happy thursday bellwork: organize your buff binder, you have 5 minutes – then we will take a buff...

Post on 06-Jan-2018






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Unit 3.2 – Protein Synthesis Definitions Due Monday(10/26/15) All Parts Due Wednesday (10/28/15) 1.Uracil 2.Transcription 3.Translation 4.Central Dogma 5.Ribosome 6.Codon 7.Anticodon 8.Gene 9.Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) 10.Transfer RNA (tRNA) 11.Messenger RNA (mRNA) 12.Gene Expression Definitions list found on my website



Bellwork: Organize your Buff Binder, you have 5

minutes – then we will take a Buff Binder Quiz. On your Bellwork write “Organize Buff


AssignmentsPage 45 – DNA Candy Replication (Due Today)Page 46 – Comic Book Strip (Due Tomorrow)Most Missed Quiz: Cells/Molecule Transport (Friday)Notecard Definitions (Due Monday)Notecard ALL PARTS (Due Wednesday)

Late AssignmentsPage 41 - Lab: Cornell Notes - DNA Model (-50%)Page 42 - DNA & Genes (-50%)Page 43 - Franklin, Watson, and Crick Article (-50%) Page 44 – Lab: DNA Extraction (-30%)

Unit 3.2 – Protein SynthesisDefinitions Due Monday(10/26/15)

All Parts Due Wednesday (10/28/15)

1. Uracil2. Transcription3. Translation4. Central Dogma5. Ribosome6. Codon7. Anticodon

8. Gene9. Ribonucleic Acid (RNA)10.Transfer RNA (tRNA)11.Messenger RNA

(mRNA)12.Gene Expression

Definitions list found on my website

Closure….Comic Book ReplicationCreate a 6-strip comic book page describing the process of DNA

Replication. • Be creative in the representation of your setting and characters• Include thought bubbles and character names (DNA, Helicase, DNA

Polymerase, etc…)•Must include a minimum of 5 colors•Must include the following words

DNA Replication Helicase DNA Polymerase Semiconservative ReplicationReplication Fork A, T, C, G Antiparallel Watson and Crick

•Will be due in the tray on FridaySmall Group CHAMPS

PG 46

Essential Question How is the information

from DNA copied onto messenger RNA?

StandardB.6C – Explain the purpose and process of transcription and

translation using models of DNA and RNA

PG 47

Let’s get some things straight…

Replication- to make an exact copyReplication is like making a photocopy

Transcription- to transfer from one recording form to another

Transcription is like taking notes (same information, different form)

Well…1. Copies are good to have as a backup—it’d be bad if

something happened to DNA 2. You can just put down the part of the information

you need—shorter/simpler

Think of it like this:DNA = master copyRNA = blueprints…you don’t need the blueprints for

the whole house to build the foundation

Central DogmaWe’re only talking about the first part today

DNA RNA Protein





Transcription (Big Ideas)• Is the first step in making a protein (polypeptide)•Occurs in the nucleus•DNA is used to make RNA•RNA is then sent out into the cell to make proteins• It’s usually just a section of the DNA strand (gene)

that codes for one specific protein

There are three main differences between DNA and RNA:

1) The sugar in RNA is ribose instead of deoxyribose.

2) RNA is single-stranded.

3) RNA contains uracil instead of thymine.

Comparing base pairing rulesDNA to DNA



Summarize the DNA to RNA base pairing rules in exactly

8 words.

Messenger RNA (mRNA) carries copies of instructions from DNA in the nucleus to the ribosome to make proteins.Transcription Animation

Transcription Recap

Central Dogma Foldable1. Fold the edges of your paper toward the BACK along the dotted lines.2. Now fold the two sides in to meet in the middle (also marked with a

dotted line).3. Using the given ORIGINAL strand, complete the complementary

strand.4. Open your edges. Now “replicate” the DNA by filling in the two new

strands.5. Put your name on your paper and turn it in! I will keep them until next

week, when we will add another step.

PG 48

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