he moor roid

Post on 04-Apr-2018






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  • 7/30/2019 He Moor Roid


  • 7/30/2019 He Moor Roid


    1. Solve the food particles into the molecular shape to digest.

    2. Absorb the products of digestion in the form of small molecules

    into the bloodstream.

    3. Elimination of undigested food and other absorbed and waste

    products from the body (Smeltzer, 2002; 984).

    The composition of the digestive tract consists of: oris (mouth), pharynx

    (throat), esophagus (throat), ventrikulus (stomach), intestinum minor (small

    intestine) consists of duodenal (intestinal 12 fingers), yeyenum and ileum,

    intestinum major (large intestine ) consists of the cecum, ascending colon,

    transverse colon, descending colon and sigmoid colon, rectum and anus.

    (Syaifuddin, 1997; 75)

    a) colon

    The large intestine or colon-shaped hollow muscular tube with a length

    of about 1.5 m which extends from the cecum to anus canal with a

    diameter of 6.5 cm. The large intestine has no villi, no circular folds,and its diameter is wider, shorter length, and power regangnya larger

    than the small intestine. (Sloane, 2004; 294) Bowel function is:

    1. Absorb 80% - 90% of water and electrolytes from the

    remaining kimus kimus and change from a liquid to

    semi-solid mass.

    2. The large intestine produces only mucus. Secretions do

    not contain digestive enzymes or hormones.

    3. A number of bacteria in the colon can digest cellulose

    and produce small amounts of nutrients for the body

    fewer calories every day.

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    4. Large intestine to excrete the waste in the form of


    (Sloane, 2004; 295).

    The parts of the colon is as follows:

    1. cecum

    In the cecum and appendix are ileoseikal valve attached

    to the tip of the cecum. Cecum occupies approximately

    the first 2-3 inches of the colon. Flow control valve

    ileoseikal kimus and ileum to the cecum and prevent

    backflow of faecal material from the colon into the

    small intestine. (Price, 2006; 456)

    2. Kolon

    The colon is the large intestine from the cecum to the

    rectum. The colon has three divisions:

    a. ascending colon

    Ascending colon extends from the cecum to the

    lower edge of the liver on the right and flipped

    horizontally to the hepatic flexure.

    b. Kolon Tranversum

    Tranversum colon crosses the abdomen stretches

    under the liver and stomach until ketepi lateral left

    kidney, where he turned down the flexure splenik.

    c. descending colon

    Extending down the left side of the abdomen

    (Sloane, 2004; 294)

    d. Sigmoid Colon

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    Krista started as high as the sigmoid colon and form

    a curve-shaped iliac S. curve of the bottom turn left

    when united with the rectal sigmoid colon (Price,

    2006; 456).

    Picture 1.2Colon

    b)The rectum

    Extending from the sigmoid colon to the anus (the mouth to the outside

    of the body). Last 1 inch of the rectum called the anal canal and is

    protected by a muscular sphincter ani externus and internus spingter.

    The length of the rectum and anus canal is about 15 cm. (Price, 2006;


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    Picture 1.3Rectum

    c) Anus

    Is part of the digestive tract that connects the rectum to the outside

    world. Located in the pelvic floor, the walls are reinforced by two


    1. the internal sphincter ani, is controlled by the

    autonomic nervous

    2. the external sphincter ani, is controlled by the nervous

    system of voluntary.

    Defecation is controlled by external and internal anal sphincter.

    Defecation reflex integrated in the sacral spinal cord segments of the

    second and fourth. External and internal sphincter muscle relaxes at the

    anus up over the masses interested in the stool. Defecation can be

    inhibited by the contraction of the external sphincter muscle voluntar

    and levator ani. If defecation is not perfect, the rectum to relax and

    defecation desire disappears. The water still continues to be absorbed

    from the mass of feces, so the stools become hard and cause more

    difficulty defecation. Excessive pressure on the stool causing venous

    congestion hemoroidalis causing internal and external hemorrhoids

    (varicose veins rectum). (Price, 2006: 458-459).

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    B. Basic Concept of Haemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoid is the swelling or distention of the veins in the anorectal area.

    Common but less attention except when it causes pain and bleeding. Other

    literature states that the external hemorrhoids are the venous varices and / or of the

    internal anal canal is caused by the pressure on the rectal veins.

    "Hemorrhoid are dilated, engorged veins in the lining of the rectum".

    Hemorrhoids are enlarged veins around the rectum and protrusion. (Potter, 1997;

    1374). "Hemorrhoid are dilated varicose veins of the anus and rectum".

    Hemorrhoids are dilated varicose veins in the anus and rectum. (Reeves, 1999;

    162). Hemorrhoidal plexus is dilated (veins webbing) veins around the rectal and

    anal. (Jackson, 2000; 142).

    Picture 2.1 haemorrhoids

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    A. Pathophysiology

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    Venous distension was initially normal structures in the anal region, because

    the veins are functioning as a valve that can help support the weight, but when

    distended persistent disruption will occur.

    One of the predisposing factors that may cause venous distension is increased

    intra-abdominal pressure. This condition leads to an increase in portal venous

    pressure and systemic venous pressure, which will then be transmitted to the

    anorectal area. Elevation of repeated pressure will push the vein separated from

    the surrounding muscles so that the veins have prolapse. Circumstances that can

    cause repetitive elevations include obstipasi / constipation, pregnancy and portal

    hypertension. Could be a prolapsed hemorrhoids, developed into a thrombus or


    Hemorrhoids result from venous congestion caused by the backflow of venous

    disorders hemoroidalis. Chronic liver disease accompanied by portal hypertension

    often lead to hemorrhoids because of the superior vena hemoroidalis drain blood

    into the portal system. In addition the portal system has no valves, so easy going

    back flow.

    B. Classification

    1. Based on the origin / point of cause:

    a) Internal Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids are derived from the superior and medial veins

    hemoroidales, located above the anorectal line and covered by anal

    mucosa. These hemorrhoids remain inside the anus.

    b) External Hemorrhoids

    Hemorrhoids are due to the dilatation (widening of blood vessels)

    inferior vena hemoroidales, located below the anorectal line and

    covered by the intestinal mucosa. These hemorrhoids from the anus

    (external hemorrhoids).

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    Picture 3.1 Internal and Eksternal Haemorrhoids

    2. Internal hemorrhoids are classified again according to its development:

    a. Level 1: usually asymptomatic and not visible, less bleeding, bruising

    can go back spontaneously.

    b. Level 2: fresh red bleeding symptoms during defecation (bowel

    movements) a lump can be seen around the edge of the anus and can

    return spontaneously.

    c. Level 3: The hemorrhoids prolapse, occurs after defecation and

    infrequent bleeding, prolapse can come back with help.

    d. Level 4: prolapse and difficult to re-occur spontaneously.

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    A. Etiology

    Hemorrhoids can occur due to dilatation (widening), inflammation

    (inflammation) or swelling of the veins caused hemoroidalis:

    1. Chronic Constipation: hard bowel movements, so it should be


    2. Pregnancy: due to suppression of the fetus on the abdomen.

    3. Chronic diarrhea.

    4. Old age.

    5. Sitting for too long

    6. Sexual intercourse peranal.

    7. In some individuals the sphincter ani hypertrophy (swelling of the

    muscle / valve rectum), obstruction (blockage) functional due to

    spasm (cramps), and narrowing of the anorectal canal (the anal

    canal, the tip end of the colon).

    B. Clinical appearances of hemoroids

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    1. Painless bleeding during bowel movements you might notice

    small amounts of bright red blood on your toilet tissue or in the

    toilet bowl

    2. Itching or irritation in your anal region

    3. Pain or discomfort

    4. Swelling around your anus

    5. A lump near your anus, which may be sensitive or painful

    6. Leakage of feces

    Hemorrhoid symptoms usually depend on the location. Internal hemorrhoids

    lie inside the rectum. You usually can't see or feel these hemorrhoids, and they

    usually don't cause discomfort. But straining or irritation when passing stool can

    damage a hemorrhoid's delicate surface and cause it to bleed. Occasionally,

    straining can push an internal hemorrhoid through the anal opening. This is

    known as a protruding or prolapsed hemorrhoid and can cause pain and irritation.

    External hemorrhoids are under the skin around your anus. When irritated,

    external hemorrhoids can itch or bleed. Sometimes blood may pool in an external

    hemorrhoid and form a clot (thrombus), resulting in severe pain, swelling and


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    1. Assessment

    a. The identity of patients

    b. The main complaint

    Patients present with complaints of continuous bleeding during

    defecation. There are bumps on the anus or pain during defikasi.

    c. history of disease

    d. History of present illness

    Patients found to have only a few weeks the lumps out and a few daysafter the Chapter there is blood dripping out.

    e. Past medical history

    Have never previously suffered from hemorrhoids, heal / repeat. In

    patients with hemorrhoids when not in doing the surgery will return

    RPD, can also connect with other illnesses such as liver cirrhosis.

    f. Family history of disease

    Are there any members who suffer from the disease keluaga

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    g. social history

    Disease in question to be asked.

    h. physical examination

    Activity / rest

    Symptoms: weakness, fatigue

    Signs: tachycardia, tachypnea / hyperventilation (in response to


    i. circulation

    Symptoms: weakness / weak pulse periver

    Symptoms: Skin color is pale, cyanosis (depending on the amount of

    blood loss) skin membrane

    j. elimination

    Symptoms: change in bowel habit

    k. characteristic changes

    Symptoms: abdominal tenderness, distention

    l. Stool characteristics: bright red blood (fresh blood)

    Akonstipasi can occur


    Symptoms: Weight loss

    m. anorexia

    Symptoms: pale conjunctiva, pale face, looks weak

    n. sleep patterns

    Symptoms: Changes in sleep patterns

    Pain in the anus during sleep

    Signs: face looks tired, eye bags appear darko. mobilization

    Symptoms: limiting the activity

    Signs: face looks anxious, a lot of sitting and lying positions changed

    2. Nursing Diagnosis

    a. pre Operative

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    1) Risk of nutritional deficiencies (deficiency) associated with the

    outbreak of the venous plexus hemmoroidalis characterized by

    bleeding that continues - chapter time basis.

    2) Disruption of comfort associated with the anal or rectal mass, rectal

    area marked lumps, pain and itching in the anal region.

    3) Personal hygene of the rectum is less related to the mass that comes

    out on the external area.

    b. Postoperative

    1) Disruption of comfort (pain) in the surgical wound associated with

    the stitches on the wound and their installed wind chimney.

    2) Resikol occurrence of wound infection related to inadequate primary


    3) Lack of knowledge related to the lack of information about home



    No. Nursing


    Goal and


    Interventions Rationale

    1. Risk of




    with the

    outbreak of thevenous plexus



    by bleeding

    that continues


    time basis.



    actions for

    3 x 24

    hours, the

    risk ofnutritional


    are met.


    1. There is

    no anemis,

    1. Observed

    signs anemis

    2. Low-fiber

    diet during

    the rest or


    of bleeding



    of the


    of diet cure

    1. Sign - a sign

    anemis suspected of

    iron deficiency (Hb


    2. May reduce the

    stimulation of theanal region so there is

    no bleeding.

    3. Education about

    diet, helping to

    increase the

    participation of

    patients in a state of

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    2. bleeding


    3.BB not

    go down.

    the disease.

    4. Apply ice

    to the area of


    5. give


    or treatment







    4. Patients with

    rupture of the venous

    plexus hemoriodalis

    need a drug that can

    help the prevention of



    periodic assessment

    of the response.

    5. Patients with

    venous rupture flexus

    hemmoroidalis need a

    drug that can help the

    prevention of

    bleeding requiring

    penilayan to periodic

    drug response.

    2. Disruption of



    with the anal

    or rectal mass,rectal area

    marked lumps,

    pain and

    itching in the

    anal region



    actions for

    2 x 24


    sense of





    1. Give



    2. Give the

    lubricant at

    the time of



    1. Lowering of local

    discomfort, reduce

    edema and promote


    2. Assist in theconduct of defikasi so

    it does not need


    3. Reducing anal

    stimulation and

    undermines feces.

    4. The force of

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    2.Rasa less




    3. Give the

    rest of the

    diet randah

    4. Instruct

    patients not

    to stand or

    sit bannyak

    (must be in




    of patient


    6. Provide an


    of the onset

    of pain and



    7. Give the



    gravity will affect the

    onset of hemorrhoids

    and sitting can

    increase intra-

    abdominal pressure.

    5. Help evaluate the

    degree of discomfort

    and lack of

    effectiveness of

    actions or states of


    6. Education about

    the patient's

    participation helps to

    prevent / reduce pain.

    7. Can soften the

    stool and can reduce

    the patient to avoid

    straining during


    3. . Deficits in


    hygene anal



    with the exit



    actions for

    2 x 24

    hours, anal


    1. Give your

    bath with the

    solution sit


    1/1000% in

    the morning

    1. Improve hygiene

    and facilitate the

    healing of prolapse.

    2. Inflammation of

    the rectum indicate

    an infection of the

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    stitches on the

    wound and

    their installed

    wind chimney.



    1.Tidak there

    is pain in the


    wound, 2.

    patients can

    perform light


    3. 0-1 pain


    4. clients

    seemed to


    bandage every


    according to



    3. Exercise road

    as early as


    4. Observations

    of the rectal

    area if there is


    5. Chimney

    anus is released

    according to

    doctor's advice


    6. Provide an

    explanation of

    the purpose of

    installation of

    flue-anus (anus

    patients from



    during the

    dressing change.

    Acted as a wet

    dressing of



    and cause


    3. reduce

    problems that

    occur due to


    4. Bleeding on

    the network, or

    local imflamasi

    infection can

    increase the pain.

    5. Improve the


    function of the

    anal and giving

    comfort to the

    patient's anal

    region because

    there is no


    6. Knowledge of

    the benefits of

    the chimney can

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    to funnel to

    drain the

    remnants of the

    bleeding that

    occurs in order

    to get out).

    make the patient

    understand the

    anus to funnel

    anus to cure the


    2. The risk of



    related to




    After nursing

    actions for 2

    x 24 hours,

    the risk of

    infection is



    1. there are

    no signs of


    (dolor, calor,

    rubor, tumor,




    of the wound


    3. the LAB:

    - leukocytes

    - platelets

    1. Observation

    of vital signs

    every 4 hours

    2. Obserpasi

    bandage every

    2-4 hours,

    check for

    bleeding and


    3. Replace

    packing with



    4. Clean the

    perianal area

    after each


    5. Provide low-

    fiber diet / rest

    and drink


    1. TD includes

    autonomic response,

    respiration, pulse

    denagan related

    complaint / pain

    relievers. Abnormalities

    in vital signs need

    further observation.

    2. Early detection of the

    infection process and /

    supervision oprasi

    wound healing that

    existed before.

    3. Prevent the spread

    and limit the wide

    spread of infection or

    cross contamination.

    4. reduce / prevent

    contamination of the

    wound area.

    5. reduce the stimulation

    to the anus and prevent

    straining at defikasi.

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    3. Lack of


    related to the

    lack of


    about home


    After nursing

    actions for 3

    x 24 hours,

    lack of

    knowledge of

    the top.


    1. client did

    not ask many


    about the


    2. patients

    can express

    or understand

    about home


    3. understand

    the client's

    family about

    the disease

    process.4. clients

    show a calm


    1. Discuss the

    importance of


    management of





    treatment of

    anal area and

    ask the patient


    3. Give soak

    sitting to order

    4. Bersihakan

    anal area welland dry

    completely after


    5. Give the


    6. Discuss the

    symptoms of

    1. Rationalization:

    Knowledge of the diet is

    useful to involve the

    patient in home diet plan

    that suits are

    recommended by


    2. Understanding will

    enhance cooperation in

    the patient's therapy

    program, promotes

    healing and repair

    process of the disease.

    3. Improve the

    cleanliness and comfort

    in the anal area (wound

    or polaps).

    4. Protect against

    contamination of the

    anal area germs that

    come from the rest of

    the bowel to avoid


    5. Protect the wound

    from outside


    6. Early recognition of

    symptoms of infection

    and immediate

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    wound infection

    to be reported


    7. Discuss



    software using

    stool softeners

    and laxatives

    foods natural.

    8. Explain the

    importance of

    avoiding lifting

    heavy objects

    and straining.

    intervention can prevent

    progression of a serious


    7. Prevent straining

    during difekasi and

    soften the stool.

    8. Intra-abdominal

    pressure lowering

    unnecessary and muscle


    3. Diagnostic tests

    a. Physical examination of the inspection and rektaltouche (digital rectal).

    On digital rectal examination, early-stage internal hemorrhoids can not

    be felt because the venous pressure in it is not too high and usually

    painless. Hemorrhoids can be felt if very large. If hemorrhoids are

    prolapsed, mucous membrane will thicken. Thrombosis and fibrosis in

    the palpability feels solid with a wide base. Digital rectal examination

    to rule out the possibility of rectal carcinoma.

    b. Inspection with binoculars is anoscopy or rectoscopy. In this way it can

    be seen that the internal hemorrhoids do not bulge out. Anoskop

    included to observe the four quadrants. The patient in lithotomy

    position. Anoskop and penyumbatnya inserted in the anus as deep as

    possible, the stopper is removed and the patient was told to breathe

    long. Internal hemorrhoids seen as a vascular structure protruding into

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    the lumen. When people are asked to push a little hemorrhoid will

    enlarge the size and protrusion or prolapse will be more obvious. The

    number of bumps, degree, location, size and other conditions such as

    polyps in the rectum, fissure ani and malignant tumors must be


    c. examination proktosigmoidoskopi, Proktosigmoidoskopi needs to be

    done to ensure that complaints are not caused by inflammation or

    malignancy in high-level process, since hemorrhoids is a physiological

    condition or signs that accompany it. Stool should be checked for occult


    d. X-rays (colon inloop) and / or colonoscopy.

    e. Examination of blood, urine, feces as investigations

    4. Medical Treatment

    a. Medical management

    Hemorrhoidal symptoms and discomfort can be eliminated by good

    personal hygiene and avoid excessive straining during defecation. High-

    fiber diet containing fruit and chaff may be the only action needed, if

    these measures fail, laxatives that function mengapsorpsi water as it

    passes through the intestines may help. Bed rest is an act that allows the

    magnification is reduced. There are various types of actions nonoperatif

    for hemorrhoids. Infrared photocoagulation, bipolar diathermy, and

    laser therapy is the latest technique used to embed the mucosa into the

    underlying muscle. Sclerosant injection is also an effective solution for

    small and bleeding hemorrhoids. This procedure helps prevent prolapse.b. management Surgikal

    1)Surgical therapy: Surgical therapy for selected patients who have

    chronic complaints and in patients with degree III and IV

    hemorrhoids. Surgical therapy can also be done with recurrent

    bleeding and anemia that can not be cured by other therapies are

    more modest. IV degree hemorrhoids sufferers who experienced

    thrombosis and severe pain can be helped immediately by

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    hemoroidektomi. Principles to be considered in hemoroidektomi is

    excision is only performed on the network that is really overkill.

    Excision may be performed on anoderm economical and normal skin

    does not interfere with the anal sphincter. Excision of this tissue

    must be combined with reconstruction of the tunica mucosa because

    of a deformity of the anal canal due to mucosal prolapse. There are

    three surgical approaches are currently available conventional

    surgery (using a knife and scissors), laser surgery (laser beam for

    cutting tools) and the surgical stapler (using the principle of stapler).

    2) Conventional Surgery

    Currently there are three techniques commonly used operations are:

    1. Techniques Milligan Morgan

    This technique is used for hemorrhoids bulge in three main

    points. Hemorrhoidal mass base just above the linea

    mucocutaneous dicekap with hemostats and diretraksi of the

    rectum. Catgut sutures and placed proximal to the plexus

    transfiksi hemoroidalis. Important to prevent the installation of

    suture through the internal sphincter muscle. The second hemostat

    is placed distal to the external hemorrhoids. An elliptical incision

    is made with a scalpel through the skin and the tunica mucosa

    around internus and externus plexus hemoroidalis, who was

    released from the underlying network. Haemorrhoids excised as a

    whole. When the dissection reached transfiksi cat gut suture the

    excised skin under ekstena hemorrhoids. After securinghemostasis, the rectal mucosa and skin was closed longitudinally

    with a simple tack. Usually no more than three groups of

    hemorrhoids are removed at one time. Rectal stricture may be a

    complication of excision of the tunica mucosa of the rectum is too

    much. So it is better to take too little rather than take too much


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    2. Whitehead techniques

    Surgical technique that is used for hemorrhoids that this circular

    is to peel the entire hemorrhoids with mucosal release of

    submucosal resection and held against the mucosa of the circular

    area. Then try again the continuity of the mucosa.

    3. Langenbeck technique

    In the Langenbeck technique, the internal hemorrhoids radier

    clamped by the clamp. Perform tack under the clamp with the

    paint chromic gut No. 2/0. Then excision of tissue above the

    clamp. After the clamp is released and baste under the clamp jaws

    tied up. This technique is more often used because it is easy and

    does not contain the risk of secondary scarring is usually caused

    stenosis. In conducting the necessary operations of the narcotics

    because this sphincter to be completely paralyzed.

    3) Laser Surgery

    In principle, this same surgery with conventional surgery, only using

    a laser cutter tool. When the laser cut, etched tissue vessels that are

    not a lot of bleeding, not a lot of injuries and with minimal pain. At

    the laser surgery, pain is reduced because of nerve pain seared

    participate. In the anus, there are a lot of nerve. In the conventional

    surgery, when post-operative pain will be felt at all because at the

    time of cutting the tissue, nerve fibers nerve fibers did not open due

    to shrink while the sheath to shrink. Whereas in laser surgery, nervefibers and nerve sheath attached together, such as seared so that

    nerve fibers do not open. To hemoroidektomi, required laser power

    12-14 watts. Once the tissue is removed, the incision antiseptic

    soaked. Within 4-6 weeks, the wound will dry up. This procedure

    can be done only by an outpatient basis.

    4) surgicalStapler

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    The tools used in accordance with the principles of

    stapler. This tool forms such as flashlights, consisting of a circle in

    front of and driving force behind it.

    Basically hemorrhoids is a natural tissue found in the anal

    canal. Its function is to cushion during bowel movements.

    Cooperation and m.sfingter hemorrhoidal tissue to dilate and

    constrict to ensure control and sewage discharge from the rectum.

    PPH technique reduces tissue prolapsed hemorrhoids by pushing it

    to the top of the line mucocutaneous hemorrhoidal tissue and

    restore it to its original anatomic position because of hemorrhoidal

    tissue is still required as a cushion during defecation, so it does not

    need to be removed all.

    At first the prolapse of hemorrhoidal tissue is pushed

    upwards by a tool called a dilator, and then sewn into the tunica

    mucosa of the anal wall. Then the stapler device is inserted into the

    dilator. Removed from the stapler inserted a titanium bracelets of

    the suture and implanted in the upper anal canal to strengthen the

    position of the hemorrhoidal tissue. Part of excess hemorrhoidal

    tissue into the stapler. By turning the screw located at the tip of the

    tool, the tool will cut off the excess network automatically. The

    truncated hemorrhoidal tissue with the blood supply to tissues is

    interrupted so that the hemorrhoidal tissue to deflate by itself. The

    advantage of this technique is to return to the anatomical position,

    does not interfere with the function of the anus, no anal discharge,

    pain minimal because of the actions carried out the sensitive, rapidaction takes place around 20-45 minutes, patients recover more

    quickly so that inpatient care in hospitals are increasingly short .

    5. Complications

    1. thrombosis occurred

    Because hemorrhoids out so that the old - old blood will clot and

    thrombosis occurs.

    2. Inflammation

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    If blisters occur because of hemorrhoidal venous pressure of infection and

    inflammation can occur because there are a lot of dirt germs - bacteria.

    3. the occurrence of bleeding

    On the degree of blood dripping and gushing out. Acute bleeding in

    general are rare, only occurs when the rupture is the major blood vessels.

    Hemorrhoids can form a shortcut portal portal systemic hypertension, and

    if this kind of bleeding hemorrhoids it can be so much blood. More often is

    chronic and if recurrent bleeding can cause anemia because of the number

    of red cells produced could not offset the amount that comes out. Chronic

    anemia occurs, so it often does not cause complaints in patients with even

    very low Hb due to the mechanism of adaptation. If the hemorrhoids out,

    and can not go anymore (inkarserata / pinched) will easily happen that the

    infection can cause sepsis and can lead to death.

    The Theraphy

    Ambulatory hemorrhoid therapy with radiofrequency coagulation


    Despite availability of numerous surgical and non-surgical options for the

    treatment of hemorrhoids like sclerotherapy, rubber band ligation,

    cryosurgery, infrared photocoagulation, bipolar diathermy, and electro

    coagulation, none of these therapies has been acclaimed as the ultimate.

    Coagulation of hemorrhoids using a radio-frequency device is a new therapy

    to be added to the list.

    Patients and Methods:

    In the present retrospective study, the early and long -term effects of

    radiofrequency coagulation on patients presenting with hemorrhoids is

    described. An Ellman radiofrequency generator was used for this procedure.

    In a separate, randomized, and blinded study, a comparative evaluation was

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    carried out between radiofrequency coagulation and rubber band ligation in

    terms of their effectiveness and patient comfort.


    Two hundred and forty patients with Grade I and II hemorrhoids were treated

    by radiofrequency coagulation technique and were followed up for a period of

    16 months. While 33 patients reported persistence or recurrence of bleeding,

    only few complained of pain or discomfort. The comparative study showed

    that though rubber band ligation is an effective procedure, its pain quotient is

    greater than the radiofrequency coagulation.


    This study shows that radiofrequency coagulation is an easy and effective

    alternative to conventional techniques employed in the treatment of bleeding

    hemorrhoids. It is easy to perform, is less painful, and has a low rate of

    complications. However, further results based on a longer follow-up of larger

    number of patients and its comparison with other conventional treatment

    techniques are called for.

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    A. Conclusion

    Hemorrhoids are distended veins in the anorectal area. Common but less attention

    except when it causes pain and bleeding. The term hemorrhoids more commonly

    known as piles or haemorrhoids by the community. Result is the emergence of a

    hemorrhoidal discomfort. Hemorrhoids are not only annoying aspect of health, but

    also aspects of cosmetic and even social aspects. Haemorrhoids result in

    complications, such as thrombosis occurs, inflammation, and going

    perdarahan.Hemoroid can also cause anxiety in the sufferer due to ignorance

    about the disease and its treatment.

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    B. advice

    Need intensive counseling about the disease, the disease process and treatment in

    patients with hemorrhoids. Informed about the prevention-prevention ofhemorrhoids by:

    1. Eating foods high in fiber, vitamin K, and vitamin B12.

    2. Suggest to sit or not much activity menenkan buttocks area.

    3. Suggest to not too strong when straining as it can add a large


    4. Suggest that eating less spicy foods which can irritate hemorrhoids.

    5. Suggest to hemoroidektomi hemorrhoids have reached the stage

    when the third-degree internal hemorrhoids to prevent infection.

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    Syvia Anderson Price, 1991. Patofisiologi Konsep Klinik Proses-ProsesPenerbit buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta.

    Doenges Moorhouse Geissle, 1999. Rencana Asuhan Keperawatan Ed. 3

    Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta.

    Susan Martin Tucker, 1998. Standar Perawatan Pasien, Edisi V Vol 2.

    Penerbit Buku Kedokteran EGC, Jakarta.



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