having an impact

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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Having an Impact


Saturday, July 14, 12

In the book

Saturday, July 14, 12

Saturday, July 14, 12

Saturday, July 14, 12

A magical book

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the first of its kind

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was made

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was made

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to educate a duke’s daughter.

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But through a series of events

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was lost

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and found

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Saturday, July 14, 12

by Nell(a peasant girl)

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This book

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explains the world in stories

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and when Nell’s life becomes too bad

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it urges her to leave on her own

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And as Nell grows up...

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...the book...

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keeps teaching her...

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about the human body, ...

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... turing machines ...

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and other wondrous things.

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And so she became pretty badass.

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And even changed the course of history.

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What made Nell special?

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Saturday, July 14, 12

Was it the book?

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Many rich girls got the same book.

It turns out

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But they didn’t change the world

Saturday, July 14, 12

But they didn’t change the world

(not even a little bit)

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So was Nell a genius to begin with?

Saturday, July 14, 12

So was Nell a genius to begin with?

Maybe. But statistically, she likely wouldn’t have had an impact without the book.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

The difference between Nell and the entitled rich girls

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

The difference between Nell and the entitled rich girls

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

The difference between Nell and the entitled rich girls

Saturday, July 14, 12

Bad News

Saturday, July 14, 12

You’re entitled and everyone tells you

you are smartSaturday, July 14, 12

You have more resources

Saturday, July 14, 12

and a better network

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than most people who’ve had an impact in the past

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Tell someone they are smart &they perform worse.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Praise and Approval are addictive

(like candy)

Saturday, July 14, 12

You already know

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Grades Impactdon’t measure

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And Approval...

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...even from those that you respect

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Approval Impactdoesn’t measure

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In fact

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Saturday, July 14, 12

being persistent

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Saturday, July 14, 12

is often easier

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when faced with adversity

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and solitude.

Saturday, July 14, 12

In fact, many successful writers

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chose not to talk about their work in progress

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Praise for unfinished

work =candy


Which makes them less likely to do a good job

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Saturday, July 14, 12

ImpactPersistence doesn’t measureeither

Saturday, July 14, 12

You still need opportunity

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

Nell had an impact, because she could and needed to.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

Many ? ?

Many don’t have an impact because they can’t

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

Many ? ?

You ? ? ?

What about you?

Saturday, July 14, 12


Saturday, July 14, 12

Being here

Saturday, July 14, 12

Have the Network

Saturday, July 14, 12

And Resources

Saturday, July 14, 12

To Have An Impact

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

Many ? ?

You ? ? ?

What about you?

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

Many ? ?

You ? ?

You have the opportunity

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

Many ? ?

You ? ?

Your choice

{Saturday, July 14, 12

Your biggest risk

Saturday, July 14, 12

is measuring candy

Saturday, July 14, 12

instead of impact

Saturday, July 14, 12

Turns you into...

Saturday, July 14, 12

A dancing monkey

Saturday, July 14, 12

Saturday, July 14, 12

The problem with being a dancing monkey is...

Saturday, July 14, 12

Even when the audience claps, you’re still a dancing monkey.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Opportunity Need for Approval Need for Impact


Rich Kids

Many ? ?

You ? ? {I realize that

knowing...Saturday, July 14, 12

...that you have opportunity

Saturday, July 14, 12

creates a lot of pressure

Saturday, July 14, 12

and expectations

Saturday, July 14, 12


Measuring yourself by other people’s expectations is

measuring candySaturday, July 14, 12

Your only chance:

Saturday, July 14, 12

Measure Impact

Saturday, July 14, 12

What do I mean with that?

Saturday, July 14, 12

Let me try to explainwith a story

Saturday, July 14, 12

This is my Go board

Saturday, July 14, 12

I’ve taught a lot of people to play Go

Saturday, July 14, 12

And as I saw a lot of people learn Go...

Saturday, July 14, 12

I started to notice patterns

Saturday, July 14, 12

Some learned faster...

Saturday, July 14, 12

than others.

Saturday, July 14, 12

And after a while...

Saturday, July 14, 12

A pattern emerged

Saturday, July 14, 12

Those who learned faster...

Saturday, July 14, 12

Focused more on playing...many many games

Saturday, July 14, 12

And less on thinking...

(what are you thinking about?you just started learning! play more games!)

Saturday, July 14, 12

They didn’t care about being original and were willing to

imitate better players(imitation is a very effective way to learn!)

Saturday, July 14, 12

And they played many more games, because losing was ok

for them

Saturday, July 14, 12

That’s a huge deal!

Saturday, July 14, 12

OTOH I’ve played with people

Saturday, July 14, 12

who no doubt were smart

Saturday, July 14, 12

That thought about their FIRST MOVE in their FIRST


That’s like a lot of the people I talk to, who want to figure out what to do with

their life, without doing anything. Iteration is key!

Saturday, July 14, 12

Their hands were wet

and shaking

Saturday, July 14, 12

That’s what happens when expectations...

Saturday, July 14, 12

trick you into measuring candy

Saturday, July 14, 12

True: Without opportunity no success

Saturday, July 14, 12

And part of the reason you have opportunity is because people THINK you are smart

Saturday, July 14, 12

Sure, play their game.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Have them call you names like “prodigy” “genius” or “visionary”

if it helps you succeed.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Use socially constructed reality as a tool

Saturday, July 14, 12

But don’t start believing it yourself

even for a second

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The moment you stop learning or doing things because they

don’t LOOK smart...

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You’re just a dancing monkey

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In fact, I can tell you for sure:

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Somewhere out there...

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is Nell

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And she wasn’t invited here

Saturday, July 14, 12

And no one thinks she’s smart

Saturday, July 14, 12

And she doesn’t care if she LOOKS

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like a rhinoceros to you

Saturday, July 14, 12

...or that you’re best pals with Peter Thiel

Saturday, July 14, 12

She’ll work her ass off

Saturday, July 14, 12

And she WILL have an impact

Saturday, July 14, 12

Will you?

Saturday, July 14, 12

How you know?do

Saturday, July 14, 12

How you know?can

Saturday, July 14, 12

Measure your impact

Saturday, July 14, 12


Look at progress

Saturday, July 14, 12


Not as a Dot


Saturday, July 14, 12



. . . .

Saturday, July 14, 12


As A Line

. . . .

Saturday, July 14, 12

Never trust other people’s opinions

Saturday, July 14, 12

Stop assuming that anyone else knows what they are


Saturday, July 14, 12

That’s why measuring the candy doesn’t work!

Saturday, July 14, 12

Learn about your own biases and

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study rationality in forms like

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Probability Theory

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Game TheorySaturday, July 14, 12

And why people cooperate at all

Saturday, July 14, 12

Then realize that alldecisions that matter are

undecidableSaturday, July 14, 12

And train your intuition for solving such unsolvable


Saturday, July 14, 12

Maybe With Go

Saturday, July 14, 12

Or Texas Hold’em

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And then

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Pick an ambitious goal

(you can always change it later)

Saturday, July 14, 12

When your goal is to colonize mars...

Saturday, July 14, 12

Or building the nervous system to awaken the slumbering giant and turn

humanity into the first superintelligence.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Learning to build rocket engines

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studying graph theory

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Or building a company

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seem merely like minor distractions required to

accomplish a larger plan.

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That plan is for you - not for sharing with others.

Saturday, July 14, 12

If you told others, and they didn’t think you are crazy, it’s

probably not ambitious enough!

Saturday, July 14, 12

What it is important for, is that you move towards something, and don’t

just frantically jump between all interesting fields.

Saturday, July 14, 12

Having and impact might even require years of studying or working

on someone else's project to learn.

Saturday, July 14, 12

But that’s just what I think

Saturday, July 14, 12

You can take an entirely different approach too

Saturday, July 14, 12

I don’t know what I’m doing myself.

Saturday, July 14, 12

We all look towards others to reassure us that what we’re

doing is right.

Saturday, July 14, 12

But since everyone else does the same, there are no real


Saturday, July 14, 12

I’m not trying to put you down or build you up - I just want to share my belief that I think impact matters more than


Saturday, July 14, 12

Unlike most of you I probably would have never made it into the 20-under-20 or even here

Saturday, July 14, 12

When I was fourteen, my parents talked me out of going to a technical

school because they didn’t think I had what it takes

Saturday, July 14, 12

I didn’t win any awards, nor scholarships. I dropped out of school

before it was cool. And I haven’t had a huge impact yet.

Saturday, July 14, 12

I have had days where people thought I’m brilliant, and days where people thought I’m an idiot. And it’s all the

same. That’s just the candy.

Saturday, July 14, 12

What matters to me is: Just like Nell, I work my ass off every day, I try to measure my progress, I try not to worry what people think about me too much, and one day I WILL have an impact.

Saturday, July 14, 12

In Summary

Saturday, July 14, 12

Measure yourself against your own standards

Saturday, July 14, 12

Ignore Candy

Saturday, July 14, 12

And you’ll have an impact!

Saturday, July 14, 12

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