hip & spine exam pearls - emory school of medicinepearl (1) hip oa 1 • jospt 2017: • >50...

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Hip & Spine Exam PearlsKenneth Mynatt, PT, DPT, ATC, LATEmory Sports Medicine Complex



• I have no relevant financial relationships with commercial interests.

Inspection & Leg Length Discrepancy13

• Inspect from feet up• Palpation• Gait• Functional - umbilicus to medial malleoli

• Up slip/Downslip• Anterior/Posterior innominate rotation

• Anterior innominate appears longer• Posterior innominate appears shorter

• Structural – ASIS to medial malleoli

Presentation Notes
Structural: ASIS to medial malleolus Supine to long sit test: Shorter limb (posteriorly rotated) while supine will present with symmetrical leg length when transitioned to long sitting Compensatory: ambulating with limited hip extension, forward trunk lean (protective measures) – but develop an anterior rotation

Anterior Hip

Pearl (1) Hip OA1

• JOSPT 2017: • >50 y.o.• Moderate anterior/lateral hip pain with weight bearing• Morning stiffness < 1 hr• Hip IR < 24 degrees or Reduced Hip IR & Hip Flex by 15 degrees• Pain with passive hip IR

• FADIR, FABER, scour• BMI• End feel

Presentation Notes
Differential diagnosis: Hip OA, FAI, Labral Tear

Pearl (2) FAI2,3

• Active young/middle age adult (25-50 y.o.)• Insidious onset• Groin pain • Decreased IR and flexion• FADIR, FABER• Pain with prolonged sitting/deep hip flex • Hx: AVN, repetitive trauma

Presentation Notes
Cam: anterosuperior labral articular cartilage wear (reduced anterior femoral head neck offset) – flexion with IR Pincer: cartilage damage more circumferential (abnormalities on the acetabulum) Bony end feel Beginning of early hip OA Associated with labral tears Soccer/hockey

Pearl (3) Labral Tear4,5,6

• Active young adult, 15-41 y.o. • Anterior hip or groin

• 94% anterior tears

• Clicking, clunking, locking, giving way • Pain at night, prolonged sitting, activity • FADIR, posterior impingement test• Hx: FAI

Presentation Notes
61% insidious, women > men Can refer to buttock or knee Anterior hip – more stress to labrum, joint capsule, ligaments vs posterior hip (less bony coverage) Posterior labral tears – commonly trauma Repetitive trauma: golf, ballet, soccer, hockey – repetitive hip ER and extension Legg-Calve-Perthes, Slipped Capital-Epiphyses, MVA Additional special tests: Fitzgerald, log roll, resisted SLR

Pearl (4) Hip Flexor Strain7,8

• Acute onset• Gait: antalgic swing phase, reduced heel/toe off• Palpable• Resisted hip flexion: painful and weak • Full PROM• Hx of recent injury – within 15 weeks• Soccer and hockey

Presentation Notes
Training volume, resuming after period of inactivity

Pearl (5) Proximal Rectus Femoris9

Strain/Tear• Acute onset• Visible defect • TTP: distal to AIIS• Sprinting, kicking• Ely test

Pearl (6) Internal (anterior) Snapping Hip Syndrome10

• Iliopsoas tendon over iliopectineal eminence or femoral head

• Transitioning from hip Flex/ER/ABD toExt/IR/ADD

• Palpable and often audible • Thomas test, FABER to EADIR• Glute weakness

Presentation Notes
The superior surface of superior ramus of pubis is bounded, laterally, by a rough eminence, the iliopubic eminence (iliopectineal eminence), which serves to indicate the point of junction of the ilium and pubis FABER to EADIR reproduces snapping sensation – dynamic testing

Anterior Hip Location ROM Age Hallmark Test

Hip OA Groin Bony PROM Age > 50 Morning stiffness FABER, FADIR, scour

FAI Groin Bony PROM Age: 25-50 Non-descript FABER, FADIR

Labral Tear Groin Bony PROM Age: 15-41 Clicking FABER, FADIR

Hip Flex Strain Groin Full PROM Young adult MMT painful

Rectus Strain Proximal femur Full PROM Young adult Location of s/s Ely

Internal snapping hip

Groin Full PROM Reproduce s/s with ROM


Presentation Notes

Lateral Hip

Pearl (7) External (lateral) Snapping Hip Syndrome10

• ITB• Or anterior fibers of gluteus maximus

• Greater trochanter - palpation• Giving way• Active hip flex/ext or hip IR/ER• Palpable and often audible• Ober’s test

Presentation Notes
Differential diagnosis: greater trochanteric pain syndrome (snapping hip, bursitis, gluteus medius tendinopathy) Most common in 20 y.o.’s (ITB is thickening) Associated with bursitis and muscular strains Can be painless Hip Weakness, tightness

Pearl (8) Greater Trochanteric Bursitis11

• Greater trochanter - palpation• Hip ABD/ER weakness • Painful sleeping on affected side• Leg length discrepancy

• Foot Pronation


Presentation Notes
Possible change in running surface, volume or shoe wear CSI: immediate improvement in s/s

Pearl (9) Gluteus Medius Tendinopathy11,12

• Trigger point• Dull/achy • Hip ABD/ER weakness• Trendelenburg sign• Tear

• Chronic degeneration• Age

Presentation Notes
The resisted internal rotation test is a sensitive (92%), specific (85%) and accurate (88%) test for detection of GM tears. The resisted internal rotation test is performed with the patient in the supine position with the affected hip and knee flexed 90 and the hip in 10 degrees of external rotation. The patient is asked to actively internally rotate the hip against resistance by the examiner (knee away from and foot toward examiner). The test is positive with pain reproduction and/or weakness. Holding weight in ipsilateral side, step down test

Pearl (10) Meralgia Paresthetica11

• Lateral femoral cutaneous n.• N/T anterolateral thigh• Absence of motor deficits

• Iliac crest bone graft• Obese, tight pants/belts• Prolonged sitting

Lateral Hip Location Hallmark Cause Test

External snapping hip

Greater trochanter Audible/palpable Tightness of TFL Ober

Grt. Troch. bursitis

Greater trochanter Location of s/s Lateral hip weakness

CSI improves s/s

Glute med. tendinop

Gluteus medius Trigger point Lateral hip weakness

MMT, trendelenburg

Meralgia Paresthetica

Anterolateral thigh N/T anterolateral thigh – no motor loss

Tight pants/belt Palpation

Leg Length Supine measure medial malleolus level

Palpation of ASIS/PSIS

Positional, structural, tightness

Muscle energy

Presentation Notes

Thank You!

Presentation Notes

References• 1: Cibulka MT, Bloom NJ, Enseki KR, Macdonald CW, Woehrle J, Mcdonough CM. Hip Pain and Mobility Deficits-Hip Osteoarthritis: Revision 2017. J

Orthop Sports Phys Ther. 2017;47(6):A1-A37.

• 2: Banerjee P, Mclean CR. Femoroacetabular impingement: a review of diagnosis and management. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2011;4(1):23-32.

• 3: Thomas GE, Palmer AJ, Andrade AJ, et al. Diagnosis and management of femoroacetabular impingement. Br J Gen Pract. 2013;63(612):e513-5.

• 4: Groh MM, Herrera J. A comprehensive review of hip labral tears. Curr Rev Musculoskelet Med. 2009;2(2):105-17.

• 5: Su T, Chen GX, Yang L. Diagnosis and treatment of labral tear. Chin Med J. 2019;132(2):211-219.

• 6: Springer BA, Gill NW, Freedman BA, Ross AE, Javernick MA, Murphy KP.. N Am J Sports Phys Ther. 2009;4(1):38-45.

• 7: Eckard TG, Padua Acetabular labral tears: diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination by a physical therapist, orthopaedic surgeon, and orthopaedic residentsDA, Dompier TP, Dalton SL, Thorborg K, Kerr ZY. Epidemiology of Hip Flexor and Hip Adductor Strains in National Collegiate Athletic Association Athletes, 2009/2010-2014/2015. Am J Sports Med. 2017;45(12):2713-2722.

• 8: Orchard JW, Chaker jomaa M, Orchard JJ, et al. Fifteen-week window for recurrent muscle strains in football: a prospective cohort of 3600 muscle strains over 23 years in professional Australian rules football. Br J Sports Med. 2020;

• 9: Esser S, Jantz D, Hurdle MF, Taylor W. Proximal Rectus Femoris Avulsion: Ultrasonic Diagnosis and Nonoperative Management. J Athl Train. 2015;50(7):778-80.

• 10: Yen YM, Lewis CL, Kim YJ. Understanding and Treating the Snapping Hip. Sports Med Arthrosc Rev. 2015;23(4):194-9.

• 11: Grumet RC, Frank RM, Slabaugh MA, Virkus WW, Bush-joseph CA, Nho SJ. Lateral hip pain in an athletic population: differential diagnosis and treatment options. Sports Health. 2010;2(3):191-6.

• 12: Ortiz-declet V, Chen AW, Maldonado DR, Yuen LC, Mu B, Domb BG. Diagnostic accuracy of a new clinical test (resisted internal rotation) for detection of gluteus medius tears. J Hip Preserv Surg. 2019;6(4):398-405.

• 13: Menz HB, Dufour AB, Riskowski JL, Hillstrom HJ, Hannan MT. Foot posture, foot function and low back pain: the Framingham Foot Study. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013;52(12):2275-82.

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