henoch sch nlein ppt

Post on 25-Sep-2015






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  • Henoch-Schnlein Purpura (HSP)

    anaphylactoid purpura

    is a common vasculitis of small vessels with cutaneous and systemic complications. It is the most common cause of nonthrombocytopenic purpura in children.

    The etiology is unknown

    more frequent in children than adults, with most cases occurring between 2 and 8 yr of age, most frequently in the winter months. The overall incidence is estimated to be 9/100,000 population. Males are affected twice as frequently as females.

    The pathogenesis of HSP is not known,

    in specific populations, patients with HSP have a significantly higher frequency of HLA-DRB1*01 and decreased frequency of the *07 haplotype than controls.increased serum concentrations of the cytokines tumor necrosis factor- (TNF-) and interleukin (IL)-6. In one study, almost half of the patients had elevated antistreptolysin O (ASO) anti-bodies, implicating group A streptococcus. HSP is an IgA-mediated vasculitis of small vessels. Immunofluorescence techniques show deposition of IgA and C3 in the

    small vessels of the skin and the renal glomeruli;

  • CTLA-4 +49 A/G genotype and HLA-DRB1 polymorphisms in Turkish patients with Henoch-Schnlein purpura.

    Soylemezoglu O, Peru H,

    presence of Cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated protein 4( CTLA-4) AG genotype and HLA-DRB1*13 could be a risk factor for developing nephrotic-range proteinuria in these patients.

    Pediatr Nephrol. 2008 Aug;23(8):1239-44.

  • The immunobiology of Henoch-Schnlein purpura.
    Yang YH, Chuang YH, Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital,

    group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus (GAS) has widely studied and found in 2050% of patients with acute HSP by serological tests or bacterial cultures, Bartonella henselae (12 of 18 HSP patient sera were positive ) Parvovirus B19 (only one of 29 HSP patients )

    Other HSP-associated pathogens have been reported

    Staphylococcus aureus,Helicobacter Pylori, Hemophilus parainfluenza, Coxsackie virus, adenovirus, hepatitis A virus, hepatitis B virus

    Autoimmun Rev 2008 Jan


    The disease onset may be acute, or insidious, with sequential occurrence of symptoms over a period of weeks or months. Low-grade fever and fatigue are present in more than half of affected children. The typical rash and the clinical symptoms of HSP are a consequence of the usual location of the acute small vessel damage primarily in the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys.

    Rash (95-100%), especially involving the legs, may not be present on initial presentation Subcutaneous edema (20-50%) Abdominal pain and vomiting (85%) Joint pain (60-80%), especially involving the knees and ankles Scrotal edema (2-35%) Bloody stools
  • Fifteen-year experience of children with Henoch-Schnlein purpura in southern Taiwan, 1991-2005
    Bao-Ren Nong, Yung-Feng Huang, Chih-Ming Chuang, Chia-Chia Liu, Kai-Sheng Hsieh
    Department of Pediatrics, Veterans General Hospital-Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan

    No hematuria or proteinuria (n = 77) Hematuria or proteinur (n = 30)

    No. (%) No. (%) P


    Skin rash 73 (95) 30 (100) 0.21

    GI symptoms 57 (74) 20 (67) 0.45

    Arthritis 34 (44) 16 (53) 0.40

    J.Microbiol Immunol Infect. 2007;40:371-376

  • Fifteen-year experience of children with Henoch-Schnlein purpura in southern Taiwan, 1991-2005
    Bao-Ren Nong, Yung-Feng Huang, Chih-Ming Chuang, Chia-Chia Liu,
    Department of Pediatrics, Taiwan

    Variable Skin rash Gastrointestinal symptoms Arthritis

    No. (%) No. (%) No. (%)


    Fever group (n = 77) 45 (58) 29 (38) 7 (9)

    Non-fever group (n = 30) 15 (50) 9 (30) 6 (20)

    P 0.43 0.45 0.12

    URI group (n = 64) 33 (52) 29 (45) 6 (9)

    Non-URI group (n = 43) 27 (63) 9 (21) 7 (16)

    p 0.25 0.01 0.28

    Male (n = 63) 33 (52) 25 (40) 7 (11)

    Female (n = 44) 26 (59) 13 (30) 6 (14)

    P 0.60 0.28 0.69

  • Rash

    beginning as pinkish maculopapules that initially blanch on pressure and progress to petechiae or purpura, characterized clinically as palpable purpura that evolve from red to purple to rusty brown before they eventually fade last from 3-10 days, and may appear at intervals that vary from a few days to as long as 3-4 mo. In
  • Rash

  • Arthritis

    present in more than of children with HSP, is usually localized to the knees and ankles and appears to be concomitant with edema.The effusions are serous, not hemorrhagic,resolve after a few days without residual deformity or articular damage. They may recur during a subsequent reactive phase of the disease.
  • Gastrointestinal tract

    intermittent abdominal pain that is often colicky in nature. There may be peritoneal exudate, enlarged mesenteric lymph nodes, segmental edema, and hemorrhage into the bowel. More than half of patients have occult heme-positive stools, diarrhea (with or without visible blood), or hematemesis. Intussusception may occur, which may rarely be followed by complete obstruction or infarction with bowel perforation. If not resolved by hydrostatic reduction during a contrast study, surgical intervention is necessary.
  • Significance of bowel wall abnormalities at ultrasound in Henoch-Schnlein purpura.
    Nchimi A, Khamis J, Paquot I, Bury F, Magotteaux P.
    Medical Imaging Department, CHC, Rue de Hesbaye, 75, 4000 Lige, Belgium

    METHODS: Clinical and ultrasound data from 43 consecutive children with HSP (36 with and 7 without abdominal symptoms) were reviewed. Patients with abdominal symptoms were divided into 4 groups (0-III) The diagnostic value of ultrasound in diagnosing gastrointestinal involvement of HSP (grades I-III) was calculated using as the standard of reference the absence or presence of clinical symptoms.RESULTS: The duration of both symptoms and hospitalization was significantly higher in group III than in the other groups (P < 0.05).

    J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2008 Jan;46(1):48-53.

  • Renal involvement

    occurs in 25-50% of children

    may manifest with:

    hematuria, proteinuria, or both; nephritis or nephrosis; acute renal failure. Renal involvement at presentation may lead to chronic hypertension or end-stage renal disease in the future
  • Increased serum levels of insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-1 and IGF-binding protein-3 in Henoch-Schonlein purpura.
    Yildiz B, Kural N, Aydin B, Colak O.

    Department of Pediatric Nephrology and Rheumatology,, Faculty of Medicine, Turkey

    Serum IGF-1 levels were significantly higher in HSP with proteinuria than those without proteinuria and controls (p = 0.001 and p = 0.001, respectively).

    Also, IGFBP-3 levels were greater in HSP with proteinuria compared to those without proteinuria and controls (p = 0.005 and p = 0.0001).

    Serum immunoglobulin-A/complement-C3 ratio was higher in HSP than in the controls (p = 0.0001) but this ratio did not change according to proteinuria, hematuria or positive SOB.

    In conclusion, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 levels could be new markers for determination of renal involvement in HSP.

    Tohoku J Exp Med. 2008 Apr

  • What is the difference between IgA nephropathy and Henoch-Schnlein purpura nephritis?

    Davin JC, Ten Berge IJ, Weening JJ.
    Department of Pediatrics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    Kidney Int. 2001 Oct;60(4):1611-2.

  • What is the difference between IgA nephropathy and Henoch-Schnlein purpura nephritis

    Clinical featuresIgANHSPN Extra-renal symptoms-+ Age at onset15 y Nephritic/nephrotic syndrome+/-+++ Risk of chronic renal failure (CRF)+++ Hypersensitivity-+ Secondary forms+++/-Endocapillary proliferation+/-++ Epithelial crescents+/-++ Perivascular glomerular IgA+/-++ Subepithelial/subendothelial dense deposits+/-++ Fibrin deposits+/-++ IgA-containing complexes size7S-19S
  • Relationship between initial clinical signs and risk of chronic renal failure in Henoch-Schnlein purpura nephritis

  • Complications of Henoch-Schnlein Purpura

    Myocardial infarction
    Pulmonary hemorrhage
    Pleural effusion
    Unnecessary abdominal surgery
    Gastrointestinal bleeding
    Bowel infarction
    Renal failure

    Testicular torsion

  • Masked severe stenosing ureteritis: a rare complication of Henoch-Schnlein purpura.
    Siomou E, Serbis A, Salakos C, Papadopoulou F, Stefanidis CJ,
    Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital of Ioannina, Stavros Niarchos Avenue, Ioannina, Greece.

    This article reports on a 3.5-year-old boy with HSP and severe nephritis who developed a unilateral stenosing ureteritis with atypical manifestations, resulting in a nonfunctional kidney and consequent nephrectomy.

    Pediatr Nephrol. 2008 May;23(5):821-5


    Diagnostic uncertainty arises when the symptom complex of edema, rash, arthritis with abdominal complaints, and renal findings occurs for a prolonged period.


    Routine laboratory tests are neither specific nor diagnostic.

    Affected children often have a moderate thrombocytosis and leukocytosis. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) may be elevated. Anemia may result from chronic or acute gastrointestinal blood loss. Immune complexes are often present, and 50% of patients have elevated concentrations of IgA as well as IgM usually negative for antinuclear antibodies (ANAs), antibodies to nuclear cytoplasmic antigens (ANCAs), and rheumatoid factor (even in the presence of rheumatoid nodules). Anticardiolipin or antiphospholipid antibodies may be present and contribute to the intravascular coagulopathy. Intussusception is usually ileoileal in location; Renal involvement manifests in red blood cells, white blood cells, casts, or albumin in the urine and azotemia
  • Endothelin 1 levels in relation to clinical presentation and outcome of Henoch Schonlein purpura.
    Fessatou S, Nicolaidou P, Gourgiotis D, Georgouli H,
    3rd Department of Pediatrics Attikon University Hospital, Greece.

    The aim of the present study was to investigate whether ET-1 levels are correlated with the clinical presentation and the outcome of HSP.


    ET-1 levels in plasma and urine did not differ between patients and controls at three distinct time points.urinary ET-1 levels were a significant predictor of the duration of the acute phase of HSP (HR = 0.98, p = 0.032, CI0.96-0.99). CONCLUSION: Urinary ET-1 levels are a useful marker for the duration of the acute phase of HSP but not for the length of renal involvement.

    BMC Pediatr. 2008 Sep 2;8:33.

  • Definitive diagnosis confirmed by biopsy

    cutaneous site showing leukocytoclastic angiitis. Renal biopsy may show mesangial deposition of IgA and occasionally IgM, C3, and fibrin.
  • H & E stain of skin biopsy showing leukocytoclastic vasculitis with infiltration of neutrophils.

  • Henoch-Schnlein purpura.

    A: Cutaneous purpura;

    B: Urine sediment red blood cell cast;

    C: Acute glomerular inflammation and crescent formation;

    D: Details of basal membrane

    mesangial proliferation

    and IgA deposits

  • Immunofluorescence micrograph of a glomerulus from a patient with HSP nephropathy stained for the presence of IgA.

  • Differential Diagnosis of Henoch-Schnlein Purpura

    Acute abdomen Meningococcal meningitis or septicemia Rheumatoid arthritis Rheumatic fever Idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpuraSystemic lupus erythematosus poly-arteritis nodosa,Child abuse Drug reactions Bacterial endocarditis Rocky Mountain spotted feverfamilial Mediterranean feverinflammatory bowel disease.Kawasaki disease.
  • Acute hemorrhagic edema (AHE)

    is an acute cutaneous benign leukocytoclastic vasculitis seen in children 2 yr of age AHE presents with fever; tender edema of the face, scrotum, hands, and feet; and ecchymosis (usually larger than the purpura of HSP) on the face and extremities petechiae may be seen in mucous membranes. The patient usually appears well except for the rash. The platelet count is normal or elevated; the urinalysis is normal.

    The younger age, nature of the lesions, absence of other organ involvement, and biopsy may help distinguish AHE from HSP.

  • Acute hemorrhagic edema (AHE)


    Symptomatic treatment

    adequate hydration, bland diet, pain control with acetaminophen is provided for self-limited complaints of arthritis, edema, fever, and malaise. Avoidance of competitive activities and avoidance of maintaining the lower extremities in a dependent position may decrease local edema. If edema involves the scrotum, elevation of the scrotum and local cooling, as tolerated, may decrease discomfort.

    Therapy with oral or intravenous corticosteroids (1-2 mg/kg/day) is often associated with dramatic improvement of both gastrointestinal and CNS complications.the effects of corticosteroids on renal manifestations are not clear. intussusception may be life-threatening and managed with cortico-steroids and, when necessary, hydrostatic reduction (by air or with contrast) or resection of the intussusception.

    is the same as for other forms of acute glomerulonephritis If anti-cardiolipin or antiphospholipid antibodies are identified and thrombotic events have occurred, aspirin (81 mg) given once may decrease the risks associated with a hypercoagulable state. Rheumatoid nodules may respond to alternate-day colchicine (0.6 mg every other day).
  • Leukocytapheresis for the treatment of refractory Henoch-Schnlein purpura resistant to both prednisolone and intravenous immunoglobulin therapy.
    Oki E, Tsugawa K, Suzuki K, Ito E, Tanaka H.

    A 5-year-old Japanese girl was admitted to a regional hospital with a generalized purpuric rash associated with severe abdominal painadministration of oral PDN at 30 mg dailyadditional treatment was initiated with IVIG at the dose of 1 g kg1 per day. While transient clinical improvement was noted followingLeukocytapheresis may be attempted as an effective treatment option in selected patients with steroid-resistant refractory HSP combined with severe abdominal symptoms.

    Rheumatol Int. 2008 Jun;28(8):

  • Prognosis

    HSP is generally a benign disease with an excellent prognosis. More than 80% of patients have a single isolated episode lasting a few weeks. Approximately 10-20% of patients have recurrences. Fewer than 5% of patients develop chronic HSP. Abdominal pain resolves spontaneously within 72 hours in most patients
  • Clinical outcome in children with Henoch-Schnlein nephritis
    SevgiMir1, OnderYavascan1,

    Renal involvement was determined in 58.1%. Nephrotic and/or nephritic syndrome were found to be an unfavorable predictor both for short and long-term outcome (P
  • Outcome of Henoch-Schnlein purpura nephritis treated with long-term immunosuppression
    MohanShenoy1, MarkG.Bradbury1, Royal Manchester Children's Hospital

    This retrospective study investigated the outcome of 27 children (19 male) with Henoch-Schnlein purpura nephritis (HSN) of International Study

    with long-term immunosuppressive therapy single centre over a 10-year period. The treatment protocol comprised daily steroids and cyclophosphamide for 812weeks followed by azathioprine and a reducing regimen of alternate-day steroids for 812months.

    After a mean follow-up period of 7years following presentation,

    37% made a complete recovery40.7% had persistent proteinuria, 7.4% had persistent proteinuria and were on antihypertensive therapy 14.8% had progressed to end-stage kidney failure (ESKF).

    Children with poor outcome were

    older at presentation (p 0.005), had more crescents (p 0.015) had heavier proteinuria 6months post initial biopsy (p 0.023). All of the four children with ESKF had nephrotic range proteinuria and greater than 50% crescents on initial biopsy.

    Pediatr Nephrol. 2007 Oct;22(10):1717-22

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