on

inlill area, extending Ihe fab

ric of the existing neighbou r

hood northword.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 24/70


Mixed Use

Before the spread of the

automobile in NorthAmerican cities, the

fabric of urban areas

tended to be very finely

mixed, comprised of

uses of all kinds in close

proxImIty to one

another. The automobile

Whatisthe opened up vast new

areas for• •urbaniappropriate mix

of uses?GUIdeline s f or the

Rel/rhan/ sari o fl of

A1rtrop(,/uan To,ont o

satIon,allowing people to live

much farther from their

place of work. Thus

were born the first low

density auto-oriented

suburbs. In Metro and

beyond, there are many

examples, including

Willowdale or Don Mills.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 25/70

22 Cuiddim'\ for t il l'

R <.:urbani'\atioll of

Ml'twpolitJIl Toronto



1977 1983

Informatio n

workers: 7.5 6.0


workers: 7.0 8.0

length of commute for industri-

a l workers has increased while

for those work ing in in forma-

tion industries it has decreased.

Opening up localions where

clean , small scole industries

can loca te could counteroct

this trend .

SOl/rce: Kumar



Copenhogen: 32%

Stockholm: 21 %

Zurich: 21 %

Frankfurt: 27%

Metro Toronto : 6%

Source: Newman & Kenworthy

(1980 dolo)

In the auto age . th e

separation of land uses

beelln e an obsess ion

wi th urban planners.

transportat ion planl1t: rs,

builders, and re sidents

alike, to the po in t

where zo ning even pro-

hibite d corner stores

from fl 'sidcntial areas.

As the environmental

consequ l'nces of this

pattern of urban living

are being reco gnised

(such as air pollutio n

and globa l warmin g),

an d as th e qUJlity of life

im plications beco me

clear (we spend morc

and more of OlIr valu-

able time co m muting

ever longer distances to

wor k), it is valid to

question the un derlying

rati o nale fo r th e separa-

tio ll of uses,

A closer m ixing of

differe nt uses wi thin

rcurbanisat ion 3reas has

many imp u rtant bene-

fits . From an cnvirol1-

mcnta l pcrspcc t ive, it is

essentia l for or igins (say

the home) and de stina-

tio ns (say a shop, o r

schoo l, or workplace)

to b e closer together ,

idea lly within walking

or cycling d ista nce . If

they arc not sufficiently

close, the n walking will

no t be possible . A mix

of uses, on main streets

or arteria ls say, also

promotes th e vita lity of

an area , and imp roves

sa fety by ha ving mo rc

activity at all tim es of

th e day Jnd night , and

marc "eyes 011 the

street" . It al-;o strength -

en s a sense o f local

co mm u nity, by provid-

ing lo cal opportunities

for residcnts to work,

shop , or take tiln e of f

in th eir o wn neigh-

bourhood. Employment

and resi dential uses

to ge the r can better sup -

po rt lo cal busi ll esses,

increa sing the diversity

of scrviccs available .

While some uses

clearly an: no t co mpa ti-

ble with so me oth ers,

parti cu larly heavy

industry, noxiou s, or

noisy uses, many ne w

industries arc sma ll in

scale and clean.

Industries which mee t

"good neighbour"

environlllental cr iteria

regarding no ise o r

cmissions should be

permitted to be port of

th e local urban fabric.

Un fortunately, such cri-

teria do not exist at

present and would have

to be develo ped . But

ne w indu strics arc criti-

cal to th e future diver-

sity ,nd vi" lit y of the

urban econ olllY, a lld

places mu st be provided

for the lli . Furthermo re,

industrial workers espe-

c ially have bee n subject

(0 longer co mmutes as

ind ustry suburbanises.

Putting morc jobs clos-

er CO w here ind ustrial

workers live can

decrease thei r auto



As we have become

marc so phisti cate d in

th inking abo llt m ixing

different land uscs, the

princ iple of m ix has

b ee n take n furthe r.

Mixing land lIses is a

ne cessary but no t suffi-

cient co ndition fo r a.

better city and enviro n-

ment. The relative mi x

of uses, especially

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 26/70


emp loym e nt uses and

h o usin g, is criti cal in

:l chievin g ce rt ain go als,

parti cularly th osc relat-

ing to dec reas ing :luto

depend ence.

In a perfec tl y "b:ll-

an ced" wo rld , the

number o f worke rs

wh o live in a ne igh-

bo urhood o r local a rea

w o uld be th e sa111C as

the number of j o bs

availabl e in that area.

Th at wa y, the o reti cally,

eve ryo nc co uld live

wh e re th ey wo rked ,

an d co uld

wa lk to wo rk.

O f co urse, the real

wo rld is no t likc this.

Th ere are nuny ho use-

holds with tw o Of m Of e

w orke rs. And th e ex ist-

ing patter n of urban

development in M etr o

tend s to srpa ra te resi-

Employmen t 198 6

1 dot . 25 0 jobs

At present Metro is

denti:1l 3reas fro m

pla ces of em ploy ment,

so th at very few people

lu v e the o pp o rtunity to

live wi thin w:1 lkin g o r

cycl ing di stan ce o f th eir

wo rkplace . A hu ge

co ncen t rat io n of j obs

e xists in th e Cen tr :!1

Area, w h ile mo st o th e r

reg io ns of M etro arc

heav il y residential and

d eficient in j obs.

Thro ugh re ur ba nisa-

tio n, th is situa tion can

be imp roved upon . Re-

urb3 nisatio n prese nts an

opp o rtu nity to pu t j obs

where la rge sup plies of

ho usin g cur rentl y exist,

and to put ho us ing

wh ere th ere 3r t' lar ge

suppli es o f jobs. T h is

will pr o vide M e tro res-

ide nts w ith greater

opp o rtunit ies to live

close r to th e ir place

of w o rk .

dominated by a single

ce ntral area employ-

ment concentration.


M ix of U• • •


Promoting mixed use development is the mostfundamental land use principle. All maior Metro

centres, centres, corrie/ors an d infill areas should

be mixed use, i.e. including both housing an d

employment uses, as well as community facilities

an d public spaces.

1. As a minimum condition, the reurbanisation of

all major Metro centres, centres, corrie/ors an d

infill areas should contain a minimum resident

population: job mix 01 90% residents an d

10% jobs, or vice versa.

19 New industry an d industrial uses which meet

IIgood neighbour" environmental criteria

should always be included in the delinition

of employment uses.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 27/70

••••• •

••••• ••••• •

•••• •

••• ••• •

• •


• ••••••• •••• ••••• ••••••••••


24 Guidelines for the

Rcurballlsation of

Metropol itan Toronto

The key to determining appropriate mix of uses for a given

reurbanisation area is that reurbanisation should improve

local balance, by moving the existing local resident/job mix

toward the "target" balance of 1.5 residents per job, rather

than away from it.

• jobs

• residents

3. 0 residents pe r 1 job....-.EXISTING

11.5 residents per 1 job• • f


..s. \ '-Wrn, S.

. jUb

The idea of pro mot

ing "balance" between

em p loym ellt Jlld hou s

ing has bee n ad opted il l

jurisdictions, such as

California, wh e re air

pollution from automo

biles has rcached UT1S11S

tainabk le vels, people

frequent ly spend tw o

hours a day commut

ing, w hi le so me lo we r

echelon jobs go unfilled

because workers cannot

reach them. Balance

sim p ly means ach ie ving

a good proportion of

hou sing and emp loy

l11ent wi thi n 3 given

zo ne or area . Perfect

balance wo uld be

achieved if there were a

lo cal jo b available fo r

every wor ker living in a

gIven zone .

In M etro, on avcr

age, every housing unit

has abo ut 1.5 members

of the workfo rce. T ha t

mea ns for an area to be

balanced, there sho uld

be 1.5 jo bs for every

housing unit. We also

kno \v that, on average,

every housing unit has

2. 2 people . So for

Metro, ideal balan ce

wo u ld be ach ieved if

every area had propo r

t io ns of 2 .2 resident

population and 1.5 job s,

which can be more

simply expressed as .5

residents pe r job.

Gut wh at o or

area sho uld balance be

Jchi eved in? T hc

Guidelines suggest that

ba lance sho uld first be

sought at a loca l lcvel,

in orde r to promo te

walki ng and cycl ing as a

top priority. By

improving the balan ce

within lo cal area-s, llot

on ly is the need to

comm ute lon g dista nces

to work reduced, but

the re are more op po r

tunities for peop le [Q

work within th eir loca l

area, strengthen ing th e

sens e of co mmunity.

Ge ne ra l Balance

Para me ter s

Major Metro Centres

T he anticipated resident

and j ob growth in

M e tro is itself no t bal

an ced - 300,000 ne w

resielents and 400 ,000

ncw j obs mcans a res i

dent to job ratio of less

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 28/70


th an o m .: resident pe r

j ob (0 .75 to 1), co m

pared to the " target" o f

1 .5 to 1. From a bal

ance point of view,

there is a re la tive "s ur

plus " o f jobs. In the

stru cture sect ion , we

noted the critical

importa nce that a good

portio n of these jobs

sho uld be lo cated

wh ere wo rkers can

reach chern by transit,

major M elro cEnires

being th e primary

fo cus. Major Metro ee l/ -

Ires ore therefo re likely

to be th e kind o f

r c u b a n i s ~ are a mos t

weigh ted towards

em ployment lIses,

th o ugh they wi ll

nonetheless contain

significant amounts of

residen tial uses as well.

C ent r es

O ther areas are less

like ly to be w eighted as

heavily towards

emp loymen t as lIlajor

Metro celltres .

High dells ity celllres,

ho\ovcver. nu y include

some Ilon-I o c:t lly rclat

ed e I1l p loyment (e .g.

back o ffi ce fun ct ions,

data processing. etc .) in

additio n to employ

mellt re lated to se rving

the local populatio n

(i.c . retail, restaura nt s,

services , recreatio n ,

etc.) . The balance in

( ~ I z density eeHtres may

therefore also be

weighted towards

em p loy ment, th ough

not like ly to the same

extent as lIIajor Me tro


Other centres are

intended to fulfill a role

primarily as local cen

tres and community

focuses. As a general

principle, the em p hasis

o n employment wi ll

decline in lIIedil/lII dell -

sit)' cel/rres. and (111

again in low dell sil y


Improving Local

Area Ba lance

With in the fram e wo rk

set ou t in G u idelines

22-25, the specific m ix

of uses fo r a given reur

ban isat ion arca is deter-

mi ned by referring to

the existing mix o f uses

in th e area aro un d the


aa lance

20 The IIbalance lior relative mix between employ

ment-related uses an d residential uses at specific

locations is critical to achieving the goals of reur

banisation . For Metra Taranto, the target level of

I'balance" is defined as 1.5 residents for every

job .

2 1 It is unlikely that this "target" balance can actual ·

Iy be achieved in many local areas, given high

ex isting levels of local imbalance. What is impor'

tont, however . is that reurbanisation improve the

ex isting local area balance. That is, reurbanisa

tion should move the existing local resident Iemployment ratio towards 1.5 residents per job ,

rather than away from it.

2 2 As a general principle, the emphasis placed upon

employment will be greatest in major Metro cen

tres, an d next greatest in high density centres,

and will decline as one proceeds down the

"urban hierarchy" of reurbanisation areas to

medium density centres, low density centres an d

corridors .

23 The use mix in major Metro centres should be

most heavily weighted towards jobs, i.e. it will be

appropriate in these locations to have a resident

to job ratio of less than 1.5 persons per job.

24 The use mix range in high density centres can

also be weighted toward jobs, with a resident to

job ratio of less than 1.5 persons per job.

25 The appropriate balance ratio in other centres

and corridors will vary, depending upon existing

local area balance. In heavily residential areas,

an employment component should be introduced.

In heavily employment-oriented areas,

a residential component should be introduced.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 29/70

••••• •

•••• •

• •

• ••••••

•••••• ••••••••• •• •••••

26 Guidehnes for the

Rcurballlsltion of

Metropolitan Toronto

Residents / Jobs balance in some areas of Metro today

• ,ob,

• residents

' \Crescent Town 38.7:1

' \Samburgn Circle crea 14.2:1

'\ . Malvern 10.7: 1

t • • • • •

t • • • f-Tnorncliffe Pork 3 4:••• f Swansea 2.9-\

t • • fDon Mills 2.4:•• f- Annel': 2.0: 1

1.S reside nts per 1 jobt • • . -"" IDEAL ...

• • • f - - Yonge-Eglinlon 1: 1. 7

• • • • f- Co"'ol A,eo 103.3

Finonciol Core- 1:500


Soorce: Special Meolurementl and SPAC doto. /v\etro Plonnin9 Dept .. 19880010

• 1986 dolo, boMd on traffic %Or\4l$ .

celltre or corridor. In

heavily residential areas,

reurbanisation should

introduce some jobs . In

areas dominated by

em p loyment, r ~ u r b a n i -sat io n sh uu ld int rod u ce

n.:sidcn t ial po pu lation.

What area or "b a l

anee zo ne" should be

refer red to in order to

dctc::rminc the ex isting

level of bah nce ' To

pr olllote walking, b:d

anee shou ld occu r

within an area repre-

sented by a radius of I

kilometre from the cel1-

tre or co rridor - equi va

lent to J 10 minute walk .

Data regarding the

numbcr of jobs and

po pulation withi n a

given arca can be

approximated by using

Met ro's traffic zone

data. or census tract

dJta. Mun icipal sour ces

ma y also be availab le.

In mo st cases, th e

existi ng mi x wi ll pro-

vid e a minim uTll sta n

dard, above which

loca l balan ce wil l be

im proved, Jnd below

which it will be wors-

ened . For exam ple, if

th e ex isting loca l

ba lan ce zone has fou r

residents per job, rC lIf-

banisation must have

four or less res idents per

jo b to maintain or

improve the existing

si tu at ion. Idea lly, how -

ver, it wo uld have a

higher proportion of

jobs than the ex isting,

to improve the local

arca balancc, not j ust

lIuintJi n it, say two rt.'s-

idents per jo b .

Many an:as of M etro

are at presen t extremcly

un balanced . In ba lance

zo nes wh ich arc very

heavily residential , it

\:vo ul d not be unreasO Il

able for new deve lop-

mcn t to be heavily

weighted to ward

emp loYlnent . For

example, som\.: areas in

Metro have a mix as

high as 30 residents pe r

job. In such cases, it

wou ld be warran ted for

reurbanisat ion to

stro ngly em phasise

emp loy ment uses, so

long as there was not

such a large amoun t o f

ncw development that

it wo uld actua lly swi ng

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 30/70


the balan ce of the area

past the "idea l" bal

ance , and so long as th e

centre or corridor itself

did not become a sin

gle- usc district. In most

cases, the numbe r of

j obs and l or rcsidl:llts to

be added to an area

through rcurbanisat ion

will be qu ite small

compa red to the exist

ing po pulation an d

jobs, and suc h an out

come is no t like ly.

T o illustrate . say the

balance zOlle for a ccn-

Ce had an existing pop

uloti on of 15,000

res idents, and 500 jobs

(30 residents pe r job) .


- '0(01 balance zon.·


"" ocol balance zon."

In orde r to achi eve the

"ideal " ba lance in the

zone, alm os t 10,000

jobs wo u ld be requ ired

in the centre (movin g

the f:lria to 1.5 resi

dents pcr j ob) . Th e

re urbanisation of local

cel/tres an d corridors is

no t like ly to in vo lve

such a large am ou nt of

new develo pment and

new jobs. In such a

case, it is morc impor

ran t simply to make

sun: the mi x in the bal

anee zone is im proved ,

as in reality, it may no t

be possible for t he idea l

to be ach ieved . T he

sa m .; log ic app li es to an

existing area that is

heavily employment

o riented .

In som e cases, it may

be appropriate to look

beyo nd the area defined

by wa lkin g distance as

the bas is fo r ba lance.

T hi" will occu r p ri ma r

ily with rcu rbanisation

areas whose areas or

in fl ue nce arc no t j ust

loca l , an d w hic h are

li ke ly to draw peop le o r

workers fro m a larger

catchment a r e ~ Thi'\


26 The appropriate residential/emplaymllnt mix is

determined on a local area basis, in order to pro

mote walking and cycling. The area of reFerence

or "balance zone" is deFined by walking distance,

a radius of approximately 1 kilometre From the

reurbanisation area.

27 In certain instances a wider balance zone may be

considered For the purposes of determining bal

ance. This would occur primarily:

• Where the reurbanisation area plays a strategic

or more than local role, particularly major Metro

cenlres and high density cenlres;

• Where benefits of balancing based on a wider

area outweigh beneFits of balancing based on a

local area .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 31/70

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 32/70


jobs. Taken together,

these trends represent a

potential for Me t ro to

bec om e a mo re socia lly

and eco nomically r a t i -tied city in years to

co me, with the middle

tier of th e urban popu

lat io n dim inishing.

The cultu ral, linguis

tic, religious and racial

diversity of the

m etropo lis is also

expected to increase .

These parallel but unrc

lated processes of

increasing c ultu r::1 or

linguistic divcrsitica

rio n , cOlllb ined wi th a

potentially m o rL'

polarised urban socia l

structu re could repre

sent a perilous situa

t ion . In tegration of all

social groups, and

Iluillt:l ining a di ve rse..:

economy with a full

range o f jobs withi n

M etro will be

pa r:IIllOunt. An impor

tant component of this

will be physical integra

tion , providing for

di versity, integration,

interactio n and (0111

ll1unity ex pression

within local areas.

One way of doing

this is to ensure d iversi

ty of ho using types

within each lo cal area .

This will not on ly pro

mote integration , bu t

im prove co m munity

stability. Fo r example,

rcurba nisat io ll in the

Leaside arca o f East

Yo rk has in t roduced a

ne w , smaller hou sing

unit type to the periph

cry of that single-fami ly

dwelling com m unity.

T his has permitted

man y of the olde r local

residents to rn ove int o

m ore suitable ho using

w hile re m ain ing in

thei r co mm unity.

ititi In 1990, nearly 40% of

Metro 's population wa s

barn outside Canada.


Mix of Hou.lng Typ • •

28 Reurbanisation should aim to achieve am ,.... 'hou si ng unit types an d sizes within local o·

including a portion of affordable or intrinsically

affordable he>using .

29 Emphasis should be placed on providing afford ·

able housing in all locations throughout the

Metropolitan Region .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 33/70



Determining existing local area balance.

An estimote of the existing residen t population 10

employment mix can be ob ta ined using Metro's traffic

zone dolo USing dolo from surrounding traffic zones,

the existing local population near Victoria Pork and

Danforth is 63,000, and the existing number of jobs

IS 10,000. This translates into a resident to job ratio

of 6 to I . The target balance level for Metro is 1.5

residents per job. New development mus t therefore

occur a t a rotio of 6.0 residents or less per job, in

order to make sure tha t the existing level of balance

is nol worsened. The oreo is heavily weighted toward

residential use.

2 Determining existing wider area balance.

As a high denSity centre. this area will represent a

significant concentration of employment whose orea

of influence will extend beyond the local area. Thebenefits of examining the reurbonisolion are a in ils

larger context should be brought inlo consideration.

Given the high level of exisling Iransit service to this

area, and its location outside the central area in a

predominantly residential par I of Melro, it represents

an excellent location for a concentration of employ-

ment. For Scarborough residents, who can reach the

site by GO train or subway , the area could provide a

much needed alternative employment concentration to

the central area, substantially shortening trip lengths.

For cenlral city reSidents, a job concentration at this

point would make beller counter·flow use of existing

transit facilities and capacity_ In such a case, thereare significant benefits 10 be realised from placing

emphasis on employment In Ihis location

3 What ar e the general mix parameters for the

reurbanisation area?

As a high denSity centre, the general parameters

suggest the mix for this reurbonisation area is likely

to be weighted toward employment, i .e could be less

than 1.5 residents per job.

4 Conclusions

In view of the benefitS of increasing the employment

component, an aggressive approach which emphasis'

es employment is appropriate here, indicating a mix

less than the 1.5 residents per job. A ratio of one resi-

dent per lob could be supported here, or even a

greater employment focus soy 0.75 residents per job .

Guideline\ for tht·

R c u r b a m ~ . l t i o n ofMc-tropolil.lll Torollto

Introducing new housing

types on the periphery of

existing res idential areas

like this one in leaside, can

promote social integration

and community stability.


'" r \ \ I

r; , " .o-

c.\ . /. ' ..

, . ':, . I - ; •.

... ~ - = = - --'--., - . +. _...


8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 34/70


The density, or the inten-

sity of urban use for a

given amount of land area

is related to a number of

important environmental

and community building

objectives. The approach

to density, and the specific

density numbers described

below have been deter-What is themined in order to achieve

appropriate overall ~ t ; : ~ e r Three of these aredensity l e v e l ? e s p e c ~ a l l y important:

redUCIng auto depen-

GII/(/('/i"(,5 for 'h e dency, creating a livable1 ~ ( , I I , b , J / l / s a l l o " of

,\.1rtrt'I}(J/itQPI '{oro"to built environment, and

ensuring diversity of

buildings, living and

work environments.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 35/70

32 G l l l l k l t t l l ' ~ for rhl'

ItL'llrb,llli \.lt io ll o f

Mc:tropolit;l.11 Toro ll to

Thefe ;H C three fun

damental ideas behind

reducing au to depen

de ncy. T he first o f these

is to promote wa lk ing

:'Inc! cycling as viable

means of urban t r ::l I1S-

po rtati o n. Thi s means

achieving certa in Inin i

mu m O VCTJ II densities in

rcu rbani sati o n arC'as .

Secondly, o verall densi

rics sh o uld be high

enough to su ppo rt tr a n

sit service, and L'l1cou r-

Jg c a high moda l sp lit in

fav o ur of t ransit usc .

Fin:!I ly, the app ro ach

outlined bdow t ies th e

o verall density in a rCUT-

banisat ion area to the

level o f transit service

prov ide d there . Fo r

example, a subway has

about te n times the

capacity of a bus or

streetcar. R.eurbanisation

areas serve d by subway

should therefore have

overa ll densities tiu t

reflect this significant

differential in capacity

an d accessibili ty .

These goals should

nev er be achieved at the

expense of a h igh quali

ty built fo rm an d urban

environm ent, however .

T he density levels rec

o mm ende d below are

compat ib le wi th built

forms suited to th e reur

banisati o n area's pos i

ti on in the urban

hierarchy. it's lo cat io n,

an d sur ro un ding

co ntext .

It is :l lso important to

achieve a range of

building forms and

urban environments that

will sup port a wide

ra nge o f economic

activ ities - fro 11 indus-


Corrido rs Resi dents an d

Portions of: Wo rke rs pe r Hectare

Bayview 150

Mt . Pleasant 175

Victoria Park 200Danforth 500

Yonge St . 250-500

Bloor 500

Cent res

Yang. / St . Clair 350-400

Yonge / Eglinton 400-450

Central Area 450

financ ial Co ree 1800

Source: Special runs, Metro Plonning Deportment, 1988 data.

-Source: Traffic ::tone doto, Metro Planning Deportment, 1986

tria l wo rksh ops to co r be nefits asso ciated w ith

porate headquarters. an d be tte r jo bs/ housing bal

a full choice of h ousing ance (few!.:r auto tr ips,

type and cn viro n mcn t - short e r auto trips , lise of

from low-rise town- O l l l l l muting

houses to tru ly urb an transit capacity etc. )

high rise living in major areas w hich have an

A1e/yo cef/tres . appropriate usc m ix can

1-1 igher overall densi sllstai ll higher den si ties

ties also bring the possi than those wh ich do

bility fo r improved 11 0 t . Fo r th is reason, th e

quality of life, bette r o ve rall de nsities pe rm it

lo cal :lmenities, a more ted Jre so m ewha t hi ghnd iversified econ om y ::ll1d than t hose t hat may

op p o rtu n ities, :lI1d :l no rm ally be prl'scribcd

mo re vibrant urban life . fo r areas plann ed m ore

The approach o ut conven t ionally.

lined below builds UpOIl A Illorc de tai led dis-

th e G u idelines o utli ned cussio ll o f thL' rat io nale

to th is po in t, e nco urag beh in d the de nsity

it l g an appropriate mix numb ers can be fo un d

of ho using an d jobs at i ll the companio n

specific locatio ns. repo rt .

I3ccause of the manyaximising densities within Metro will reduce pressure

for development of greenfields sites outside of Metro .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 36/70


Gross Reurbonisoton


R educing auto depen-

dence and creating a

diversity of places wi th

in the rn t: trop olis are

questions of density

most appro priately

addressed at :l mo rc

I11Jcro level, n ot 0 11 a

site - specific basis.

A c a ~ l I r c o f the

in tensity of urban activ-

ity at a la rger ge ograph

ical scale is appropriate,

in th is case fo r a given

major Nlelro celltre ,

ctl l t re, co rridor or iI/jill

area withi n Me tro .

T radi t io na lly, a " pop u-

latio n per hectare"

measu re has been ll sed

at chis macro selic •

which captures only

residential po pulatio n

an d not e mployme nt. A

pre mise of the appro:l.c h 

o utlin ed in the


If curre.,t ow c! ty

f > t ! r i p h : ~ a l development


Source: I ~ :

Guide lines is tha t i ll

making decisions

regarding the natu re of

rcurbanisat.ion , emp loy-

ment lIses an d residen-

tial uses cannot be

co nsidered in j'>olation

frol11 one anothe r. A

new meas ure of density,

on e which captures

bot h employment an d

residents is therefore

proposed: gross rcur-

banisatio n de nsity.

Gr oss rcurban isation

de nsity is a measure of

th e nu m be r of residents

an d wo rkers pe r hectan:

over a large area. A

gross reurban isati o n

density of lOO residents

an d wo rk ers pe r

hectare, fo r examp le,

co uld be comp ri sed of

75 wo rkers an d 25 resi

dents . It appli e, at larg-

er urban scales, and is

used in th est:

G uideli ne s at t he Over

all Icvd o f a reu rba nisa-

ti on area - be it a major

A1ctro [Clltre, [Clllre, [or-

ridor, or j l l j t f l area.

Areas devoted to public

realm and deve lo pm e nt

parcels arc included in

th e land area basis.


30 "Gross reurbanisation density'" is a measure of the numbe

of residents and/or workers per hectare.

31 The "gross reurbanisation density" measures apply to

reurbanisation areas as a whole, that is, to the entire

major Metro centre, centre, corridor, or infill area,

including land area devoted to the public realm.

32 Within the parameters outlined below and in following

sections of the Guidelines, densities should always be

maximised. in order to accommodate the maximum

number of residents and jobs within the already built-up

area rather than on greenfields sites .

33 Lo w Don. l ly Co r r idor.

The appropriate gross reurbanisation density in

low density corridors is 100 to 125 residents and

workers per hectare.

34 Modlum Don. l ly Cor r idor .

The appropriate gross reurbonisotion density in

medium density corridors is 200 to 250 residents

and workers per hectare.

35 Lo w Don.l ty Contro.

The apprapriote gross reurbanisation density in

low density centres is 125 to 175 residents and

workers per hectare.

36 Modlum Don.l ty Conlro •The appropriate gross reurbanisation density j

medium density centres is 250 to 350 residents and

workers per hectare.

37 High Don.l ty Contro.

The appropriate gross reurbanisation density in

high density centres is 400 to 550 residents and

workers per hectare.

38 Malor Molro Conlro.

The appropriate grass reurbanisation density in

major Metro centres is 700 to 1000 residents and

workers per hectare.

39 Gonoral Don.l ly Provl . lon .

It is of course likely that there will be some limited

reurbanisation that will nat fall into the categories of

corridors or centres, such as infill areas. In order to

support the possibility of transit, and to support wa lking

and cycling. such reurbanisation should meet minimum

densities. Gross reurbanisatian densities of 80 residents

and workers per hectare should be the minimum for all

reurbanisation in Metro.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 37/70

34 (, d i for rhe

Rl'urballlsation of

Metropolitan Toronto


As a high density centre, the overal l gross reurbonisation

denSity of the Victoria Pork/Danforth centre should fall in

the range of 400 to 550 residents an d workers per


Using the gross reurbanisatian densities and opplying the

balance ratio determined for the area, above, we can

es timate the tolal number of residents and workers thai

could be an ticipa ted in the centre over the long term

when reurbanisotion is complete. Above we determined

that the resident to job ratio for the centre could be in

the range of 0.75 residents per job (or 1.5 lobs per resi-

den t). Applying this ratio to the gross reurbanisotion den-

sity of 450 residents and workers pe r hectare suggests a

breakdown of roughly 2 70 jobs an d 18 0 residents per

hectare . Over the entire site area of 27 hectares , a total

of about 7 ,300 jobs and 5,000 residents would result.

In turn . we could apply floorspace overages to these

numbers 10 es timate the 10101 amounl of floorspace .

Assuming 50 square metres of floorspace per reSident,

an d 30 square metres per job, the total amount o f

floorspace in the centre would be about 450.000 sq.m ..

Gro ss rCllrba ll isa tio l1

dCIl '\itics ca n be appl ied

to a [e urba nisation area

to estim ate the to tal

numbe r o f re sidents and

total nu mber of wo rk -

ers that mi ght reaso n-

ably result in the long

tcrm whl:11 that arca is

reurban ised (including

any cx istin g res ident or

worker popu latio n th at

re mai ns). It therefo re

providt.:s J useful too l

fo r transportation and

tran sit plann in g, as well

as the plann in g of o th er

in frastru cture slI ch as

pa rks o r schoo ls: After

all , it is re side nts and

worke rs whi ch generate

the need for slich

infrastructure, not

floorspacc pe r sc. Uut it

can also provid e a ba sis

to esti mJte the total

amo unt o f floorspac c

that will ex ist in the

centre or corrido r, as

ill ustra ted in " Ap pl yin g

the Gu idelin es."

Using the Density


D ensity leve ls va ry

de pending upon the

typ e o f re urban isatio n

arc;]. Th ey arc hig hest

in the lII ajor Metro cen-

tres, and lo wes t in lo w

de1J sity co rridors. In

each ca sc , a range is

g ivcn fo r thl' gro ss

reurbanisatio n den si ty.

For a particular rc ur-

banisation area, the

appropriatl' mix deter-

mined in Sec ti on C can

be applied to the gross

rcu rb an isation de nsity

fi gur es, an d m u ltip lied

b y the total area o f the

ce llt re o r co rridor, to

give I n indi cation of

the total number of

wo rkers and re.;s ide nts

that can be expected in

the.; lo ng te rlll.

T he Gu id e lin es also

provi de site spe c ifi c fsi

ranges for each ty pe of

rcurbanisa tio n Jrca, 35

disc lI ss ed in Sec tion G.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 38/70


The Urban

Design Plan

Gllitit'll/US for t/lf

Rt' l Irball isOfic1I/ of

j\ / l'trt1!l,Ilitoll Toron,o

Urban design is site

planning at the level of

the city. The combina-tion of the public

aspects of the city such

as parks, streets and

blocks, and sidewalks

with the buildings and

natural environment

creates the wide varia-

tion in urban form that

makes up Metro today.

Many of these combina-

tIons represent system-atic and repeatable

relationships that can be

successfully used over

and over in many loca-

tions throughout Metro.

In other cases site spe-

cific conditions require

a unIque response to

achieve a successful

urban form.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 39/70



40 An urban design plan should be prepared in con '

junction with the reurbanisation of major Metro

centres, centres, corridors, an d inlill areas.

41 For the area to be reurbanised and in the context

of its surroundings, an urban design plan should

define , in three dimensions, the fundomental type

of repeatable urban form that the area could

exhibit after reurbanisation, created by the

characteristics of:

• the pedestrian and vehicular circulation system;

• the open space system;

• the distribution of uses over the

reu rbanisation area ;

• the distribution of " 'tt fsi densities

by parcel or sub-area;

• the overall height an d massing of the buildings;

• the relation ship between street and building;

• the primary public entrances;

• the relationship between the type of proposed andexisting bu ilding types;

• integration of new development with

transit service;

• standard s for micro-climate, including

sun/shade, and wind conditions.

4 2 Within a given reurbanisation area, and as a gen

eral pr inciple, employment uses should be placed

closer to transit access points than residential uses .

Exc eptions may occur however, for example with

respect to special needs housing .

GUidelines for th e

R C l l r b ~ l l 1 s J t i o l l of

Metropolitan Toronto

Urban design direct

ly conditions ou r expe

rience of the city. It

determines very rcal

aspects of the urban

experience . sllch as [ h I.:

3111 0unt of sun 0 11 a

park, or the arno un t o f

wi nd on a sidewalk. In

add it ion, it has signifi

cant but indirect im

pacts. It can co n trib ute

to a sense of cO ll1l1lu ni

ty, for example by

identify ing the system

th rou gh which ' mai n

streets ' arc created so

that th ey ca ll be repeat

ed an d expanded. It can

promote a safe urban

envirollment, support

walking and enhance

the vi:1bility of tr:1llsit.

In this section we

recommend th at an

"urban design plan" be

prepared for all lIIajor

Metro eelH res, eelilres,

corridors and ilifill areas.

An urban design plan is

a three-d imensional

plan for the illlportant

urban dLsign aspects o f

an area, including therdJ tionship with th e

surro unding context,

creation or extension of

the public realm, build

ing heights . and so a ll .T he plan is a funda

men tal tool used as part

of a proactive app roac h

to guide the process of

rcurbanisat ion and

make coord inated dec i

sions about uses, dens i

ties, and built form on

ind ivi d ual sites . It pro

vides a clear framewo rk

fu r responding quic kly

:1I1d ratio nally to de vel

opment applications. It

will also help to ensure

that n: u rba nisJtio n

results in a high qua li ty

pub lic rea lm , w ith suf

ficient and well

designed roads, pedes

tria n areas and parks .

T he urban des ign

plans prepared to guide

the evolution of re ur

banisation areas will

allo w for interpretatio n

of the gencral guide

lines to rcspond to thc

special fca tures of cac h

area. This detailed .

area-specific considera

tion will be especially

critical in those areas of

M etro whic h :lrc more

subt lrb:ln in form and

whe rL' reurbanisation

sho uld sec k to create a

fOfl ll that is more (0 111

pact and appropriate to

local co nditions. The

guidelines arc b roadly

descriptive; the princ i

ples th ey assert w ill

require elaborat io n in

an area-specific urba n

design pia l! .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 40/70

• •




'! . . ,( ... . ·1 . ...;;

, . J


Building Heights Net Densities

• commercial

11m mixed use

o residential

Land Use

: ' - ~ . ~ : ; ! : l 1!-.jJ .

'f t." ·r . J ' " ~ iI" ! ! ~ t l ' . )

I, rT ".,

Urban Design Plan

The urban design plan shows on overoll concepl for Ihe

area, including the infi ll areas located south of the rail

corridor. The high density centre is loco ed nor lh of Ihe

rail corridor and along Victoria Park Avenue .

The plan is slruclured around Ihe GO and subway sla'

tions. A major north-south open space is created olong

Victorio Pork linking the two stations and creallng one

comprehensive development node served by Ironsi!. The

relocaled GO slolian is flanked by develapmenl parcels

and becomes a focal point.

A new slreets and blocks structure is established in order

10 rationalize the available space while providing identi

fy 10 the area

The area soulh of Ihe Danforth provides on emplaymenl

focus and includes offices and retail, with light industrial

uses along the rail corridor. Mixed commercial/residen-

lial parcels are locoled along Ihe main square. The

perimeter of the main square is seen as a mixed-use area

with on emphosis on height and density at the intersec·

lion of Danforlh and Viclarla Pork. Danfarlh is reinforced

as the main service corridor with street related retail

Residential uses to the north ensure proper integration

wilh Ihe exisling residenliol neighbourhoods . The overall

result is a highly mixed areo with a strong emphasis on


8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 41/70

GUIdelines for the

Rcurbanisatioll of

Mctropohran Toronw




In order to ma ximise accessibility to Iransi l, employmen t

uses are placed closest to Transit slops, with mixed use

bUildings filling ou l Ihe cenlral square . Residenliol uses

ore placed next 10 the existing residential fabric, in order

to make on appropriate transition between the centre

and its surroundings.

Placing Ihe densesl bUildings nexl 10 Ihe Iransil slops also

maximises occessibili ly 10 GO and Ihe subway, by

pulling more people closer 10 the stalions. Denser build

ings are also appropriate around the central square In

general, fSi densilies of 4X 10 6 X - in Ihe upper end of

Ihe range permilled In high density cenlres, are placed at

the centre, and diminish to 3X in the outer portions. Fsi

densities hove been kepi low 01 the northwest end of the

central pork space, next to the existing low-rise neigh

bourhoods. The bUilding heights follow a similar pallern

10 the site-specific densities, diminishing wilh dislance

from Ihe middle of Ihe centre.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 42/70


How much public realm

is required?

When an areais

to bereurbanised it usually

means a considerable

increase in the density

or intensity of use. The

reurbanised area will

need to

The public realm : ~ : : t o

G uid elitl t's fo r ,h e

R ellrba tllSdl ioll of

,\4ctropo litdtl T oron to

people and become the

setting for a more com

plex order of urban life.A single-storey shop

ping centre and car park

is quite a different place

from an urban centre

which includes housing,

offices, workshops,

community facilities

and shopping.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 43/70



43 The public realm consists of parks, streets, side

walks and other open spaces. Included in the mea'

surement of the public realm for an yreurbanisation area is half of the width of local

streets and arterials which may form the area's

boundary. Expressways and other quasi-public

areas, such as hydro corridors, ar e not counted

toward the public realm as they do not expressly

serve the raurbanisation area. In general, publicly·

accessible private open space would not be count·

ed toward the public realm.

44 The public realm created in the reurbanisation of

an area should be dedicated to the municipality.

Density should not be drawn from portions of thereurbonisation area which constitute the public

realm and reapplied to the development parcels.

4S In major Metro centres, centres, and infil/ areas,

the public realm should constitute a minimum of

30% of the total land area to be reurbanised. This

figure includes public roads, pa 'rks, sidewalks and

other publicly owned open spaces. Any existing

public realm retained as part of the reurbanisation

can be counted toward the 30%.

4 6 Corridors have a somewhat greater amount of pub-

lic realm, as the amount of developable land has

been strictly defined as a depth of one property,

which generally means the street accounts for a

higher share of the corridor's total land area. The

public realm for corridors is ideally between 30%

and 40% of its total land area. Existing public

realm retained as part of the

reurbonisation can be counted toward the

30% to 40%.

C;uidclillt's (or thL'

R c u r b . l l l i ~ J t o l l of

MctropolitJIl Toronto

When such a proces<

of rcurbanisatiol1 takes

place, it is vi tal to pay

careful atte nt ion to th e

crcation uf a publ icrcal m w hich supports

public activity and a

sense of community.

An adequate public

rea lm of streets, si de-

walks, parks and ope n

spaces must be crc :l tcd.

The public reallll

plays a critica l role in

determining the quality

of life in a city, in pro-

viding access to public

amenities such as

ravines o r the water

front , and in providing

public places where

social integration, inte r

action, and community

building can occu r.

In some redevelop-

ment projects over the

past few decades,

streets, parks, buard-

walks, or ravine ed ges

ha ve effecti vel y been

privatised, ei th e r

th rou gh design, or

indeed through pr ivate


An associated prob

lem wi th redevelop-

ment projects withi n

Metro in the past has

been that the develop-

m e n t ~ arc simply too

dense; to o big for th e ir

site. One sou rce of th is

problem is that densi ty

is attributed to the

I.:lltirc r "gross" sitc to

be redeve loped . Wh enthe streets and parks arc

laid ut , the density

fro lll these areas is th en

app lied to the develop

me nt parcels , in addi -

tion to the that

is already perm it ted

the re .

T his is :U l un pre-

dictable process, in that

the real ne t de nsities

that result wi ll depe nd

upo n the amount of

roads and parks created

011 th l.: site . Frequ ently ,

th e resulting amount of

density applied to the

developm en t parcels is

...imply too great , creat-

ing bui ldings that are

too b ig or to o tal l.

Wh en greenfields

sites arc urbanised for

the first tim e.: through :l

Plan o f Subdiv i ... ion , th e

pu b lic rea lm is dete r

mi ned and dedicated to

th e municipality. N o

An open grid street system

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 44/70


T he Guidelin es fur-

ther suggest a certain

m inimum port io n o f

th e to tal b nd area of a

major Metro celltre ,

celltre, corrido r o r il!fill

area be devoted to th e

pu b lic rea lm . T ht.: pre-

scribed figure s are based

on research of th e

amount o f pub lic rca lm

prov ide d in d ifferent

types of m ature urban

co n texts in a number of

areas ac ross Metro .

Design of the

Public Reolm

W e hav e already made

th e case above, that a

hi gh q ualit y pub lic

real m be incl ud ed in

rc ur banisat io n areas .

T h is p u bli c rea lm mu st

be m o re than the lef t

ov er spaces between

buildi ng p rojects . It

becom es a pe rm anent

fca tu n..: of the ci ty an d

mu st be des ig ned to

en dure ov e r a long

pe riod of t im e . In most

urban areas, ind ividual

" A dosed street system


47 Sireel syslems should be designed 10 lacililate

integration , having the open, accessible qualities

01 a grid syslem. This is achieved by makingfrequent connections with the surrounding street

syslem, crealing blocks shaped 10 lacililale build-

ings fronting on streets and pedestrian circulation.

411 The public realm should serve 10 knil a site inlo

the surrounding urban fabr ic, connecting streets,

creating pedestrian linkages and assuring access

10 public parks and open spaces.

49 Building enlry should directly lace Ihe slreel in a

visible and accessible manner to allow for orien-lalion ollhe building 10 Ihe public realm and 10

create the builHn security of "'eyes on the street".

Reverse lollronlages should nol be permitted.

50 A variety 01 parks and open spaces is fundamen·

tal to the creation of a livable urban environment.

Parks, natural preserves, public gardens, small

squares, allolmenlgardens and children's play

parks combine 10 develop a hierarchy 01 public

open spaces that creates diversity and visual

interest in an urban environment.

51 To be fully inlegraled as a camponenl of Ihe

public realm, significanl park spaces should

have fronlage on and be highly visible from

a public slreel.

52 Parks, plazas and olher open spaces should be

defined by Ihe urban labric around Ihem. The

salety and delinilion of open spaces is improved

il buildings face onlo Ihem.

dens ity is at t ribu ted to

the public rea lm.

Density applies on ly to

the rem aini ng deve lop -

ment pa rcels . Such an

approach creates greate r

certainty for the buil t

fonn outco mes, ensures

an adequate am o unt of

publi c [calm, and that

roa ds . par ks, and othe r

ur ban clem ents arc

tru ly p ublic .

T h e G u ide lines

below suggest that a

si m ilar ap pr o ac h be

ad opted fo r th e reur -

ban isati o n of land . An

ad equate pu b lic realm

w ould be determ ined

fo r rh e major Met ro

centre, ceutre , corridor

o r ;,ifill area as a wh ole,

and this land area

would be subtracted

fr0 111 its total area . Nc t

b uil d in g de nsi.t ies

w ould th e n appl y to

the rCIl13i ning deve lop-

ment parcels. T he con-

ce pt of "g ro ss fs i" , that

is, of a coverage density

appl ying to a whole sit e

befo re th e public realm

had been subtracted,

wo u ld 11 0 longe r ex ist .

Th is is a reasona bl e an d

fai r ap pr oach wh en

increases in dens ity arc

bei ng awarded .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 45/70


buildings will change

several times in rebtio n

to a relatively stable

public realm . That pu b-

lic rea lm has a lot of

C0l111110n character istics

that will reappea r in all

parts of M etro.

There have bee n

some problems with th e

treatment of the public

rca lm in Metro in the

past . Some redevelop-

ment projects in M et ro

"turn their backs" 011

th e surrounding area,

and create an inward-

looki ng, detached

world . " R. everse lot

fro ntages" , where th e

back of lots face th e

main street , arc an

example of th is.

The pattern of stree ts

and blocks in many

areas, with limited

points of entry to a

block Jn d curvilinear

street patterns , also

inhibits the integration

of an area with its SUf-

roundings. Walk s to

transit sto ps or sto res

arc lengthen ed , andtransit vehicles ca ll find

it diffi cul t to manoeu

vr e th e w indin g streets .

A morc op e n, inte-

grated pattern of stre ets

an d blocks integrates

neighbourin g portions

of the city, redu ces

walking distances, and

promotes accessibility

to transit sto ps. Th ere is

a growing fecling that

an open grid of public

streets actually has less

traffic co ngestion than

the limited access,

closed stree t systems.

Building entrances with

direct access to th e

str ee t promote safety,and make wa lking more

in teresting .

Parks, plazas and

open spaces playa criti

ca l role in th e crea tion

of the distinct characte r

of a neighbourhood -

so much so that many

existing neighbour-

hoods carry the name

of the adja ce nt public

open spaces. Open

spaces can ::t1so provide

a means of linking a

reurbanisation area with

th e surrounding com


Th e size, usc, loca-

tion, stree t frontage andtype of buildings sur

rounding an open space

systen1 are a critical

co mp o nen t of the urban

de sign plan for an area

of rcurbani sa tion.

GUldeltn cs for the

R curbanisa tion of

Metropo li tan Toronto


As a centre , the general

principle of allacoling a

minimum of 30% of the

land 10 be reurbanised 10

roods and parks applies.

Because of its prior use

as industrial land ser-

viced by rail, there is vi r

lua lly no public reolm in

place in the existing

area. A new system of

streets, sidewalks and

parks will have to be cre

ated as a framework for

reurban isation. An open street pattern facilitates accessi

bili ty to and within the centre, connects to the surround

ing area , and picks up on the existing stree t pattern

around the centre. The new system of streets and blocks

proposed in the pion is a generous one , intended to give

a strong sense of identity to the new centre. Overall , the

public realm shown is aboul 40% of Ihe 10101 land areo

of the centre, surpassing the 30% minimum recommended

in the Guidelines.

An urban design plan for the area must preserve and

enhance all existing natural features. In addition, Victoria

Park is shown as a park-like avenue, linking existing nat

Streets and blocks

ural sites such as the

ravines to form on overall

park/ open space syslemalong a north-south axis.

The cenlrol landscaped

mall along Vicloria Park

Avenue p rovides for a

dist inctive framework for

developmenl 01 a higher

densily while providing

bOlh visual ond physicol

amenity along its length.


The park system

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 46/70


In Section D , above, we

outlined gross reurbani-

sation densities, stated

in residents and workers

per hectare, that would

apply overall to the dif-

ferent types of reurbani-

sation area. This gross

measure of density is

Site-Specific appropriate at t h ~ macro scale, and IS

• • linked to goals such as

Densities promoting walking as a

means of urban trans-portation or supporting

Gllid(linrs fo r the

Rrurbanisl1tlOn of the use of transit.Jhtropolitan Toronto

Within this gross

reurbanisation density

framework, the issue of

building densities on

individual development

parcels appropriately

becomes primarily a

matter of urban design.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 47/70



S3 Within a reurhanisation area, a range of site·

specific densities can be accommodated within the

overall gross reurbanisation density figure . Net

1I00r space index ("lsi") figures are provided for

each type of reurbanisotion area . Net hi means

that the density figures can be applied only to the

development parcels; no lsi density is attributed to

land in the public realm .

54 The appropriate floor space index density for any

individual development parcel in a reurbanisation

area will be determined on the basis of an urban

design plan (Section E).

55 Low Den. l ty Corr idor .

Site specific density within low density

corridors is 2X the area of the lot, net.

56 Medium Den. l ty Corrldora

Site specific density within medium densi

ty corridors is 3X the area of the lot, net .

57 Lo w De nsity Centre

S,la opc" fic density wilhin low density

centr , 2-3X the area of the lot, net.

58 Medium Den. l ty Centre .

Site specific density within medium densi-

ty centres is 2-4X the area of the lot, net .

59 High Den.lty Cent re .

Site specific density within high density

centres is 3-6X the area of the lot, net.

60 Malar Metro Cent re .

Site specific density within mojor Metro

centres is 4- 12X the area of the lot, net .

GUl<lclilH.'\ fo r the

u r b a l l J t l O n of

Metropolltall T oronto

Building density ranges

are provided in th is scc

cion of th e Gu idel ines

for each type of reurban

isation :1rC3. Tht;sc sitc

specific densit ies arc

consistent with the (O f -

responding gross reur

banisatiol1 densities .

The site-specific dcn

sity measur e is the floor

space index (fsi), which

is the total amount of

floorspace in a bu i ld ing

div ide d by thc net site

:lrc;:t of an indiv idua l

development parcel , that

is, afte r th e public n:alm

ha'\ been subtracted. Th is

measure indicates the

m in imu lll and maximul1l

fs is w hic h arc anticipated

for the various nc t de ve l

opmcnt parcels within

each lIIajor Metro eellfre,

eelltre or corridor.

The distribution of

nc t fsi densities within

the rcurbanisat ion area is

dete rmined on the basis

of urba n design co nsid

erations . T he f.;;i de n sity

available upon any given


individua l develop men t

pa rce l w ill be deter

mined by the urban

design plan, th e parce l's

location within rhe rcur

ballisat ion area, and the

other general urban

de sign guidelines prc

scnted in th is document.

Most dt.:vclopmcnt

parcel.;; w ithi n a major

IV/etn) (el l tre or (el l tre

may not be rccommend

cd for th e highest fs i Iim

its in the range .

The ne t fs i dens ities

recommended arc also

consistent with the goa ls

of creat ing a livable

urban environment, an d

appropriate built forms .

Fo r example , site-specif

ic densit ies of over 4X

ne t coverage would be

pcrmittL'd only in high

dell sity (Clltres or major

Metro (ClltrcS . Net fsi

den.;;ities of ove r oX

wou ld on ly be perm itted

in major Metro (elltres,

that is, w ithin only 3.

very few locations

in Metro .


The nel fSi densities are dis-

tribuled so as 10 lake advan·

loge of Iransil access poinls,

ond 10 ensure a Iransition wilh

Ihe exist ing conlexl. As such,

Ihe highesl densily buildings of

5X to 6X are placed in lhe most

central ond prominent positions,

01 the corners of Danforth and

Victoria Pork, and near the Heand GO sto lions. lower densi-

lies of 3X 10 4X occur on Ihe

perimeter of the centre

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 48/70

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 49/70

46 G u i d t : l i l t ' ~ for (he

R c u r b J . n i ~ l 1 1 0 of

M etropolitan To rOllto

Reverse lots and blank

walls do not result in a

high quality pedestrian

environment .

There arc many

examples in Metro of

higher density, mixed

lise places tha t do not

support walking at all.

Ilcsidcnts of areas Sl I [-rounding th e

Scarborough Town

Centre wo uld be hard

pressed to reach the CCI1-

Cre on foot, as th e cnv i-

ranment is gcared to

cars, lacks sidewalks. an d

prese n ts many obstacles

to th e pedestrian . This

type of alienating walk

ing expe rience is fa r less

likely to be repeated o n

a regular basis.

Part of the j oy o f

wa lking is the apprecia

tion of the envi ro nment

and street-related activi

ties that on e is passing

thro ugh . "Animation" or

the enlivening of public

and pedestrian space

makes those places morc

attractive, morc intercst

ing, and safer. Animation

depends upon providing

land uses within or

around public spaces

which generate activity,

and avo idi ng "dead" uses

which do not. Animating

uses include retai l,

restaurants, cultu ral

amenities, recreational

f.,cilities, and offices .

Providing residential uses

in conjunction with

other uses can contribute

to street activity for a

lo nger period of the day,

as well as create a popu -

lation base for scrvice ,

retail and entertainmcnt

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 50/70


uses at stree t leve l.

De ad uscs includ e park-

ing lots, thl.: rcar of lot s,

and bbnk walls.

Du rin g the design

process, co nsiderati o n

m ust be given to th e

p hysical image and

po sition of a stree t in

t he urban hierarchy .

Special conditio ns such

as a ce nt re lan dsca pe d

median, multiple rows

of tree pbntings o r

extra wide sidew alks

become pe rmanen t fea-

tures in the urban en vi-

ron m en t and create a

spec ial neighbo urh ood

or community identity.

Li ghting, signage,

spec ial pavement treat-

ments, and street fu rni

ture shou ld be

co nsidered as finish ing

elements of th e street

infrastr ucture.

Not all pedestr ian

environ m ents require

the sam e treatmen t to

provide a successful

walk ing system in a

neighbourhood. An

area's ur ban de sign p lan

should delin eate impor-

tan t pedestria n co nnec

tions whic h link origin s

and destinations. It is

importa nt to remembe r

that a great dea l of th e

successful wal king en vi

ronment in the older

areas of Metro is a sim-

pie, repe t itive sidewalk

syste m al on g the op en

grid of publ ic streets.

" ....;:.. - .... " " ., ,,-.:r . . : ; r .. ,

at.;.: ...... 111

.... 1 ....... " .-. a. J- IJJ L

, ~ , ~ .., .. , , : - ... ~ """-.. .....':10..


61 Reurbanisation should stress improving the con·

nectivity of places by pedestrian means, through

a system of pedestrian linkages.

62 The quality of the pedestrian environment can be

improved by attention to continuity, animating

uses, and improving visual interest an d activity of

pedestrian spaces.

63 Maintaining the continuity an d variety of a pedes ..

trion environment is an important element of its

attractiveness. The public realm and, in particu

lar, public spaces should be surrounded by land

uses which will enliven them.

6 4 The pedestrian environment of arterial roads

could be substantially improved by encouraging

street edge building.

65 Specific elements in streelscape design include:

• provision of adequate sidewalks

• pedestrian scale lighting

• crosswalks and signalisotion to encourage

pedestrian movement

• s.reet tree planting

• special features such as boulevards,

medians an d public art.

6 6 Special tree planting an d street or landscape fea-

tures should be considered in locations where a

special community focus is appropriate.

6 7 In areas of significant pedestrian activity,

consideration should be given to the require ..

ment for weather protection devices such as

canopies, awnings, arcades an d colonnades.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 51/70

48 Guidchm-') for the

Reurbani ..atlol1 of

Metropolitan Toronto


The new north-south linear pork space connects the two

Ironsit slolions 01 the north and south ends of the centre.

Generous, treed sidewalks with weather protection pro

vide a pleasant environment for the shorl walk between

the two stations. Streets ore lined with animating uses,

including relail 01 grade.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 52/70



Guidcllllt's fo r t i l l '

f?'t' lI,bll'lI sa t,o" (if

,".1f.'tr0I'0litl1f1 Torot/to

The treatment of parking

IS Important In many

respects - It can con-tribute to or detract from

the quality of the urban. .

enVIronment, It can

promote or inhibit walk-

ing and the use of transit.

By separating land

uses, surface parking

increases walking dis

tances, and can create

an uninspiring urban

environment. Whensurface parking is pro-

vided it should not be

permitted to reduce the

quality of the public

realm. Buildings and the

public realm, especially

sidewalks, should be

contiguous; parking lots

should not separate a

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 53/70

50 G l i l l l ' ~ (o r t he

b l J . o f

Metro po li ta n T oronto


8 Surface parking should not be placed so as to

separate the public realm and building entrances.

9 Surface parking should not be permitted in

park spaces.

0 Parking structures which face onto a street should

be lined with active land uses at grade to enliven

the public realm.

In determining parking requirements, the relation-

ship between parking supply and transit use

should be considered. In general, greater provisionof parking will encourage auto use over transit. In

areas of good present or future transit use, signifi-

cantly reduced parking requirements could be con-


2 In mixed use development, parking requirements

may be reduced on the basis that the demand

created by different land uses could share common


3 Entrances to surface parking or underground park·

ing lots should be carefully controlled when they

occur across a public sidewalk. In the case of shop-

ping streets, vehicular access should occur from a

rear lonewa y .

4 Street parking should be encouraged where it does

not interrupt transit op e rations.

bui ld ing en trance fro m

th e street an d sid ewa lk.

Parking should be

located so as not the

break t his contiguity.

The availability o f

park ing can encourage

peo ple to use their car

instead of tran sit . T he

supply of park ing pro-

vided in an area sh o u ld

take int o accoun t th e

future transit framc-

work; if a good leve l of

transit service is provid-

ed or will be provided

in the future , the sup-

ply o f parking can be

reduced or eliminated,

or the onus sh ifted to

ha"ve the proponent

demonstrate wh y any

parking is ne cccssar y.

Wh ile th e absence of

slIrf.1ce pa rking is

desirable in a nu turc

condition , it may be

necessary in locations of

signi ficant autom obile

lise to deve lo p a ph asedpark ing strategy as a

part of the urban des ign

plan fo r an arca.

Ta this end, surf.1cc

parking should no t be

allov/cd as a permanent

lise in those loc at io ns

where transit alterna-

rives currently exist o r

i ll ex ist in the futun::.

Temporary surface

parking polic ies can

help in the initi al p has-

es of a re ur ban isat io n

proposa l while allo w ing

fu ture deve lopment [0

rc move the parking

o ver time .

In determinin g

app ro priate levels fo r

th e supp ly of pa rki ng,

con siderat io n co uld also

be given to th e C ct tha t

by m ixing diffe rent

la nd uses w hich ge ner -

ally ge nerate park in g

demand at different

times of th e day, th e

overa ll supp ly of park-

ing can be red uced. Fo r

example, in a con do-

minium Jnd o ffice

develo pmc nt , office

workers w ou ld req u irc

dayti mc parking while

reside nts wo uld require

nighttime parki ng, sug-

gesting th at they co uld

share so me of the same

parking f.lcilities.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 54/70


Fit and


Gllideliuc s fo r th e

RCllrba,,;sat;oll of

Ml'tropo/itall Toronto

Some past redevelop-

ment proj ects in Metro

have resulted in verylarge or tall buildings,

which are out of con-

text with their sur-

roundings. In part, this

has been due to the use

of "gross fsi" density

measures, an approach

which these guidelines

suggest should be elimi-

nated (Sections F and G).

But in addition, localzoning controls have set

many constraints, such

as minimum setbacks or

maximum lot coverage,

which have encouraged

high rise buildings.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 55/70

52 Gllldclll1l:S for the

RcurballlSJtlO1l of

Metropo li tan Toronto

Older areas of the city hove

high ucoverage" buildings

i.e., the building foot print

tokes up a large proportion

of the lot.

I1- ,

I 1 - - 1 i " ,1 -_ _ _ 1


I - 1......1"

Post-wa r buildings have

often had low lot coverage

like this area in Metro .

III other cases (all

buildings were market-

ed for th e lon g views

they offered residents.

Older areas of the city

have high "coverage"

buildings i .e . , the build-

ing footprint takes lip a

large proportion of th e

lot . Often thl· vicw

from these buildings is

only good until another

highrisc occurs in close

proximity. In many

casco;; these high risc

structures have nothing

to do with th e compo-

<;itiOI1, scale or building

type of the urban form

arollnd them.

It is not possible, nor

is it desirable to pre-

scribe uniform building

heights for rcurbanisa-

[ion areas that would be

applied mechanically

:lCr055 Metro. In a very

general way, however,

the guide lin es in this

section suggest 3n alter-

native approach to the

current practice of jux-

taposing very high an d

very low buildings. The

Guid elin es suggest that

much morc extensive

usc be made of low (up

to three storeys) to

medium risc (fouf to

e igh t storeys) buildings

that, because they l I t i

li ze a hi gh coverage of

the.:.' site, arc higher den-

sity but not high rise .

A variety of building

types can still be

achieved within these

paral1leters. The most

H,itablc building type

will be determined by

location, context and

lI SC. One of the values

of this type of building

a great ability to '\uc -

ccssfully in tegrate ne w

development with the

existing Metro urban

st ru cture .

Tall buildings (over

eight storeys) arc not

c1imillZltcd, but arc

restricted to a few

appropriate locations ,

like the centre" of rCUf

banisation areas, corner

locations. or places of

high transit accessibility.

R eurban isation areas

have been well defined

in th e preceding guide-

lines. Firm boundaries

arc necessary in order

to create an orderly an d

scn<; iti ve transition into

cxi<;ting surrounding

areas. A gradual transi-

tion in height ensures

that new development

is compatible with

existing .

These guidelines

shou ld be used as prin-

ciples to assist in th e

preparation of an urban

design plan. In most

cases great sensitivity to

th e specific location

will be req uired to suc-

cessfully create a transi-

tion into 3n existing


Net densitie s of 3X hi can result in high ri se or low rise

buildings, depending upon the coverage .

There should be a gradual, consistent transition in building

heights from a center or corridor to surrounding areas.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 56/70



75 The height, size an d typology (i.e. characteristics,

fronts, backs, locations of entrances, etc. ) of build·

ings introduced into an existing urban Fabric shouldbe compatible with what exists. This does not mean

that they must be exactly the same size or have the

same floorplates, but they should have proportions

that do not result in an abrupt change and that do

not IIdwarF" the existing fabric.

76 In larger areas of reurbanisotion, it is important

that a transition in scale be achieved between the

new develop ment and the existing fabric. Taller

bu ildings can be accommodated in appropriate

location s, providing that there is a positive contribu-

tion to the urban fabric.

77 In reurbanisotion areas bordering low-rise residen

tial areas, residential uses will normally make a

better transition use , and are most appropriate at

the edge of reurbanisotion areas.

78 The principles of built form which apply tl? reurbani·

salion in general should also apply to affordable

housing, which shou ld not be given additional

height or density to make it work economically. The

additional costs of this form of housing, if an y, mustbe met through other mechanisms.

79 n the case of Q new community focus which seeks to

convey a specific image, diHerent from the context,

the project must be evaluated as to its impact on the

existing physical character of the neighbourhood.

Within the parameters of a comprehensive urban

design plan , the specifics of building transition will

vary depending on the location within Metro.

80 In low and medium density centres .

Generally low and medium densily cenlres should

be composed of structures under 6 to 8 storeys. In

order to create a transition, buildings should be lim -

ited in height when adjacent to ex is ting low rise

neighbourhoods. Immediately adjacent to low rise

houses a height limit of 3 storeys is desirable. When

separated by a public street, park or other permo·

nent open space, 4 to 5 storeys could be compatible.

81 locations which can be described as landmark loco·

tions in a specific neighbourhood ca n be considered

as exceptions.

82 Along Urban Corridors.

Generally, along urban corridors a base height of 5

storeys at the street line is ·acceptable. It is possible

that this base height will require modifications

downward to adjust to special site conditions or

upward to 8 storeys in special locations su ch as

important intersections or transit stations.

83 Along Suburban Corrldo.. ,

Generally suburban corridors have road right· of·

wa y widths that are wider than urb a n corridors and

a base case of 7 storeys might be appropriate. Site

specific review may suggest upward or downward

adjustments , with increases up to 9 storeys in spe-

cial landmark locations or at major intersections .

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 57/70

54 Guidclinc.:s for the

Rcurbanislcion of

Metropolitan Toronto


The overall distribution of heights is such that the tallest

bUildings are placed at the centre of the reurbonisalion

orea, and bUilding heights decrease with distance from

the centre , from ~ i g h rise 10 medium rise 10 low rise.

landmark bUild ings over 15 storeys are placed at the

north end of the new central park, serving 10 define and

anchor the area. Taller buildings ore also provided for

on each of the four corners althe Danforth/Victoria Park


Nex t to the existing residential orea, bUildings on the

central square ore limited in height, stepping down from

six storey ~ m o i n slreet" type bUildings on the street

frontage, to two storeys 01 the rear next to the existing

houses . The property depth between the new bUildings

along Victoria Park and the existing houses is in the 35

to 45 metre range This depth combined w ith the low

building heights creates a good transition between old

and new areas.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 58/70




Gllitielilles for tile

l ~ e l / r b a I l I S a t l o " of

,\Il'lropolitall TOT<,"to

Both waterfront and

ravine park locations are

special features in

Metro's urban fabric

and should invite public

access. High rise struc-

tures are often predomi-

nant along these special

locations, capitalisingupon private views . The

Don Valley/Taylor

Creek park system is

edged by high rise

structures, for example.These structures limit

public access to both

the top of bank and the

lower park system. The

combined size of the

row of high rise struc-

tures also separates the

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 59/70



4 The edge treatment of ravine and waterfront loco·

tions is a key element of the public realm. Any new

development should create an edge condition thotincorporates a public street and/or park system and

controls building scale.

5 Metro's recent endorsement of a waterfront trail

along lake Ontario means that such a trail should

be incorporated on all properties which front onto

the lake. A minimum waterfront linear corridor

width of 7.5 to 15 metres has been identified and

must be adhered to for all new development.

6 Where the reurbanisation of large areas occursthrough comprehensive planning, the public realm

olong the waterfront should be maintained at a min·

imum width of 50 metres.

7 Along waterfront locations, public access is critical

and the scale of building beyond the 50 metre public

space should not form a wall between the lake and

the city fabric. Building height along waterfront

locations should be controlled by an urban design

plan which establishes the scale, character and loco·

tion of both public and private facilities in these spe·

cial waterfront locations.

Table land parks should be created in ravine edge

reurbanisation projects to create "lobbies" to the

extensive valley land parks system. Development

should be set back through use of a publicly occessi·

ble easement or public land dedication to a mini·

mum of 10 metres from the top of bank to allow for

a walkway, bicycle trail and access to valley land

park systems.

Building heights along ravine edges should general·

Iy not exceed 6 to 8 stories in height. The scale of

edge structures must be sized to ensure compatibility

with the ravine setting and to ensure the enjoyment

of the notural scenery from the valley floor.

0 Microclimatic effects an d conditions in existing parks

and public spaces should be considered for all reur·

banisotion areas.

Guidelines for the

R Cllrballis.atio n of

Metropol itan To ronto

remaining neighbour-

hood from the natural

amen ity. From the val

ley floor park system

the imposing mass and

scale of the high ri se

structures dctr :1cts from

the quality of the op en

space experience ava il

able to the larger popu-

lation of Metro.

In many locations

the waterfront is simi

larly separated from the

city by high rise struc-

tu res. The relationship

betwee n a de nser mo re

compact urban envi

ronment and the access

to natural features is

critica l to th e success of

a neighbo urhood. The

rebt i vc cl oseness of the

buildings to th e water-

front in the Beach is

more than offset by th e

ready, regular an d easy

vi sua l and physical

access to th e- water

fro nt .

T hese spec ial urban

features m llst be criti cal -

Iy evaluated in an area

of rcurbanisation to

ensure that a broad

enjo yme nt of the value

of these areas is possible.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 60/70

Applying the


8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 61/70

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 62/70



Corndor.. rc-pn:sent a dif these location .. the origi of W.lrdl:1l AVelllll:. AtA Mcdiunl fl'rr.:Ju context for reur nJI Inllit form i.. Llrgcly prl'SeIH the "frCl:t coml\tS

b , 1 I l i ~ J t i o n than the CJ"e of ..till in P!.Kl'. A .. trong of 1950\ \trip null"

the centre \Ve have sho\Vn Jutomobi le orient.ltion with parking fronting on

.lboVl'. In the following hac; gre.Hly aOt'cred the l.awrellce, and som(' more

e:-.:.llllple . the G uideline.. rdat lomhlp\ betwl'cn site [ l 'n ' l l t mediulll to high


Corridor are applied to a lIIedilflll and buildlllg. Again, the rise residential redevc:lop

t/l'flsiry (("r it/or . The scheme that rnult .. IS ment proJccts.

locnion cho"el1 i ..HI intl'nded only to dlu"tratl' lmllledi,ltely behind

CXJlllpk of a .. ignifical1t ho w thl' Cuidelines might the Llwrel1rc AVClHll'

ft.'urbanlsatlon rl'source ill be applied when a illlear p r o p e r t l e ~ , Oi l both qde",

the Metro context . area I .. being comidl'fed of thl' strect. ,lTl' low risc

Corridors outside of the for reurbanisation . singk faillily dwelling

oldn urban areas h:l.VC a f he corndor 111 q U l ' ~ - I 1 c I g h b o l i r h o o d ~ dOl1llllatcd

form that IS "llllliar to the !Ion I.. .1 "ection of by wide frolll,lgl' i o t ~ and 1

wdl rccognizl'd lIlain l awrence AVl'l1UC which 112 storl'y bU1ldlllbH;.'l't ... although larger in extcnds e.lstward from

land base. In many of Vicrori.l Park to just cast

~ L - . . . : I . . . . . . I L..G:"" ' - '-I. L. Ii.... .J,: L.. ----.J\ ' - ' - L ~ \ . ....'

Ct;::.t:!:...!2 l-Lt:..7 L' c" t , ,,", L I:i L ....L - L c..


Should this oreo be Th e re ..ldentlJl arc-a" bal1l\,ltIon . lrl'. l. There Jre \Itt.'\) or WllldI would IIldl

bchllld the buildinb'"5 on no other type ... oflJnd lI\l' t. .ltl' .1g.limt r t : l I r b a l l i ~ J t i o nreurbonised?

Lawrence Avenue should wlllrh would rc-<.)lI1re a spe of the corridor (c .g. natural

not form part of the reur- nal r e ~ p o m e (e.g. Indmtnal arl'd\).

Whot type of


orea is it?

Th e linc:lr nature of till'

r e l l r b , l I l i ~ a t i o n area along

Lawrence Avenue defines a

(orndor. fhcre 1<; :l good

supply of underutihsed land

that could be made available

for redevelopment. particu

larly the low-intensity <;tnp

mall\ ...."ith parking on the

street.. And Jccordlllg to ou r

hyporhl'tical transit plan,

there IS an :J.rriruiarcd LR T

runJ1lng al o ng I.awrencc to

Warde n. h e ~ t . : char.lCtcri'l

tic'i meet tht.: criu:ri.1 for ;1

mcdilflll dc'miry wrridoro.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 63/70

58 ApplYlIlg thl' C L l i d l ' h

What is the appropri

ate mix of uses?

What is the appropri

ate overall density


Urban Design Plan

The b.'lbncc "targe t" s<.: t ou t

in tht: Guidelin es is 1.5 pe r

sons pCI' job. Within an

approxi mate oll e k ilometre

babncc ZO ll e froll l th e corri

clor, the existing rnix of llses

is 2.6 residc llt"S per job. T heloca l area is there fore light

011 employm ent , and cou ld

benefit by the introductio n

of employment uses. This

The gross reurbanisarioll

density fcconuncnciccl for

lll t:diuJ11 density corridors is

200 to 250 res idents or jo bs

per hectare . W e call IlIulti

ply these gross densities by

the size of the rcurbani sationarca to get ; l l l indication of

the ovcr:-d l rC'iicicllt popub

tion and total !l\lmber of

jo bs chat wo u lc! be achieved

ove r thc long tefm when the

area is r('urban ised . Applying

corrido r \\'ill act primari ly as

;l loca l cOl'lllllunity fo cus,

tht:rcfo re it is no t lleccsS:lry

to conside r;). la rger b:lb n ce

'Zone .

Iteurban isat ion must

oc cu r at J maximum of2 .6resident s per job, so as not

to ,,vorsen th e ex istin g level

ofbJi3n cc. At th e sa llie

time, the Guiddint: s suggest

th e balance r:l tio of 2.0 resi

de n ts per jo b to th l' gross

rt:urban isation densities, we

get all upp er range of 167

residen ts and 83 jobs per

hec tare. O ver a g r o ~ :"Ire;). of

20 hec tares, J total residentpopulatioll of 3,34 0 and a

to tal of 1 660 jo bs would

eventually resu lt (these fig

ures would include existing

resident and jo bs re ta ined in

th e corridor) . We can, in

that corridors \vill no t be

primary areas for ernp loy

lllent uses. A greate r cmpha

sis on emp loy m en t in new

dcveloplllellt th an wlut cur

rently exists, while main

tainin g an emphasis onresidentia l ""ould represent

an ap pro pri:"lte approach to

this area, say 2.0 residcllts

per job.

turn, use these to tals to esti

mate the to tal amoun t of

floorspace afte r reurbanisa

tion. Ass ulll ing 50 sq . 11 1. per

rcsidcnt, and 30 sq . lJ"l. per

work er, would result in

rou ghly 165,000 sq. I l l . ofresidcn ti:d floorspace) and

about 50 ,000 sq . m. of

eill ploy m eil t- rc la tcd


Th e depth s of exis ting lo ts

along Lawrence Av cnut:

East lend thernsc lvcs to

increased densities an d th e

tr:lIl sfo rm atioJ1 of thi s tr:lf

fi c corrido r in to ;).n Impor

tant stret:t v./ith .1 mix of

residential Jnd comm erc ial,

pe destrian related uses. Th e

existi ng strip malls Jn d ;1

fe w apart me nt bu i ldings

gi ve little defin it ion to the

strcd and discour:tge

peciestrian activity.

Connections to adjacent

neighhourhood stre ets arc

rninilllJI an d only arterial

st ree ts link areas north of

Lawre nce to areas south o f


III its new in caTilation,

Lawrence Ave n ue would

shed its illlage as a traffiC

corridor fron ted by sin gle

usc build ings co bCCOll lC a

multi-usc street defined by

institutional. retail, o ffi ce

and res idential buildings . A

erti ca l land lise distribu

tion which places COlllll1er

i ;d uses at grade or on th e

lowe r leve ls of buildings

an d reside ntial above v.,:ould

wo rk well. Spreadin g thi ..

mix over th e le ng t h of the

stree t would ensure a

gre ;!tcr stree t vi tality.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 64/70



The Public Realm

Site Specific Densities

Th e (; u idclim.'s suggl:st that

the publtc realm 111 corn

dof'i wli' fall into a range of

between 30% and 40% of

the corndor's to[;\1 land

;uca. T he existing public

realm in the cornclar (011

si\ts prilliarily of Lawrence

Avenue itself. Thl' network

of S [ f t ~ · C [ S could be extended

in order to (Q l l l l ec t the

neighbourhoods no rth Jnd

\outh of Lawrence. Ne w

\[reet pCI1('trarions critical

[0 Wl ' : lV l I1g thi.;; fabric arc

indicated. Lots adjacent to

these penetrations and slllali

public open spaces locHed

ncar the intersectio ns could

be redeveloped in a fir\t

phase. A generous tret:

planting program would

bri ng o;hadc, definition and

beauty to rhcc;c nClghbour-

Ap p lying t ilt" (;lIIddll1l"S



hood streets. n lC re su lt

wou ld be .111 urban envi

ronment du t w hi le still

II1Jlllt::l.Ining a strong system

for the: automobi le, wou ld

cater to more walking on

the pTllllary street, more

active connections for

pedestrians from the neigh-bourhoods and a sca le of

streetscape m pported by

bUlldlllgs that will help

reduct, tht, apparent Width

of Lawre nce Ave ll lH':.

A reinvigorated pub lic

rea lm ofsl11a ll squ ares,

treed streets and existing

scho o ).. wou ld for m an

in tegral p:lrt of the reurban

Isat ion proc<.'')s. A ne w

urban park is <11\0 pro posed

at the IIltCricctio n o fLawrence and the: hydro

corridor allowi ng for o;hght-

Iy higher build ings of eight

or nin e storcY$, at ItS edge.

_JL_ JL~ L J 7aBO• • • ' rI I

rh e Guidelines suggest J net vcJopmcnt projl'cts sho uld (k vclopll1 L'll t parcel 'i that

fsi of 3X for me dium demit)1 occur at this demity. co uld bL' r e l l r b a n •.. d .

. . . . . : , ~ .......

Fit and Transition

corridors. Individual rede- Th e IilustrJtion shows

~ \ 18. ""

,.. J& .


- ........ _...' - - ' ~

I .. . .I 1M

rile section shows tht:

potential of deep 65 metre

lots to accommodate seven

,torey buildings at th t

street (set back at the fifth

storey) with a courtyard

arrangement of town hoU'l-

es f.llhng to three scoreys in

he:lght where adjace nt co

single family lots. Th e nar

rower 45 metn.· lots nn

accom modate a sevell

storey building (set back at

the fifth sto rey) t ra llsit ion-

ing to thn:(: scoreys at the

rear. Th e intermediate

.._ ~ ......


. . . , . W . ~ . . . . .U l

7011 e of to wllh o use\ alld

th ree sto rey blllldll1gc;.

between the st ree t and the

exist in g 1H.·ig hbou rhoods

can create r C ~ l d e n t l a l uses

of freehold {en u re at a

higher demity than thl.' ~ 1 I 1gle family hous in g.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 65/70


•, o:J•- -




:'111- •--. -• •• • • •

,• '.I..

•-'\ . . . . . ".a.

• •, <I

•  :' l "•.. ••





Improvements to th e stn .:c[

netwo rk desc ribed :tbovc

w o uld dr J ln:ttic:l ll y

illlProve pc.:dcstri :m access

from th e n.:si(k nti al neigh-

bo urh oods to LaWTe Il C\,;

AVl.:llw,,:. At present. resi

dents in th ese areas mll st

take long ci rcu itous pat hs

in o rd er to reach

Lawre nce . T he improve

111en ts \v o llid provide di rec t

Th e density of n:-urb:ll1is:ltion :do n g: th is str l:e t

implies that most parkin g

will be pb ccd under-

ground. A system of rear

lanes para ll el to Law rence

Jeeess. al so enco ura ging

tr ::lIl si t lISC.

T he introduct io n of an

LR T along Ll\vn.llcc

Ave nu e wo u ld be a grc;n

opportu ll i ty (0 upgrade the

ph ys ical c hara cte r of thi s

street. While Li t T se rvice

\-"ould e nco ura ge pedes tri-

an traffic , the L ltT m L ~ d i a n cou ld give add ed d efin it io n

an d chara cter to the Str CL·t

is proposed as a m ca llS ofacc e<;<; to thest' un der -

groun d lots . Street parking

:liong side str ee ts should b<.:

e nco u raged.

while allow in g for s::. fe r

pedestr ian crossin gs. St ree t

trec pl:lIltings along bo th

<; id ewalks an d o n th e m ed i

all wou ld gn..'ad y im prove

pedestrian e nvi ron m en t

and p rovide im m ediate

definition fo r str ip Illa ll

sites that relJlain.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 66/70

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 67/70

62 ApplYlIl1J; the GUldell1lc\

What type af a


area is it?

Whot is the


mix of uses?

]) u t: to thl: rcbtivcly small

:tIllO\lnt o f land ;1vaibbk

for rC ll rbJni s;ltioll, irs lIodal

conf igur:1.t ion aroLlnd J il

intersec ti o n, :1nd th e arc3' <;

position with rl'spccr to asur ro ulldin g l1 l: ighbour

hood, this area is li ke ly to

fulfil (h4,' ro k of a lo cal

centre. It is now serv iced

by st:vc r:t1 bm rOllt es ,

which c on Il Cct lhe an..';)

with th e Bloor-l).mfaTth

and Yongc <;lIbw ay line<;.

We ha ve asslIllIcd th:n

according to a future t r : l l l -

sit pbn, th e area wi ll con

tilluL' to 1x served by bu s.

U nder th e G u ide lin es, thl':l rC :l wo uld th erefore be

designated ;1<; a low dn /Sity

Ct' l l t re. T he cxtcnt of the

arC,l is abollt twelve

hec tare s, an d is ..hawn

011 t h l' drawing.

T he "targe t" babn cc set

o ut in th e Gu idl:l inc'\ is 1.5

pe rso ns pe r job. Tilt.: ex ist

ing mi x of c n :lIldjo bs within an area of

roughly o ne kiloll!et rc

r:tdius fro m the ccnt re w 1.2 rcside l1Cs per job.

Comparing to the balance

"target" , th e are a ha<; too

much em ploy men t and to o

littl e residcn tia l usc . T his

h igh amount of em p loy

m en t reflects the fac t the

industrial area Jlong Laird

is included in th c b;li:lncc

ZO Il (' for which exi st ing

balallcc is lI1casll rL'd.

In order to at least pre

se rve the existing level of

balau cc J lld not ...,varsen it ,

the mix in the re-urba nisation

area shou ld at .1 minimulll

n . : p r e ~ e n thc existin g level

ofbal:mc c. i. e. a minimum

of 1.2 resi dent<; per jo b .

Bccau se t reu rbani sa

tion arca wi ll act as a local

or ne igh bo urhoo d ce nt re.

it is not c c e s ~ a r y ( 0 loo kat the ex ist ing mi x of resi

dents and jo bs over it large r

ba lan cc zon e as a bas is for

deter m ining the desi rable

balancc in th e reurbani sa

tion area.

The Gu idel in es fu rther

suggest that the ul t imate

ba la nce in loca l ce ntres

should be based on local

co nditions. ;wd will likcl y

have th e le:lst em ph;lsis o n

cillploymellt of all n .: urban

isatioll area s.

G iven th e res identi;:d

con tex t of th e ce n tre, its

small sizL', tht.: existing reb

t ive un d crs upply of resi

dential, an d parti cula rly,

the goo d supply of existing

and futurc j obs in the arca

(e.g . a po ten tial high densi

ty cent rc at a proposed

new GO stat ion in the

ThoTllcJ ifTe Park ar ea). th is loc a l cc nt re co u ld suppo rt a

high reside ntial compo

nent , rep rcsent cd by the

uppe r L'nd o f the parallle

ters, say 4 resident<; per job.

K eu rbanis;ttion shou ld

also Jttel1lpt to improve

up on th e existing mix and

typc., of hou.,ing un its

Jvailabh: wi thin thc local

;lrea. At pr esent, th t.: \oc:l1

area of Leasid c is :In inn er

M e tr o suburb of sin gle

fllnily , semi-detached and

lo w- rise apartmenr

dw e ll in gs . R eurba nisation

co u ld div ersify this invell

tory to in clud e townhous

es, stac ked lOW llh o tiscs,

and addi t ion a l low- risc

3partl11 Cncs of variom sizcs

and tellure.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 68/70



proj ect" with

App\YlIlg Ih(.· Cl ll dd Il H.'\

What is the


density level?

Urban Design plan

The Public Realm

The gross fcurbanisation

clt'mlry recommended for

low density cel1tres is 125

to 175 resIde n ts :I1d work-

er., pe r hectare . We can

multiply lh ese pe r hcctart'

n s l t i c ~ by t he overa ll a rC:l

of the centre to gee an Idea

T ilt.  intersection of Laird

:\Ild Millwoo d represents a

potential fou r corner f e- ur-

banisation area th at could

add to the cx ]':>ting higher

density an d mixed lise zo ne

th at already exists along

Mill wood Avenue. A sma ll

section of mixed lISC exists

cu rrently .llang the

M illwood fro nt age at the

Wt'S[ c lld of the arc.) .

T hc intersection of L:t.lrd

and Millwood sh ow n

With mi xed u<;c comrncr-

ciallrcsidL'lltiaI build inb"'"

An officcli ndustrial project

is o w n at the extreme

!lorth cast block of the site .

Sill:"! I site .. for individual

building.:; cou ld be found

along the length of

T ill.' Guidelines suggest that

at a nll1l1111Um, the public

reall1l II I ce ntres sho uld rep-

resent 3()o1o of the to[31 area

of the reurbanisatio l1 are,l . III

the Mlllwoood/Laird local

centre , there is a substantial

existing public of

street... Some adjustments to

the street pattcrn and addl-


I j t ' road system

. 't".j transit system

of the tot,d llullIber of re ..i -

dents and jo bs t hat th e ce ll -

tre wo u ld event ually

accoJ1lm odat(' . Assumi ng

th e 11Igh c.:r end of the de n-

~ i t y range. 175 reside ll ts

and workers pe r hec tare,

and :l balall ce ratio of 4 res-


,,Ave. for

id c ll l <; per worker ,

tramlates 111[0 1-10 re<;idcllts

Pl'T hectare alld 35 worke rs

pe r hec ta re . Ova till' to tal

are a of th e C('ntre. :,bom 12

h lTU rl''i. th S f('presents .1

lotal reside nt popui:t tioll of

1 6HO per<;oll s and 420 Jo b <;.

ground floor retai l

and :Ibove,

or for sole ly n:..idc lltla l

bu ildin gs . Th e ex isting

Po<;( Office :l nd comm un ity

ce nt re arc reta ined :1nd

n a ( h .mon.: proTllinen t

tio n of park space bring dl C

roral share of the area of thc

centre devoted to the public

realm lip to 35%. T his

:tdjU'itment IS more :l prod-

uct of tile speCIfic respO Tl <;c

than a requirement for

:lddi tl o ll :l1 public space II I

thi<; area. An op e n grid

street system is currently in

place throughout th i')

ne Ighbourhood. T he st ree t

system is accessibk to

buses, which rlln through

the area to the St. Clair ,

Eglinton . Pape, Ur o.lliview

and Doniamh <;ubway sta-

tIons. Some adjllstlllenc 1<;

required to make the inter-

seCtion more functio nal

~ n d to crcatc a ne w block

system mo re suitable to th(.'

throtlgh adaptati ons to the

public rca lm .

four corner oevclop llH: nt

sc heme. Additiona l ')In.:ets

we re adde d 10 prov Ide for

front doo r ,,,Jdre'ls, an d

lan es wen: ;ld,kd to allow

fo r ofT st ree t <;erv lc lIlg.

The existing pa rk ing lot .It

the ;lfel1<\ and (OIll IIlUlll ty

centre wa<; rC lI'ied for .1

mixed m e b\l ild lllg .tnd J

gree n pllbl i(; op e n <;1',I(C.




8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 69/70


Site-Spedic Densities

o large sites

o small single

building sites

The Pedestrian


Fit and Transition

Th e Guidelines suggest that

site speci fi c densiti es in th e

cen tre sho uld ran ge fro II I2X to 3X nct fsi. Th e f ~ i densities arc applied to th e

ne t developlIlent parcels,once the public rea lm has

been deterlllined. T he

drawing shows the devt:l

opml!nt parcch thJ.t would

logically be avaibblc ove r

time fo r redevelopmen t

The pedestrian environ

ment in th e local JfC;'\ of

a hi gh quality, with a com

pl ete ly int<.:rcollncctcd

street system :md full sidcw:dks. Gaps in rhe ground

floor retail co u ld be filled

in by ne w project '" Many

of rhe existing su rface

parking lots af C th e rede

ve lopment sites and these

wi ll be removed in [he

future by new projL'ns.

improving animation at

strect level. Several new

rear lanes arc proposed to

o rganize access (0 under

ground parking and snv icing. This o help to

enhance the quality of the

pedeslrian l'llv ironrncnt.

Strect tree pbnting: along

the «ide walks :1t th e

Millwood/Laird in tersec-

Existing building heights

fall in a range from tw o to

fiV l' storics. Thc rl'urbani

satio ll schelile works with

this range placing buildings

in the 5 to 6 storey range

at th e intersection and at

within lh(' centre. The arca

is gC l1er:tlly com posed of

small !and holdi ngs. As a

rcsult Illost of the exist ing

buildings arc sma ll scale .

Indeed some o f the re ce ntrcurbanisati on proj ects arc

rcspomt:s to small propcr

ti t:s. This eyp t: of sillallcr

~ c J l c property o w n e r h i p will help to keep the scale

of redt:vclopmcllf c o n ~ i s -

rioll and Jlollg Millwood

Avenue would provide J

higher quality of pcdes triall

te n t wi th till' llL'ighbour

hood. At J lo c:l I level rile

site must bl' i l ' \ ~ ' l ' to

c s t : l b l i ~ h glliciclilll:S 011 till..'

«ize of rcdc vclopnll.:ll t t e s alld th e Iliax illlll lli siz l.: ofsingle b llildings inrrod\1c \.'d

in to till' nrighbollrhoo d.

ellvirOIlIlll'tlt lIlore ill

k<,'cping with the hi g hly

trn·d L e J ~ i d CO l l l l l l l l l l i ly .

th e heads of the rcsidcT1ti :ti

blocks. Thl..' ex isting Pm t

O ffic e and (v.,tO to fiv e

storey stre et retail and

residellti.ll  buildings arc

left in pbcc..:.



), , I I 'I1 ' . l' r ' I

.. ,I I I.' . ." .


Parking Dut.: to the reasonably high placed ullderground . St rl'et

densities and high parcel p:lrking :lIang Mil lwood

covnagt.: of thl' new build and the sid e strl'ets call ah a

ings shown, parking is be cncollrJgcd.

8/8/2019 Guidelines for the ion of Metropolitan Toronto 70/70

top related