have your exercise science message go faster and further with social media

Post on 06-May-2015



Social Media



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Presentation for the RMACSM conference in Denver, March 2014. Focuses on using social media to spread the message about exercise science.


Have your Exercise Science Message go Faster and Further

with Social Media

Stan Skrabut@uwcesedtech#uwces #RMACSMhttp://www.slideshare.net/skrabut

Social media has significantly altered how we communicate information.

You are busy exercise science professionals.

You hear the buzz about social media but you don't want to waste time and energy.

You would like to be involved with social media only if it worth the investment.

I will explain why social media is worth your time, and explain how to invest your time wisely

Why should you spend time with social media? I don't care what

someone had for lunch.

Social media is where everyone now communicates.

1.3 billion people are on Facebook, and 48% are between 18 and 34 years of age.

Twitter has 646 million participants, and 58 million tweets are sent per day.

All news platforms are losing viewership... except the Web.

Source: Nielsen Media Research, Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, Audit Bureau of Circulations.

You are competing with the general public to create news and stories. The amateurs are winning.

"70 percent of Americans cannot read and understand the science section of the New York Times" ~ Jon Miller, MSU researcher.

"Most professions exist because there is a scarce resource that requires ongoing management" ~ Clay Shirkey

"50% of the public now cites the internet as a main source for national and international news" ~ PEW Research

You need the public to succeed in your mission.

"Online networks make science more visible to the public and policymakers who affect decisions about research funding." ~Christina Szalinski

Social media speeds the dissemination of your research, resulting in more citations and greater readership.

What's in it for me? What are the

benefits of using social media on

your career.

Before I explain the benefits, let’s explore why more of you are not involved in social media.

Many people cite time as a barrier to using social media and conducting outreach.

Social media does not contribute to the current tenure and promotion system.

Many do not have the knowledge and skills to use social media tools effectively.

Departments may not support efforts deemed as dumbing down research.

There is also the “Sagan Effect”, where individuals are perceived as spending more time talking to the public than conducting research.

You and your work will be known, if you share it.

You are responsible for your personal branding. You control your message to the world.

"In an Internet world there is no point in having knowledge if people don’t know you have it, and if you are not prepared to share it." ~Euan Semple

I challenge you to Google yourself.

If you hide your papers behind a paywall or jargon wall, the general public will not read them, unless…

"If you tell people about your research, they look at it. Your research will get looked at more than papers which are not promoted via social media." ~ Melissa Terras

Social media tools can fulfill grant outreach criteria.

Social media can grant you access to key figures in science and government.

You can get rapid answers to problems or polls.

Social media can lead to connections resulting in writing opportunities or conference appearances.

How can you use social media effectively?

We will start with Twitter because it is a real time communication tool.

Using Twitter lists, search queries, and tools like Paper.li, you can stay current on new research developments.

Use tools like Hootsuite or Tweetdeck to filter conversations based on lists or search queries.

Use Twitter to publicize your new journal articles and to start a conversation around your events using a hashtag.

Use a hashtag like #RMACSM to develop a community.

Blogging is a way you can have a personal impact on the field.

Blogs are great places for building an online reputation as an expert in your field.

With a blog, you can highlight your research and the research of others in terms the public can understand. Write for your mom.

Blogs are places where you write in length, everything else links to the blog post.

You can explain concepts in blogs.

With a blog, there is an increased chance of conversation around your research.

Facebook is where the world gathers to socialize.

With a fan page, you can easily share information on research and events where people regularly gather.

Whenever possible, use imagery to help tell your story.

Google+ is a relatively new kid on the block, but it is Google.

Using Circles you can filter discussions and control where you want your messages to go.

Hangouts on Air allow you to broadcast presentations with immediate recordings placed on YouTube.

You can create communities focusing on your message.

Social media takes time to develop a following.

Social media takes dedication.


Have your Exercise Science Message go Faster and Further

with Social Media

Stan Skrabut@uwcesedtech#uwces #RMACSMhttp://www.slideshare.net/skrabut

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