hist1302 week 13

Post on 06-May-2015






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Economic Adversity Transforms the Nation1973-1989

US History Survey Mini-Lecture1865 to the Present

Week 13 Virtual ClassroomThe Shifting World Economy

Mini-Lecture 1:  The End of the Postwar Boom; The New Shape of American

Business; From Nixon to Carter; Stagflation Politics

Remembering the 1970s

The Good Old Days? Really?

Recessions and Real Median Family Income,1947 - 2003

Urban Consumer Price Index in the 20th Century

The End of the Postwar Boom

•1973 - 1990 Erosion of Purchasing Power•Starts With 1973 Arab Oil Embargo•Low Economic Growth + High Unemployment +

Persistent Inflation = "Stagflation"•Legal and Regulatory Infrastructure

The New Shape of American Business


Stagflation Politics: From Nixon to Carter

President Gerald Ford "Whip Inflation Now" Speech

President Gerald Ford1976 Republican National Convention

Economic Adversity Transforms the Nation1973-1989

US History Survey1865 to the Present

Week 13 Virtual ClassroomThe Cold War Thaw

Mini-Lecture 2: Detente From Nixon to Carter

THE COLD WAR - PART 9: Detente

The Carter PresidencyJimmy Carter

President Jimmy Carter Report to the Nation on Energy

President Carter's Address to the Nation on Energy

President Carter's Statement on the Panama Canal

President Jimmy CarterStatement on Iran Rescue Mission

President Jimmy Carter Speech on Afghanistan

Economic Adversity Transforms the Nation1973-1989

US History Survey1865 to the Present

Week 13 Virtual ClassroomThe Nation Moves to the Right

Mini-Lecture 3: The Rise of the New Right; Revolt Against Taxes and Busing;

Gender Politics

The Rise of the New Right

•Withdrawal of Many From Voting •Failure of Democratic Party to Offer Solutions•Political Mobilization of a "New Right" (vs. "Old Right")•1964 Goldwater Campaign•Richard Viguerie & Direct Mail Campaigns

Revolt Against Taxes and Busing

Gender Politics

Ratification of ERA in the States

Economic Adversity Transforms the Nation1973-1989

US History Survey1865 to the Present

Week 13 Virtual ClassroomThe Reagan Revolution and

Economic Disparity

Mini-Lecture 4: Reagan’s Presidency; The Reagan Boom; The Ranks of the Poor

Ronald Reagan - "A Time for Choosing"

Reagan’s Presidency

Ronald Reagan

Ronald Reagan Address on Federal Tax Reduction Legislation

(July 27, 1981)

The Reagan Boom

Wall Steet Movie (1987)

Wall Street Trailer (1987)

The Ranks of the Poor

Milton Friedman on Greed (1979)

Economic Adversity Transforms the Nation1973-1989

US History Survey1865 to the Present

Week 13 Virtual ClassroomStruggling Against the

Conservative Tide

Mini-Lecture 5: The Labor Movement Under Fire; Reaganism Reaches an

Impasse; Culture Wars

Charting the Declining Strength of Labor:

Percentage of Workers Organized Over Time

The Labor Movement Under FirePATCO

Boston Police and Air Traffic Controller Strikes

Reagan speaks on air traffic controllers strike 1981

Ronald Reagan Remarks on the Air Traffic Controllers Strike

(August 3, 1981)

Reaganism Reaches an

Impasse: Congress Strikes Back

South Africa under apartheid

Peter Gabriel Biko Live 1986

President Reagan, LTC North and the Nicaraguan Contras

Reaganism Reaches an Impasse: Iran-



President Ronald ReaganAddress on Iran-Contra

Jack Brooks Statue at Lamar University

Reagan's Advisors

Culture Wars: Think Tanks

Testimony at Attorney General Edwin Meese's "Pornography Hearings"

Persistence of Pluralism: Hip Hop in the Bronx

Heritage, USA - after the fall (1989)

Cold War Culture1984 Apple's Macintosh Commercial

The Cult of the Mac:Steve Jobs showcases Macintosh


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