healthy lifestyle longevity unit 10 (language focus

Post on 12-Feb-2022






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CONDITIONALS IN REPORTED SPEECH (Tường thuật câu điều kiện)- Nếu người tường thuật vẫn ở cùng một địa điểm và thời gian, chúng ta không thay đổi thì của động từ, tính từ chỉ định, trạng từ chỉ thời gian và nơi chốn.- Nếu động từ ở mệnh đề giới thiệu được dùng ở thì hiện tại đơn, hiện tại tiếp diễn, hiện tại hoàn thành, tương lai đơn, thì (tense) của động từ thì của động từ trong câu điều kiện không thay đổi.Ví dụ:He says, “I will never get married"→ He says that he will never get married.(Cậu ấy nói rằng cậu ấy sẽ không bao giờ kết hôn.)- Khi chúng ta tường thuật lời nói của một người mà điều đó là sự thật hoặc chân lý lúc nào cũng đúng, thì (tense) của động từ không thay đổi.Ví dụ:"The earth moves round the sun."→ Galileo proved thatearth goes round the sun.(Galileo đã chứng minh trái đất quay quanh mặt trời.)“I’m only 28”→ She told me the other day that she's only 28”(Cô ấy nói với tôi ngày hôm kia rằng cô ấy mới 28 tuổi)- Không phải lúc nào ta cũng thay đổi thì của động từ trong câu tường thuật. Nếu ta tường thuật một sự việc mà đến thời điểm nói vẫn đúng, ta không cần thay đổi thì của động từ.Ví dụ: Tom said, "New York is more exciting than London."→ Tom said that New York is more exciting than London.(New York is still exciting than London. The situation hasn't changed.)Tom nói rằng New York sôi động hơn London.(New York bây giờ vẫn sôi động. Tình trạng không thay đổi.)Chú ý:- Câu trên vẫn đúng nếu ta thay đổi thì của động từ về quá khứ:Tom said, "New York is more exciting than London."→ Tom said that New York was more exciting than London.- Khi chúng ta dùng động từ tường thuật ở thì quá khứ, thì của động từ trong câu điều kiện thay đổi như sau:Conditional type 0: Không thay đổi thì của động từ vì đây là sự thật lúc nào cũng đúng hoặc chân lý.Ví dụ: "Flowers die if they don't get any water."→ He said flowers die if they don't get any water.(Anh ấy nói hoa sẽ chết nêu không có nước.)→ "If you heat the ice, it melts."


She said if you heat the ice, it melts."(Cô ấy nói nếu anh làm nóng nước đá thì nó bị tan chảy.)Conditonal type 1: thay đổi thì của động từ (chuyển sang câu điều kiện loại 2), thay đổi đại từ, trạng từ...Ví dụ: "I will stay at home if it rains."→ She said (that) she would stay at home if it rained.

(She probably stayed at home)Conditonal type 2: thay đổi đại từ, trạng từ..., không thay đổi thì của động từVí dụ:"What would you do if you were a billionaire," the man asked the woman.→ The man asked the woman what she would do if she were a billionaire.(Người đàn ông hỏi người phụ nữ bà ấy sẽ làm gì nếu bà ấy là một tỷ phủ.)Conditonal type 3: thay đổi đại từ, trạng từ..., không thay đổi thì của động từVí dụ:"If you had asked me, I would have lent you my bike," the man said to me.→ The man told me (that) if I had asked him, he would have lent me his bike.(Người đàn ông nói với tôi (rằng) nếu tôi mà hỏi ông ấy, ông ấy đã cho tôi mượn xe đạp của ông ấy rồi.)Chú ý:- Các Modal verbs: would, could, might, ought (to), should thường không thay đổi trong câư tường thuật.Ví dụ: He said, "I might come." → He said he might come.

(Cậu ấy nói cậu ấy có thể đến được)- Không thay đổi thì của động từ trong câu nói gián tiếp nếu có thời gian xác định trong quá khứ.Ví dụ: She said "I was born in 1980".→ She said that she was born in 1980.

(Cô ấy nói cô ấy sinh vào năm 1980.)- Không thay đổi thì trong câu điều kiện loại 2, 3 và thì quá khứ giả định (Past Subjunctive) trong câu cầu mong với "I wish..."Ví dụ:He said "If I were you, I wouldn't do that"→ He said if he were me, he wouldn't do that.

(Cậu ấy nói nêu cậu ấy là tôi, cậu ấy sẽ không làm thế.)She said: "I wish I were a movie star."→ She said she wished she were a movie star.

(Cô ấy nói cô ấy ước chi mình là ngôi sao điện ảnh.)REPORTED SPEECH WITH TO- INFINITIVES AND GERUNDSA. Reported speech with to- infinitives (Câu tường thuật với động từ nguyên mẫu có to)- Khi tường thuật sự ngỏ ý giúp đỡ (offers), lời đề nghị (suggestions), mệnh lệnh (orders), ý định (intentions), lời hứa (promises), yêu cầu (requests), sự cảnh báo (warnings), lời khuyên (advice), lời mời (invitation) v.v, chúng ta sử dụng một số động từ tường thuật như: agree, demand, offer, promise, refuse, threaten, claim, propose, swear + to- infinitive.


Ví dụ:' I'll take the children into town.'→ She offered to take the children into town.(Bà ấy đề nghị đem mấy đứa nhỏ vào thành phố)'The theatre will be built next to the town hall.'→ They propose to build a theatre next to the town hall.(Họ đề nghị xây một nhà hát cạnh tòa thị chính.)'I'll hit you!, she said to me.→ She threatened to hit me. (Cô ấy dọa đánh tôi.)'Sorry, I can't tell you the news.'→ He refused to tell me the news.(Anh ta từ chối nói cho tôi biết tin đó.)- Những động từ tường thuật sau phải có tân ngữ (object) đi kèm:encourage, instruct, recommend, advise, ask, tell, invite, order, persuade, remind, request, urge, warn, beg + object + to- infinitiveVí dụ:'You should take the job, Frank.'→ She encouraged Frank to take the job.(Cô ấy khuyến khích Frank nhận công việc đó.)'Don't worry about the air fair- we'll pay.'→ We told her not to worry about the air fair.(Chúng tôi bảo cô ấy đừng lo lắng về vé máy bay.)' I’d like you to join me in doing this project.'→ He invited me to join him in doing that project.(Anh ấy mời tôi tham gia vào làm dự án đó.)'Get out of my room.'→ She odered the man to get out of her room.(Bà ấy ra lệnh người đàn ông ra khỏi phòng bà ấy.)'Stay away from me.'→ She warned them to stay away from him. (Bà ấy cảnh cáo họ nên tránh xa anh ta.) B. Reported speech with gerunds (Câu tường thuật với danh động từ)Ta sử dụng danh động từ sau những động từ tường thuật sau đây: admit, deny, suggest, insist (on), apologize (for), criticise (for), congratulate (on), prevent (from), dream (of), thank (for), accuse (of), deny ...Ví dụ:'You broke into the shop.' 'No, I didn't.' → He denied having broken into the shop.(Cậu ấy đã phủ nhận việc đột nhập vào cửa hàng.)'You were driving too fast.' 'Yes, it's true. Sorry.'


→ She admitted having been driving too fast.(Cô ấy thú nhận là đã lái xe quá nhanh.)'Well- done, you've passed your driving test,'→ She congratulated me on passing my driving test.(Cô ấy chúc mừng tôi về việc tôi đã thi đậu kỳ thi sát hạch lái xe.) 'Sorry I am late!'→ He apologized for being late. (Cậu ấy xin lỗi tôi vì bị trễ.)'Why don't we go for a swim?' 'Good idea!'→ He suggested going for a swim. (Anh ấy đề nghị đi bơi.)'Can you wait a few minutes? 'Sure,no problem.'→ They didn't mind waiting a few mintues.(Họ không thấy phiền khi phải chờ vài phút.)After the meal, he said, 'Please don't argue - I'm going to pay.' → After the meal, he insisted on paying.(Sau bữa ăn, cậu ấy khăng khăng đòi trả tiền.)'Sit down and don't go out of the class/ said the teacher.→ The teacher prevented us from going out of the class.(Thầy giáo ngăn cấm không cho chúng tôi ra ngoài lớp học.)“You stole the money I put on the table this morning” said my brother.→ My brother accused me of stealing the money he had put on the table that morning. (Anh tôi buộc tội tôi là đã lấy cắp tiền anh ấy để trên bàn sáng hôm đó.)

PRATICE TEST 1A. LANGUAGEI. PRONUNCIATIONExercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.1. A. anxiety B. longevity C. dietary D. resident2. A. infectious B. essential C. nutritious D. consistent3. A. obesity B. overcrowded C. potential D. ecosystem4. A. attribute B. advantage C. analyse D. standardExercise 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.1. A. lifestyle B. disease C. substance D. treatment2. A. infectious B. serious C. nutritious D. severe3. A. remedy B. principle C. medicine D. obesity4. A. relieve B. immune C. consume D. manage

II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMARChoose the best answer which best fits each space in each sentence.1. People should try __________ for mild health problems such as colds and headaches.


A. meditation B. natural remedies C. prescription D. life expectancy2. Lack of exercise and fatty food consumption can weakenour__________.A. immune system B. remedy C. meditation D. cholesterol3. __________means an illness that can be passed from one person to another, especially through the air people breathe.A. Infectious disease B. Heat- related illnessC. Headache D. Stomachache4. In addition to a nutritious diet, a __________ lifestyle can boost your health and increase your life expectancy.A. stress- free B. sugar- free C. cholesterol- free D. anti- ageing5. Science has shown that many types of chronic diseases are__________to people's bad eating habits.A. given B. attributed C. contributed D. caused6. The teacher accused her students__________attention to what she said.A. not paying B. on not paying C. of not paying D. not to pay7. Sleep, rest and relaxation can slow down the__________.A. ageing process B. life expectancy C. cholesterol D. health8. 'Can you make it here by 6 p.m.?' “__________”A. The next flight departs at five. B. I'm sorry I'm late.C. He's not coming. D. I'll try my best.9. The other driver blamed me__________causing the accident, but it really wasn't my fault.A. at B. to C. for D. on10. In my opinion, you should not stare__________ a computer screen for too long.A. on B. at C. in D. into

III. WORD FORMUse the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0) - FITNESS

Running for healthIf you want to improve overall level of (0)__________, running is one of the best sports to choose. It can increase the (1) __________ of your bones, it is good for your heart, and it can help with weight (2) __________. You will soon begin to see a(3) __________improvement in your general health and if you are the sort of a person who enjoys a challenge, then you could consider making the (4) __________to run a marathon - a race of approximately 42 kilometers.Experienced runners and sports (5) __________say you should make a point of having a physical check- up with your doctor






before you start training. Another (6) __________is that anyone who has an old back, knee or ankle (7) __________ should take extra care, You should never use running shoes which hurt your feet or which feel (8) __________after a long run. It is a good idea to start by running slowly for about twenty minutes three times a week and (9) __________ increase the number of kilometers you run, You should find running long (10) __________ gets progressively easier, and after a time, you may feel that even a marathon will be possible.  



IV. ERROR CORRECTIONIdentify one underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting.1. It took me a very long time to recover off the shock of her death.A. took B. a very long time C. recover off D. her death2. My sister told me that she had met my teacher at the supermarket yesterday.A. My sister told B. she had met C. at the supermarket D. yesterday3. When he took the ticket out of from his pocket, a hundred dollar bill fell to the floor without his noticing it.A. the B. from his pocket C. to D. without4. Each of the students in the accounting class has to type their own research paper this semester.A. students B. in the C. their D. own5. If I went to the party yesterday evening, I would be very tired now.A. went B. party C. would be D. tired

B. READINGExercise 1: Read the following passage; choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to complete the passage.SOME GOLDEN TIPS FOR MANAGING STRESS+ Notice what (1)__________ you feel very anxious. Face your anxieties.+ See what you can change in those areas (2) __________you are doing too much.+ Are you (3) __________to things? Is it necessary to get upset / anxious / angry?+ Are you breathing too fast? Slow, deep (4) __________helps you relax.+ Try using some relaxation techniques (5) __________yoga or biofeedback. They can be veryuseful in helping you relax.+ Get strong! (6) __________you are not too fat. Don't (7) __________too much coffee oralcohol. Do you need to smoke so much or even at all? Exercise three or four times a week, but don't exercise too much. It can be bad for you.+ Don't forget your friends.They can give you very (8) __________support and help, as youcan to them.1. A. causes B. makes C. has D. drives2. A. where B. there C. which D. while3. A. exaggerating B. overestimating C. overcareful D. overreacting4. A. breathing B. inhaling C. breath D. blowing


5. A. similar B. such as C. liking D. the same as6. A. Remember B. Ensure C. Makes sure D. Reassure7. A. Swallow B. consuming C. eat D. drink8. A. trustworth B. valuable C. endless D. exceptionalExercise 2: Read the text and questions below. Mark the correct letter A, B, C or D for each question.

When I injured my back I had to take a break from my running career. I decided to introduce more women to the sport to show them how much fun it can be and to give them confidence to get out and run.

I decided to start a running club for women in my area because I was annoyed by the attitude of many race organizers. They complain about the lack of women in the sport but also use this as an excuse for not providing separate changing facilities.

I put up poster and 40 women, young and old fit or unfit joined. All of these were attracted by the ideas of losing weight but I don't think they had really thought about running before. When or if they did, they had a picture of painful training. They didn't think of chatting and smiling while running in beautiful places, like by a tree.

At first they ran for only a minute now they can run for thirty minutes. They've also learned from other runners about diet and keeping fit in general.

I wanted to do something for women's running and I've had so much pleasure watching their progress- almost as much as they've had themselves.1. What is the writer's main aim in writing the text?A. to describe her own running career B. to complain about race organizersC. to talk about women runners D. to describe good running method2. What would a reader find out from the text?

A. The best kinds of places for runningB. How runner can avoid injuring themselvesC. The progress made by the women in the clubD. The teaching skills of the writer

3. What is the writer's opinion of the runners she trained?A. They were too serious B. they needed encouragingC. They couldn't develop their skills D. They were difficult to train4. Why did the women join the running club?A. To have a good time B. To meet other peopleC. To help them lose weight D. To become top runners5. Which of the following would be the best title for the club poster?A. Discover the pleasures of running B. Riverside running club for womenC. Athletics competitions: how to win D. Keep fit by training hard

C. WRITINGComplete fhe second sentence using the word given, so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. Write between two and five words in each gap.


1. Everyone said it had been my fault that we lost the match. BLAMEEveryone ____________________ fact that we lost the match.2. Peter regretted selling his sports car so cheaply. WISHEDPeter____________________his sports car for more money3. "It was Peter who left the door unlocked" Said Mary ACCUSEDMary ____________________the door unlocked.4. We didn't enjoy our walk along the Seafront because it was so windy. PREVENTEDThe strong wind ____________________our walk along the Seafront.5. "Shall I carry that bag for you, John?" said Pauline. OFFEREDPauline ____________________ for John.

PRATIE TEST 2A. LANGUAGEI. PRONUNCIATIONExercise 1: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.1. A. meditate B. prescribe C. describe D. relieve2. A. cholesterol B. chemical C. scholarship D. charity3. A. remedy B. bedtime C. medicine D. dietary4. A. anxiety B. ageing C. relaxation D. dramaticsExercise 2: Choose the word whose stress pattern is different from that of the others.1. A. precaution B. nutrition C. obesity D. remedy2. A. meditation B. expectancy C. cholesterol D. longevity3. A. consumption B. medicine C. potential D. infection4. A. substance B. acupuncture C drama D. immunity

II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMARChoose the best answer which best fits each space in each sentence.1. I’ll let you buy a motorbike __________ you ride it carefully.A. as if B. whenever C. although D. as long as2. People who eat lots of red meat are__________developing heart disease.A. at risk of B. in risk of C. at risk on D. in risk of3. My father said that if his flight to Hue was cancelled__________he'd travel by train.A. today B. tomorrowC. the following day D. next day4. I found a website advertising an effective way to lose weight in one month.A. put on weight B. gain weightC. become slimmer D. become heavier5. Lack of exercise and high- fat diets have__________to be the factor in heart attack.A. long been known B. long known been


C. been long known D. known been long6. Home- made __________masks based on fruits are completely natural and inexpensive.A.anti- ageing B. stress- freeC. anti- acne D. cholesterol- free7. We have bought extra food__________our friends stay to dinner.A. if B. in case C. provided D. as long as8. "Make yourself at home" – “__________”A. Not at all. Don't mention it. B. Thanks. Same to you.C. That's very nice. Thank you. D. Yes, can I help you?9. __________anything else please ring the bell for the attendant.A. If you are requiring B. You should requireC. Should you require D. Were you to require10. One of the aims of Greenpeace is to__________ of the environmental problems facingour planet.A. take responsibility B. arouse interestC. raise concern D. raise awareness

III. WORD FORMUse the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0)- techniques

Laughter therapyA laughter therapist is paid to conduct talks, workshops and one- to- one sessions using (0)___________ that get people to laugh. It is thought that laughing may (1) ___________the body's immune system, stimulate blood (2) ___________, produce endorphins hormones that reduce pain and increase (3) ___________and reduce stress. One laugher therapist, Endajunkins says, "Laughter is the human gift for coping and survival." As a practising psychotherapist, Enda (4) ___________ people to use laughter to heal (5) ___________problems. Other laugher leaders operate more relaxed laugher clubs. Laugher therapists may encounter tears as well as laughter, but most feel (6) ___________rewarded by teaching people to tackle their problems with laughter. "It's terrific" says laugher leader James L Scott. "You can't think about anything else when you're laughing, which is why it's such a natural stress (7) ___________tool that totally clears stress. Plus, it doesn't need any special (8) ___________." Are you naturally (9) ___________at making people laugh? If so, that will help. Laughter clinics are held in health centers across the country - Why not try one out to see if it is for you? Then you can get (10) ___________training and become a certified laughter








IV. ERROR CORRECTIONIdentify one underlined part in each sentence that needs correcting.1. The police suspected her children for having cut down the oldest tree in the park.A. suspected B. for C. having cut D. the oldest2. I'm not the kind of person who goes around thinking if only I have done this or that, I just feel lucky.A. goes B. thinking C. have D. feel3. There is hope that nations will get along each other, isn't there?A. will B. get along C. isn't D. there4. Scientists don't agree about if there was ever life on Mars.A. don't agree B. if C. was D. on Mars5. My next door neighbour, who is usually shy and doesn't say much, is being very friendly this morning and has a big party tonight for all his friends. A. is B. doesn't say C. is being D. has

B. READINGExercise 1: Read the following passage, choose the best answer (A, B, C, or D) to complete the passage.

Many people enjoy lying in bed in the morning, but can you imagine having to spend 90 days in bed? Could you (1) __________ the boredom and the frustration of not being allowed to get up? That was the (2) __________that faced 14 volunteers when they started out on a bed- red experiment being (3) __________by the European Space Agency.

The study had a serious purpose: to (4) __________the changes that take place in the human body during long- duration spaceflight. Lying in a horizontal position was the best way of simulating weightlessness. The aim was to discover what effect (5) __________ of weightlessness will have on the health of astronauts spending several months on the International Space Station.

The volunteers ate their meal, took showers and underwent medical tests without ever sitting up. That's even (6) __________ than it sounds, especially when you (7) __________that no visitors were permitted. However, each volunteer did have a mobile phone, as well as (8) __________to the latest films, computer games and music.

Surprisingly, everyone was in a good (9) __________at the end of the 90 days. "I would do it again," said one of the volunteers. "It was disorientating, but we knew we were (10) __________to medical research and space exploration."1. A. maintain B. stand C. support D. hold2. A. work B. business C. task D. occupation3. A. carried B. produced C. applied D. conducted4. A. search B. investigate C. question D. inquire5. A. periods B. times C. terms D. stages6. A. firmer B. stronger C. tougher D. greater


7. A. realize B. reckon C. remark D. regard8. A. convenience B. access C. freedom D. availability9. A. spirit B. attitude C. mood D. feeling10. A. participating B. donating C. delivering D. contributing

Exercise 2: Read the text and decide whether the following statements below it TRUE or FALSE or DON'T KNOW

THE BIG MANWalter Hudson is big. In fact, he's enormous. He weighs over 250 kilos. And yet Walter is on a diet.

He's losing weight at an incredible nine kilos a week. He used to weigh over 630 kilos. That's more than half a ton, and it's heavier than a car or a young elephant. At his maximum size Walter's waist was 119 inches. His neck was as thick as a woman's waist. His biceps were as big as an average man's chest.

His diet was just as impressive. He used to eat enough to feed three families. For breakfast he ate two pounds of sausages, two pounds of bacon, twelve eggs, a pound of biscuits, six Danish pastries, a pot of coffee and four pints of orange juice. Lunch and dinner were even bigger. Then there were the snacks between meals. During the morning he ate twelve doughnuts.

Each afternoon he ate ten large packets of crisps and in the evening a couple of family- sized pizzas. On top of all that he drank 96 cans of soft drinks. That was one day's food and Walter ate that much every day.

Until recently the world knew nothing about Walter Hudson. In the past 28 years he's only been outside for two hours. That was when his family moved house. He hasn't seen the sun since he was 25 years old and he's now 43. He lived in a secret world - a prisoner in his own home near

New York. He used to watch television for 12-15 hours a day and he only left his bed to walk the five yards to the bathroom. Even that short journey was exhausting.

Walter's secret world finally hit the headlines ten months ago. He fell over on his way back from the bathroom and became stuck in the doorway. It took eight police officers and firemen to free him.

But that incident changed his life. While he was lying on the floor he decided that enough was enough. The next day he started his diet. He didn't just cut down on food, he stopped eating completely.

Every morning now he drinks a cocktail of vitamins in a pint of orange juice, and during the day he drinks a lot of water. And that's it. He also takes more exercise now. He still has a long way to go, because he wants to get down to 85 kilos. That's the right weight for someone of his height.

"Food," says Walter, "is an addiction. It's worse than drugs or alcohol. You can just stop taking them. But you need food. And it's everywhere." Walter doesn't watch television any more, because too many of the adverts are about food. He hopes that his example will help other overweight people, especially children. He encourages mothers to put photos of him on the fridge door. "I want parents to say to their kids, "Do you want to look that big? If you keep putting your hands in the fridge, then that's how you'll look. That's what Walter did." "1. Walter has lost over 400 kilos in ten months2. His waist measurements is 119 inches.3. He used to eat a big breakfast, but he didn't usually eat lunch.4. Walter used to spend almost the whole day in bed.5. Walter began his diet ten months ago.6. He only eats one meal a day now.


7. Walter is two meters tall.8. He still watches TV most of the day.9. There are a lot of adverts for food on TV.

C. WRITINGComplete the sentences so that the meaning stays the same.1. If her condition should improve, we'll inform you immediately.Should _____________________.2. "I didn't make fun of John after the party!," said All.Ali denied_____________________.3. "I've won a fortune on a lottery!" Don said.Don claimed_____________________.4. "If I were a millionaire, I would travel around the world," he said to me.He told_____________________.5. "You should have waited for us," the team leader said to John.The team leader criticized _____________________.





1. B 2. D 3. C 4. C

Exercise 2:

1. B 2. B 3. D 4. D

II. VOCABULARY AND GRAMMARChoose the answer which best fit each space in each sentences.

1. B 2. A 3. A 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. D 9. C 10. B


1. strength 2. loss 3. significant 4. decision

5. instructions 6. recommendation 7. injury 8. comfortable

9. gradually 10. distances


1. C (recovered from) 2. D (the day before/ the previous day)

3. B (from his pocket) 4. C (his) 5. A (had gone)

B. READINGExercise 1:

1. B 2. A 3. D 4. A 5. B 6. C 7. D 8. B 10. D

Exercise 2:

1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A


1. blamed me for the 2. wished (that) he had sold

3. accused Peter of leaving/ having left 4. prevented us from enjoying

5. offered to carry that bag


1. A 2. D 3. D 4. B

Exercise 2:

1. D 2. A 3. B 4. D



Choose the answer which best fit each space in each sentences.

1. D 2. A 3. C 4. C 5. A 6. C 7. B 8. C 9. C 10. D


1. strengthen 2. circulation 3. happiness 4. encourages 5. psychological

6. management 7. equipment 8. gifted

9. gradually 10. professional


1. B (of) 2. C (had) 3. B. (get along with)

4. B (whether) 5. D (is having)

B. READINGExercise 1:

1. B 2. C 3. D 4. B 5. B 6. C 7. A 8. B 9. C 10. D

Exercise 2:

1. F 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T 7. Don’t know 8. F 9. T

C. WRITING1. Should her condition improve, we’ll inform you immediately.2. All denied making fun of John after the party.3. Don claimed to have won a fortune on a lottery.4. He told me that if he were a millionaire, he would travel around the world.5. The team leader criticized John for not having waited for them.


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