healing with the masters teleseminar volume vi – november … · call tonight, caroline. it looks...

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Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: Welcome to Healing with the Masters. We are here tonight with Caroline Myss and I am excited and delighted. We’ve been looking forward to Caroline joining us for the entire season. This is the final show of volume six of Healing with the Masters.

Caroline, as you know, is a five-time New York Times bestselling author. She’s an internationally-renowned speaker in the fields of human consciousness, spirituality, mysticism, health, energy medicine and the science of medical intuition. Caroline’s work has earned her an international reputation as a renowned medical intuitive. She is regarded as the leading pioneer in medical intuition and from 1992 to 2004, Caroline developed an educational program to teach the science of medical intuition. In 1996, she co-funded the Institute of the Science of Medical Intuition which funds research in the field.

Very, very deep and powerful work. There’s a huge, huge fan base here on the call tonight, Caroline. It looks like we have about 1500 people on the call tonight excited to hear you. In 2003, Oprah Winfrey gave Caroline her own television show with the Oxygen network in New York City which ran successfully for a year. Caroline has taught in 35 countries. She’s internationally renowned—

Caroline: Enough. Please, enough.

Jennifer: And a powerful, powerful presence for all of us. So thank you so much, Caroline, for joining us on Healing with the Masters. It’s really fun having you.

You know, I was reading your book, Defying Gravity. And I really enjoyed your perception of what defying gravity is. Could you kind of tell us why defying gravity?

Caroline: Oh sure. And thank you, by the way, for having me here this evening. It’s a pleasure. And all of you joining the call, I want to thank all of you for being with us tonight.

The concept of defying gravity and why I took this approach is actually through a mystical lens and that’s what makes a mystic a mystic from the classical Christian eastern tradition is that they are weightless in the experience of God. We approach whatever we call God through the mind. We like the God of ideas. We like God packaged in ideas. But a mystical experience, a mystic is someone who has been blessed with an experience of the divine as opposed to the package of ideas. Instead of debating, God is rational, God is this, God is that, God was born on December 25th, instead of that level of God, like a layer cake, the mystic is someone who has been taken out through some profound grace and given an experience of what we can call the truth about the nature of God. The divine has animated that individual with the truth of its own nature, of its own being and shattered the idea world with the experiential. And instead of saying,

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

God is love; the person becomes the love of God. That’s not something the mind can comprehend. That is something only an experiential—and the best way that I have ever been able to have people kind of grasp the experience of this is when I speak to people who have become parents and ask them if there was a difference between thinking about becoming a parent and then the actual experience of becoming a parent and having the actual love animate when a child actually is born. And the difference between having someone in their arms to actually love versus imagining love and talking about, when I'm a mother, I'm going to be this and that and I'm going to do to do it this way. And I'm not going to take this from my child and I'm going to be this and that, this and that. Versus when they actually have that child and find that the love determines them instead of them determining the love.

That is a mystical experience and in that same vein, the experiential aspect of God then determines you as opposed to you defining God. There's a weightlessness that comes because you drop the debate about what you’re so sure of that God is and you drop all that you used to believe and you focus on what you have come to know as the true experience of the nature of the divine.

And just like when someone becomes a parent, they drop all of their old ideas of how they were so sure they were going to be this type of parent and that type of parent and they simply focused on the parent they are becoming because they really became a parent. And that is the best analogy that I can draw. And in that experience of the divine, a mystic becomes weightless in that they are drawn to the journey of the nature of truth and truth is the most powerful force there is. And, again, to put this in an experiential way so people can relate to this because that sounds like a mouthful of words, it’s been my experience having been in the field now for a lot of years, I marvel at how many married couples I meet—and I emphasize married because there is something about the marriage ritual or service that brings people to a level of commitment of buying a house and getting to know each other’s family and having children and merging every part of yourself in a marriage that in that merger, two people share a bed and they make children and they share sex and they share refrigerators and they share bathrooms and they share everything, right? And they don’t share truth. They do not share the truth. Most of these people that I have met have never said a truly truthful thing to each other. The very idea of it is traumatic so much so that when it comes down to communicating, they sometimes have to go to a third party in order to, we could say reduce the truth to the least painful words. They have to go through a mediator in order to reach the other person sitting on the opposite couch, who they sleep with, who they have babies with. But they can't say one truthful thing to that person about their feelings because they know that the truth is so powerful that if it comes direct out of their mouth, it may in fact bring down their whole world. That’s how powerful truth is at the personal level.

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

So can you possibly imagine what the truth is, for example, behind what’s really going on in the government, or the truth of how volatile the situation really is on our planet? Or the truth about how incredibly destructive the environmental actions really are. How many people said, I don’t want to watch for this. Why? Because I don’t want to look at the truth. I don’t want to look at it. And this is just quite frankly baby stuff compared to discovering the truth about, say the nature of God. If someone were to say, look, I don’t really want to find out that religion is a costume party; that all religions are costume parties; that we all have to figure out a way to dress up God like in paper dolls, in cutout dolls, in images. And because we need to do that because we like dolls but that if you really had a profound cosmic experience and found yourself of this earth and even out of this galaxy looking at the Sombrero Galaxy and Andromeda and all of the 200 billion galaxies that they have named knowing that there are probably 200 billion more galaxies and planets within these galaxies and God knows there is life out there. Then our calendar of December 25th and Islam and Judaism is probably not practiced on these. We are earth-centric with our religion and our theology. An earth-centered theology. And we actually believe that the god was born here on this little bitty planet. Address, Earth. Galaxy, Mars. I mean, what galaxy do we live in? What is this one? The Milky Way. And that this is how we view the universe. And if that was shattered and you discover, I don’t really think so. If we saw an extraterrestrial that really was shaped differently than us and we thought, what if God looks like—no, I'm telling you right now, God looks like us. It’s Caucasian because that’s the way it is. Northern European, but it was actually Jewish and probably was very Sephardic looking and probably that—no, no, no, according to my holy cards. As you start going through truth meltdowns—

Jennifer: Truth meltdowns, I like that.

Caroline: And people meltdown as they start going through learning, for example, what a mystic learns is the laws governing the universe, all is one. All is one. And the way we experience that law when we first encounter it is as a biological family principle. Everybody in this family is one, but it’s a biological principle. It’s an ethnic principle. If you’re Italian, you’ve got to be Italian to be one. You’ve got to be Irish to be one. You’ve got to be African-American to b one. But if you stray from that, you’re not one of us. So that’s an expression of a mystical law, but there's no truth in it. You’re experiencing a great truth to the capacity that you can. And the best that you can go near that truth is as a biological principle held within your family, within your religion, within your neighborhood, within your tiny little culture. But if you had a mystical experience of it and you realize, oh my god, all is one in everything. I am one with the whole. That blows you out of the water and then you realize all is one and what I do to you, I am actually really doing to me. Now the mind can't grasp that because it’s a mystical truth. It

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

doesn’t fit into the mind because the mind wants to say, but how can that be? How can that be? How can that be? And it repeats itself because the mind is basically an idiot machine. But the soul gets that.

Jennifer: An idiot machine. The mind is an idiot machine.

Caroline: Absolutely. The mind is an idiot machine. It tells you what you wanted to hear. If you say to your mind, “Lie to me. I want you to lie. I want you to tell me I'm going to the gym tomorrow,” and I know I'm lying. Your mind will lie.

Jennifer: Right. Your mind will do whatever you tell it to do.

Jennifer: And it’s lying to get us through this morass of illusion that we are in. Is that what the mind is doing?

Caroline: Absolutely. Your mind will watch the television and say, all politicians lie. You know they’re lying, you’re living a lie and you turn it off and you do nothing about it.

Jennifer: So that’s the archetype of humanness. And then there's the archetype of the mystic. And that’s what you’re kind of guiding us through. Is that right?

Caroline: Right.

Jennifer: This weightless expression of God is a mystical experience.

Caroline: Absolutely.

Jennifer: So those of us who are still struggling with the human and—

Caroline: No, no, no, that’s everybody. Let's be clear here. That’s everybody.

Jennifer: Okay, good. So it’s not just me.

Caroline: No, no, no, no.

Jennifer: Thank you, Caroline.

Caroline: No, no, no, my darling. We are all and we shall always struggle with this.

Jennifer: Okay. So we’re—

Caroline: There is no struggle.

Jennifer: We’re struggling and we are in this experience of being a human but I know that most people on this call are very committed to being that experience of God. And so here’s the human question. How do we do it, Caroline?

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Caroline: You know, the experience of the divine is one in which a person goes on the journey of—you know, the journey of the sacred is a journey of prayer. It’s a journey of the holy. It‘s a journey of the inner illumination of prayer. It’s a journey of truth like if you looked at all the great masters, whether you’re looking at Buddha or Jesus or these great, profound, holy beings that incarnated to show this way, they didn’t say go to a weekend seminar and read a bunch of books and that’s it. Listen, it is a holy lifestyle of continual reflection in which, in the language of Buddha, you shed your illusions. And that is a daily, daily task of introspection contemplation. And in the language of the west, the pursuit of self-knowledge, not wounds, let's be real clear here. See what we did was we directed it on a path of narcissism. And instead of a path of illumination, we made it all about the wrong thing, which is why it collided. It went into all about our past, all about seeking the past and seeking root, which is a dead-end street. Literally, a dead-end street. Instead of the path of self-knowledge, which is about why am I so afraid of being humiliated? Humiliation is absolutely the primary fear of the human being. And so a person begins there. A person enters their castle, in the language of Theresa of Avila, you go in and you go deep. And you start right there with this fear controls me. Why do I fear the truth and speaking the truth? Why when someone says do you care where we eat tonight, I can't even answer that question honestly? What is my relationship with truth? Start there.

Jennifer: When you say that, it sounds very heady and mindful and intellectual.

Caroline: Oh no, no, no.

Jennifer: But I know that it’s not. So how do we delineate from that intellectual kind of pursuit?

Caroline: Because this is where it begins. When you walk in to yourself and you say, I am controlled by the fear of being humiliated. I need to look deep as to where that comes from, how that controls all the choices I make in my life because where that will lead you is that you ultimately as you follow that path, you realize that always leads you to how much you fear God. Because where that ultimately goes is that you will discover that’s why you are afraid to pray. You are afraid to pray and pray deeply. You will pray petition level. Can I have this? Can I have more of that? Where’s my stuff? I don’t see my stuff. Can I have more stuff? If I say this prayer three times, something good is going to happen for me. It’s all about you and stuff and career and more stuff and love and stuff and this stupid little white magic rituals that people really think are prayer.

Instead of going this route, which is I'm actually afraid to enter into prayer because I might actually hear guidance and I might not like that guidance because what if the guidance humiliates me? What if the guidance directs me to do something I'm afraid of?

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: Right.

Caroline: So as you go in to hear the one clear voice, you’re afraid of that one clear voice.

Jennifer: You know, it’s interesting. I heard a story from one of the other speakers when I was at their workshop recently about this woman who had prayed to be cleared of everything—of her past, every obstacle, every—

Caroline: That’s a bold prayer.

Jennifer: It was. And it actually came to fruition. It actually happened. She was free of everything. And what she then became was a vessel for good and love and she did things like she was woken up at 2 o’clock in the morning and said, go to the store, buy a tin of milk and then deliver it to this address. And when she delivered the milk to that address, the people opened the door and looking at the milk and saying, “We have nothing to feed the baby. Where did you come from?” When I heard that story, it’s like I’m not sure I want that life.

Caroline: Well, they don’t.

Jennifer: I’m not sure I want to be at that level of sacredness and wholeness. And at the same time, it’s also what my soul yearns for.

Caroline: Okay. That’s it. The soul yearns for divine intimacy.

Jennifer: Yes.

Caroline: The ego wants it on its own terms and there lies the human conflict.

Jennifer: Oh, there we go. There we go. That’s what being human is. It’s that dichotomy.

Caroline: Okay. And therein lies the human conflict. So the human being says, you know, I don’t think I really want this. Why? Because I’m afraid it will humiliate me. It won’t be glamorous enough. It won’t have enough sparkle to it. Nobody will admire me. What if nobody thinks what I’m doing is any big deal? So you see, I really don’t want to be in service of God; I want God to be in service with me.

Jennifer: Right. Ironically, humility is what we're afraid of and yet it’s what we constantly are experiencing by not being in—

Caroline: That’s right.

Jennifer: In the full essence of the divine.

Caroline: By not surrendering, a person is constantly humiliated because they never ever learn and acquire the shield of humbleness. And this is where, in our culture we’re never taught the difference between what it is to be humble and the

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

difference between the protection of humbleness and the fear of being humiliated and we think it’s the same thing. And we think that humble is poor. We think it’s poor. We think it’s poverty. We actually equate those two. And, in fact, so does the dictionary. When in fact, you can have all the wealth in the world and still be humble. Humble means the absence of arrogance. Humble means that you are somebody who does not give your power away to illusions. If you sat back—and this is what I would do if I was your spiritual director. I would say to you, and this is what I do in some of my workshops—where I’ll say, I want you to do a list of the 10 things you’ve decided—you, you’ve decided. And listeners, just do this as an exercise because when you asked me, “How do I get to God?” This is how. You start with an exercise—and, by the way, this is the text of Entering the Castle.

Jennifer: Right.

Caroline: This is why I wrote that book. You go in, on the first mansion of Theresa of Avila, is the mansion of humility, chaos and the seduction of God. And you go in and you say to yourself, what are the 10 things I decided—I decided, nobody told you these—you have decided these 10 things humiliate you. You, by random, you picked these out. You decided I can clean bedrooms and kitchens but don’t you dare tell me to clean the basement or the bathroom. Now Buddha would say, those are just rooms. They’re just rooms. They’re just rooms. This is an illusion! What is wrong with you? Now if it were me, if someone were conscious, if someone were really conscious—you excuse me, everybody; that is my doorbell. You would be very clear—

Jennifer: We were talking about Entering the Mansion. It’s totally appropriate.

Caroline: That is perfect timing.

Jennifer: Perfect timing.

Caroline: You would know that the bathroom is in fact the best room to clean because you would come out the freshest while cleaning. What you perceive is the worst room, you’re the one that gets to shower. You’re the one that gets to refresh yourself. And therein lies the paradox. The paradox. And if you look at every great spiritual teaching, always the divine works to trick your ego. The divine is always coming through the back door to trick your ego because your ego is such an insatiable, greedy part of yourself. It can never get enough and it always wants the guidance to be big and glamorous and easy and guaranteed of a success. But you actually don’t even know what success looks like. You don’t get that success is the building of your character. Success is the exorcism of your fears. It isn’t indulging your fears. It isn’t giving you something that’s going to make you more arrogant, that’s going to make you more weak, that’s going to make you even worse in your fear of being humiliated by giving you something

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

that makes you even more fragile. Success is giving you something that gets that out of you, not keeps that in you

Jennifer: And so sometimes we lose the understanding of what success is, and we seek the human, the illusory—

Caroline: Sometimes, sometimes. We think that sometimes. But this is where you have to have a text, you have to have a guidance. You have to have someone, some system that directs you, that says that in the midst of what you’re going through, that your confusion, your chaos, like in the first mansion is a worthy chaos, is a meaningful chaos. I see so many people when they’re going through what they think is this panic, is this loss, they’re not losing anything. They don’t understand from a mystical point of view they’re gaining everything.

Jennifer: Everything.

Caroline: What they’re losing is worth losing. It’s worth losing. It’s worth having your fears excavated and gotten out of you because you’re possessed by them. And so if you’re going through an experience that makes you look at all your fears, this is not a bad experience. It’s a perfect one.

Jennifer: So the things that are showing up in our life are actually showing up to guide us, showing up to help us go to maybe a level deeper or to something more powerfully in our heart maybe, instead of our mind and our ego.

Caroline: You have to remember that the ego is fundamentally a hedonist. And if it isn’t entertained or comfortable, it thinks something is wrong. It thinks something is wrong. But you have to remember that the universe does not waste time and it doesn’t waste experiences. Every experience is of purpose, meaning and value that a person decides, this one doesn’t count. Why? Because I’m uncomfortable. This one doesn’t count because it’s not making me any money. This one doesn’t count because I’m insecure. The way people look at things is so outrageous. They chop their life up into little bitty pieces and they decide if I’m unemployed, nothing’s happening and it’s useless. My life is now useless. Why? Because I’m unemployed and, therefore, nothing’s happening. Am I on the wrong path? You are simply on a path. It’s neither right or wrong. But you are breathing and thus you are living experience. You are in the experience of in stillness and you don’t get that. You don’t get that because all you think about is productivity. That one word possesses you.

Jennifer: Yes, that’s a very North American concept, isn’t it? Productivity.

Caroline: No, it’s a very puritanical concept.

Jennifer: Aha

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Caroline: Not North American, it’s puritanical.

Jennifer: Okay. Thank you for that distinction. Okay, so here we are, we got that the mind is doing a shtick and the ego is doing shtick and we’re hanging out. Again, many of us are really wanting to simply be with the journey and yearning for that experience of the experience and expression of God, becoming the love of God, feeling that weightlessness of God.

Caroline: You see the way that we have structured God or anything in the last 50 years, the highbred spiritual journey that we’ve created in this culture is one that we’d have to say is kind of God is hobby.

Jennifer: God is hobby, interesting.

Caroline: Yes, it’s sort of God is hobby. I’m going to do it in the seminar, I’m going to do at the spa.

Jennifer: Right.

Caroline: But a true spiritual life is a devotion and not a hobby. It’s a devotion and the core is service and love and care of other, and care of self. And that care of one’s wounds, there’s no such thing as a spiritual path that’s based on wounds. There is no such thing. There is no such thing.

Jennifer: Okay.

Caroline: So let us be real clear. First and foremost, if you are my spiritual directees, my first and opening lecture to you would be, there is no such thing as a spiritual path that is based on wounds.

Jennifer: It is interesting. We had a discussion before the show last week about the “Wounded Healer.” And I really was not buying it in terms of—I'm not a big fan of obstacles and wounds and all that stuff. It does not feel like it is real anymore. It just feels like it’s words that we have created to explain something in our three-dimensional reality. So is that the along the same lines of what you’re saying that there is no such thing as even wounded, is there?

Caroline: Oh sure, there is.

Jennifer: There is such a thing as a wounded but there is no such thing as using that as an expression of the divine and of the spiritual path.

Caroline: Well, we have to look at this. The human experience is an experience in which pain and suffering exist.

Jennifer: Okay.

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Caroline: But in our culture, in our society, we’ve had an anomaly these last fifty years. And that anomaly, I think the best way to put it, I think the best way to understand this anomaly is that in the last fifty years we have lived in a world, in a society that has been living on a very clear, smooth ocean. Well, maybe that is not the best one for this call. Maybe it’s this way. Most of the people in the world that we live in, in our age brackets, people in the forties, fifties, sixties, the baby boomers. We are the first generation to grow up with television as a companion. The very first. The post-World War II and pre-World War II is as different as if we had moved to another planet or another dimension. We are the first to be raised by television. We grew up with Donna Reid and My Three Sons, and Father Knows Best, and Walt Disney, and all these magical little characters. And The Three Musketeers, or what do they call them? The Mouseketeers or whatever they were—

Jennifer: Right, Mouseketeers.

Caroline: But these gave an idea of what perfection is, the magical child, the magical children raised us. They were our companions in a world that—and as we look at our parents, most people just had normal parents. They were no different than the parents that raised them, that were raised by their parents. These were parents, hard working people. They were still the hardworking generation. And they came from hardworking people and many of them came from hardworking people who could remember being immigrants way back at the turn of the century and etcetera. And what essentially happened is that in the sixties, the seventies, the eighties, we enter the psychic age. We entered the age of the quantum age. We entered a different era. We entered the era of the unconscious and the psyche. The wounded child came out and the magical child came out and our inner child came out. And that was not the way it was when our parents grew up, where their parents grew up, or their parents grew up. Maybe at this point some of our parents grew up during that time. But I'm talking about pre-World War II. These architects were not out and running. So that’s something I just want to put on the aside and I’ll bring that in later. Part of what the schemata of life is is that life is filled with pain and wounds, and that’s normal. And those architects made it seem like it wasn’t. Those architects took magic to the extreme in this country while the country was simultaneously becoming more financially abundant than any other nation had ever been. So it took finances to an extreme. It took lifestyle to an extreme. Surfers and beach boys and Hollywood and movie stars and all kinds of fantasy was created in this country. There was simply pure—it wasn’t even real. It wasn’t even real. But neither were our expectations of what life should be like, either psychologically or emotionally. We exaggerated what life should really be like. We created extraordinary expectations of what we should and were entitled to. Fantasy

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

childhoods. We shifted the American Dream from the right to freedom to the right to have houses.

Jennifer: Right.

Caroline: To the right to have big houses and the right to shop. We created a—no, it’s not funny.

Jennifer: I know, it is amazing to me.

Caroline: So we now would very easily here.

Jennifer: I see.

Caroline: We are now very fragile. We wound at the look from a corner of an eye. How could you talk that way to me?

Jennifer: Right.

Caroline: We now have wishbones instead of backbones. We are now a very soft culture. Instead of the hardworking, dirt-under-our-fingernail culture that gave birth to this country. Woundedness and pain, and suffering as it were is part of the human condition. It shouldn’t surprise us or stop us dead in the tracks as if that checks us. But we have this culture of endless books on how you are entitled to happiness, on how you are entitled to have it all. What are you talking about, you are entitled to have it all? Who ever told you that? What kind of nonsense is that? You’re not entitled to anything. Nobody is entitled to anything. And you know what? If somebody got that through their head, if they really, really, really in their soul got that, that nobody is entitled to a thing, the other side of that—and that, by the way, is the third dark passion is the sense of entitlement.

Jennifer: So entitlement is the operative word here?

Caroline: Yes. The grace that someone finally gets, the grace that finally awakens in a person is that everything they do have is by God’s grace and including people who love them. But they are not entitled to be loved. You are not entitled to anyone’s love or respect by any means. And if you really get that, then you look at everybody who does love you. And, callers, you better let this one sink in because it’s a jewel. You look at everybody who does love you and you realize that you’re not entitled to their love. That, in fact, when they look at you, they find something in you very precious to love, that there is something about you that draws them to you, that there is something in you that they cherish. And that’s not because they are obligated to cherish you. They love you not by entitlement but because there is something in you that they really don’t want to live without. And if you really got that, if you really got that, then you would get that love is truly a grace and a blessing. And you would never, ever, ever treat that person

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

as anything other than a graced blessing again, so long as that person breathes life.

Jennifer: Wow. So, you know, your approach is incredibly direct.

Caroline: Only if you say so.

Jennifer: And I appreciate that. It feels like—and I'm kind of sensing the energy; I hope it’s okay if I share this with you. The energy feels like it’s nudging that part of us—it gets back to what we were talking about at the beginning. It’s the truth piece. You are giving us a truth here right now that's powerful and not necessarily easy to swallow is kind of what I'm sensing. And it's important though. And it feels like you're kind of giving us a sampling of this is what the life of a mystic includes which is understanding these fundamental realities and allowing ourselves to move away from—you talked about at the very beginning of the call—this kind of moment of self absorption that's Earth centered and now in this term, ego centered approach and moving out of that. And I think entitlement is a really important distinction on what makes us how we run in part by the ego is a sense of entitlement.

And what a remarkable explanation of how we got here in a way is through this archetypes of perfection. Of course, we're going to feel entitled when we're raised by that. But there's an opportunity here; there's a turning point here for all of us, is there not?

Caroline: Well, I do think so. And I think that what's happening now is really a course adjustment in a world where the entitlement became so extreme not just for us but for Europeans. And I spend a lot of time in Europe. The entitlement culture is based on the fact that other people, we see other people as not as entitled as us. And that comes from a white-centric, European, Christian history. If you know history which I do. And now what's happening is the power bases of the world, not to turn this into a history lesson, is shifting. It's shifting. And the balance of power on our planet is changing.

Jennifer: So, we've reached the end of the age of enlightenment and you talk about this in your book. Is this what you're kind of what you're talking about?

Caroline: We've reached the, you know, what we've reached is the end of the age of reason as we defined reason, as we defined reason. As Galileo, Copernicus—as these first scientists, first mutant, Isaac Newton of course defined gravity, as they first came to carve out the science of reason hundreds of years ago. The way they carved it is what carved us. And specifically, they have their hand in our brain. And I'll show you how.

Jennifer: Okay. This is interesting.

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Caroline: Yes. You know, you’re best when somebody says to me, what’s the reason why I'm sick. The use of the word “the” is pure, it's pure Isaac Newton and Copernicus and Galileo and these great, great thinkers from hundreds of years ago; who believed that there was one reason for every cause. What is the reason?

Jennifer: Right, right. The reason, okay.

Caroline: Okay. That is a model of rationale that there must be one reason why this happened. Well, that's the flat world reasoning. But we're shifting now from a flat world to a hologram. And great model, a great analogy of that is the internet where hitting one button sends out ten thousand, two million, and five million emails at one time. There’s not one reason, there's a million reasons why everything is as it is including you. Think about this, you can't say to me, what’s the reason? Is it a past life? Is it this; is it that? How many threads make you who you are? If it's a past life, is it an attitude? How many things happen in one day that factor into one of year moods, just one—just one? There are so many parts of you and you want one reason—one reason. If you have a habit in which you are always repressing something, how many of those events do you think contributed to your breast cancer? Just one—just one ?

You have to understand that the way in which we reason is that we like is reductionism. We like to reduce everything to the simplest equation so that we can find a solution to the problem. And it's reduced, reduced and reduced like a very bad recipe at one of those high-end restaurants; reduce it, reduce it, reduce it. But, that's not going to work anymore because just like our psyches have gotten very complex, we now have involved our soul and our mind and our emotions and body and our past lives and our need for meaning and purpose. And what else do you throw on the table? Our quality of relationships and our need for an occupation and we want to do this and that. And now, what's the one reason out this whole big missy gash that I'm sick? Just find one reason in this whole big mess of things I've thrown on your desk, which one of these?

Well, here’s what's truth. You don't have problems anymore in your life, you have predicaments. Problems have solutions and predicaments don't.

Jennifer: Okay, so, there's no solution to the illness.

Caroline: And this is the age of reason and the end of it. If you look at our planet, remember what is in one is in the whole. As above—you think like a mystic now.

Jennifer: Okay.

Caroline: Here's a law: As above, so below. Okay. And so, what's ever happening in the greater whole is happening in each one. This is the end of the age of reason as

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

we know it. So, a new model is emerging. And that model is one that says, all problems are holistic. It's not just health. This is what the New Age—it's so simplistic. It's just applied holism to health and it never occurred to people that evil is holistic. Their problems are holistic.

Jennifer: Wow! Evil is holistic and problems are holistic.

Caroline: Yes, duh.

Jennifer: Duh holistic.

Caroline: Duh.

Jennifer: Okay.

Caroline: That the dark is as holistic in operating principles as the light, that problems are holistic. Thus, solutions must be holistic.

Jennifer: So, does that mean that—okay, as above; so below. So, if I take ownership of my role in the whole, is that even possible?

Caroline: It is possible, but the methodology has to be at the mystical level.

Jennifer: I see, so not at the level of the ego or the mind but the mystic.

Caroline: It has to be at the level of the soul. This is where the mystic knew.

Jennifer: So, if we're operating now. Okay, so let's say we are now operating at the level of the soul in our lives, what does that life look like?

Caroline: That is where a person has to enter into the life of prayer. And this is where the ego is going to fight you because the ego is a part of you that craves immediate results; attention for immediate results and acknowledgement. And there's no such thing with prayer. There is no such thing. Prayer is a mystical expression of truth and faith and ultimate generosity. It is ultimate generosity in which you provide grace. And the grace is distributed by forces much wiser than you. And the role of grace is to counteract psychic free radicals that find their way into acts of darkness in our world.

Jennifer: That's a mouthful.

Caroline: I beg your pardon.

Jennifer: That’s a mouthful. Can you talk what are free radicals?

Caroline: Well, psychic free radicals in your body create disease.

Jennifer: Okay, got it.

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Caroline: In the same way that thought becomes form. Have you never heard that attitudes in your body influence health.

Jennifer: Absolutely.

Caroline: Well, what is difference between that? That is the law of energy creating matter, right.

Jennifer: Okay.

Caroline: We've only applied that to health in our body. That’s what the holistic world did. They simply said, "I like this but only in so far as it applies to my health. I don't think I'm going to apply it to anything else.” Because, well, that's too big a truth. I don't think I'm going to apply it to—I wonder what negative thoughts do? I wonder what negative thoughts do on a great, big, huge scale? Like, I wonder if all of our good thoughts got together and we go, “ooommmm,” under a big, full moon, that's nice.

But what if all these negative people are doing that, I wonder what all their negative thoughts do? Well, they do the same thing. And all my loose negative thoughts, like a loose canon on deck, they generate constant negative free radicals. And those also have to find their way into acts of creation. And this is why we pray. We simply pray because that generates grace. And that's a way to counteract the damage those psychic free radicals do.

And how it's distributed, if you could only think that what it does is it is a pollution device and it cleans up the pollution, the dark pollution in the atmosphere.

Jennifer: Yes. I've been feeling lately and I'm been talking lately to many of my friends about a certain pull that many of us are getting to not just work on ourselves or even our clients but work on the planet as a whole to clear and clean and allow and pay attention to the energies on the planet itself. Is that kind of what you're talking about, moving beyond ourselves?

Caroline: Why is it taking people so long to think to even do that?

Jennifer: Yes.

Caroline: To even think that they should—that should be a practice of a conscious person, to pray for the whole.

Jennifer: Right.

Caroline: Why is that even taking so long?

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: Yes. Well, you know, it feels like many of us are finally here. So, now that we're here and now that we're finally getting it, what is your recommendation to us? And what does prayer look like inside…

Caroline: You know what? I actually have a monthly Salon and I'm not one who solicits things. You know, like I'm not sitting here saying, buy my taste bun. I wouldn't do that. I'm not going to do that. I never do that. But I do write a monthly salon. And what I do at end is a monthly directive to prayer and to healing. And I invite people who need healing to write in about what they need and I direct people. I direct everybody reading the Salon to—how to pray and how to use prayer for healing. Because it is amazing to me that people do not know how to pray, that they do not know how.

And it's so much so, that I'm going to be doing a taped series on it and my first workshop on prayer—on the power of it; how to pray; what's contained in a prayer. And so, what I would truly suggest is that first of all, you get the Salon and Entering the Castle but also Defy Gravity. Those are my mystical works. Those are the mystical texts, not the other ones but those. And listeners if you're truly interested in this, number two, is make prayer a part of your everyday life. Make it a part of your life. You cannot live without it. And what prayer is, let me just define it, that it is closing down your five senses and withdrawing from the world so that you separate the madness of your ego and the way it talks to you; the madness of the way your mind talks to you—what if this; what if that; what if I don't get this done; what if this. The distractions, the constant distractions and you enter a sweet tranquility of your inner world. You enter a blissful stillness; you enter a part of yourself like you enter a prayer—let me be silent; let me be still, alone, empty, in the present, saying nothing, asking nothing. Being silent; being still. Look upon me God, that is all. That is enough; you know; you understand. Let me receive. Let me be still; let me be silent; experience that silence hover over me. That’s your prayer.

Jennifer: Wow! I almost want to just honor that moment.

Caroline: That's how you pray.

Jennifer: That's a beautiful thing. And that is a, from a human perspective, really an answer. That is their daily practice. That truly is.

Caroline: That truly is. And a practice of reflection where you become mindful that every choice you make, you are either gracing somebody and something in life or you're withholding that grace. Either you think, I'm entitled to this and if you start thinking that way, you have to ask yourself, where did come from? What part of my ego is pulling this nonsense because the other grace you have, entitlement is a dark passion. And the other grace that sits opposite it, the grace that sits opposite is the profound grace of understanding. And it's not about you

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

understanding. You better understand me, that's the ego. The grace of understanding is “God give me the grace to understand why you have put me here. What is it you want me to do in this moment? What is it you want me to give or you would not have me standing here?”

Jennifer: Then, it gets back to that notion of service.

Caroline: And it gives back to the notion of how profound and how much each person has to give. And that's what they don't get. They think that if it's not there to be seen or they don't realize how precious they are and how much of kindness. How much they have to give, they don't realize. They do not realize how much, if they just knew their graces, how profoundly powerful each human being is.

Jennifer: We didn't get into the graces. I loved the way that you described the graces, the chakras.

Caroline: It was the longest chapter I ever wrote in my life. I was getting so enamored with the graces, I couldn’t stop writing. I could not. If human beings only knew what their graces were.

Jennifer: It feels like that could be an entire call, to talk about the graces.

Caroline: Oh my God, if they only knew. Everybody, I tell—so I'm just going to real fast, real fast.

Jennifer: Please, please.

Caroline: Your first grace, your first wonderful, magnificent grace is the grace of reverence. And what it means to hold yourself and all of life to revere it; to truly understand that you are sacred as is all of life. To hold yourself in awe, most people do not know what that is. They have never experienced awe. Much less do they even know what it is to respect themselves or to truly respect what it is to be a human being. Reverence is such a profound grace. The second grace you have is piety. And this is not this like holiness to God, this is nonsense. But this grace is about your capacity to see the God in another person, to see their holiness and to recognize that if somebody’s in your life, it is not by accident. It is not by accident.

But it takes a great deal of prayer to get over your fear of other people, that they're going to take something from you; that they're better than you and your selfishness when it comes to other people. To activate this grace, it takes a great the deal of work in you. The third grace is understanding. The fourth grace is fortitude. That and fortitude is the grace of courage where you really—when someone talks about their highest potential, they always want there to be a job because they're so vain, vain, vain.

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

And they want to go back and get people who humiliated them and say, "See, how special I am in this. Oh, endless humiliations. But fortitude, every second of your life, every conversation, everything you do holds a highest potential, don't ever forget that. And even answering a question holds a highest potential because think of how often you do not tell the truth. So, when you say, give me the fortitude, simply even to tell the truth. Fortitude is the highest potential of acting on everything including year creativity, including the way you talk to yourself, including the way you witness something. And that you witness the life of another person with courage.

The grace of counsel. Let me counsel somebody. Let me counsel someone with courage. Let me counsel someone accurately, knowing that what you're about to say to somebody is going to change their life. May I ask you, should I do this with my life. You don't answer that casually, that's advice. Counsel is grace. Knowing full well, they're coming to you. And that you see very clearly what's really going on. You pray before you talk to someone at that level. You never just open year mouth and shoot from the hip.

You say, God counsel me, this is big.

Jennifer: Oh, yes. It’s almost a moment of service, isn't it?

Caroline: Oh, it's bigger than that. You know that what you say is either going to make them or break them—redirect their life or damage them. It’s more than service, it's a game changer. It's going right to their soul and you can't go there without grace. You cannot. You have got to say, "God, give me the grace because I cannot speak this to this person alone. And counsel me, let me hear you, let me hear you talk to me. What do you want me to do? How do you want me to act?” And if you get this blast of grace, you don't get to say, I don't think I like that. If you hear counsel, you have to act, the grace of knowledge is a grace of truth. It's truth, it's revelation.

It's what the universe wants you to know as truth. I explain these very deeply in Defy Gravity, I'm going through very fast. And finally there's wisdom. We're not a wisdom culture so it's hard to grasp what wisdom is. But suffice to say, someone says that's not really a wise thing to do. I'll give you a drop of it. Everybody knows the experience of being in an argument with someone and you want to really take him down because you get competitive and nasty. And you hear this little voice. And the voice says, you really want to say that? Because it's not wise. If you say this, you're really going to hurt them and they'll never forgive you. Don’t do it. That’s wisdom in action.

And you finally shut your mouth and go away. And throw cold water on your face and realize you really don't hurt people you love. That’s wisdom.

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Jennifer: That's wisdom and that's the final grace. And there are seven graces. Right.

Caroline: Well, there are seven major, there are a lot of minor. There's the grace of healing and joy. There are all kinds of graces.

Jennifer: Yes.

Caroline: All kinds.

Jennifer: I mean, it's a beautiful description. So folks, in fact I believe we're going to be offering a special offer here where we have your DVDs of Defying Gravity.

Caroline: Oh, nice. I didn't know that.

Jennifer: Yes. We got a lovely special offer for you tonight. And I'm very excited about it. But that I love that we finished the call tonight with the graces. And folks, if you're interested, Caroline’s already given some wonderful places to head to, to experience more of her work. But we also have a special offer here which is healingwiththemasters.com/carolinemyss. You can click on the button right there. And it's Defy Gravity: The Application of Mystical Laws into Your Everyday Life. It’s a three-day workshop. And this is powerful stuff. And we're going to go much, much deeper than we were able to tonight into the mystical laws; how they exist and influence year everyday life; inviting you into mystical truth into your so that you understand what's demanded of you.

We also have two really cool things that I was fascinated with—the checklist of health issues and illness; the CHII; and the personal nutrition provider. These are things that you partnered with other folks on, I believe. And that the CHII is based on the theory that unresolved spiritual, psychological or emotional factors impact the flow of energy in the chakras and my result over time in weakening in the system.

So, this allows you a fast and easy way to identify your own personal box. It's really cool. And then, we've also got the new personal nutrition provider which is in association with Dr. Susan Taylor and Elrose Bruce developed the PNP on the theory that there exists a relationship between our spiritual, psychological, emotional and physical being that can be supported by foods that we choose. So, it's to allow you a fast and easy way to identify your personal chemistry. I mean, this is really neat stuff. I love this kinds of tools.

And then, on top of it, we've got the wonderful content from Defying Gravity, a three-day workshop. So, I want to thank your team for putting this together for us and again you can access that at a 50 percent discount at healingwiththemasters.com/carolinemyss. And do have any comments about your special offer? Or, are you probably hearing about it for the first time?

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Caroline: Yes. I am but I think it's great.

Jennifer: Yes. It’s a really cool offer. I'm really excited to get mine. And it looks like it's a 100 percent downloadable too folks. So, you can start listening and experiencing the stuff tonight, if you order right away. Again that's healingwiththemasters.com/carolinemyss. Thank you guest, Caroline, what a really delightful call and fascinating. And you nudged us with the truth. Well, actually, it was harder in some places than a nudge but it was really powerful stuff. And I'm grateful, I'm very grateful.

Caroline: Thank you.

Jennifer: That you stand on year platform strongly and share with such passion and commitment, it fills my heart to experience your energy. So thank you so much for joining us. Do you have some final thoughts before we log off?

Caroline: Well, I want to wish everybody a happy holiday season.

Jennifer: Thank you.

Caroline: And blessings on everyone. I want to thank you all again for being part of the call. Thank you so much and checkout my website at Myss.com, if you want any further information and bless you for doing these radio shows. Thank you so much.

Jennifer: Oh, you're welcome and thanks for joining us. And well folks, that's it for another season of Healing with the Masters. We have just completed volume 6 and we completed it with a bang, I would say. Thank you all so much for hanging out with us for another season. I am delighted that you guys have been able to join this community; share your thoughts with me through emails and through the conversations before the show; and hangout with these wonderful speakers who have changed my life. And I know from the many emails have changed yours. I love you guys so very much. And you know, keep tuned on the email, we've got some really fun stuff coming up in the near future.

January 1st, we're going to doing prediction week, where we've got a week of people who are in tuned with the future. They're going to give us an idea of what 2011 is going to hold for us. And there will be one on one opportunity to work one on one with those individuals on this call. So, a little bit of a different format than Healing with the Masters. And then, in February we'll have sound vibration week. And all those of course will be the same format, free and then free for 48 hours. But they'll be all happening within one week. So, keep an eye out for that. Stay on the email, we've got all kinds of fun stuff coming up. The next season starts on March the 8th. We got Wayne Dyer, Dan Millman, Michael

Healing With the Masters Teleseminar Volume VI – November 30, 2010: Caroline Myss

Copyright 2010, all rights reserved Jennifer McLean – Healing With the Masters, www.McLeanMasterWorks.com

Beckwith already lined up. And some amazing, big headliners that’ll be joining us for that season.

Thank you all so very much. I love you much and we will see you all next time. Bye now.

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