hampshire romanys final draft

Post on 16-Jul-2015






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Hampshire Romany’s Aim: Build a virtual and real network of trust charity for housed and sited Gypsies, Travellers and Roma in Hampshire. Facebook: Find Hampshire Romany’s at www.facebook.com/groups/621015918015831/

1. Who runs your group and what are your aims?

My name is Cherry Barney and I am applying as an individual. My father’s family are Romany. He was born in Alton, Hampshire and travelled throughout much of the cou nty. I was also born there though now live in Basingstoke which is about 16 miles away from my father’s family. These close community ties make enabling Romany’s in the area really important to me. I was mostly brought up by my mother who is from a non-Romany background. This has led to me having a mixed identity. Speaking to others from a similar background, they too have found it difficult in understanding their identity. With the passing of my late father in October 2000 I took time out and really thought about what it was that I wanted from life, to do something that I truly love, and something that is going to lead to deep rooted change for Romany families. I remember my work in Hounslow with great passion and I now want to bring that passion, together with other life experiences, skills and networks to help enable Roma equality in Hampshire. I have significant experience of involvement in the community sector through work and volunteering. Some 20+ years ago I was employed by an Afro-Caribbean organisation in Hounslow. The challenge to racism then was part of a cultural change in attitudes, that many of our communities benefit from today. Unfortunately that hand of change did not been extended to Gypsy and Traveller families. I have been fortunate to work with some of the most marginalised of our communities including volunteering for CRI that involved supporting people with their issue of substance misuse. A trained ACERT advocate I am linked into a UK wide network of othe r Gypsy, Traveller and Roma advocates working and volunteering to bring about systemic change across the UK. I was a Parish Councillor for a year and have just been appointed as Governor for Southern Health NHS Trust. I am an activist and volunteer who continues to fight for equality and justice for all . Hampshire Romany’s feels that there should be a strong voice within the community for housed and sited GRT,

including people who have married into the community and who share the same values. There are no groups in

Hampshire for my community to be able to gain support that is much needed around issues of health, welfare,

education, accommodation and employment. We aim for groups to meet to build new and old friendships that

enable a movement towards real equality and justice. The network would raise awareness locally for settled people,

for them to be able to learn more about our heritage and history.

Our network would link into different group’s events and networks with an equality and diversity remit so that we

can start to break down the stigma that has arisen over centuries within wider society. There is no quick fix here and

this will not be done overnight. The amount of stigma which has been built up over generations is great however

one person cannot stand alone but with many people our Romany voice can be heard.

2. How much money have you raised in the last year to fund your work? Is this similar to previous years?

Hampshire’s Romany’s is right at the beginning of a process. In June 2014, I gained a level 2 in Equality and Diversity training. Looking at my own community as part of this I discovered there is no support within Hampshire for housed or sited Romany families. With the lack of statutory support we have to do it ourselves and thi s network would do that. Having contacted the local Authorities they have also told me that there is a great nee d in Hampshire for something that unites GRT people. I have secured any funding though the network really needs some funding support to help make this happen. At the moment one thing I have managed to do is start a face book page with over 250 members. This is being administered by me and one non-Romany person. We already have interest from other community members in being involved in specific areas and this is something that will grow as the network establishes itself. At present we have a zero budget with any costs which are incurred being covered by me.

3. What are your main activities and who is affected by them?[b]

Establish a virtual and real group that recognises we are all individuals and all unique. A committee of people to

focus on what we can do together to build bridges across communities that straddle difference.

Sharing experiences will help illuminate inequality and injustice and the group will look at how we raise

awareness of and challenge this in our area.

It will be a network of Trust. There are already approx. 250 members on FaceBook. If successful we would

grow this online presence developing the Hampshire Romany web presence.

Re-unite settled and sited Romany in Hampshire

4. What in your view is the root cause (or causes) of the issues you’re working on and how do you address it?[c]

An outside ‘expert’ view enabling Gypsy, Traveller and Roma communities. Not saying that outside help is

not welcome though this can lead to – as Friere describes – further cycles of oppression through mediation.

Coming from the community itself, this network, is truly grass-root grown.

Health issues. We will pull people in from different directions to help address some of the imbalances in

Hampshire. Currently a Governor at Southern House NHS Trust, I will use this as an opportunity to raise

awareness of the inequalities in mental and physical health experienced by too many Gypsy Travellers and

Roma. For example there are 163 people in Basingstoke alone whose health needs are not being met. We

will open up a community led dialogue into how best to reverse these inequalities

Ignorance and stigmatisation. Use social media to promote the diversity of a sited and housed Gypsy,

Traveller and Roma communities.

Isolation. Spoken with LEA and Equality and Diversity in Hampshire and they readily accept that nothing in

Hampshire is working towards a cohesive strategy to address Gypsy, Traveller and Roma inequalities and

injustices. They would welcome any new initiatives promoting greater equality and justice.

5. We trust groups to use the funds as they need to, and therefore our funds are not restricted to a particular

project. However, it is useful to know how much would be useful to you[d] and what you are likely to spend the

funds on so please give us some information on that. We do not need a detailed budget

I am asking for the full £1000 that can be granted to an individual. These funds would contribute towards:

Develop Online presence further – Website

Administration - Mailing and leaflets; Business Cards; Printing

Group activities

Speaker/tutor fees

Out of pocket expenses (travel).

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