hist. study guide 11 2 08 presentation

Post on 13-May-2015






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Who were the Bedouins?????

Arab Nomads

What does Charlemagne mean???????

Charles the Great

When did a page become a squire???

While training to be a knight

Who painted the Mona Lisa???

Leonardo da Vinci

What was monasticism????

Withdrawing from society

Who was the author of the canterbury tales???


Who were the Lollards??

Followers of John Wycliffe

Who is Allah??????

The god of Islam

Who wrote the book called the Prince????


What were certificates from the pope that excused a person from doing penance or shortened his stay in purgatory???


Who was the Greek philosopher that was admired by many Europeans, was known as “The philosopher”???


What is the Koran?????

Muslim holy book

The crusade of kings was which crusade????

The third

Which crusade captured Asia Minor and Jerusalem???

The First

Who was Saladin a leader of during the Crusades?


Who were the magayars????

Scourge of Europe

What is Mecca?

Islamic city in Arabia

Who was crowned “Emperor of the Romans” beginning the holy Roman Empire?

Otto the Great

What does Jihad mean???

Holy war

Why was the term Renaissance appropriate for the ages?

Renaissance means rebirth and there was a rebirth in learning, art, and eventually the Bible.

What does Mohammad mean??

Highly Praised

What was the code of conduct for many knights during the middle ages???


For what is Jerome best remembered???

Translating the Bible

Who were the Moors??

North African Muslims

What is scholasticism???

Mixed church doctrine with Greek philosophy

Around what year did the Middle ages begin??????


Why did knights wear a coat of arms???

To identify each other in battle

What was the Black Death????

A terrible plague that killed from one third to one half the population of Europe

What are the Papal States???

Land donated to the pope by Pepin

What two nations were formed by the treaty of Verdun?????

France and Germany

Who were the Vikings????


Who was the leader of the third crusade?????

Richard the lion-hearted

What is the Eucharist???

The Lord's Supper

What are serfs???

They worked the manors for the nobles

Why was the Battle of Tours so important???

The Muslim advance in Europe was stopped, Saving Europe from being swallowed up in the Muslim empire

What was the protective trench that surrounded a castle called???

A moat

Who was John Huss????

A powerful pope from Bohemia

What was the inquisition?

Court that judged heretics

Who was the painter of the Sistine chapel??


Compare Islam to Christianity. In what ways were they alike? How were they different? What is the main difference between the 2 faiths????

Islam like Christianity teaches that there is only one god, that Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were biblical people, and that there is an afterlife. Islam is unlike Christianity because it teaches that Jesus was just a prophet, and that Mohammad is the final prophet. It denies much of the Bible and instead relies on the Koran. Islam teaches total submission to Mohammed's teaching, and that Allah is the god of Islam. The main difference between the two faiths is that Islam rejects Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and the right way to heaven.

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