have you heard of vaping?

Post on 07-Apr-2017



Health & Medicine



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Have You Heard of Vaping?

What is vaping? It is the e-cigarette equivalent to smoking and it is taking a firm hold in the US.

Backed by the world’s biggest tobacco companies, the industry is aggressively expanding its marketing across the country. More than 14 million U.S. adults and nearly 2 million teens and tweens have used e-cigarettes, and the rate of use among high-schoolers doubled from 2011 to 2012, the latest data available.

(see full article at http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/07/e-cigarette-risks-count-puffs-facebook_n_5562996.html )

What are the side effects? While the FDA is launching nearly 50 studies on e-cigs, at this point very little is scientifically proven about the side effects of vaping. A quick Google search reveals threads describing things like dehydration, dry mouth, and tissue irritation in the mouth.

Have you tried e-cigarettes or know someone who has? Were there any side effects? Would you tell your dentist if you were vaping?

Have any questions? Just ask!

Source: carifree.com/blog

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