harfield promotional book

Post on 26-Mar-2016






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Promotional Book


We believe in results.At Harfield & Associates, we see things from our client’s perspective.

We believe that we exist only to pursue your company’s, your brand’s or

your product’s potential. We believe in relevant communication.

We respect budgets. We are relentless in our work ethic. This is the

Harfield difference—the distinction that makes us a strong strategic

partner to help achieve the full potential of your enterprise.

If you need an agency that thrives on hard work, lives for the challenge,

has the energy and commitment to your business demands, and finds its

biggest reward in hearing your cash register ring, we should talk.

Relevant SolutionsOur first priority, always, is to solve

your communication needs. We do it

by creating solutions that are

relevant both to your target

consumer and to the marketplace.

Budget EfficiencyWe help to address your full

potential by overcoming

challenges, seizing opportunities

and enhancing the efficiency of

your marketing budget. And rest

assured, we’re accountable for

every dollar spent.

Our Client—the nucleusAs our client, you are at the centre

of everything we do. This means

keeping our eyes focused on your

best interests. To us, this is the

natural order of things.

Brand ActionAt Harfield & Associates, it’s all about

stimulating brand momentum toward a

transaction. It’s an aggressive “break

away from the crowd” attack designed to

augment your bottom line—to realize

your potential.


smart, marketingcommunication solutions

commitmentto results and budget efficiency


with a

client’s needs, goalsand aspirations.


First and foremostwe exist to address

our client’s potential.

relevantsolutionsBefore we help you launch a new

product, revitalize or reposition

an older one, or mount a targeted

promotion; we listen. We get your

take on the market, your strengths

versus your competition, your

thoughts on strategy.

Then we analyse trends, study

the opposition—do our homework

thoroughly. Only after thorough

research do we integrate your

goals and arrive at creative,

practical solutions that are

relevant to your target, and

achievable within your resources.


Budget efficiency & measurable results drive everything we do.

Most ad agencies talk brand building through creative execution. But at Harfield

& Associates, building brand equity is only the beginning. Our mission goes

beyond increasing a brand’s potential; it goes directly to realizing that potential.

Brand ActionWe do this by conceiving, designing and executing strategies to induce the

consumer to take action. This is a key distinction we call brand action. It is an

aggressive “break away from the crowd” line of attack designed to stimulate a

consumer transaction and increase your bottom line.

the ideaBIGV

Advertising that works does so

by engaging consumers in an

emotionally compelling way.

Makes the target audience stop

to consider your message.

Then, provides them with new

information; a new insight with

which they can relate, presented

in a fresh, attention-getting way.

In other words, The Big Idea.

But that’s only one element.

Creative communication also

embraces media planning and

selection; co-op optimization;

strategic promotional partnerships;

common brand or group

associations; advocacy marketing

through social media; budgeting

ROI; database mining; and, above

all else, what we believe in at

Harfield & Associates: relevancy.


No matter what that idea is, a well thought out plan is what helps turn that idea into a reality.

Design withoutstrategy doesn’t pull its weight.

strategicdesignIt’s important to understand the

difference between design and

ornamentation. In concert with

The Big Idea, the creative

presentation must work equally

hard to deliver the message.

Whether it’s grabbing attention

with an arresting visual element or

providing an aesthetically pleasing

atmosphere for information; design

is a critical and strategic component

of successful communication.

From logo development to posters

to annual reports, we treat every

design challenge with the same high

degree of creativity, technical

excellence and relevance.


Strategic design is about an approach to design. Once you get it right it can be applicable on many levels and in many situations.

Harfield & Associates has the

experience and acumen to

research, evaluate and create

a strategy and execution en route

to the media “sweet spot”—the

solution by which your budget

is truly optimized.

Harfield has always operated on

a “no commissions, no multiple

markups” basis. As such, we are

a bias-free, media-neutral agency.

Our singular focus is to design

the right blend of media that

finds your target, creates the

greatest voice for your budget,

and makes the strongest impact.

the sweet spot


junglenavigationIn just the last few years, media

alternatives have proliferated

exponentially. Traditional options

such as print and electronic media

have been joined by such digital

choices as Twitter, Facebook,

podcasts, viral media, mobile

billboards, in-game advertising,

web ads and many others.

It’s easy to get lost in a virtual

forest of possibilities. However,

one essential question remains:

which media choices, digital or

otherwise, are relevant to your

business, service or product?

Our media planners have the skill

set, the familiarity with the newest

trends, the deep media experience,

the up-to-the-minute knowledge

and analytical expertise to

successfully navigate the media

jungle and maximize your budget.


Today’s multi-channel marketers need a media ‘sherpa’—we know the terrain.



Here’s the course of action we take in managing the effectiveness of your media plan

and developing an integrated media strategy:

• Prioritize goals and expectations;

• Research and analyse the target’s media habits;

• Research and evaluate the relevance, executional and budget efficiencies;

• Optimize the budget through research and media mix modeling;

• Negotiate the plan, constantly probing for enhanced value;

• Traffic the creative to the plan and monitor the execution.

Analyse, adjust, analyse and adjust again.

Finding the right balance between budgets and media channels to reach your target is the key to communication success.

developingadvocatesFrom a marketer’s perspective,

Social Media is about getting

people to chat about your service,

product or brand. To have them

become your advocates. The goal

is to get them to speak positively

about their interaction, or about

the appeal of your enterprise.

Social Media must be conceived

and executed with precision, while

also being monitored to ensure the

marketer is in the same moment as

the target. Most importantly, to have

any credibility with the target, the

dialogue must be relevant in order

for the potential advocate to take


Harfield & Associates determines

relevancy, conceives programs, sets

goals and processes, and monitors

and analyses social media initiatives

that work.


The number of Twitter users increases by 300,000 every day.



Inventive. Amusing. Whimsical.

Puzzling. Outrageous. These are

the hallmarks of guerrilla marketing,

a tactic that turns heads and gets

people talking.

Guerrilla marketing has a power

that transcends traditional media.

It’s about achieving maximum

results from minimal resources—

much more about matching wits

than matching budgets.

It’s as different from traditional

marketing as guerrilla warfare is

from traditional warfare. Rather

than marching marketing dollars

out like infantry divisions, guerrilla

marketers snipe away at their

targets using surprise as their

greatest weapon. We understand

that power and how to use it.

We once earned newspaper

and TV coverage for a client

using nothing more unusual

than a can of chili con carne.

Guerrilla marketing was initially used by small and medium size businesses, but it is now increasingly adopted by large businesses.

The cost saving that can be achieved is likely to be more important than the cost of the method employed.

increaseroiTrade shows, sponsorships, end

user intercepts, consumer shows,

contests, direct mail—these are

all solid ways of connecting with

prospects. But if you come away

from these events without firm

contact data, you’re wasting


At Harfield & Associates, we know

how to produce quantifiable results

for these and other end user touch

points. Data capture increases

the Return On Investment on

your efforts. Properly managed,

this information can yield a wealth

of new marketing opportunities

and budget efficiencies.

Maximizing end user touch

points delivers outstanding

marketing ROI potential.


maximizingresourcesThe most under-utilized asset for

most companies is their customer

database. Research has repeatedly

shown that retaining an existing

customer is far less expensive

than acquiring a new one. Yet, few

companies with extensive customer

data actually leverage the power

of that information.

At Harfield, we turn raw data into

meaningful knowledge. We provide

you with highly effective retention

strategies which allow you to seize

new business opportunities and

most importantly, to take the fullest

advantage of the customer

relationships you already have.


Each existing client has the power to attract new clients through word-of-mouth or a direct referral.

The time has come for you to maximize your advertising dollars.

measureableresultsWe respect what it takes to create

a budget, and the priorities of those

responsible to work with it.

We involve budget in our thinking

so we have a goal against which to

measure our efforts and the return.

We also make budget efficiency a

key point in our thinking to bring

the “bang for the buck” factor into

play—strategically, creatively and

executionally. The result is clearer

thinking in a real world context.

Any agency can create momentum

if given the budget to fund every

idea and strategy. Real creativity

occurs when the word “efficiency”

is brought in.


Are you throwingaway free addollars?



Most businesses can attract more customers with less effort through the right cross promotions.

If you have access to co-op ad

funding from a manufacturer

or franchisor, for example, use

them. Harfield & Associates

has an enormous depth

of experience in utilizing

these funds to the advantage

of all stakeholders.

We co-ordinate stakeholder

approval and do all the paper-

work. Do not leave these

dollars—and the ultra-efficient

exposure you can harness—

on the table.

Cross promotions are another

avenue that can extend ad

budgets, enhance target

resonance, grab attention and

even strengthen the perception

of a product, brand or service.

Well-chosen relationships can

be excellent “news” for the

social media channels. Harfield

has extensive experience in

assessing, structuring, conceiving

and seeking out cross

promotions that turbo charge

our clients’ budgets.

We have over 20 years experience successfully working with western Canadian clients.

collectivecloutAssociations deliver huge market

influence. If you’re a member of a

Business Improvement Association,

a merchant group, a shopping

centre or a brand driven association

that pools marketing resources;

we should talk.

We have an enormous depth of

experience in administering and

proactively pursuing funds,

facilitating steering committees,

executing the full accounting cycle

and providing important strategic

information that makes efficient

use of executives’ time.

We do this while creating strategies

that enhance the efforts of the

individual stakeholder while moving

the collective group forward.


No matter how diverse your structure,

we know how to keep everyone on the same page.

Ordinary is what you can get anywhere.

At Harfield, we consider it our job—in fact, our

duty—to go beyond what is expected. To negotiate

innovatively and vigorously to achieve the best

value for our clients; to find ways to squeeze more

out of your marketing budget, without being

prodded; and to creatively find the key triggers

that motivate your customers.

We live it.We breathe it.We believe it.


A checkered racing flag eventOur client’s biggest sales event of the

year is a checkered racing flag event.

Each year at the national level, they

developed a logo to feature in its

nationwide checkered racing flag

event TV campaign.

Harfield’s task was to incorporate

the logo into all media and bring

the checkered racing flag event to life

in 150 dealer showrooms across

five provinces.

This huge undertaking included point

of purchase materials, print and radio

advertising, direct mail, eblast

messages, consumer contests, sales

staff incentive programs, sourcing test

drive and purchase premiums, and

online messaging—all coordinated to

deliver a comprehensive synergistic


Beyond the multitude of print ads

created, full-colour 12-page

broadsheet newspapers inserts were

also produced. As well as designing,

writing and creating final files for

the inserts, we functioned as our

client’s de facto printing and logistics

partner for a total production run

of over 2 million pieces.

At the dealership level, an extensive

customized curb-to-showroom

merchandising package was

researched, designed and produced

including: pole signs, car toppers,

entrance floor ads, window posters,

outdoor banners, windshield

eyebrows, desk merchandising,

checkered racing flags, car window

flags and vehicle license plates.



Calgary motorcycle show


To enact a strategy of “taking the

product to the users” we helped

our client promote the motorcycle

& ATV-friendly, full-size half-ton pickup

truck at the Calgary Motorcycle Show.

This initiative focused on motorcycle

enthusiasts who would value the

pickup truck’s hauling and towing

capabilities and the unique “in bed”

trunk features. To establish a definite

quantitative outcome from this

outreach initiative, Harfield designed

and produced an interactive kiosk

complete with a monitor showing the

truck’s highlights and electronic data

collection capabilities.

To enhance the vehicle’s presence,

each consumer who allowed personal

data to be captured was automatically

entered for a chance to win a

motorcycle from our client!

From this data, an opt-in follow-up

database was created. Product was

exposed to a relevant and receptive

cluster of this special interest

consumer group. Interest was

piqued. Leads were identified

and sales results were achieved.

Most importantly, this initiative laid

the groundwork for an evolution of

data capture programs that became

highly efficient at augmenting the

client’s database and delivered

a quantified ROI.

This particular type of motorcycle and

automotive store was a completely

new concept that needed to be

market-defined. The client’s store

offers everything with their brand,

including cars and trucks at many

locations. It’s unlike any other

dealership; its unique services, such

as overnight parts delivery, highly

trained product-specific staff, test

rides, the client’s Hotel and

exceptional product range are

unmatched by any competitor.

Harfield & Associates was tasked with

establishing the client’s concept while

promoting its products—brand

establishment with a tactical twist.

To raise awareness of the concept

and exclusive USPs, our initial strategy

was to create a commanding 4-page

glossy insert to tell the full story

in each appropriate market.

In conjunction, niche motorcycle

print executions carried the concept

into the market with frequency.

To further stimulate community

awareness of the client’s store and

initiate momentum, strategically

located billboards were created

using high impact imagery to

communicate the name and its “one-

stop shop” uniqueness to create

excitement and to visually set it apart

from conventional automotive and

motorcycle dealerships.

Out-of-home branding


Model promotionSometimes we are asked to do a lot

with limited resources. With neither

the time nor budget for a photo

shoot; these bright, graphically-strong

outdoor posters communicated the

excitement of the client’s vehicles

using supplied photography. Whether

looming over high traffic areas or

situated in downtown backlit transit

shelters, the impact of the imagery

was powerful, memorable and

reinforced the emotional appeal

of each model.


Race-inspired compact coupeIn an automotive world of tactical

offers and model communications,

Harfield was challenged with

reinforcing and re-igniting the

appeal of Canada’s best-selling

compact to a younger target

market—thus stimulating

dealership traffic.

Solution: the “Drive Your Life”

theme with supporting executions.

The ads focused on encapsulating

a lifestyle message without

foregoing the traditional values of

the brand (i.e. high resale value,

fuel efficiency, low cost of

ownership and, most importantly

for this market segment, a fun-

to-drive feeling).

The executions connected with

younger urbanites on an

emotional level using nightclubs,

personal fashion and striking

architectural visuals. This targeted

campaign made a solid case to the

target demographic for the appeal

of adding a race-inspired compact

coupe to their lives.


Early on in our relationship with our

automotive client, Harfield identified

the Chinese consumer as critical to

the Dealers’ growth in Vancouver. The

Dealers became the first automotive

ad association to consistently address

this market with monthly culturally

specific campaigns in Chinese radio

and print media—researched, planned,

purchased, written and designed by

Harfield & Associates.

In addition, we have implemented

cross promotions, sponsorships, and

point of sale materials. This includes

the annual Chinese New Year

campaign wishing the community

success while featuring a specific

automotive model.

When you consider that over the past

five years, two-thirds of Canada’s

population growth has been driven by

immigration, and that the purchasing

power of the combined South Asian

and Chinese segment alone exceeds

$40 billion per year; it’s obvious that

culturally specific markets are a

powerful niche segment no one can

afford to ignore.

Connecting with New Canadians will

help bring success to your advertising

goals long into the future.



As a marketing ally for over 12 years,

Harfield & Associates has strategized,

created and executed Faith Wilson’s

positioning and tactical initiatives.

With her commitment to marketing

and dedication to a superior client

experience, Faith has risen to be one

of the elite 0.1%* of all Vancouver

real estate agents.

Having developed a tight-knit team

of real estate marketing specialists

offering an ever-expanding array

of services, Faith Wilson wished

to solidify her position as Realtor®

of choice on Vancouver’s West Side.

Harfield repositioned Faith’s personal

brand as the “Faith Wilson Group.”

This new team identity delivers a

clean, distinctive look that reflects

the precision, efficiency and warmth

which have become hallmarks of the

Faith Wilson Group client experience.

Having concluded the design,

Harfield & Associates’ task was to

roll out executions in all of Faith’s

communication channels—OOH

advertising, vehicle wraps, office

signage, stationery package, inter-

agent electronic forms, weekly listing

ads, magazine ads, website updates

and social media initiatives.

This brand evolution has resulted

in stronger market share, average

sale and sales results.

Faith Wilson Group


*Based on total MLS® sales as reported by the REBGV for the Lower Mainland, Vancouver, 2008.


Elements of FaithFor the Faith Wilson Group, the goal

was all about extending the FWG

brand to a mobile billboard that

augmented the client’s OOH media

buys. Our solution was the ultra-

versatile compact SUV that could not

only carry clients, “open house”

signage and business materials

inside —but also carry Faith Wilson’s

message to prospective customers

as it travelled around her Vancouver

West Side territory.

With three vehicles on the go, the

result was a striking billboard-on-

wheels that gave the Faith Wilson

Group an added value of presence,

prominence and panache—to the

point that people frequently remark

“we see you everywhere”.

www.faithwilsongroup.com As a committed marketer, Faith Wilson

acknowledged the need to rework the

Faith Wilson Group website to make it

a more versatile marketing tool, more

administratively time efficient, more

of an organic search magnet for

prospects—a more vibrant, engaging

and comprehensive resource for

buyers and sellers. And all while

possessing distinct recall impact

versus “off the shelf” web design


As part of the new site, Harfield

custom-designed a software program

and wrote entirely new code to

incorporate new features, including:

• live updates by Faith’s team 24/7:all blogs; listing information; openhouse marketing; team profiles,achievements and awards

• database driven content—makinginformation easier to change andallowing mobile device applicationsto be created

• Auto-population of Open House and Sold sections of the site upon a simple status change

• integration with Google™—a majorstep in optimizing search engineefficiency—and with Google Maps to provide pin-point listing locationscomplete with FWG customization

• Advanced analytics to continuallyrefine the marketing executions

• Future capabilities for site expansion

We’re pleased to say that the Faith

Wilson Group now has a website that

matches the character of the leading

edge real estate team it represents.

Visit faithwilsongroup.com and judge

for yourself.


Irly Bird home improvementIrly Bird Building Centres is a co-op

of independent small to medium-size

lumber yards serving a multitude

of BC markets.

Facing the invasion of “big box” home

improvement retailers in many of

those markets, our client asked

Harfield to help them bolster brand

awareness so that Irly Bird could not

merely survive but continue to thrive

in the face of the onslaught. Our

strategy had three points of attack:

to diversify the media selection; tie

in Irly Bird’s long-established flyer

program; and carry the momentum

through to store level.

The diversification of our media plan

was led by television. But finding

exactly the right spokesperson to

represent Irly Bird was key to a

successful campaign. The personality

had to reflect honesty, integrity,

approachability and above all, solid

home improvement know-how.

Our choice was Richard Karn—”Al”

from the Emmy-winning sitcom

“Home Improvement”. Mr. Karn

appeared in Irly Bird’s complete mix

of communication channels—from TV

and direct mail to radio, point of sale

and public appearances. The impact

was immediate; our client’s brand

awareness went through the roof.

Finding an effective way to combat

the intrusion of powerful retail

competitors bolstered our

client’s confidence to meet the

“big box” challenge.


Sinclair CentreBeyond being a retail complex in the

heart of Vancouver, Sinclair Centre

is a government operated, restored

heritage project that combines four

historic structures: the Federal

building, Post Office building,

Winch building and the Customs

Examining Warehouse.

Invited by stakeholders to help

re-establish Sinclair Centre’s identity,

Harfield & Associates undertook

a comprehensive brand audit.

The prevailing public perception

that emerged was that Sinclair Centre

existed merely to house the

Passport Office!

As a result, a complete brand

makeover was initiated to position

Sinclair Centre as an upscale shopping

destination located in Downtown

Vancouver. An elegant calligraphic

logo was created to express a fashion

sensibility, individuality and a warmer

personality—a major step in reversing

the perception of the Centre as little

more than a “government building”.

To deliver this new look to the market,

an overall rebranding initiative and

marketing campaign was developed

featuring interior and exterior signage,

a completely redesigned website,

transit advertising on new Skytrain

Canada Line platforms, and local

weekly newspaper ads addressing

the priorities of our client’s

management firm.

The initial foundation of rebuilding

Sinclair Centre momentum has been

put into place and is proving its merit.


Becker GalleriesWith a highly successful track record

as a fine art advisor, Michele Becker

approached Harfield & Associates to

create and launch a premier brand

for her new contemporary high-end

curatorial art gallery where a client’s

only limits would be their taste and


In the midst of an economic

down-turn, the brand needed to

be packaged in a clean, distinctive,

memorable design that would

both reflect Michele’s exceptional

knowledge and reputation, as well

as resonate with investors and

exclusive artists. Harfield answered

the challenge by becoming involved

in naming the gallery, creating the

logo and stationery, and developing

the website design. And Michele

successfully attracted an elite stable

of contemporary artists to curate


Becker Galleries is a prime example

of how we quickly and efficiently

assess our clients’ needs and deliver

them to market in the most effective,

relevant and cost efficient way.


hotoffoscarspress.comOscar’s Art Books, locally known for

its impressive library of niche books,

wanted to diversify their services

and become a player in the growing

print-on-demand industry. As a result,

Oscar’s purchased an Espresso

Printing Machine (currently the only

one in Western Canada). We were

tasked with publicizing their print-on-

demand service as well as helping

them sell more books.

We responded with a web-based

plan that would brand Oscar’s service

and open it up to a worldwide market.

The Harfield plan employed a website

with e-commerce capabilities, a

targeted paid search campaign,

and a funneling strategy: a number

of URLs were created and purchased

which identify print-on-demand

services searched by people online

and automatically directs them to

our client’s website. Thus, the website

URL and the name of the service

would be seen as a single entity.

This focuses the attention on the

website where print-on-demand

books could be submitted, ordered

and paid for in one simple operation.

In conjunction with this project,

Harfield has also refreshed and

refined the company logo, and

offered creative suggestions for

merchandising Oscar’s store,

particularly the area occupied by

the Espresso Printing Machine.


Vancouver Giants: year 1


88 days. That was the timeline Harfield

was given to build the Vancouver

Giants Major Junior brand of hockey.

88 days to establish market awareness,

while differentiating it from the NHL

brand also present in the market.

Major Junior hockey is renowned for its

competitiveness, “hustle”—and for

developing future NHL players. So we

created a comprehensive campaign

built around the theme “Hockey with

Heart”. Newspaper ads, radio, online

messaging, collateral materials and

team merchandise all featured the

Giants slogan and prominent heart

imagery. The major components of

our attack were an open letter to

disenchanted fans of a just-departed

NBA team and a Giants pledge of

honour by which the players swore

to uphold a “no quit” work ethic.

We positioned Giants hockey as the

affordable family hockey experience.

And the value-for-money equation that

emerged from our campaign resonated

strongly with hockey fans and the

sports media.

Harfield was able to generate

thousands of dollars in free publicity

on local TV and radio sports

programming which featured our

materials on-air. The exposure far

exceeded expectations.

Given the incredibly short turn-around

time allowed to launch this new sports

franchise, we were gratified that the

Giants ranked 4th overall in attendance

in their first season—a startling


Vancouver Giants: year 10We’re proud to say that Harfield &

Associates has been in the trenches

with the Giants since the team’s first

face-off ten years ago. Today, the team

is highly successful and regarded as

the model franchise of the 22-team

Western Hockey League. Besides

achieving several consecutive winning

records, the Giants have also hosted

and won the prestigious Memorial

Cup Championship tournament;

hosted the renowned World Junior

Hockey Tournament; and graduated

some 17 players to the NHL level—

the ultimate in hockey.

But the need to remind the

marketplace of the Giants as

an exciting, affordable hockey

entertainment option remains.

Presented with a supplied 10th

anniversary logo, our challenge was

to draw attention to the Giants

milestone season through the

aggressive use of the design.

This was accomplished through

a complete stationery package,

transit shelters, billboards, bus backs

and sides, and a huge centre ice

execution for the team’s home venue,

the Pacific Coliseum.

As a measure of our expanded role

with the Giants, the team also

entrusted us with the design of their

10th Anniversary season tickets.


Vancouver Giants: creating buzzA key factor in the Giants success has

been the ability to re-ignite the sports

media’s attention at the start of each

season and achieve a substantial

sports media share of voice.

This quest is imperative given the

budgetary realities of a WHL franchise,

and the fact that the market is

monopolized by two bona fide pro

sports franchises which also operate

in the Fall!

In year one, with an under-performing

NBA team just departing town, our

creative took the form of an open

letter to disenchanted basketball fans

searching for a sports team that

played like it cared!

Harfield conceived and delivered

the piece to a full list of media

commentators. Nerve struck! This

strategy generated thousands of

dollars in free publicity on local

TV and radio sports programming.

The actual materials were featured

on-air, delivering enormous budget


Over succeeding seasons we’ve

earned a higher team profile with

a season-opening media blitz

featuring such items as:

• Giant can of “Whoopass”

• Giant-size player cards (with gum!)

• Giants remote control Zamboni®

• Giants “Playoff Beard-in-a-Bucket”

• Giant-size “little blue pill”

• Giants own version of “The Cup”

By thinking outside the rink, we’re

helping our client maintain a front-of-

mind position in a hockey-mad



Street hockey ridesOur automotive client supplied the

WHL Vancouver Giants Hockey Club

with a minivan for use as their

community vehicle and mobile street

presence. The Giants needed a “get

noticed” design that said “hockey” in

a very striking way. The result was a

show stopper… Transporter 1 with

its head-turning hockey helmet motif.

The Mastercard Memorial Cup needed

VIP transportation for tournament

officials and organizers. Our solution:

a fleet of 10 large SUVs wrapped with

a distinctive Memorial Cup design that

quickly raised significant awareness

and added to the overall marketing

effort of this short term event.


MasterCard Memorial Cup


The Memorial Cup is the

championship series that decides

the top Major Junior hockey team

in Canada. In 2007, led by

Vancouver Giants owner, Ron Toigo,

the tournament returned to

Greater Vancouver for the first time

in 30 years, making it an

enormously anticipated event.

Creative thematic imagery featured

an adult with hockey stick raised in

victory, standing beside a child with

arms raised in joy, and the venerable

Memorial Cup. All elements were

shown in silhouette with the rallying

cry “We’re Up for the Cup!”

This celebratory position invited

Vancouverites to support this unique

event—and support it they did!

A complex media plan called for

the phased release of messages

across diverse communication

channels. Our striking creative motif

communicated the excitement of

the tournament in everything from

stationery, washroom posters, transit,

newspaper and online ads to street

light banners, ticket booklets and

countless other collateral pieces.

The Harfield team was elated to

see a new Memorial Cup attendance

record set: 121,561 fans attended

the 9-game tournament, shattering

the previous record by more

than 35,000.

For Harfield & Associates, the 2009

World Police & Fire Games was a two

year project that invited the world’s

first responder community to a first

class international sporting event

with more participants than the

Winter Olympics!

WPFG communication needs were

extensive: from logo redesign and

brand vision to website information

and registration logistics, video

comments by Michael J. Fox—even a

script for the opening ceremonies.

The creative, planning and production

communicated the WPFG message on

transit, TV, Facebook, radio, in print,

direct mail, PR releases, as well as on

the street. Throughout the campaign,

a highlight was the inclusion of

a German Shepherd and a Dalmatian

to symbolize the Police/Fire rivalry.

Our work helped to deliver the most

registrants ever to the WPFG, and set

the standard for future events.

The CEO of the World Police & Fire

Games offered these gratifying words…

“You were so much a part of the

recruitment of both the athletes and the

volunteers and I could not be more

proud of your work, your friendship, and

your honest and realistic approach to our

business…the comments we received

back on the dogs and how they were

integrated into our communications

pieces were over the top.”

Stuart Ballantyne

Chief Executive Officer2009 World Police & Fire Games

2009 World Police & Fire Games



At Harfield & Associates, we are ever mindful of our privileged work

environment and fortunate circumstances. We realize every day just how

lucky we all are not to have to worry about food, clothing, shelter,

employment—vital necessities that many in this city struggle with on a

daily basis. And to make that realization meaningful, we make sure we

give back to the community in many ways throughout the year.

Food bank food drive


Every Christmas, we make a dedicated

effort to provide families throughout

Vancouver with food for the holiday

season. But since 2007, when the

need became desperate, we have

raised our game. In support of the

Greater Vancouver Food Bank, we

have held raffles, bake sales and

barbeques, run errands for other

companies, solicited donations

from neighbourhood businesses—

you name it. With staff and client

donations of food and cash, and

with matching contributions from

Keith Harfield and the company, we

are pleased to have collected over

24,000 pounds of food and nearly

$86,000 in cash donations. With the

Food Bank’s buying power ($1 = $3

worth of food), the multiplier effect

means our effective donations have

totalled more than $280,000.

To be able to help those in need is

not only gratifying, but also serves

as a reminder of our mandate: to

never take what we have for granted.

In keeping with our philosophy of being responsibly-minded to all budgets (i.e. clients, as well as our own), this document

is printed on demand. This allows us to produce only that whichwe need and ensures our content is current and up-to-date.


Harfield & Associates began as a one-man

operation created on Keith Harfield’s dining room

table in 1986. It was created from a

blueprint conceived while he was engaged in a

highly successful career in retail consumer

electronics. Keith envisioned an advertising and

marketing company that could lend its

marketing expertise to their clients, but still

operate as efficiently as if it were ‘in-house’.

Today, over 24 years later, that dynamic vision is

still very much alive and thriving. And the one-

man operation has expanded into a staff of full

time members, augmented by a select group of

dedicated freelancers, all committed to a single

idea: serving the best interests of their clients.

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