hip digital banking facts

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Digital Banking Is Here. Is Your Bank Ready?


Digital Banking It’s here, how ready is your bank?

Almost everyone is doing it. But few banks do it right.

2009 12 million mobile banking users

2014 45 million mobile banking users

2017 1 billion mobile phone users will have used their device for banking purposes

#1: Mobile The new dominant platform

Mobile will soon be your bank’s central hub of service delivery and customer engagement.

Bank mobile apps to date have been little more than fragmented offerings with little customer value.

When launching mobile, be a leader instead of a follower. The apps with the best designs and user interfaces will attract the most customers.

Sample Mobile App With Customized Branding

When launching mobile apps, it is important to incorporate robust functionality such as mobile deposit or bill pay because your competitors are offering these services and customers expect them. Customized app design can set your app apart as many banks are using similar app templates.

More mobile features. More customers.

#1: Mobile The new dominant platform

YOUR OPPORTUNITY: To move mobile banking beyond transactions and into enhanced engagement through personalization and customer context (what they need and where they want it).

YOUR BOTTOM LINE: The mobile banking app is the new branch and your brand is the new ambassador for your customers’ experience.

#2: Responsive Web One site design, infinite possibilities

#2: Responsive Web One site design, infinite possibilities

91% of all U.S. citizens have their mobile device within reach 24/7.

People are more mobile than ever and need information to be accessible at any time, from any place, on any device.

A responsive web site automatically adapts to all web-enabled devices creating a custom user experience for hundreds of millions of mobile customers.

#2: Responsive Web One site design, infinite possibilities

YOUR OPPORTUNITY: Your customers can connect with you seamlessly as they move from one device to another anywhere, any time.

YOUR BOTTOM LINE: By 2015, Mobile Internet Usage will surpass Desktop Internet Usage and continue to grow. Customers are already rejecting stripped-down versions of full web sites. Now is definitely the time for a well-planned responsive design strategy.

#3: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Get found online. Be first in line.

Google logs 6 billion searches a day.

93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.

75% of users never scroll past the first page of search results.

57% of all banks and 55% of the top 20 credit unions in the U.S. utilize Google AdWords campaigns.

#3: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Get found online. Be first in line.

According to The Financial Brand, October 2013, “Google’s Hummingbird Update could torpedo search rankings for both banks and credit unions.”

The dependence on “keywords” has been reduced and compelling content is now king. So if you were high in the rankings before, you might not be now.

There are 304,667 daily searches for the keyword mortgage.

Combine a smart SEO plan for organic results with a paid combination of AdWords with an online ad schedule to boost search results and attract new visitors to your web site.

Effective campaign and web landing pages are crucial to success.

#3: Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Get found online. Be first in line.

YOUR OPPORTUNITY: Stand out in search results with a well-optimized web site (SEO) and a finely-tuned search marketing (SEM) campaign. Gain significant traction in mobile ad targeting on Facebook and Google and you can be ready to ride the new wave.

YOUR BOTTOM LINE: A “set-it-and-forget-it” strategy will no longer pay off. Make sure you have someone with the right experience to tightly manage and message your SEO and SEM campaigns.

#4: Social Media Marketing A Perfect Service Channel

By 2025, it is estimated that social networks will become the major distribution channel for retail banking products.

Customers want convenience, and that requires quick, simple, and reliable service that is available everywhere at anytime.

Retail banking should become a seamless convenience for the customer - wherever the customer is, especially within social networks.

#4: Social Media Marketing A Perfect Service Channel

YOUR OPPORTUNITY: Social media, once considered a non-traditional method of customer interaction is clearly becoming increasingly important for banks to understand. It’s no longer just a vehicle for customers to vent about poor experiences or praise their bank for exceeding expectations…it has now become a legitimate service channel.

YOUR BOTTOM LINE: Customers want banks to be more transparent. Online social networks are an investment into the bank’s reputation and will become an effective tool in building trust.

#5: Technology-dominated products Don’t leave your brand behind

40% of customers (of all ages) now factor mobile solutions into why they choose their primary financial institution.

As banking goes through fundamental change, banks must invest in new product and app development. “Go mobile or die,” has become a slogan for many CMOs as they quickly must realize that mobile banking products will continue to be the fastest growing and most transformative trend in the industry.

#5: Technology-dominated products Don’t leave your brand behind

YOUR OPPORTUNITY: As banks reinvent themselves with a stronger focus on technology-dominated products, it is time to focus on how to differentiate your bank’s products from another in order to gain long term customer loyalty.

YOUR BOTTOM LINE: Don’t just launch digital. Launch a digital lifestyle experience as a leader with highly branded, customized and sophisticated products and services that meet the needs of your customers’ digital lives and gain you customers for life.

Digital Banking It’s Here. Let Us Help You Develop A Strategy for 2014

With the continued advancement of technology shifting the way customers interact with financial institutions, it is vital for banks to proactively respond to the changing demands of their self-service channels and understand the importance of being responsive across those channels. We can help you develop a long term vision, smart strategies and a turnkey execution plan.

We are available to make presentations on any of the five components of digital banking as outlined in this presentation. Please call Julie White at 205-222-2375 or julie@hipbrandgroup.com.

HipBrand Group Digital Banking Marketing Services

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Let us put our experience to work for you.

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