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Post on 25-Apr-2018






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March/April Issue

Karrer Chronicle

Dear readers, Spring is here!

So let's shout and cheerAnd read this magazine

You can see on your screen

Articles about St. Patrick's dayThat make sure you don’t walk away

One about Irish luckAnd how the day came and stuck

Lots of pictures and artCreated with heartThat came to be

By our staff (and me)

We cover Spring BreakWith pictures people take

And Gabi talks aboutThe web being out

Last but not leastSamhi informs on MS

Plus poems about springAnd Neverland’s King

We hope you loveEverything listed above

And we just want to saySee you in May!

Sasha and PoojaEditors-in-chief


By: Joey Hackett

Life Without Internet?By: Gabi Y.

Think of a life without internet. Think of a life with no Google, Firefox, and no social media. Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, you name it. All gone. You can’t text your friends anymore. You would have to walk around and communicate with them instead of

using a tiny device. What would happen to you?

Well, let’s start with the simplest conclusion. You would just go crazy. Mad. Bonkers. Just because you couldn’t play a round of Clash of Clans or Minecraft. Sorry, but It’s true. There are just some people in this world that like the internet that much. That eliminates about half of the population in the world. Maybe even you’ll act like that when reality finally hits and you realize you can’t play Subway Surfer anymore.

But, there’s a much more major case than somebody just going crazy. Jobs would be lost. Dramatically. If you think about it right now, our whole world revolves around the internet. Most every job involves an electronic device. A teacher has to display educational videos on Smartboards. A doctor has to look at x-rays. A chef has to look up recipes he wrote on his phone. See? Everything is somehow connected back to a simple device. So if someone happens to decide to hack and disable the internet, not only would people go mad, but people would have no way of raising their children without their jobs and there can’t be jobs without the internet and without the internet? Our human society might just collapse.

After hearing about all of the downsides of not having the internet, there might actually might be a positive side. You’re probably thinking, “No Geometry Dash ever again? There’s no such thing as a good side to this situation.” But, that’s not exactly true. Nowadays, everyone is complaining on the news that “Social Media is Ruining Brains or The Internet is Taking Over the World?” Now that it’s all gone, maybe, just maybe, people will start talking and communicating to each other more, neighbors will start reaching out and helping one another more. All of this could happen and people would be more observant, thoughtful, and our world would benefit from losing the internet instead losing something from it.

And about the jobs. Think one more time. How did the people before us live? They didn’t have the internet back then, and they still lived happily. People could get jobs and they could start doing things the old fashioned way again. Bartering instead exchanging goods for green paper with important people’s heads on them. More farms built for new vegetables to sell and even more jobs!! It most likely won’t happen like this, but hey, anything can happen as long as you believe in it.

You know, then again, they’re just some crazy people in the world that like to try experiments. Not like Bill Nye experiments, but things people try and do to see if it changes their lifestyle by making it better or making it worse. Basically like a mini make it or break it game but much more serious. So this is how it goes. One day, a crazy person wakes up and decides to do something crazy. And that day, they just so happen to think, “Gee, what would happen if I stopped using social media for a month? Well, today my new goal is to try that!” That’s not what actually happens, but you get the point. So, most of the people that tried the experiment had mixed thoughts. Most people, to start with, in the beginning were feeling frustrated. They would always seem to want to go back on Instagram or Facebook. They would always catch themselves checking their phone. One person even glanced at their phone 20 times during an eight minute car ride! That person really needs to stop using their phone. But the more and more they start getting into the experiment, it wasn't as hard but they found themselves bored all the time. They had so much free time on their hands, that all they did was sleep, eat, go to work. Pretty boring, right?

There's a positive side though. They would spend more time doing crafts, taking a walk, having a girls’ night out, a bunch of other stuff that you were suppose to be doing but instead playing on your phone…….

See? Not having the internet or social media might ruin your life, but hey, then you have more time doing more productive things like playing outside with your friends. Look at the bright side of things even if you think there isn´t.

Superstitions of St. Patrick’s DayBy: Anya Zhang

St. Patrick’s day is almost here! March is the month dedicated to finding good luck charms and magic and luck of the leprechaun. How would you try and gain some Luck of the Irish? The Luck of the Irish is not actually luck, but it actually means a happier and more positive person. And during March, it’s actually pretty hard to get the Luck of the Irish if you decide to try and get it according to the Irish.

The Irish have such a long list of good luck and bad omens that sometimes you can’t keep them straight! They are a very famous superstitious lot! But there superstitions help keep you from the bad and help you get the good! One superstition of the Irish is that if you get an itch on your left hand, you might find a pot of gold (or some money)! If you get an itch on your right hand, you might not get surprise money anytime soon, but you might make a new friend.

Leprechauns are for guarding their pot of gold, but you don’t want to be friends with them. They are known for their tricks and will probably play more than a few on you. But if you catch one, he or she will tell you where their treasure is in exchange for their freedom. But keep a close watch on him or her! If you take your eyes off of them for one second, they will vanish. They are only as tall as a pencil, so keep a close eye for them! Be careful of the leprechauns music though, it’s bewitching to even the most strongest people. Another superstition is the Blarney stone. This superstition comes from an old Irish legend. It starts with an old woman who was almost flooded with water. The king saved her and the woman cast a spell on a stone to reward the king. The stone is set in the wall of the Blarney Castle. A kiss of this stone brings the kisser the gift of persuasive talk. The kisser is then able to speak in a sweet and convincingly manner to get whatever he wants. Talking blarney is a saying that accompanies a person who can convince you of almost anything.

On St. Patrick’s Day, be sure to do all of these superstitions so that you can get the Luck of the Irish! So if you’re trying to talk your parents into getting a limo, be sure to kiss the Blarney Stone.

Spring BreakTake a look at all the cool places our staff went over spring break

_Under the Wing of Spring_____________Emily Pinto____________

_________________My favorite time of year is approaching.

I love the sight of the vibrant grass beginning to appear, the breeze then making it flow.

The flowers blooming with bursts of color while sendinginvitations to the bees that achieve it.

The sound of the wind waltzing against the leaves that jump back into development.

The bike bells tolling in the distance,and the children laughing from down the street.

I love the smell of the rain with pureness andthe smell of the cut grassthat has been mowed.

I also love the memory of spring againFrom the smell of smoke from the grill in the backyard.

I adore the taste of the juiciness of the fruits ripeness.The refreshing taste of the vegetables back in harvest.

I also enjoy the taste of the sweet barbeque on the welldone steak.

And at the end of the day the sun slowly sets, giving meThe last hit of warmth and the cool breeze brushing across my shoulders. The next

day the sprinkling of rain water down my face is the best feeling ever.

Picture by Khushboo Gupta

Spring Time By Atreyee Atarthi

Spring is here with a beautiful breezeThe flowers smile at the wind as they tease.The sky is shining with blue and a big smileThe sun would be happy to stay up for another while.

The trees give birth to their leaves anewMy, oh my! The plants look completely new.The grass blades wake up with a big beamIt looks like they’ve gained some self-esteem.

During the day, the sky starts to cryAlong with it, the sun says bye-bye.But don’t you worry, it’ll come back,Not letting the sky ever turn black.

Animals chirp, bark, and quackAs they come out while eating a snack.They make friends while roaming aroundEven if some live under the ground.

Now it gets warmer as summer is here,The spring pleads to you not to shed a tear.It will come back some other pleasant time,Maybe even in the dreams of people in their bedtime!

Spring has arrivedBy Samhi Boppana

The dead plants are resuscitatedInto a beautiful array of colorsBlooming, their sweet fragranceSupplementing the once chilly air

New life is formed,Watch as they emerge from their caveTo see the prosperous sight of life

The world no longer in a colorblind frameFrom the harsh snow fall

The groundhog emerges from its hole,A fortune teller for the spring ahead,

Oh, his fear is soothed without a shadowSpring is coming! Springtide is upon us!

The leprechaun runs away,As the cheers rise upSpring, has arrived!

Let the trees grow, the flowers blossom,The animals wake up from a somber sleepAlthough winter is persistent to depart

M-A-R-C-H, March

Dew drops,Sliding from the sky

But yet we do not cry,For the sky's tears lead to the Flourishing of fluorescent plants

The familiar harmony of a returning visitorAs they shoot through the sky, an arrow pointing north

The rainy days, spring shall stayApril, A-P-R-I-L

The grass shoots up, against the blue skyThe cool breeze floats through the air, soothing the land

We raise our hands in a salute, For those whose heroic deeds are absolute

Days of blissful peaceSaying goodbye as hats flySaying goodbye to spring

May, M-A YAs June makes it’s ecstatic arrival,

Spring bows down before silently slipping awayLike an actor taking a curtain call

But with the knowledge of an encore

Picture by Sasha Takoo

The Musical: Peter PanBy: Anya Zhang

The musical of the year,Peter Pan,

Was made by students,And their wonderful directors,

Mrs. O’Neal, Mr. Gibson, Mrs. Ziraldo, and the high schoolers.With Mrs. Magistrale helping with dance and Mrs. Williams helping with flying.

It started with auditions,And all ninety six people made it.

After auditions,The cast and crew practiced, practiced, and practiced even more.

They worked on solos, group singing, dancing, and props.

Until,In February

The rehearsals got more intense,And then the dress rehearsals,

With all its excitement and colorful costumes

And the performances,With large audiences,

Beautiful harmony songs,And excited whispering on side stage.

All too soon it was over, and the experience of Peter Pan, was over.

But think of all the joy you’ll find,When you leave the world behind!

And bid your cares goodbye.-You can fly! You can fly! You can fly!

Unknown. Unexplained. Unpredictable. Incurable.These are a few of the many words that could be used to describe Multiple Sclerosis, more commonly referred to as MS.

Multiple Sclerosis is a disease where the immune system eats away at the protective covering on the nerves. It affects the central nervous system, which is the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves. The immune system eats away at the myelin, which is a plush covering of the nerve fibers, causing it to be damaged. This damage forms scar tissue (otherwise known as sclerosis), meaning that the nerve control traveling from the brain to the nerves is disrupted. The cause for multiple sclerosis and the immune system attacking the myelin is unknown to scientists. They predict that MS is caused due to environmental factors in people who already had the genetic makeup for the disease, but there is no certain answer. Research has also shown that MS is more common in areas farther from the equator. Near the equator, more Vitamin D is released, which can possibly aid immune function. The complexity and difficult understanding of MS, makes it difficult to treat, from the low amount of knowledge known about it. There is no definite cure for MS, but there are a various of options that can be used to reduce the impact. Some examples are physical therapy to regain nerve control or bone marrow trials to reboot the immune system. Nerve/muscle functions become more difficult with MS, leading to the use of canes to help with mobility for several patients.

The lack of clarity of MS also leads to the symptoms and progression of the disease to be unmeasurable. Some common symptoms are vision problems, weakness in muscles, decrease in cognitive ability, or even numbness of arms/legs. About 6% of MS patients suffer a loss in hearing, and about 35% suffer from speech problems. But no two people with MS have the same symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose. Doctors use Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)’s as one way to look for damage in the central nervous system, which can help them figure out if it is MS that is causing the damage. For the most part, it is a process of elimination to diagnose MS, making it difficult to properly and efficiently pinpoint MS.

Multiple Sclerosis Education Month By Samhi Boppana

But who does MS affect? MS affects both genders of all ages but is most common in people between the range of 20-50. Woman are two times more likely to be diagnosed with MS than men. Ethnicity is also shown to affect diagnosing MS, since the genetic background of a person influences their susceptibility to certain diseases. Research by the National MS Society acknowledges that MS is common in African-Americans, Asians, and Latinos, but especially in Northern European descents. The normal person in the United States hold a 0.1% chance of developing MS, without a familial connection to someone who has MS. If there is a family member with MS, the rate increases. Genetics play a great part in MS, and influences the likeliness to get the disease. But genetics are only one out of the several factors, such as ethnicity, environment or gender.

Every hour someone new is diagnosed with MS ; leading to over 2.3 million people in the world are affected by multiple sclerosis, and 400,000 people in the U.S alone. MS is a serious problem in our country, and in order to combat it, we must all do our part to help those who it affects. Treatment for MS is not cheap, and donating to the cause can help patients get the care they need. To help find a cure for MS or aid in treatment, you can donate to the National MS Society, or visit their website to learn more about MS and read about the stories of those whom it has impacted. Wearing the color orange, is a simple of way of raising awareness for MS and showing them they are not alone As a wise man once said, “The strongest people are not those who show strength in front of us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.” Patients of MS have undeniable courage and win so many battles that others do not acknowledge. Multiple sclerosis is a disease which causes for those with it to show incredible strength, and it is time that we all showed strength for multiple sclerosis and the lives of those it affects.

I always say don't be scared. It's not that bad - there's always something worse - and there is definitely life after multiple sclerosis. ~Teri Garr, actress, who had Multiple Sclerosis

Having been diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1998, and I am continually amazed by the level of support I receive from individuals across the country. ~Ann Romney, wife of former governor Mitt Romney, who is currently in remission from MS.

Saint Patrick’s DayBy: Katherine Xu

This holiday is celebrated every year on March 17th, with people all over the world not only in Ireland celebrating. This holiday is to celebrate the Irish culture and to honor the Irish patron saint, St. Patrick. The celebrations are heavily influenced from Irish traditions. They mostly consist of wearing green and if you don’t you’ll get pinched. Another type of celebration are public parades. The events at the parades will differ from place to place. Some cities that hold large festivals or parades are Boston, New Orleans, New York, and other cities across the world.

Saint Patrick - The Bishop and Missionary of Ireland

St. Patrick was a Christian bishop and missionary in Ireland. The major dates of his life are uncertain. Though it’s concluded that he generally lived around the late 5th century. Most details about his early life are lost between fact and folklore. St. Patrick was born in Roman Britain. According to the book he wrote about himself when he was growing up he wasn’t a very active believer for the Christian faith. His father and grandfather were both devoted to the Christian faith. His father was a decurion and deacon while his grandfather was a priest.

According to his book The Confession of Saint Patrick he was kidnapped by Irish pirates at the age of 16. The pirates brought him to Ireland and he was held captive there for 6 years. At this time he was enslaved and was forced to be a shepherd. Though he says this time was crucial to spiritually connect with god. He said that this was a chance the Lord gave him. For all those years of ignorance and gave him mercy. There he clung onto his religion and after 6 years of captivity he heard a voice telling him that a ship was ready for him to escape. After that he walked the exhausting trek of 200 miles to the port fleeing his master. There he convinced the captain of the ship to take him.

After 3 days of travelling they finally arrived, most likely in Britain. Everyone on the ship left with him and they walked 28 days in the “wilderness”. During this time they had a lack of food and became weak and gaunt. Also during this time Patrick was urging them to put their faith in god. Shortly after Patrick prayed for food they came across a herd of boars. After this event respect for Patrick greatly increased. He eventually returned to his family after various adventures. When he returned to Britain, he started studying Christianity.

Patrick had a vision and became a Christian missionary. He returned to Ireland and might’ve started at the same port he escaped from. According to tradition he wasn’t welcomed by the locals at all. So much so that he was forced to leave and find a place more welcoming. As a result he travelled further up north. He was trialled by his fellow Christians at some point for the charges were not stated. While he was in Ireland he wrote that he “baptised thousands of people”. He converted wealthy women and sons of kings. Converting most he came across to the Christian religion mostly from the Celtic religion. St. Patrick didn’t have it easy. At one point he was awaiting execution for almost 60 days.

St. Patrick’s Day Worldwide Celebration

St. Patrick’s Day was the day that St. Patrick died. This day celebrates the arrival of Christianity to Ireland. It’s a cultural and religious celebration. With over the years being a celebration of Ireland’s cultures and traditions in general. Celebrations usually consist of wearing green attire and public events like parades or festivals. Also this day Christians might go to church services. The celebrations vary depending on where you live. Though now this holiday is nationwide and it is one of the most celebrated holidays, nationally.

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