heater research power point

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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How do you get a new teacher to shine?

The importance of quality preparation and mentoring programs.

With new teachers quitting the profession only after a few short years, employers are looking at ways of increasing first time teacher success.

The goal of this research is to see what strategies are being used to increase the possibility that newly hired teachers will have positive and successful first years of teaching.


Why are new teachers leaving?

Low Salaries

Poor Student Discipline

Lack of classroom resources

Overwhelming work load

Lack of teacher development training

If we can't keep teachers based on salaries...

Provide classroom and training resources

Improve the work environment

Guide and Train teachers on planning, time management, and classroom management.

Public schools have to compete with commercial industry for the best and brightest workers, and commercial industries offer levels of compensation and benefits that employment in public education does not match (ncae.org)

What is currently being tried to stop the losses of new young teachers?

The findings [] jibe well with earlier estimates that as many as 30 percent of new teachers quit within their first five years... (Archer, 1999)


Mentoring Programs


It starts with a solid foundation.

State Certified Licensing

Summer Orientation

New Teacher Development Training

To stem the tide of young teachers leaving the system, we must focus on helping new teachers develop necessary skills early and well. (ncae.org)

On the job...

Induction Process Student Professional

Suggested 3 years with a mentor

Dedicated time with a mentor

A reflection tool

Observe master teachers (including mentor)

Identify needs and develop strategies


Mentoring Programs


Teacher Satisfied With Career

Successful Students

Retainment of Quality Teachers

Benefits from
Quality Preparation and Mentoring

Each new teacher they can hold on to, they say, is one less that must be hired later. (Archer, 1999)

Possibility of fewer complaints to administration from frustrated, worried or struggling teachers

Increased student learning Higher test scores Better standing and possibly more funding

Retaining quality teachers could reduce the number of emergency certified or under-qualified teachers in classrooms

Teachers that have more confidence in their abilities to plan, teach, and discipline.


Some states are starting to report improvement when implementing these techniques. If further study was done on the effectiveness of these techniques, especially statistically, the popularity of these techniques could be increase and the level of teacher preparedness would be increased to the betterment of our nation's education.


Archer, J. (1999, March). New teachers abandon field at high rate. Education Week, 18(27). Retrieved from http://teaching-point.net

Baltimore City Public Schools. http://openaccess.baltimorecityschools.org/Careers/New_Teacher_Summer_Inst.asp

Loschert, K. (2007, March). Cover story: a network of sharing. This Active Life. Retrieved from http://nea.org

North Carolina Association of Educators (NCAE). Supporting new teachers in the profession: a stronger induction program is a necessity. Retrieved from http://www.ncae.org/cms/Supporting+New+Teachers+in+the+Profession/121.html

Oakland Unified School District. http://ntsd.ousd.k12.ca.us/

[Photograph of unknown individual teacher]. Retrieved from educationunlimitedinc.com

[Photograph of unknown individual teacher with students]. Retrieved from paraprofessionalonline.com

Wagaman, J. (2009). Why teachers quit: reversing the trend of teachers leaving their jobs. Retrieved from http://www.suite101.com/content/why-teachers-quit-a90154

Weiss, E.M., & Weiss, S.G. (1999). Beginning teacher induction. Retrieved from ERIC Digest (ED436487)

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