help stomp out poaching by krystal

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Help Stomp out PoachingBy: Krystal

Help save these Magnificent animals from going to extinction

Help us stomp out poaching. Its not right, and we CAN

make a difference.

Did you know that 25,000 animals in Africa get killed by poachers every


Poachers in Africa hunt these beautiful animals illegally and in

there natural habitats just for there fur, tusks, meat, bones, and organs.

Elephants are most wanted for there ivory.

Poachers, you need to stop and think, “Is this right? Am I doing the right thing? How do other people feel, and even the family’s

of the animals I’m killing.”

They have lives to live, and family’s to make, just like you.

They have feelings, and fear, just like you. They have fun, and they live it, just like you.

They may not be able to walk like us, or talk like us but we and them are so alike in many ways…

And now you are killing them for money…

…and you don’t even realize that soon enough these harmless animals will go

to extinction and will never be seen again.

There use to be 100,000 tigers in Africa but now its down to about 3,200 headed for extinction just because of poaching.

Dedicated to the tigers in Africa

For more information go to

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