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Gildhall on the Oth of November, -when~ that he has been indiscreet. Henri Roche-Tehrnf.Ta salteei bu MAIN I TRS EIIN ?-"i c~b he wra,ha ib theM L'itas j t nnakesh FERRO N'SUNPLEASANT TASK~J ~hn heuran off. That is all there is about MAIN LETRSECTN is predicted by those well acquainted WORK O1F TRAIN WVRECKERS. fort sthe asatan Marsntd makensde learnedUNLASNTTSKit with diplomatic affairs that he will not specific charge against M. Wilson of re- AssoonasMarsnal Hernandez learned have an alarming communication to make ___ceiving 10,000 francs for a decoration. of the affair, accompanied by Snecial Or

MIC as to peace of Euro e. If one asks General D'Anlau has been exonerated of IT WILL BE DIIU TO PUNISH BOUfier Canova, he started out in search of POLITICA ORATORS CARRY 31Awhat is to hap en meanw ile in Bulgaria, WAS IT AN ATTEMPT TO WRECK THE complicity in the affair. Buddie Adams, and in a short time fond

TERNS AND MAKE STARTLING YIEWS. his reply is there will be no disturb ance PRESIDENTIAL TRAIN LANI R HITHOUT TROUBLE. him on Bay street, standing in front or affecting the pacific relations of the Pow- STAMPING OUT THE FEVER. Dennis Andrew's store, talking to a crowd

of boys, and aparently unconcerned and ers. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~The Government Called,- on For Help The Late MinuisterofWriScengtidfeetofhefaththeia'hv

What Work Salisbury Has Before Him es FROM KINGDOMS TO PRINCES. Narrow Escape of the K. C., Ft. S. & f &Wm~s dThOu o 9TeLt ~nit afu r is Schemin rto inrere t ofthe fact toha heay c Whatok' Falisure Hlas-Bfor Him- FO KIGDM To"ICS arwEcpeo h .CF.S and Readily Responds --- The Outlook. Increase His Popularity-The Caffarel taken a human life. fie was a, once ar-Gladstone's Future Plans-Both Fac- Diplomats are at present deeply inter- G. Train, Preceeding the President's Special to the NEws-HERALD. Decorations Scandal Furnishes the Op- rested and locked up in the city jail. tions Anticipate Dissolution and are ested in the position of Holland and Bel- Special-A Trestle Ablaze and Evident- WAsHINGTON, D. C. October 15.-Super- portunityfesired--Gen.Ferron's course. When questioned about the affair he Working Hard-General Foreign News. gian, and, the opinion prevails that sooner ly the Work of an Incendiary. claimed the t-he committed the act in self

pr later both kingdoms will eco pro y v- tendent Nash, of the Railway Mail Ser- defense, and said that York had been inches, teformerf eran an the latter vice, directed the Post-master of Palatka, beating him and that he (York) had ipca oteNw-EAD fnce he former d of i Gemnyat i Sltpecial to Ithe N-ERAD knocked him down and was on top of him.

Special to the NEWS-HERALD, of France.t Ini Holland frtn isa notdificuwtrebut LONDON, October 15.-Both political in Belgium i po t Special to the NEWS-HERALD. tO frigate mil matter frOM that city LONO, October 15. It would be well His s e ollen as though e had re

areN ctoeryingoa a e cpa ereign to enjoy general popularity. With MEMPHIS, October 15.-When the Kan- a fatal case of yellow fever having occurr- for France if the disgraceful Caffarel busi- ceive a blow in ihe mouth, and he also parties are carrying on an active campaign the Dutch, sentiment nationality is strong sas City, Fort Scott and Gulf train, pre ed there. The Post-master states the fa- had a bruise under the eye andanother on in the country, indicateingthat both antic- and deeply interwoven with a religious ceeding the Presidental train, arrived at a tal case was a refugee from Tampa, and the side of the head. ipate a dissolution during the coming ses- feeling. Proud of their history, the coldest c et wists tee. tached to the saleof the Legionof Honor ais statement that he counted h sion of Parliament. Mr. Schnadhorst, the cynic might ble moved by the enthusiasm trestle between Bannerville and.Jonies;bro, at this time no yellowv feve r eIst t Ire decorations and the persons imnmediately act in self-defense, is niot true, hoevr ht su a Dutch audience as that which Ark., at 5 o'clock yesterday morning the The precaution of fumigation, however, connected with that unfortunate affair as Mr. Henderson, whd has charge of the Liberal caticus king, orders that political was stirred almost to frenzy and patriot- engineer discovered the trestle on fire. He will continue exercised some time. N drug store, stated that when York wtas lectures shall no longer suffer under the ism when Mile. Minnie Hauk responded to did not make the discovery until it Was WHAT THE IOVEPRXMENT WILL DO. dot that e entanglement of persons not struck with the brick hebwas several feet reproach of being dry and unattractive,aic1 a nnaloe hecently inaging1 te n too f lat oso h ri ofr h nin AHNTN .COtbr1.Sr directly itmplicated in the matter is likely, from Beuddie ant £asjle J-.;oto sep ha . ' ationail hymon of thle H4(llaridcrs' own too late to stop thec trinii before the engineC ANGXTON, D. C., October 15.-Suir- to threaten the peace cf the country, for into the drug store, irt response to a caff has purchased fifty sets of magic lantern tongue. Leopold of Belgium can appeal to had passed over the burning portion. As geon-General Hamilton has telegraphed that is next to impossible; but the numiier fr . slides and a set of slides necess- no such historic sentiment. Ilis people are soon as possible he backed the train off the Deputy Collector Spencer at Tampa to as- Dr.lmms sbe ntyae th atin ary to a lantern now form a part sharply divided, theilercl and. Liberalss il1-iI oil1.-satdtati,

areforarulertohplesebl is t s trestleandjumpeddown to examinethe certainwhat help the local authorities os phases and wide rainiflcat nss of the drssmmoncarotid of the Iluggage of every Liberal lecturer.frdsiefo theo issues rwnaudftecnprayya reywslgtda pitc eyrrl deirederal government and involved persons who find them- performed. If the patient recovers, his wil

Rousing addresses on hlie Irish question, clerical party of Begiu is more He found that a section about ten feet an offer to bear the expense of a hospital, l e at lse ine fite eon record after similar i tfolw sc1 bootd curdling views of evic- inabls another reate an square was in flames and that the fire had nurses, and necessary incidental expenses. lvesoat the positiongthe a

tion ceaer de ofrpoe preseng themjt o b rkmen Be t been started on the underside of the tim- GOVER Ou PERRY ASKS FORl AID. l contoersy ht gov ent YELLOW FEVER HERE TIPOSSIBLE. spectatoracleanerideaof the present ad- telyopposed to the pretensions of the hers. WASHTKrox, D. C., October l5.-T!he olucistrative systems in Ireland. church partyI.[ IOt'e I toi tro ie1 r f

After the council rat churBh pad The engineer and train men, with the \arinelldspital Burean has received a dis- n tou gra to gard oainst suoflre ett Authocityol That subject. afer hedouncilrs the Leral ticse- protest against the mention of ite polic o help of some of the passengers, succeeded patch from governor Perry, of F"lorida, re- suste malcontents wino subt A esentive of t 1 E-xuAn

ati badqrrth eLi tic heir absorption by one or the another o in putting out the fire, when it was dis- questing aid in the supression of yllow were adjudged worthy of imitation, and ti . 11 scceed in plunging Fr-lanlce Iito 'asta te of met,- yesterday, Dr. T. 0.Sumrsth Conservative lectures and tea parties are ir geatpoieta n go msb covered that the flames had not eaten fever, and albo information of the death at confusion in which the primary cause of eminent surgeon of this city, and knowing vo0w followed by dhovig views" of amon the polticon tif both kingdomsi I'ilwf j, i~vI

ttle anig Inoi s tether he rofou c on the e es dangerously far into the w an ethe Interlahen Fi.,of a yellow fever refugee the toubte wil be lost sight of in the new somethingof the Doctor's brilliant record witlh cartoons taken from 'lv jour- ea perfect auooyb hetndb h rsl a tl aefrtepsaeo rmTmh.U)~ suspresenting thpelvkes in connections, with ye llow fev, r epidemics-, lyal great powers including England. it will be trains. Had the train been ten minutes VOLheIAnOUTYnLOeEa im out 'oe su nals." F~il ~ii~ PRIME -oI guided only by selfish considerations. later however, there might have been bCONT T fhoer oe

A re t speech is ex peted from Lord Te f ls nd i ita r ob urdn s and the an their ha tsw rth o o w > to cronh ic e s OC Y e t A shO c r l5q u- era <o la e r O om theumome nt tothis jocarSalie>uratv Oxfor hen theting, feared oy Belgians and part of Belgeum's ble evidence of an attempt at train wreck- tine both north and south. he has posed as a martyr to his patriotism ing some peop o h in this Sisb-:ury atnOxod helsii s thetinal -nd exceptional aIbilities, anld hals lotnoI State. Conervtie mnister wild nots omefein security, arises from the fact that a closer lug The fire was started on the under A

The PrimMin sister will not only defend relation of France means annexation or side of the crossties in such a manner that Ap0ortIty ariSing, nor D c o Triline to the past policy, but will go as ar as he nothing. there can be no possible belief that sparks ALTooNA, LA., October 13.-A str-er chance of makmg one, to givethepublicto be inti cafelytork togeter,o wihotx ( redit to elgim ha osympati y, popla r wer ithe cau e ohntoo ifiret was quarantined against all infected districts understad tha he isa sufferi humiian "Btr eDoessedteNWcanl to prove thiat Lord Hartinglon will Begu tion ando partia d.1rac fo hsdvto butotr"pritdtm ESLf

Lard Hartington's moderate Lileralism. form asart of the German, a e ilr. Wit h time, for it could ot hav Jumped fro was r . to the people of Frane. Eveiy act of the AL, "there is a 'scare' impending in this nature of local Governmentb ills which he ol it is d The kinow one to another without buringr the sides ROAD BEDS WASHED OUT. otet deee hastbeesu bhi et and it seems to us that if any grounds

if they lose the autonomy, it must he to of the timibei' more than)i it didl. Thie (ol l refa e con-tlu~ yhn promised to create for rival municipal- become a part of the German empire, to elusion is almost irresistible that some- Special to the NEW--HmtALD. into an insult to himself, and there are exist for warning or counseling the peoittes throughout Great Britian. He which the maritime position and repute, body had applied a torch to at least eight OR.ANGE CITY, FLA., October 1.-The thousands upon thousands of men in ple then it becomes your duty, not only will hold out no hope Jf together with the large colonies, will be a or nine of the timbers, heavy rains of the past few days have France to-day who believe his assertiois as a physician, hut as a citizen to give t

the mueiate application of thes-eaacusto.I.-apyi ieasuresto Ireland, being still oftte great acquisition. Tn tae us god rons foi e washed the track so badly that the trains a o e pba to the calm b- People think there is danger toate appre

opinion that law and order must be vin- SOMETHING ABOUT ELG O g te 1chad in mind the President's special on the B. S., 0. C. & A., railway,- east of server, that Boulanger ailed with delight hended from yellow fever; they think it dica befrem oa sa e irsh ele is leWheirens the tcetrne, athei train, which was to be the next one over Lake Helen, have been discontinued until the circumstance of his card having been possible that yellow fever may find its way

municipal freedom of the Irish people is soleheiressto the Dutch bhroner aains the road after the train which discover the it can be repaired found in Madame Limozins apartments i t surely have Nor is Lord Randolph Churchill's xiety ,there shwill esoise t lire. Every train man whose omiionwas T I In a straightforward, manly 1eply to t somthis ty. You mo usth d hoeru isch to fRany par ofthe Gant Prince, thuh maroi al a( ased ithcmatter, saIidiIn freely th the THE PRESIDENT IN lDIEDPHI-S. very proper inkterrogatories. of the M jiiste- oehn tosyYunitedsae Se rule scheme to form any part of the German Prince, though trionildoubt the intention was to wreck of r, e could hve disposed in twenty from heroic contact with it. Do you think

Tory program next year. liances of royal personages do not, nowa- the President's train. Sudden Death of Judge Ellett Puts a words of any suspicion of his connection we are in great danger from it ?" Lord Salisbury will speak exactly one da's count much in the scales of politics. The testle is thirty feet long and a dry Stop to the Festivities for the Day. with that adventuress, and in fewer words week after Gladstone, at Oxford, and will Belgium is rich and populous, and the stream bed is under it, twelve or fifteen Special to the NEwS-HERALD. lie could hae given his opinion of the mat- y a sir, relied Dr. Summe's, respond to Notti.gham. The task of an- great port of Antwerp, together with feet below the track. It is at the end of a M ot, hadtlin the M into do so, wiorhesitany tayow e, uderlare- n

swrgLrTaibr ilb ett aptl hwsgso osatipoe sharp curve e and ina d~ens e forest, far ro i 1'en1s, Ocoe 5-h eodayot attaicking; theo Minlister oif Wr rleiaigyta elwfvr ne r Harcourt and John Morley. To them also ment. Of all Europe capitals Brus- any habitation. At both Bonnervie and of the President's stay in Menphis was questioning his motives; but the opportu- ant d will be left the task of answer Chain- sels is the most English. Tbe ai~ii-i tbt n w in, lho speaks after Nottingham sels are most Exclish. o e Jonesboro, as well as at most of the other perfect, not a clod Iws visible. The pro- nity the affair afforded to bring forth his ond nations, cannot exist in this t iwn.

hotels are almost exclusively occupied stationsalongthe road, there was a gen- cession which was to have started at 9 accustomed assumption that the unearth- If a hundred refugees should come here GLADSTONE'S FUTURE PLANS. by English and Americans. The theater eral misunderstanding as to when the ting of scandal and the pursuit of the offend- and die of yellow fever, no Jacksonville

Cautious Gladstone is not likely to De la Monai, of Brussels, one of the finest President's train would arrive. Everybody thters was a personal attack upon himself, person need be anxious fort is own safety break the silence again before Christmas. play houses i Europe, and the new fea- at these stations expected the President to time by the slowness of the escr; in form- was not to be lost. " t :-" A prominent member of the late Liberal ture of the present season of hydraulic come through on this regular tra n and at ing. The President and Ms. Cleveland, Instead of preseving the dignity of a And whey no" interrupted the r CaIinet, in conversation with a corre- machinery by which the orchestra wilbe nearly every station passed by this train during the delay, sat in carriages in front soldier of France he chose to act like an porter

spondent, said: Gladstone is full of lowered out of sight when a Wagnerian during the night large numbers of people of the Gayoso House, the object of an ad- insolent school boy. The impudent an- "Because a certain condition of the athealth and vigor, and is still sanguine of opera requiries inviolability. In these assembled to see the President. miring crowd made up from all classes of sewers he gave to the inquires of General sthe h an early return to power. He, however, ays of theatrical panics perhaps it will be There seems to have been some fear on people. There .was hut little noise, how- Ferron, is superior, wud in some coun- plre is abv lessen to e

expressedas his own opinion that this is regretted that the pricipal cannot be in- the part of the train men that an attempt ever, until after the process- tries have cost him his life, and he himself development of the germs and that condition unik ely, as the Unionist majority in the definitely exene sod tha the~ endangeredo tisla~~)thlnI" ietilhehliefVl~lelto headt~ odto

Common s shows no Uins oretin audience will be removed by marching would be made to wreck the President's ion moved when the crowds as Minister of War, would have pushed does not exist here. It 'oud lve o rain and on the osno Signs of break g up, audIence wing betre train. One of the train men told ypur which lined the entire route, yelled similar conduct on the part of a subor steadily for the :xt! two wreks to puit tl a

and the Septennial Act enables theGov- from the burning theto themselves hoarse pay tribute to the dinate with the utmost severity. ernment, supported bya Parliamentary WHY GREVY SHOULD RESIGN. that effect. The rear brakeman, who had distinguished visitors. It may be said that Boulanger has atmosphere'in a condition in which the.de

majority, to continue in office long after There is scarcely any one in London who not examined the fire, and who had While President Clkveland was csing played his last card. If he can succeed in development of yellow fever would be possithe conference of constituencies has been can give official information of the highest no apparent reason to believe it had been his speech in the court square, a mest un convincing the people he is really being ble I have carefully rested the atmosvisibly withdrawn, order upon any matter whatsoever, but it set on fire, and who was ordered to go back fortunate occurrence took place. Judge persecuted, a very difficult task for him to

"You reply upon it, said he, in order to is believed there is foundation for the re- and flag a freight train which was follow- Henry Ellett, the gentleman who deliver- accomplish, he may yet become an imsecure the reunion of the Liberal party, ort that Grevy would resign the office of ing. refused to go, saying: ed the welcoming speech, fell to the floor. portant factor in the future of the coun- conditions and they do not exist. Gladstone is willing to make substantial President. The Caffarel aifair will not in- "They will prolablyputa bullet through Dr. Bryant, of the Presidenthil party, at- try; but if he cannot, he will henceforth "When we were at Memphis," continued concessions. The matter of Irish represen- duce him to resign. Grevy, itissaid, must me." tended the u fortunate man, likewise Dr. be known as a man who ended a brilliant the doctor, "Nashville telegraphed, askng tation in the administration of justice or surely design to witness the centenary Heafterward stated that he knew that Maury,Jgehllt's son-in-law, but he career by sacrificing himself upon the t separate treatment of Ulster, but these revolutionary period, and leave France a somebody had tried to wreck the train and soon passed away. The cause of his death altar of his self-conceit, receiving a well what should be done about the refugees concessions merely shall resolutely oppose, very valuable memory of one who served believed they would shoot him from the is believed to have been sunstroke. merited punishment for his insolence, in- who were flocking there, and we told and insists that Gladstone's declarations the alloted time of the highest office of brush if they saw him going back to pre- Judge Ellett was upward of 50 years, subordination, and other acts unbecoming Nashville to - receive them. There were will not properly bear the meaning which State; moreso,because throughout the cen- vent the freigt from runnnirg into the pas- and was a much respected and highly hoo- a soldier and a gentleman. -er has been attributed them. Above all Mor- tury his will be the only one which can be singer train, which they lad failed to ored citizen. The unfortunate episode' The Minister of War, in dealing with o. om yefo ever ley is not to be a party to my attempt to adorned with that measure of complete- wreck cast a gloom over the city, and the fes- Boulanger, must of a necessity exercise Nashville, but every one that died was set up an Irish Parliament without the ness. At onesboro the conductor reported the tivities arranged for the Presidential party great caution and tact. If he will he con- a refugee; not a single Nashvilee man previous settlement of the land AFFAIRS IN AFFIGANISTAN. circumstance to the authorities of the during the remaining time spent here have tent to administer to that officer only the died question. The o n Gcoesson' It admit the Foreig and India road, who at once issued orders to use the been abandoned. punishment his offenses have courted, -yes, there was oe sigic exception.

strong( rget on Gladstone Office that there is no trustworthy intehi- utmost caution and watchfulness, in run- *everybody will applaud his action, but if A freight car containing a quantity of cot

,bny Lor Herschell, Lord Roseberry, Henry o Ayee hn At ort iny- ning the pilot train and the President's THE LEAGUE AND ITS ENEMIES. he permits bad advisers to induce him to ton seed was sent up from Memphis to anod Lord Spencer, however, show ro thi may happen in Afghanistan, owing train through this part of the country. By Cable to the NEWS-HERALD.1 giVe tO his official acts in dealing with is Nashville and stood on a side track. A

alll the the" roEAe for Counci ofl preeceso in ahe war ofie th ch ce zalLofth prd SeehovHomeoRule1pollto the Amisr's weaknes, so intense is the NEARING NSVILLE. DUBLIN, October 15.-The Council of perecson ntn wan t of aiacle railroad employee one night unlocked and cy, and stick both drfeated bills in entire- hostility of some tribes to the maneuvres of NASHVILLE, Octoberl15.--The run from Irish lExecutives will meet at Dublin early can avert an enormous demonstration in opened that car and slept in it on the cotAou , tteh Man pls to NacKenzie over the Louisville neAIt week and plan measures for the total favor of the whilom idol of the ammy, ton seed. He had yellow fever, but that Thi acmnse

c -

a h'wa

c s fram ent f st a stis i or n A oub'sP in tt n ar e ede ex t b usa c ds t suppressonof the Nationald u in e e nd b o t > wa. si e dp r

requests of public orators, which reached as to custodyhn account of the in ue- assembled at the Bepots. holed dtmoothe eo-mear t odord ha.acy Neary Kld a " t I Mobis the amotere the Liberal Central Association from the ments from the Russian Embassy, but of CiLTI O 15.-disatru co 15-'1he resut Wo the lank "her s in aeconditnfo.re to proices:atteraLo Spener fo Hak this there is believed to be no proof. A TOWN IN FLAMES. ford County Gaisihy, despite the procla- agemlyen r that I shville

cot;inesxt ohneb o thisr HLrd The Shah never ceased to regret tre maton of the district by the Government. (the o stakemn Spencer." df course they ofioned ct : wlventnpr reared by Beconsield' Pendleton's Lumber Mills Gone and a e s u STRUCK WITH A BRICK. "Very much so," replied thi e doctor.

AoLIPEmNTiHEFte, Gla -0 , y m ft l ByuadWae tet, yn e mjrt f w ooe ngtaot :0ococ ybig tuktlerpectcodtos Rfge h

stone, who is known to be unobtainable. bitterly e ch e wa th an ta- Number of Buildings Consumed. FIVE UNIONISTS ELECTED. Jim, the Faithful Porter at the Oxford Then he en t on: "I don't speak for PaUntil Home Rule became the question of ceq ues sion of ra t and nev c Oarrid S vria to tae aNmEWS-HERALs. By Cable to'the NEWS-HERALD C Paray ONate. here. latka, but I doubt if the atmosphere te hour Lord Roseberry was third in the H ajt believe he pd he ar , N ame iserot

e etgeat pried t l uke ace b Ai wh C iLntn, a co of h eobee15.-Adisastrous con- Copte, October 15- he result of th e Jaes WiWliaat s, also kownas "York" there is in a condition favorable to

tledu breetnthe lisfbohi Britis comec perhaps for etha ron stio saedac watchn ).math elent, theicBaletiore ad Ohisown a tdahy~ sanpe fMri io.yer g n a fewr ebro

rtqahst. Since he has chosen, in a great heOOe2npIEkob tasure, to efface his record in relation to sa il, th avt stack ofnluer Suecial tonWS- QERALDd Williams, a nepro about 23 or 24 years of the development of the disease

this matter, Lord Spencer has taken his d with which to meet Russian de- which at 2 o'clock was still spreading, and astonished everypfibody. Five Unionist can- age, employed in Mr. B. L. Hughes drun p lace in the public demand. The ex- mands. What the detention of Ayoub threatened to lay waste to a large tract in disatas were elected by large majorities the ga t I -a *** -- -Minister is so bold astobuild on thisslender Kan. at Teheran, cost thelndia n treasury that vicinity. The entire block, hounded ove five Nationaists, and atunch Con- store(the Oxford Pharmacy) was very e- willing to stake my -reputation on it, that footing the following edifice of conjecture: l servative led the successful ticket by a riouslyand perhaps fatally wounded last yellow fever cannot xit in Jacksonville

tionscmes, Ielandwillusillsb theiqes-oA PHIADEPHI.yCu tand O (Wter trets lyingC be- Los 5,0;isrne 50) hnYr ette oadwsjs r icelWl rsct nbd

tio in some oftthe whrc h io n twea East ill ofrClv , Crand he& majority of two to one. .night about 7:30 o'clock by being struck under present conditions. Refugees who

Ifishe Topriesnce evcsad contiuvtifice bithlyetc harg3e1s upo th Ina ax1- Ohio chute was file mass olmustinl ONGOTO ATLANT. onurhede oric t hhea wthebikb hal av1er tael thellPseasedlewtohee oarde

ti GladSbe INvices, UT there of alhequBa ill Pilaelp 11oh tthet pa- m reat may non lnes proble beforeteries: C s a a Mart We cost ther part of hich was .0 Pullman Palace cr. copn and rm mtenliaroni here an issibly, teowfevr

this the avoedlshi est),onr will be ofsih andrTownend Umire Fergsons, andfretof threig lummunicTed excten NtoYRE ThetJacksonvilleLgtIfrornas "York's bsisailttig aneugroyaude qisit owre amounc four wn people." an striemore thier al leanfsi bfaeuroen theetre cAg NEW coslae pon t9he len h do fe hi transfrc of th asiltmoend hio Talfe- eeelyear, frndhi enatl soie Dr.ee wantieg. sertadtug he tayrrshll

Mole avnts tarcuren this aor RsberstryeStrvr Loin Tuke an in000- Asa celerwsity tee fameso eore milis ol graphes Comany catered aplage-nigedtPull- Wamler sayting:w ase "Bmidlamsch egraemi onipn thesstie knwleae tid byejncipnsile the las of d bohi Basitis comec perhs5Dtot5 os fortaeeao tda lumer Istncen athite relent- the Balimoe sleigrand o wtmitv npewofMarin.ixo.thars agmt o a d ont f wasaewr hmmer ito fpavr ud of hethrdignd thonat thefaird as mtLuish negetod. lesrissFuz n lamllewihing impal otier wolah po-l tesed to ist. Fccprtohlmitana H wadth colod belarned hitl appar a governnct comissosettootti anyoutice

apersas douned whnth Quee ent uhn;GtenadBnet mieustsi ielae pntefae*wapn oe ru h on statesme Grnf Erater an undeallane Oa NTD IMN KellyD. desins Adat, n Cafte anCo'ther IhvX comdto BULDNG BU R -fou tharte Yok aofnd isroo-tdeha bu cme A series ct ituyte fdseseth. d sc withe idouset of osing bweie scc awper," weeigthe a ouat saof lumben er Spec i robably Nzsoe o te ft wivioapeed In a puew aboutesai York rhe- ru.sdtctdsc fierwlepoe Lord Pnaluaeo nd o d h usl.ScrsB ig offthheGaminanayealvaled terr0,00iedeopen dsroniclyied alo PiIl, T Ocoe15-ibsiThre bo th to arond tte thad in- cuted o teo eer is tadw. uti Thenchosn peer acrdng oes this -aC c esterday.... 0al- dothe effect inth steeso tebillsds T hha llev hsctynx hr- medaly eas tof apyind adonng thae drug wiHte afsinesdysedyo.id nev ieraill boe notlrd Rotasebery, utrg Th gae of bas anbnwhrahaiemeloofe playecetraemg naieyse ay eshenofathi p'lcen wre dred toreound dressed.jHetwalkedoto the gte .igta etfcaehdbe sudt

Chre Sp er Thivery himatoithe Liberays inpie severae asocainmesledo accuttdis ahlccurchs waos lo sytheatnd byin home erthi x morning. t-vnAon- opessed. on this teeth fromundedmad ekg FR iDLEN hCvin IFreCtarES. ifasedol whenible momendte for the soeiec lows:arknesse ele e buorginate ihu the olduedastbhoe orse the acompany stabl perise, here teoe soanl took exhacse. hth rmTma feh oiewsise

tSenctay, rand ill stl Europe qaute- AT LEVELPND. pcutbe tha fcaect.w Thearte furnaeo ossaptam 0 ihdnsurace, Lieutenat.. hea or lareft thie oy, and as rriage. ithel Wuhie Pofthi citybthdy liorn ftechr.r Tn ord aSpecis in hClaelha.-...-....-4. 0 0 0S 0 0 0 0- 1 etni te saterlsuplyvis limied & MC . Har.n .. ockrellpin. intons D.thmei druswrtore aquein aWalhesosfom Tamins u heavem. Irish afxarsience seie an deeconvpic- .IA lis.-....-.-.--0 0 2 2 0 1 - 10 The chutree wastlern pat ombtbetL GnGeog TO EmeryTA . *t hredth brick Wiin. was thr haid: citya Dr.ne itookPed the Bintard liniller ivlale.u hrei l Basehis:ClevlandllpIian;Atli5 Er- mteria samilsd t mlumebeingyardinnleer NortherdR ownDail Piats" n oppressed bick anjd trukhim et.lf on e aehswyt

e TanT rne lMes probalE be orBtrs: asevean7Indianpois5 Batteries: upperling the miia lery stbeeetPDwinMullang.aac Bour, WisnTeae open and allst teringctrm and hhabenAg ssinead hene cotndtishenlonth Irshal to wilac be lotsihtMro and Zed mimre, Denysand tally ered it. osniesati oncLee etoFeig a~nl, .T hsls otino h ri.Ihven efb etn ntxctdadnei h

thatt inhe bpapersux at nt1 r Arundel Umpire, rdnere andparsonageis damahe Inf000.rNarly Mac nell,,PowlleSlooutirnesnMrk-lileashatuheewilurecoverfosrckhroosof uanr. G oW r Clerkawithhaor ithe moe er ine confion of etin Europe AT BALTIORtE lte lumSOeS yrd mandte omelg hosso an-akradpoal he the Ao wsh ichL reother viid floe beensaqane hlebt eei h

alerael asad asnt ohaetaen BItmre. .... ,. 3.0 0 0 50 0 0 inte:3 neihewodh cano d and reakblew fouch ofthers wilatnjuieAtatf red manor saggeeinsiom thedo, woepo Cantng A certfits. he sys shall placevet Itmake thsturn, ored ig Geer-y St Loshngton... -00 0 0 0 0 0 01- 5 celerids the flaes devoe million ofwvthscatre ag-ie ul implystading:hi "precr I'll cdth be thratedning uongg an p rsed noledge

mawil hethirdtithensni winter has tween Base bits: BtLisoe 5: Washigton 15. a fedof thmfam es At thn 0ttckeock 's mane pAlaesepn a n willNAILEel "Yr" tle eyfel.Hssaerudy ni h atr ekade

special tudythe dipomtincolonlfair 1istLoi Drit.ais:Fosbetween sa cmpaivelyg tu ight aIAflash.FSCllHewshed romth bloo Therea his and- bevolveinl udertoo rtht himf.yofie prsoallynderanyitissaidh tateleg uhngGeeiadBnet. mprsustsfd theCMA HANfireSED lepduo h rm hr nitadocptwiei tat. wormpin ing to arounditry unomd ine'cnutw eotdt h

conitih osre fRothepeace toii whive SpcaTth NsHIRALD. paCOwpmUICtem Rufeste. men AndGUSTIabl sLA., oftber 1"e1ts" wil diappeared n ewl, beidues York rlte- faudhoits eece suc officer wilul bepote

ance inabedkoldeo h iaca hcg--------20020~ hi efcsumnothestree, Otbe hillside, The scil leave this city nextThishe und ago the.stoe gaved staed tohatr hecf e tlo the extentiof thhe law.coefo Pie I r@ fd ceu I of P iceBoard an ndP grapic comunicaton wa rested ealy to-ayouldmeg-Uitonacnphysicianecoand1ehaveI thee Hi wfam 11uiteTiIncidnehoyertentdonete n timid-i

condition oroaner rso the ening Husseynainstated---andtransferredton anywhereo tat casemd toyafra placeda eeninghatvercoc r asndiledfrachA woundIressed. he walkead to DT.gthat h~abenn certificate. isuet vefintrthe ulerc bof Eatery strong aoterhts prCic 1 noliaa Chilrenga setbub cry Charlearontaemet has5 etrningteyemovedmoers'i residene shleywstretohnwas supeen b mother authories aetr St.

ofhRussiannot the ganesand ahsmoentn Byrs Cleato heNS-HEAtiLD atris n omfitd.*Tedprmn x [Siged lnaFi a.nn aNDndu i-ac wee him tews soewe pack hn tohmywound Ardstine. thel who thi e caintion ofythngad like diexlsapearance ofwih Va~LOn, andtober M5.-Advices Bfroni aOLNE A NICET ao. pieh o eyagyadcmecdodrdlmo t th fuaatin i CharlesruDwerae i oteLbrlUprM~ae aecle nacun e ts umot ffrtbleaythetheinghomeearlRALD.ex .mKorncringndrs ed. aynhi wanetoundedt Imjus theekagmidaill, havin rtchely arrived

the ony posiblencndidaerfpothe Foeigntfhdarnesstsentoument~ butfor 15.uGe withouhelas thosien of St.Jhe compantyh wiloare:o hald becom s1o mtuchn' lexghutd hat hthromviaw a. Afexrte inthiws arisued LSecet ry n durgaEurenFIS iwaearhOhth ATnCoatEL asp. perposedle efet.Te-racoeedi ati hydnMalLeteat .hadto bem carred lto hi ro innd sarage.egardinheloe autiie of thisou ciy ha

ForeigSectry isened, intl servahisto Closeainaore---- returned witou has ete the trsppsmn limosed BrsadA W. oc T. lbJr.~s ieg nt Dr. Sormm er i ae toe acusio sall er ssnro eTifica mus apve he Irish affivrancle n foeigffectua or findinathels seL--- 0upon 10-1 Thixrme athernarOffe thnd ty own G Tureridetoft'e BaEry, f . tohow badl iickandhm was ht head: cot, Floide tooaperhntan

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