health benefits cat's eye

Post on 23-Jul-2016






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Wearing this ketu blessed gemstone cat's eye proves benevolent for the person who is suffering from many serious health problems. Here, we will discuss the health benefits which a person obtains by wearing this auspicious gemstone.


Cat's Eye gemstone or lehsuniya gemstone in Hindi is described as one of

the most effective gemstone available in the gem family. This gemstone is

basically contemplated with the planet Ketu, which is acknowledged as a

vengeful planet. It is generally said about the cat's eye gemstone that if this

planet is positioned at negative or malefic houses in the birth-chart of a

human being, consequently, it brings displeasing result in his/her life. It is

being said about the cat's eye gemstone by the astrologer that in reality ketu

is not a planet. However, due to its substantial potential to create an impact

on the life of a Human being. It has been given the status of a planet. Ketu

has always been misunderstood the planet of misfortune, though it is not

true in the reality. There are an ample amount of benefits which a person

can avail by wearing this cat's eye gemstone. However, today, I will

specifically discuss about the health benefits of cat's eye gemstone.

Cat’s Eye Gemstone health Benefits:

Wearing this ketu blessed gemstone cat's eye proves benevolent for the

person who is suffering from many serious health problems. Here, we will

discuss the health benefits which a person obtains by wearing this

auspicious gemstone.

Due to the presence of negative or malefic ketu a person get affected from

the severe mental problems such as depression, sadness, gloom which can

be warded off by wearing cat's eye gemstone. The cat's eye gemstone is

known to soak all the negative energy of ketu and introduces positive

energy of ketu in the aura of human being and aid in curing serious mental


Apart from this wearing cat's eye gemstone aid in curing diseases

related with the organs like kidney, hair, lungs etc. However, it is always

suggested to consult an astrologer before wearing this gemstone for health

purposes. In order to achieve all the health benefits from cat's eye gemstone

a person should always purchase a certified or natural cat's eye gemstone

because wearing a fake cat's eye gemstone can bring disastrous result in the

life of a human being. So this is all about the health benefits of lehsuniya or

cat's eye from my end. I hope you would have enjoyed reading this article.

In my next post I will discuss some other interesting facts about cat's eye


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