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Hearts of Walderslade

The newsletter of Walderslade Girls’ School


Issue 28 July 2015

A Message from the Headteacher

We have reached the end of another incredible year at WGS, made ever more so by the remarkable people that belong to our school community. This edition of the HoW newsletter really captures the wealth of achievements from our wonderful students over the past term, ranging from arts to sport, to house, to academic and community. The many articles here demonstrate strength and unity among our special and very talented girls, supported by our magnificent staff. As I write this message we are in the middle of Activities Week. Following a brilliant Sports Day which saw a number of school records broken for both track and field events, a marvellous festival

atmosphere provided by Mr Robinson and Radio Walderslade, and the addition of not one but two ice cream vans, we now look forward to some memorable visits to Chessington, Thorpe Park, Margate, Capstone Park, and The Strand. So much of what we do in Activities Week cements our school values and it is important to have some down time and simply enjoy being together as a school after a challenging year of hard work. We look forward to the A level and GCSE results in August and hope that all our girls have given their very best to be rewarded with high level qualifications. They all deserve to be congratulated and praised for the effort and determination they put into their exams. Over the summer break we will be having some extensive renovation and improvement works happening across the school building. A brand new dining room will be fitted, with bright colours and modern, fresh décor and furniture reflecting our arts college status. We will also come back to completely new toilet facilities across the school following receipt of a substantial grant. Our active school council members have been instrumental in the design and choice of colour schemes for these. At the end of term we will say farewell to staff who are moving on to pastures new: Mr Holden from the Sixth Form Study team, Ms Nickelson from the Creative and Visual Arts Faculty, Mr Gritt from the Cover team, Miss Swan from the Performing Arts team, Ms Graham and Miss McAdden leave the English Faculty, Mrs Shahabudin leaves the Food Department and our PCSO leaves to go back into community policing. Miss Maddison will be leaving the Cover team but then returning to undertake teacher training. We also wish Miss Calder well for her maternity leave and Mrs Shepherd for her forthcoming wedding. Mr Irving will be retiring as Exams Officer. We return to school in September hopefully refreshed, energised and excited about the year ahead. We still have many great things to achieve as a school and community. I wish all our Walderslade Girls and their families a very happy summer. Mrs McGowan Headteacher

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Arts Week 2015

Erica Vivieros, 11A, writes about her first experience of being part of our Arts Week, both as a prefect and a performer. We have just finished a momentous week for performing and creative arts at Walderslade Girls’ School! The week began with a moving but excellent drama play performed by the BTEC drama students, called Hard to Swallow. The story told of a young girl with anorexia and the devastating and tragic effects upon her and her family. The girls delivered their roles impeccably, with great emotion and empathy. Well done to all who took part. On Thursday 9th July, we were treated to the spectacle that is fast becoming an annual event! Walderslade’s Got Talent was a fantastic show, showcasing the talents and gifts of many of our girls.

We welcomed special guest, Andy Fleming, a Britains’ Got Talent finalist, who sat on our panel of judges, which also included Mr Hubbert, Mrs McGowan and Mr Scott, our Chair of Governors. Andy and the judges gave positive feedback to the participants and encouraged them with their performances. The audience were treated to a wonderful variety of music and dance which demonstrated exceptional promise from the students. This year’s winner was Megan Thompson, 11J, with her beautiful rendition of Turning Tables by Adele. In second place was a lyrical dance, Flashlight, by Tegan Godfrey and Ellen Mills, both 9N. Third place was awarded to a moving performance of Clown, a song by Emeli Sande, performed by Roxanne Docwra, 11C. Amongst other performances was a street dance, choreographed and performed by Cleo Shannon-Goodsell, one of our top dancers in 11F and Casey Canty, also 11F, performed her own song. We also had debut performances from singer Gracey Douglas, 9N, and majorette Chloe Luxford, 9A. The audience were also entertained by the school vocal groups Echo, and Vox (senior choir), who wowed the crowd with their arrangement of Counting Stars/Timber. Andy was very impressed with the talent on display and commented that many of our girls will go far. Congratulations to all who took part and thank you to staff who supported. Walderslade Girls’ School’s reputation for excellence in both the performing and creative arts is really shining through! Walderslade’s Got Talent 2015 winner Megan Thompson performs her song

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Left: Elli Jordan, 9F, opens the show; above: the judges Above: Ellen Mills and Tegan Godfrey, and Roxanne Docwra; right: senior choir Vox

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Here Maisy Plummer, 11P, writes about her experiences of Walderslade Girls’ School first ever catwalk show! On Wednesday 8th July the GCSE Fashion department hosted the first ever Walderslade Girls' School Fashion Show. Students from all years signed up to take part and everyone got incredibly excited to start preparations. The GCSE students worked incredibly hard alongside Miss Fitzgerald to choose the best outfits and make it a great show. We thought about how to style our outfits and what would be the most impressive way to parade our outfits on the catwalk. To prepare, we watched lots of different fashion shows and catwalks and listened to lots of different music before we chose the best. Miss Fitzgerald gave each model a set outfit to wear and we all brought in heels and make up to prepare for our fashion show. The school stage was set up in a T shape so we could rehearse. We had set starting places and partners and practised our walks in our heels down the catwalk, which was really great fun.

The atmosphere was amazing as everyone rushed around with makeup and hair products. It was a team effort as we all helped each other get ready. Clothes were flying around as people found their first outfit and lined up. All the models lined up with heels and bright costumes. It was weird and amazing to see the clothes we made all lined up together. You could hear applause and screams from the catwalk. People rushed back and changed into their next outfits as the different sections changed. Models rushed into the wings so we could show the outfits down the catwalk. We stopped and posed down the catwalk as photographers took photos. Backstage was manic but exciting as we went to and from the catwalk. I really enjoyed the fashion show as we all worked as a team, the atmosphere was amazing and I can't wait until next year.

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Art Exhibition

Mrs Boyce

Grand Opening of the Visual Arts Exhibition The new style Visual Arts exhibition has proved a great success. As well as A Level photography, A Level art and GCSE art, there was a first showing form GCSE photography students. Photography is a very popular option choice for our girls and the work displayed was outstanding. Students have been taught how to create light trails, double exposure and slow and fast shutter speed images with professional SLR cameras on manual settings, producing colourful and exciting contemporary artworks. A Level and GCSE fine art continues to provoke with complex compositions and meaningful portraits. Also, new this year was art work from ten local primary schools which included huge outdoor sculptures. Buskers and singers gave further ambience as both parents from primary schools and WGS School mingled and talked about their children’s work. The Visual Arts exhibition is no longer confined to one area, this year it spread throughout the ground floor. The overall display being modern and upbeat, changing the whole exhibition experience.

Exhibition preview – Oaklands Primary School 150 students from Oakland’s Primary School attended a preview of the Visual Arts Exhibition at WGS. Excited students walked through the Head’s garden and pointed out work that their class had created. Giant grapes suspended from a tree as well as other sculptures inspired by Andy Goldsworthy were on display. Students walked in between the recently installed totem poles, tried to catch their reflection in the mirrored mosaic tiles and felt the different textures. Once inside students had light refreshment before they completed the grand tour of the exhibition. It was a hub of activity as they looked in awe at work produced by our girls. Some even had their photographs taken mimicking the artworks displayed.

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Romeo and Juliet

Ms Graham and 9S1

Students in 9S1 have been working with their teacher, Ms Graham, on accounts loosely based on Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet. Romeo’s thoughts on discovering his Juliet dead The dancing flames light the room giving an exquisite sense of peace and serenity, then my eyes are captivated by the lifeless body of my wife, Juliet. Even in death, her beauty is retained. As I lie next to her, the heady smell she owns invades and controls my senses ... it’s so intoxicating, her aroma fulfilling my wants and needs but it does not quench my raw hunger to inhale more. I don’t know how long she has been dead, but surely it can’t be possible for her to still hold her distinctive scent, or is my drunkenness in love clouding my judgement? If so, I am lost and have no chance of ever becoming sober… Just hours ago I was in exile…I was lost then but now I don’t even know the feeling of thinking straight! The lights went out so suddenly and my course has now changed completely. My mind was open, ready or not it has been closed again … She was and is addictive … my own personal taste of heaven! Her presence demands to be felt. I can feel it surround me - a welcoming cold creeping in, chilling my bones and skin. She was, no, is, a glimpse of bliss, a fine lady I would always save my last dance for and would be always willing to sing her praises good and loud! There is little point now as the stars I defy have proceeded to carry out the inevitable and oh, they’ve done it to the nines … a job well done! The pain is overbearing, like a burning ice cold dagger, searing through my heart, diminishing all traces of the happiness I had felt. Everything has changed and now I’m not going to look the other way, after all the clouds go by, it’s just another empty sky. You’d be damned if you thought I would wait to see the rain; nothing’s going to make this right, so look at me now, I choose life! Mnzathu Phwanda

Juliet’s thoughts on finding Romeo dead

After what felt like forever, I slowly felt alive again…I could feel the blood rushing back through my body and my heart was pumping again like I had been regenerated. My eyelids felt so heavy but I fought to open them; I assumed it to be the after effect of the potion Friar Lawrence had given me, but it really was a struggle. Once I had managed to open my eyes, they had to adjust to the light that was streaming through the stained glass window. It pained me every time I looked forward because my eyes were too used to the darkness that surrounded me every time my eyes were closed. It took some time but then I was able to see clearly again …

There were candles surrounding me on the window sills and even creating a pathway to the exit. They had already burnt out and I inhaled deeply, swamped by the overwhelming scent of the aftermath of fire. I pictured all of the candles glimmering around me like little stars and then finally going out like they were crashing to earth. I tried to move my arm so I could sit up whilst I waited for Romeo to come like Friar Lawrence said he would, but I felt a heavy weight on me. At first I thought it was just where I had been still so long but then I saw him … my Romeo. He had come back to me and we would finally be together! I pushed on his arm, trying to get his attention as I at first thought he was sleeping but he was unresponsive … then I realised the truth …

Shelby Baker

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University of the Creative Arts Summer School 2015

Mrs Nolan

Year 11 students had the opportunity to experience a 3 day residential summer school at Epsom or Farnham Campuses They had a choice of five pathway options:

Fashion Management and Marketing Fashion Promotion and Imaging

Image Evolution Fashion Design

Fashion Journalism Eleven students took up this opportunity, where they were led by experienced practitioners and industry professionals. They were given the chance to experience living and learning like a university student. Events and workshops spread over three days equipped them with the confidence and capacity

to express design ideas and increase visual literacy. They were impressed by ‘being treated like actual university students’, ‘the independence we were given’, ‘meeting new people and mixing with real students’ and even ‘staying in dorms’. All 11 students felt that this was a worthwhile experience and that it was a true sample of how life at university would be. It also inspired them to apply to university at the end of Year 13 to study the following degrees:

Engineering Psychology

Criminal Psychology Sports



Parents, Teachers and

Friends Association

Another school year has flown past again and HOW PTFA has been there throughout helping to support many different events. We would like to thank everybody that has bought refreshments, sweets, glow sticks etc; by doing this you have helped to raise valuable funds. There have also been raffles taking place, tombolas and treasure maps. Congratulations to all of you that won and commiserations to those who didn't, please don't let this put you off trying again next year! The HOW PTFA run quiz nights during the school year, which are held on Friday evenings. They are a relaxed affair, although sometimes tensions run high, where you can test your general knowledge, observation skills and musical know-how. These are well supported and we're pleased to see more staff having teams as well as parents and students. Mr Robinson does an excellent job as quizmaster, he keeps control of the evening whilst displaying his talents and humour! We must thank

everybody who works to make these evenings such a success and we hope to welcome all regular teams back next year as well as lots of new ones. We must conclude by letting you know that over this school year the quiz nights have raised over £1000! If you would like to join the HOW PTFA please just e-mail us. Our details are on the school website.

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Year Group News

Year 7

Mrs Simm

On Thursday 2nd July, Walderslade Girls’ School welcomed our largest intake of over 170 girls from over 30 primary schools to experience WGS for the first time. Girls eagerly waited from 8am on the playground, some with sisters and some bravely waiting on their own. A fun-filled day of activities was planned with the form tutors, including ‘Getting to Know You Bingo’ and ‘The Tallest Tower of Straws’. A tour of the school helped the girls familiarise themselves with the layout of the buildings and the important places to go, along with short speeches from Ellie Todd and Eliyram Amedume to allay any worries the girls may have had. The inaugural trophy for the best form in ‘The Tallest Tower’ and ‘Personal Shield’ went to 7A with a tower of 165cm and a very thoughtfully designed

shield. I am sure this will be eagerly challenged over the coming year with each form wishing to be recognised for their achievements. Parents joined their daughters in the evening for a display of dancing, singing and speeches from Mrs McGowan, Ms Ranson and two brave young ladies from the current Year 7, Heather Settle and Natasha Duncan (below) who shared their worries and concerns from when they started WGS. The Heads of House and their captains were in the gym to display their competitive spirit and the fun to be had in the Inter House competitions. The day passed very quickly and we look forward to Wednesday 2nd September when the girls return to join us officially as ‘Walderslade Girls’.

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Year 8

Mrs Cox

Year 8 students have moved into the Year 9 curriculum and have embarked on their GCSE studies. All girls have really benefitted from this head start. Students have settled into their option choices well and have produced work of which they can be proud. Students now come under the care of Miss Hatton as they continue into Year 9 and I wish them continued success in all they do and look forward to hearing about their involvement in all that school life offers.

On Monday 6th July a group of students spoke to new Year 8 about the importance of the Office Ambassador role and how this role can help them develop their confidence and communication skills. Girls will carry out the role on a form group by form group basis on our return to school in September. Well done and thank you to: Vicky Ballard, Emma Cooper, Jessica Down, Tegan Godfrey, Elli Jordan, Mollie Pennell-Brown.

Head of Year 8 Summer Homework Project: An Inspirational Woman

Who inspires you to be successful? Who is your role model and why? Write an article or design a poster outlining the life and qualities of a woman in the public eye you admire. You could choose one of the women we have looked at in assemblies – Coco Chanel, Emeli Sande or Michelle Obama. You could pick a woman from history or a pioneering woman of today.

Hand in your work to your form tutor the first week back in September and there will be prizes for the most original and interesting work. The best articles and posters will be displayed in school for everyone to see. Good luck! Don’t forget to also draw a picture, write a poem or story to help decorate Mrs Cox’s office. Get busy and do your best.

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Year 9

Miss Hatton

On Monday 15th June 2015 the whole school moved in to the new timetable. For the students moving from Year 8 to Year 9 this meant a start to their GCSE option subjects. Jessica Harvey Wells shares her experience of choosing her GCSE options In Year 8 when I heard that we would be choosing our options I had mixed feelings. I was both nervous and excited – excited to have a go at the new subjects but nervous because I did not know if I was ready. At the start I knew that I wanted to do geography and textiles because my future aspiration is to be a textile designer. I thought that the taster days were good because they helped me make my final decision. I was prepared for my interview because I was confident and I knew what I wanted to say. In the end I got my first choices which I was really happy about. To the new Year 8s I would say just be confident and choose the subjects you like. Also you shouldn’t choose a subject just for the teacher as it is not certain that the teacher will teach you.

At this point now we are now a term into the new timetable. For some of the students the change has been a positive one and they have embraced their new subjects positively. Other students have taken more time to settle so hopefully they will see this period as an introduction and they will know what to expect in September and they will get on. Away from the classroom a lot has happened. There was National Sports Week. A series of events took place during this week, but the Army Day was something new. Over one hundred girls took part in a series of team building exercises. Also for the first time ever there has been an Arts Week and several girls took part in the fashion show, the dance show and the Walderslade’s Got Talent event. (Personal accounts of these events will be in the next edition of HoW.) What this signifies is that learning does not always take place within the confines of a classroom. There are so many opportunities to take part in a range of events across the year. This is just the start and as we embark on Activities Week, I wish the students well and I look forward to hearing their stories and accounts of all that they got up to!

Year 10

Mrs Richards

Students in Year 10 have settled well into their GCSE option subjects with many of them excited to be learning new skills. As a year group we now have assemblies on Tuesday mornings and this term we have been exploring strategies to deal with friendship problems. This is important for the girls to reflect on over the summer holidays because at this time in their school life they need to be concentrating on their GCSE qualifications.

This week sees the start of Activities Week, where the girls will get the opportunity to get to know other girls in their forms better and compete in Sports Day against other houses. Some of the Year 10s will be going out on trips and some will be staying in school to take part in some of the exciting activities that have been arranged for them. I hope all Year 10 girls have a fun, safe summer holiday. Don’t forget the first day of the new term is Thursday 3rd September 2015!!

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Year 11

Miss Walker

This term the girls have moved from Year 10 into Year 11 and have done so with confidence and determination to make this year their best yet.

What the year has in store: Mock examinations in December

Prom Final Sports Day

Final Activities Week and Christmas House Day GCSE examinations starting in May

Work Experience Enterprise

Mr Elphick on Prefect Training We have currently appointed 36 prefects for this year and the team met for their training day in June. A great day was had by all, even if most of the water seemed to end up all over me. A big thank you to the former prefects who came in to support the event. The new prefects have already been involved in various aspects of school life and have shown a strong commitment to their role. The prefects and school staff have been voting for this year's senior prefect team. We are looking to appoint a Head Prefect, a Deputy Head Prefect and five Senior Prefects. The results of the election will be announced at the end of term.

Prefect Training At the end of last term 64 prefect applications were handed in, this being the highest number of applications ever!! The staff were impressed with all the applications and interviews and the girls showed their maturity and courage to succeed. The decision was tough and Mrs McGowan and Mr Elphick decided that we would actually have 36 prefects rather than the usual 20 which shows how high the standard was. All prefects enjoyed their prefect training on what was a very hot day. These pictures were taken on the training day,

30th June 2015

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Work experience All the girls will take part in one week of work experience at the beginning of September, and will be visited by members of staff to see how they are finding working life and if this has helped them. I hope this will be a worthwhile adventure for them and that all the girls will take every opportunity given to them at their work placement. Arts Week The Year 11 drama class presented a hard hitting play about a bulimia sufferer on 6th July 2015 and the GCSE textiles class hosted their first ever fashion show on 8th July 2015.

Try Angle Awards Congratulations to the Legacy Leaders who have been nominated for a Try Angle Award. This presentation took place on 7th July 2015. Enterprise Week For Activities Week the Year 11 students will take part in Enterprise Week. The aim of Enterprise week is to develop the girls’ business, communication, and leadership skills, and money awareness. They work in groups and create a product which they will then work out how much to sell for in order to make a profit.

Progress and GCSEs

This year as Head of Year, I will be aiming to meet with as many parents as possible to discuss the girls’ progress and any worries they may have heading into their final year here at the school.

Have a good summer Year 11 and be ready for work in September! PGW Sixth Form

Mr Cross

The end of the school year signed off in style for the Sixth Form with the Year 13 Prom on Friday 17th July. After all the trials and tribulations of the exam season it was great to see this wonderful group of over 120 young adults let their hair down and really enjoy themselves. They were joined by members of Walderslade Girls’ and Greenacre staff to celebrate this important milestone at the St George Hotel in Chatham. It was a great party atmosphere and as is customary staff and students voted for the Prom Queen and King for the night. The deserving winners were Daisy Harding and Tom Younger. A big thank you to Mrs Pyrke who expertly arranged the whole event and ensured everything went off smoothly. All students went home happy and safely at 12:00am with a lot of happy memories not only of the evening but of their time in PGW Sixth Form. Wishing each and every one of them the very best for

the future, and I look forward to celebrating with them on 13th August when they receive their results.

Daisy Harding showing off her Prom Queen tiara with the help of Tamryn Bothma

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House News


Mr Baker

Austen have a very exciting week ahead, with activities week finally upon us. Teachers and students alike are keen to get the fun started with the numerous activities going on throughout the final week of term. On 17th July we have Sports Day and, having been winners in the field events last year, we are going to try and go one better this year and win the whole

event. Following this Years 8, 9 and 10 are looking forward to both the Austen Summer Fare and the trip to Chatham Ski Centre. Whilst the Year 11s wait with keen anticipation for the start of Enterprise, I for one cannot wait to see what some of the brightest and most entrepreneurial minds come up with on Enterprise Days.


Mr Hubbert

The end of another school year is also the end of my time as Head of Fry House. In September I will hand over the leadership of Fry House to Miss Allcorn-Austen. While this is both a time of a little sadness to be standing down, it is also an exciting time for the future with new dynamic leadership from Miss Allcorn-Austen. I have been leading the staff and students of Fry House since 2007. Much has happened in that time, including of an increase from four to six houses and a general expansion of the role of Head of House. My aim when I took up the role was to gain a sense of the ‘Fry House family’ in which everyone is of

equal importance. To this end I have encouraged students to show off the skills and talents whether in sports or the arts. Above all, I hope that I have instilled a ‘can do spirit’ and a sense of fun! The highlights for me as leader for Fry House are being house champions, raising money for the Wisdom Hospice and encouraging students to lead our assemblies and house events. I would like to thank all the staff and students that have supported me over the years and I would like us all in Fry to welcome our new leader Miss Allcorn-Austen. Mr Hubbert, Head of Fry House, July 2015

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Lucy Forder, 11F, is Fry House’s reporter for Hearts of Walderslade. Here is her final message for the year: Congratulations to all in Fry House for a fantastic year! Fry has had a very busy year with many members taking part in different events such as Walderslade’s Got Talent, the dance show and drama productions. Well done to everyone in Fry and let’s aim to ‘Fry the opposition’ next year.

Getting ready to FRY THE OPPOSITION! Jebb

Mr Robinson

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Mr Naughton

Nightingale House is getting ready for our biggest and busiest time of the year! Activities Week is just around the corner and we’ve been busy getting everything ready for what promises to be a brilliant end to the year and the beginning of the Summer Holidays (at last)! We’ve got a truly tremendous range of activities for our Nightingale fledglings, including a day at Chatham Ski Centre in Capstone Park on Tuesday 21st July, where students will be able to go ‘snow tubing’ and then try out Chatham’s very own ‘Cresta Run’ (not for the faint hearted!). On Wednesday we’re off to Medway Valley Leisure Centre for a game of Ten Pin Bowling and then in the afternoon we’re off for an exclusive private screening of a modern remake of everybody’s favourite fairy tale ‘Cinderella’.

As well as the Activity Days, we have Sports Day to look forward to and it is great to see so many of OUR girls competing! Nightingale House will be welcoming their brand new Nightingale House mascot who will be hopefully arriving in time for the day itself to cheer our Nightingale Athletes (and Welly throwers!) onto victory. Finally, whilst the competitive spirit remains strong between the houses (and we’re enjoying some fine summer weather) I would like to include just a couple of shots of the Nightingale House garden which, compared with some pictures of our so-called ‘competition’ can only serve to remind everyone that Nightingale House is simply the best! Have a great summer! Mr Naughton and the rest of the Nightingale House team

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Mr McConnell

Katie Thompson, 11P, reports on a recent trip to a university campus On 24th June a selection of students in the new Year 11 group had the opportunity to visit a university. The university was the Epsom campus for the University of Creative Arts. There were various courses on offer, for example fashion management and marketing. Two students from Parks House that took part were Olivia Petrie and Sam Stock. Both found the experience very useful as it provided an insight into university life. Sam and Olivia both commented on their experience whilst they were there. The building was predominantly glass with stained windows with flowery patterns. Inside there was a medium sized auditorium with a large open space and a box staircase leading up to the two other floors. However due to the high temperatures in June the campus was very hot and humid. Jessica Hall, 8P, reports on events in Term 6 All of 8P are very excited about Activities Week. Most of us are very excited about going to the Strand and zorbing. Lots of us haven't been zorbing before and we think that we might be terrible at it! Many members of our form have taken part in inter house sports competitions. We came 2nd in rugby and 3rd in dodgeball! On Friday 3rd July, some of 8P also took part in inter house rounders. Well done to everyone in Parks House for getting involved! Dodgeball hero Jemma Cornwall leading Year 10

to second place

The accommodation was located in a tall rustic building; there were three floors with six corridors and six rooms on each corridor. There was also a kitchen and two bathrooms. The bedrooms were basic with a wardrobe, desk, twin bed and a book case as they are what the real university students use when they are studying there. The course itself was very enjoyable; it mainly consisted of animating, using a pixel stick, collaging and photography. The staff were all incredibly nice and the teacher for this specific course shared an uncanny similarity with Russell Howard. At the end of the trip all students went bowling - a relaxing and fun way to end the trip. Overall both students would recommend this course and said that if you have the opportunity to visit the campus you would find it very beneficial. The experience was overall very positive and there were no negative aspects. And a final word from Mr McConnell This term many students from across Parks House have taken part in inter house competitions, it has been great to watch some of these events and to see the fun that students were having. I really enjoyed watching the Year 10/11 dodgeball competition where Parks came second. Jemma Cornwall, 10P, led the team well and showed huge potential to be a future Parks sports captain. I would also like to thank all of the Parks students that have helped out at the Year 6 evening especially the Parks Dragons Megan Coole 11P and Jessica Bothma 11P. I would also like to thank all the students that have also been running around filling in forms and getting sports teams organised, the house would not run without you and your amazing form tutors. I look forward to spending time with you all during another fantastic activities week. Good luck with sports day I will be cheering you on from the side and will be running the first leg in the staff race, backed up by Mr Young, Mrs Chapman and Miss Maddison. GO PARKS!

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Travel Writing

Ms Graham and 9W2

9W2 have been working with Ms Graham on travel writing. They have invented their own islands which they have described. ‘ ‘Bragonide’ by Hannah Ebrey Would you like to see a real life Stegosaurus? Would you like to stay in a luxurious hotel with your own pool? Then come and visit Bragonide … only five hours from mainland Spain! You can make your dinosaur dreams come true! Ever seen Jurassic Park? Don’t fear! We don’t have any dinosaurs that could pose a threat to human beings. Our Stegosauruses are docile and have never, ever injured a human. As plant eaters, they can’t hunt unless it’s for leaves! Even so, our dinosaurs are kept under 24 hour CCTV and we have other great safety measures in place. We also have baby Stegosauruses that you can see feeding. You have to be careful with these guys though as they can nip! Does this sound good to you? Well, for the low, low price of £500 per person, you could have the time of your life! ‘Armani’ by Elise Johnson When you take your first steps out of the claustrophobic plane, you drift into a world of your own. All that can be heard is the rippling and waving of the shimmering sea which shines pure blue, glinting under the sun’s reflection. Blinding light from the sun’s powerful rays hit the sand’s tiny

‘Sunny Paradise’ by Holly Richardson In ‘Sunny Paradise’ there are lots of entertaining and fun-filled experiences you can share with your family. The mysterious island is set in the Caribbean. Take a trip down to the sunny, sandy beach where you will feel your skin melt like candle wax from the scorching sun! Visit the huge shopping centre, where you can buy anything that your heart desires. Don’t miss out on our spectacular sales and bargains - up to 75% off all items! You can challenge your golf skills by going to the golf course and playing amazing games with your friends and family. Whilst you stay here, why not head down to the local restaurant ‘Rays’, where they sell a variety of unique and delicious foods that you will all love … you’ll love the prices too! Why not stay in our villas where you can enjoy your own private flume, pool and hot tub as hot as the sun! Our villas may be situated on a huge volcano, but don’t worry, it’s not active! crystals, identical to tiny diamonds which glimmer in the sunshine. An awe inspiring view of the sea stretches miles ahead of you as you laze on the sandy shores. Take a break, you know you deserve a well-earned rest!

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Try Angle Awards Mr Elphick

The presentation of the Try Angle Awards took place on the evening of 7th July. Last night at the try angle awards, from last year’s Year 13 Katie Tancred (right) won her category for courage. Other school nominations were the Year 11 Olympic legacy leaders and Emily Woodger, also a Year 13 leaver. Also nominated were Lenisha Wilson, 9F, for dance and Renee Coleman for courage. There is much to celebrate in our community; congratulations to everyone involved.


Co-curricular News

Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award

Mrs Chapman

The second cohort of students from Years 9, 10 and 11 have already passed their practice expedition

and are getting ready for the Assessed Expedition during the weekend of 17, 18 and 19th July.

A new course will be starting in October for Year 9 and above, further details to follow.

This picture was taken during the practice expedition last month.

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Sport and Fitness News

The Kent Emerging Schools Netball Tournament

Mrs Chapman

On Tuesday 23rd June the Walderslade Girls’ U12 Netball team went to Rainham Girls’ School to play in their first Kent Schools' tournament. They played 11 other schools throughout the day, improving as they went. They won five matches against the following schools: Hugh Christie, Oasis Academy, King Ethelbert School, Meopham School and Ravensbourne School. They drew one match against Harris

Academy and lost five against Charles Darwin, St Lawrence College, St Pauls Academy, Bennett Memorial and the North School. Many teams presented very strong competition; coming 7th overall in the tournament was a fine performance. Well done to Keisha Russell, 7P, Amy Ansell, 7J, Bethany Ribbens, 7P, Emilia Wareham, 7C, Amber Moore, 7A, Charley Lockyer, 7J, Elisha Watkins, 7A and Kasey-Lee Judd, 7N.

Super 8s Athletics Competition

Mrs Chapman

This competition which is held all over Kent is just for Year 7. It involves eight competitors each taking part in one track and one field event as well as a relay. Walderslade Girls' took part in June and achieved great results. Many personal bests were gained and our Year 7 show great promise for the future and also for Medway District Athletics.

Of particular note are the following results: Elisha Watkins, 7A, 3rd in the long jump, Ayomede Adisa, 7C, 3rd in Shot Putt and Kasey-Lee Judd, 7N, 1st in the javelin. Overall as a team we were very pleased as we came away with the Bronze medals.

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Kent Schools Athletics

Mrs Chapman

Emily Featherstone in Year 8/9 recently won the Kent Schools Athletics Championships in 75m Hurdles and Long Jump at the Julie Rose Stadium in Ashford. This is a fantastic achievement and Emily should be congratulated; it was the result of hard work and many hours training. She also recently competed for the Kent Penthalon, finished 5th and was the only girl in the top ten; she was also the youngest. Her results are as follows: 75m Hurdles - 12.1 s, high jump - 1.45m, Shot put - 6.93m, long jump - 4.90m and 800m 2.30m. This now qualifies her to compete for the Southeast in the English Schools' National final for pentathlon. We wish Emily good luck.

Sports Day

Mrs Chapman

Sports Day is on July 17th and promises to be bigger and better than ever! The annual Sports Day will start with a colourful House Parade and perhaps some cheerleading by the houses. All students will have been busy on Thursday 16th making banners, flags, bunting to decorate their House area. Some students will work on stunning cheerleading displays which will also be judged. The traditional races of 100m, 200m, 300m, 800m and 1500m as well as field events of the high jump, shot put and javelin will take place during the morning.

The long jump, triple jump and discus will have already taken place earlier in the week. A really exciting addition to our competitive events this year is the Superstar race - we are on a bid to find the fastest girls in school regardless of year group. This race will be one of the final races along with the hugely anticipated staff relay! The students will enjoy a picnic lunch with ice-creams at 12.30pm. This will be followed by the 'fun' events and races such as obstacle and egg and spoon as well as alternative activities like 'Beat the Goalie'. Full results and pictures will be published in the first edition in the Autumn Term.

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A First for Ruth Jackson

Mr Elphick

Many of our students will have been supported in their PE lessons by Ruth Jackson over the past couple of years. She has now completed her work experience (and a great deal of volunteer work) with us and some students participated in the research used for her dissertation. Ruth has supported this school for many years and has always been an active sportswoman. She achieved

an A* in PE GCSE, a Distinction* at Sixth Form and we were delighted to hear recently that Ruth has been awarded a first in her degree in Sports Science. Congratulations to Ruth and a huge thank you to her for all the support she has offered the whole school community for so many years. We wish her well as she takes on her next challenge as a PGCE student.

Diary Dates

August 2015

24 Sep Year 11 Parents’ Information Evening 4:00 – 6:30pm

13 Aug

A Level Results Day 30 Sep Dance Visit to Pineapple Studios

20 Aug

GCSE Results Day 1 Oct Year 10 Parents’ Evening 4:00 – 6:30pm

Term 1 2015 6 Oct

Keep Calm & Cook 3:15 – 5:15pm

1 Sep

Staff Development Day 1 8 Oct Year 7 Parents’ Tea Party 4:00 – 5:30pm

2 Sep Term 1 begins for Years 7 & 12 11 to 17 Oct

MFL Visit to Normandy

3 Sep Term 1 begins for Years 8 to 11 & 13

13 Oct Open Evening 6:00 – 8:00pm School closes to students 12:30pm

8 Sep School Photographs

14 to 16 Oct Open Mornings 9:00am – 12:00pm

14 Sep School Photographs for Year 11 20 Oct Keep Calm & Cook 3:15 – 5:15pm

18 Sep Year 12 Army Day 23 Oct

Term 1 ends School closes to students 12:30pm

23 Sep

Sports Presentation Event 4:00 – 5:30pm

Dates and times may occasionally change. For the most up to date information, please visit our website www.waldersladegirls.org.uk/information/calendar.php

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