
Post on 20-Jun-2015






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Akapulko / Acapulco (Cassia alata)

Akapulko or Acapulco in English is a shrub found throughout the Philippines. It is known under various names in different regions in the country. Locals call the plant katanda, andadasi, and palochina in Tagalog, Ilocos and in the Visayas regions, respectively. The shrub belongs to the family of Leguminosae, and grows about one to two meters tall. It has thick branches and the leaves are embraced with 8 to 20 leaflets that are oblong-elliptical in shape. The flowers of the Akapulko have oblong sepals, and its fruits are tetragonal, which are also winged and glabrous. A medicinal herb that contains chrysophanic acid, a fungicide used to treat fungal infections, like ringworms, scabies, and eczema. Akapulko also contains saponin, a laxative that is useful in expelling intestinal parasites.

The primary part used for herbal purposes are the leaves, although the roots and flowers are also used for certain preparations with medicinal value. The extracts from the Akapulko plant is commonly used as an ingredient

Benefits & Treatment of Akapulko:

• External Use:Treatment of skin diseases:Tinea infections, insect bites, ringworms, eczema, scabies and itchiness.• Mouthwash in stomatitis• Internal use:Expectorant for bronchitis and dyspnoea• Alleviation of asthma symptoms• Used as diuretic and purgative• For cough & fever• As a laxative to expel intestinal parasites and other stomach problems.Note: A strong decoction of Akapulko leaves is an abortifacient. Pregnant women should not take decoction of the leaves or any part of this plant.

Ampalaya (Momordica charantia)

Herbal Benefits of Ampalaya:

• Good for rheumatism and gout• And diseases of the spleen and liver• Aids in lowering blood sugar levels• Helps in lowering blood pressure• Relives headaches• Disinfects and heals wounds & burns • Can be used as a cough & fever remedy• Treatment of intestinal worms, diarrhea • Helps prevent some types of cancer• Enhances immune system to fight infection• For treatment of hemorrhoids• Is an antioxidant and parasiticide• Is antibacterial and antipyretic

Preparation & Use of Ampalaya:

• For coughs, fever, worms, diarrhea, diabetes, juice Ampalaya leaves and drink a spoonful daily.• For other ailments, the fruit and leaves can both be juiced and taken orally.• For headaches wounds, burns and skin diseases, apply warmed leaves to afflicted area.• Powdered leaves, and the root decoction, may be used as stringent and applied to treat hemorrhoids.• Internal parasites are proven to be expelled when the ampalaya juice, made from its leaves, is extracted. The ampalaya juice, and grounded seeds is to be taken one spoonful thrice a day, which also treats diarrhea, dysentery, and chronic colitis.

Ampalaya (Bitter Melon) with a scientific name Momordica charantia, is a climbing vine and the tendrils of which grow up to 20 centimeters long. This herbal plant belongs to the family of Cucurbitaceae, and it is a tropical as well as a subtropical vine. Ampalaya leaves are heart-shaped, which are 5 to 10 centimeters in diameter. The fruits of the ampalaya vine are fleshy green with pointed ends at length. It can never be mistaken for any other variety because its ribbed and wrinkled surface had always been ampalaya’s distinct physical structure. The bitter taste of the ampalaya fruit had also been the distinguishing factor from the rest of the fruits with medicinal value, and this is due to the presence of a substance known as momorcidin.

Ampalaya has been a folkloric cure for generations but has now been proven to be an effective herbal medicine for many aliments. Most significant of which is for Diabetes. The Philippine variety has proven to be most potent. Ampalaya contains a mixture of flavanoids and alkaloids make the Pancreas produce more insulin that controls the blood sugar in diabetics. Aside from Ampalaya's medicinal value, it is good source of vitamins A, B and C, iron, folic acid, phosphorous and calcium.

Ampalaya has been for used even by the Chinese for centuries. The effectively of Ampalaya as an herbal medicine has been tried and tested by many research clinics and laboratories worldwide. In the Philippines, the Department of Health has endorsed Ampalaya as an alternative medicine to help alleviate various ailments including diabetes, liver problems and even HIV. Aside from these, ampalaya also helps treat skin diseases and cough. Its herbal value extends to increasing the sterility of women, in parasiticide, antipyretic, and has purgative functions, as well. Note: In large dozes, pure Ampalaya.

Balanoi or Sweet Basil (Ocimum basilicum)

Balanoi is a plant, which belongs to the family of Lamiaceae, grows to an erect length of 50 to 80 centimeters, the leaves of which are oval-shaped, and have slightly-toothed edges. The flowers of balanoi or common basil are either white or purple. The compounds that can be extracted from this plant vary, but it has been determined through various experiments and researches that its dried leaves contain 0.20% to 1% of essential oils. Balanoi has been renowned throughout the Philippines and in various parts of the world because of its medicinal and health benefits. It can be found all over the country, and have several uses. Balanoi's use is not only limited to medicinal purposes, rather, extracts of common basil can be found in cosmetics, and are mixed in liquors and fragrances as well.

For instance, in South Africa and in India, the rhizomes of the Balanoi plant are extracted and are used as mosquito repellant. This plant has also been found to aid people that suffer from various health ailments. Studies have shown that there are particular activities on which Balanoi plant extracts and oils address. For one, it serves as an anti-anxiety and anti-depressant medicine because of ethanol substance that it has. It has also been used as a stimulant, and has been found to be an effective means to remove cold sores. In the Philippines, it is an option to alleviate pain caused by headaches, cramps, and even shortness of breath. The same goes true for sprains, and the way to do this is to rub the oil or the extract of the Balanoi plant leaves, mixed with alcohol, to the ailing part of the body. Balanoi also manifests anti-bacterial activities, in such a manner that intestinal worms are eradicated from the body when the ethanol extracts derived from it are taken in as a form of medication. There have also been clinical experiments showing that balanoi extracts, especially its ethanol content, can be used as anti-cancer, anti-ulcer, anti-diabetic and even

shows promise for the protection of humans

Preparation of Balanoi as Herbal Medication:

There are several ways to prepare the plant for medication, depending on the nature for which it is going to be used. The amount of raw materials and extracts that are needed also vary depending on the use. When the balanoi leaves are to be used to stimulate the body, it is recommended for the individual to permeate about twenty (20) balanoi leaves with 200 grams of water, and three to four cups are supposed to be drank a day. A combined weight of 40 grams basil leaves incorporated with 200 grams of water is to be used for gargling in order to remove cold sores. Health experts suggest that this be done three times every day, until the cold sores are gone. Now, for people who are suffering from shortness of breath, they are suggested to drink one glass of boiled balanoi leaves, consisting of twelve leaves mixed with one and a half liters of water, twice a day. Balanoi also helps regulate the women’s menstrual cycle, and if one is interested in this, they are supposed to prepare a mixture of 100 grams of balanoi leaves with a liter of water. It is recommended for people to drink four cups of this preparation several days before one’s expected period. As for its antibacterial purposes, ten grams of balanoi leaves fused with 100 grams of water should be boiled and drank a glass per day, during early mornings or when the person still has an empty stomach. Lastly, for the aid that it effects for pains caused by rheumatism, simple headache and occasional sprains, one should grind a concoction of balanoi, rosemary and ruta, in equal proportion. It should be rubbed to the ailing or throbbing part for eight days, the application of which may be continuous day and night.

Banaba (Lagerstroemia speciosa)

Banaba, the scientific name of which is Lagerstroemia speciosa, is a tropical flowery tree. It grows to a height as high as 20 meters. Its leaves are large, and ranges from the shape of elliptical-ovate to oblong. These leaves are shed by the plant during the first months of the year, and are bright orange or red during these times. Various research on Banaba conducted in Japan prove true the belief that this plant contains high levels of corosilic acid, a substance known as one of the many treatments for diabetes mellitus. Besides its medicinal value, banaba is also cultivated and known for its beautiful flowers.

Banaba has been used in Filipino folkloric herbal medicine for the treatment of diabetes for centuries. It is now gaining popularity and getting recognition as a herbal medicine not only in the Philippines but worldwide. Banaba is also known as Queen's Flower, Crepe Myrtle and the Pride of India. In India, Banaba has also been used to cure diabetes in Ayurvedic medicine for a long time.

Recent studies and laboratory test showed that it's active ingredient, corosolic acid is a potent compound that has insulin like effect to lower glucose in the body and is effective in treating diabetes. Banaba is rapidly becoming known as a natural plant insulin, and what makes it ideal is that, the herbal preparation may also be taken orally, without any risk of adverse side effects. However, caution is advised against taking Banaba with any diabetic drug or any other drug simultaneously. Always consult with a qualified physician or a medical practitioner before taking any medication or any herbal medicine for a correct dose. Also, extra precaution is highly recommended as

Benefits and Treatment of Banaba:


• Diabetes • Fights obesity• Helps regulate blood pressure• Good for the kidneys• Aids the digestive system• Helps ease urination

Banaba Preparation & Use:

Note: Fresh leaves, dried leaves, flowers, ripe fruit, root and bark of Banaba can all be used.• Wash the leaves in running water (if fresh). Cut into smaller pieces if desired.• Boil Banaba (one cup Banaba to cup of water) for 30 minutes. Drink like tea.

Bayabas or Guava (Psidium guajava)

Bayabas or guava is a tropical plant, which is locally known for its edible fruit. In the backyards of Filipino homes in the country, this plant is commonly seen, and grown because of its many uses as fruit and as traditional remedy to treat various ailments. As shown by many research studies, almost all of the parts of this plant have medicinal qualities and value, and thus, making it as one of the most popular therapeutic plants in the Philippines. Bayabas is a small tree that can grow up to 3 meters tall with greenish-brownish smooth bark. The round globular bayabas fruit starts as a flower and is usually harvested and eaten while still green. The fruit turns yellowish-green and soft when ripe.

The bayabas fruit bark and leaves are used as herbal medicine. Its leaves decoction is recognized for its effectiveness to cure several ailments, including the treatment of uterine hemorrhage, swollenness of the legs and other parts of the body, of chronic diarrhea, and gastroenteritis, among others. The most common use of the leaves is for cleaning and disinfecting wounds by rinsing the afflicted area with a decoction of the leaves. In the same way, such leaves are being used to aid in the treatment of dysentery and the inflammation of the kidneys. The bark and leaves can be used as astringent. It can also be used as a wash for uterine and vaginal problems, and is good for ulcers. The medicinal uses of Bayabas appear infinite, as it is also a suggested natural cure for fevers, diabetes, epilepsy, worms, and spasms. The fruit, aside from being delicious, contains nutritional values with a very high concentration of vitamin A and vitamin C.

Uses of Bayabas :

• Antiseptic, astringent & anthelminthic • Kills bacteria, fungi and ameba• Used to treat diarrhea, nosebleeding• For Hypertension, diabetes and Asthma• Promotes menstruation

The fresh leaves are used to facilitate the healing of wounds

and cuts. A decoction (boiling in water) or infusion of fresh leaves

Preparation• Boil one cup of Bayabas leaves in three cups of water for 8 to 10 minutes. Let cool. • Use decoction as mouthwash, gargle.• Use as wound disinfectant - wash affected areas with the decoction of leaves 2 to 3 times a day. Fresh leaves may be applied to the wound directly for faster healing.• For toothaches, chew the leaves in your mouth.• For diarrhea, boil the chopped leaves for 15 minutes in water, and strain. Let cool, and drink a cup every three to four hours.• To stop nosebleed, densely roll Bayabas leaves, then place in the nostril cavities.

Bawang, Bauang | Garlic (Allium sativum)

Health Benefits of Bawang-Garlic:


• Good for the heart• Helps lower bad cholesterol levels (LDL)• Aids in lowering blood pressure• Remedy for arteriosclerosis• May help prevent certain types of cancer• Boosts immune system to fight infection• With antioxidant properties• Cough and cold remedy• Relives sore throat, toothache• Aids in the treatment of tuberculosis• Helps relieve rheumatism pain• With anticoagulant properties

Preparation of Bawang-Garlic:


• For disinfecting wound, crush and juice the garlic bulb and apply. You may cover the afflicted area with a gauze and bandage.• For sore throat and toothache, peal the skin and chew. Swallow the juice.• Cloves of garlic may be crushed and applied to affected areas to reduce the pain caused by arthritis, toothache, headache, and rheumatism.• Decoction of the bawang bulbs and leaves are used as treatment for fever.• For nasal congestion, steam and inhale: vinegar, chopped garlic, and water.

Carrot (Daucus carota L.)

Carrots have been known to have medicinal properties that allow it to be used as an astringent and antiseptic substance. Carrot has been used as a cleansing medicine, because of its activities which basically helps the kidney in the removal of waste in the body. It also aids in the stimulation of one’s menstruation because of the same properties. For children, raw carrot roots are a safe and recommended treatment for threadworms. In the same manner, regular intake of cultivated carrot roots allows the stimulation of urine flow. It manifests activities that help the skin, by virtue of its anti-oxidant contents.

Carrot Health Benefits:

• Body cleanser, and is a medication for kidney problems• Treatment for cough and chest pains• Anti-inflammatory and antiseptic function helps solve burns, ulcer and infected wounds

Preparation & Use:

• Boil with milk, and drink for cough• Poultice of carrots may be applied to infected wounds and to the chest, in case it is going to be used to aid in an individual’s chest pains• Ground seeds of the plant may be taken as tea, in order to increase urine flow

Luyang Dilaw - Ginger (Zingiber officinale)

Luyang Dilaw, or Ginger Root (scientific name: Zingiber officinale) belongs to the family of, as its scientific name signifies, Zingiberaceae. The rootstocks of this erect, smooth plant are thick, and have strong aromatic qualities. Its edible roots, tops, and even its leaves are found to have medicinal value. The taste of luyang dilaw is distinct, brought about by the zingerone and shogoal substances that it has, giving the plant its pungent properties. As an herbal medicine, Luyang Dilaw has long been used as a cold, cough, fever, and sore throat remedy.

Medicinal Benefits of Luyang Dilao (Ginger Root):


• Relieves rheumatic pains & muscle pains• Alleviates sore throat, fever and colds• Ease nausea and vomiting• Intestinal disorders and slow digestion• Relief from tympanism and flatulence• Treat intestinal worms• Hinder diarrhea, gas pains• Relieve indigestion (dyspepsia), toothaches• Lower cholesterol levels• Aids treatment of tuberculosis

Preparation & Use:

• Boil the ginger root in water and drink. The more concentrated the better.• For sore throat and tooth ache, remove the skin and chew small portions.• For cuts & bruises, apply the juice of luyang-dilao directly to the skin or use dried rhizomes with 70% alcohol then apply to afflicted areas.• For rheumatism and muscle pains, pound roasted or fresh ginger and apply to painful areas -can be mixed with oil for easy application.

Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Linn)

Gumamela is a shrub that grows from one meter up to 4 meters high. Gumamela is also known as: Hibiscus, China Rose and Shoeflower. In the Philippines, gumamela is cultivated as an ornamental plant. The gumamela flower comes in many colors: red, yellow, orange, white, purple, pink and other color combinations.

Gumamela leaves, usually blended with Rose Hip has long been used in the Middle East and Okinawa as herbal tea. Today, the use of gumamela tea is gaining worldwide popularity - including Asia. Gumamela (Hibiscus) is associated with longevity.

Gumamela is used for the treatment of:


• Bronchitis - as an expectorant• Coughs, sore throat• Fever - as refrigerant drink• Treats dysentery • Urinary tract infection, bladder infections• High blood pressure• Prevention of constipation• Headaches• Boils, swelling & abscesses, mumps

Application & Use of Gumamela:


• Decoction is used to treat: Bronchitis, coughs, fever, dysentery, urinary and bladder infections, high blood pressure and constipation.• Poultice is applied externally on the afflicted area. This is used to treat: headaches (on the forehead), boils, swelling, abscesses and mumps.

• Intake of gumamela (alone or mixed with papaya or papaya seeds) specially in large quantities can be an abortifacient.

Lagundi (Vitex negundo)

Lagundi (scientific name: Vitex negundo) is a shrub that grows in the Philippines. It is one of the ten herbal medicines endorsed by the Philippine Department of Health as an effective herbal medicine with proven therapeutic value. Commonly known in the Ilocos region as dangla, lagundi has been clinically tested to be effective in the treatment of colds, flu, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis, and pharyngitis. Studies have shown that Lagundi can prevent the body's production of leukotrienes, which are released during an asthma attack. Lagundi contains Chrysoplenol D, a substance with anti-histamine and muscle relaxant properties. Even in Japan, lagundi is becoming recognized as an effective herbal medicine, especially since researches have shown that it contains properties that make it an expectorant and it has been reported to function as a tonic as well.

Herbal Benefits of Lagundi:

• Relief of asthma & pharyngitis• Recommended relief of rheumatism, dyspepsia, boils, diarrhea • Treatment of cough, colds, fever and flu and other bronchopulmonary disorders• Alleviate symptoms of Chicken Pox • Removal of worms, and boils

Preparation & Use:

• Boil half cup of chopped fresh or dried leaves in 2 cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink half cup three times a day.• For skin diseases or disorders, apply the decoction of leaves and roots directly on skin. • The root is specially good for treating dyspepsia, worms, boils, colic and rheumatism.

A decoction (boiling in water) of the roots and leaves of Lagundi are applied to wounds, and used as aromatic baths for skin diseases. Boiled seeds are eaten in order to prevent the spreading of toxins and venom from bites of poisonous animals. Juice extracted from the flowers of lagundi is taken in as an aid for disorders like fever, diarrhea, liver disorders, and even cholera. While a

decoction of the plant leaves is suggested to be taken by individuals to help increase the flow and production of milk, as well as to induce menstruation.

Mabolo (Diospyros blancoi)

Velvet Apple

Mabolo is grown commercially, but at a small scale only, as it can be found along the seashores by the locals in the Philippines. There are several uses for the mabolo plant and fruits, because of its commercial value. It is a very useful plant, in such a way that not only does it have ornamentation significance; but it also contains nutritional benefits and medicinal functions as well. The parts that are being utilized for this purpose are the leaves, bark, and the roots. Its bark is being utilized in such a manner that it is being decocted and prepared to address skin ailments like eczema, fever and cough. Now, some of the uses vary depending on the country. For instance, in countries in the Southeast Asia, diarrhea and dysentery are being remedied extracting the juice of the unripe mabolo fruit. In Bangladesh, preparations of the mabolo leaves and bark are being used as cleanser, particularly as eyewash and also used as an antidote for snakebites. In the Guianas, besides the already mentioned uses, mabolo preparations also function to address heart ailment and hypertension. Spider bites, stomach aches and diabetes are also three of the other health issues that mabolo has been found to help remedy.

Mabolo Health Benefits:


• Cough, stomach pains, fever, and skin ailments are treated by preparations of the mobolo leaves and bark.• Used as medicine for diarrhea, dysentery, heart ailments, hypertension and diabetes.

Preparation & Use:


• Decoctions of the bark and leaves of mabolo are used for all the health concerns that have been listed on the left.

Malunggay (Moringa oleifera Lam.)

The malunggay plant, which belongs to the Moringaceae family, can grow as high as nine meters. The bark of this tree has a gummy quality in it, and when peered closely, is comprised of white wood that is soft in nature. It derives one of its names, horseradish, from the taste of its roots. The malunggay leaves, which are used in certain Filipino viands, have a very distinct shape that makes it easily recognizable. They are circular, thin sheets that are attached to a main stalk. The malunggay flowers are white fragrances that produce the pods, which are also used for medicinal purposes.

The malunggay plant is known to different parts of the world under various names including, but not limited to, horseradish tree, drumstick tree, and dool in some regions. It is one of the more popular and publicized plant that is acknowledged to have nutritional, as well as, medicinal value. Fortunately, the plant is easily accessible as it can be found not only as part of the wild life, but also in the backyards of many Filipino homes. Malunggay proves to be a low-maintenance plant to grow, and is able to propagate in almost all kinds of soil. Most of the parts of the malunggay had been proven to be useful, both for consumption and for its preparation as a medicinal plant. Its flowers, leaves and young pods are associated and perceived to be important because of the health benefits that it provides.

Health Benefits of Malunggay

As have been mentioned earlier, there are various parts of the malunggay plant which are being used for health reasons. For one, the leaves of this plant proved to be a good source of calcium, iron, ascorbic acid and phosphorus. Its other parts such as the seeds, the young pods, and the flowers have been established to benefit individuals as far as anti-oxidant, anti-diabetic, circulatory stimulations, and such other activities that are most beneficial to mankind, are concerned. There have been claims that malunggay can be used to lower blood pressure, aid in pains caused by rheumatism, headaches and migraines, as well as its being an anti-tumor plant. Malunggay is also used for purgative and anti-fungal purposes, as well. All these prove the claim that this plant is indeed multi-purpose.

Makabuhay (Tinospora rumphii Boerl)

The makabuhay plant is a clinging vine, and the name itself suggests the primary purpose of such plant. Makabuhay is a Filipino translation of the English term ‘pro-life or to give life’. It is commonly known as the paliahan in the Visayas region. The plant belongs to the family of Menispermaceae, and can grow, or rather climb, up to fifteen meters long. The makabuhay leaves are thin sheets that are heart-shaped, and its flowers look distinct as they only have three petals. The makabuhay plant is known for its bitter nature, and the fruits of this plant are held in clusters, which can be as long as two centimeters. This plant may be propagated by planting its stem, which contains a bitter sap. However, it is important to note that makabuhay can be found in most forests all over the Philippines. It grows in tropical areas, and it is of little wonder why it is abundant in a country like the Philippines. The fruits of this plant have not been utilized nor established to have medicinal values. Only the leaves and the stems of makabuhay have been found to cure particular health concerns. For the stems, both the dried and the fresh stems are found to be beneficial.

The stem of makabuhay plant is a primary ingredient used to concoct preparations that would prevent spread of malaria, and may be used as cleanser for skin ulcer and skin wounds. Clinical tests have shown that the decoction of this plant cures diarrhea, indigestion and scabies. Also, it is an effective ointment for pains caused by rheumatism. However, young children below the age of three, pregnant women, patients with typhoid fever, those who are suffering from pneumonia, and people diagnosed with heart problems, should not in any way take decoction that contains makabuhay, because their weak state will be in conflict with the strong medicinal effects that it manifests.It has been mentioned earlier that this plant have several medicinal uses. Thus, the form, preparation, and manner of intake also vary according to the purpose for which it will be taken. For instance, when makabuhay is going to be used as an ointment for rheumatism, its preparation is different in such a manner that the stems have to be chopped. It is suggested that the chopped stems amount to one-half glass and such stems are supposed to be fried for five minutes in a glass of coconut oil, under low fire. Then, the stems are to be separated after frying, after which ½ glass of grated candle wax should be incorporated to it. As soon as the wax have already dissolved and cooled down, the prepared ointment can already be applied to the body, except for the face, for three successive nights.

Niyog-Niyogan (Quisqualis Indica L.)

Niyog-niyogan or Rangoon Creeper is an excellent vine for outdoor gardens. This ligneous plant, scientifically called Quisqualis indica L. It is also known as Burma or Rangoon Creeper, Liane Vermifuge and Chinese honeysuckle. Niyog-niyogan is perfect for covered walkways as it grows at least 2.5m long and reaches up to 8m long when it matures. This active climber, which belongs to the combretaceae family grows best in tropical areas and demands constant sunlight. Perhaps due to its tropical characterization that it is found in primary and secondary forests of countries like Africa, China, Taiwan, Malaysia, Philippines, Vietnam, Papua New Guinea and other Asian regions.

Benefits & Treatment of Niyog-Niyogan:


Almost all of its parts are used individually, or mixed with other ingredients, as remedy to different ailments. In the Philippines, these are taken to rid people of parasitic worms. Some also use these to help alleviate coughs and diarrhea. Medical experts, advice patients to consult their doctors as improper dosing may cause hiccups. Niyog-niyogan’s leaves are used to cure body pains by placing them on specific problematic areas of the body. Compound decoctions of the leaves of niyog-niyogan are used in India to alleviate flatulence.

Preparation & Use:


Seeds of niyog-niyogan can be taken as an anthelmintic. These are eaten raw two hours before the patient’s last meal of the day. Adults may take 10 seeds while children 4 to 7 years of age may eat up to four seeds only. Children from ages 8 to 9 may take six seeds and seven seeds may be eaten by children 10 to 12 years old.


Decoctions of its roots are also sometimes used as a remedy for rheumatism while its fruits are used as an effective way to relieve toothaches.

Oregano (Origanum vulgare)

The anti-oxidant properties of oregano helps fight free radicals in the body that cause cellular damage and accelerate ageing. Free radicals are believed to be involved with many degenerative diseases like osteoarthritis, atherosclerosis and heart diseases, to name a few.

The most useful parts of this plant are its leaves. The extracts and juices of such are used for asthma, dyspepsia, chronic coughs, bronchitis, and rheumatism. Ear aches have also been proven to be cured by the infusion prepared from its leaves. The leaves relieve painful swellings, boils, and sprains, when their poultices are applied directly to the affected area.

Health Benefits of Oregano

• Good for cough and cold relief• Helps prevent degenerative arthritis• Has Anti-aging properties• Helps relieve rheumatism and osteoarthritis• Bronchitis herbal remedy• Ease asthma attacks• Relieves upset stomach• Treatment of urinary tract problems• Relief for dyspepsia or indigestion• Healing wounds, insect bites & stings• Cure for sore throat• Avoid infections caused by childbirth by taking decoctions of the leaves by the recent mother.• For general good health

Preparation of Oregano Leaves:• Boil one cup of fresh leaves in 3 cups of water for 10 to 15 minutes. Drink half a cup 3 times a day for common colds.• For a concentrate, juice the oregano leaves and take 1 tablespoon every hour to relieve chronic coughs, rheumatism, bronchitis, asthma, and dyspepsia.• For Insect bites, wounds and stings, apply the leaves as a poultice directly on the afflicted area.• For sore throat, boil 2 tablespoonfuls of dried oregano leaves in a pint of water, take 2 hours before or after meals.• To prevent degenerative arthritis & for general good health drink oregano decoction daily.

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