history with the establishment of karabük university at 2007, graduate school of natural and...

Post on 17-Jan-2018






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ACADEMIC AND ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF The management staff of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences consists of a total of 5 academic staff: 1 director, 2 associate director and 2 research assistant. And the administrative staff of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences consists of a total of 3 administrative staff: 1 secretary, 1 computer operator. Totally 110 academic staff has been working at various departments of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The distribution of the personnel of these departments according to their academic titles are given below.



HISTORYWith the establishment of Karabük University at 2007, Graduate School

of Natural and Applied Sciences has started its education life with 8 graduate and 4 doctoral program. In the 2009-2010 academic year, A DISTANCE EDUCATION MASTER PROGRAM WITHOUT THESIS has opened at Computer Engineering Department.

As of 2011, Karabük University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences contunies its education with 14 graduate and 8 doctoral program.


The management staff of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences consists of a total of 5 academic staff: 1 director, 2 associate director and 2 research assistant. And the administrative staff of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences consists of a total of 3 administrative staff: 1 secretary, 1 computer operator. Totally 110 academic staff has been working at various departments of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences. The distribution of the personnel of these departments according to their academic titles are given below.

Department Prof. Dr. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Assist. Prof. Dr.

Mechanical Education 2 2 12

Metal Education 2 6 4

Furniture and Decoration Education 1 1 3

Electronic and Computer Education      

Architecture 2 1 7

Physics 1   7

Chemistry   1 8

Computer Engineering 1   5

Mechanical Engineering 2 7 12

Metallurgy and Materials Engineering   2 5

Electric-Electronic Engineering 3   2

Energy Systems Engineering   3 1

Mechatronics Engineering   1 1

Mathematics     5


Within the Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences, there are 384 graduate student of 14 departments and 90 doctoral students of 8 departments. At the same time so far a total of 120 students have received graduated degree with a high degree of success. The following table details the distribution of our students according to departments.

Master Doctorate

Department Present Graduated Courses Present Graduated Courses

Mechanical Education 1 64 140 25   89

Metal Education 35 24 82 7   49

Furniture and Decoration Education 22 21 62 7   33

Electronic and Computer Education 17 3 61      

Architecture 21 1 34     19

Physics 10 1 26      

Chemistry 20 1 36 1    32

Computer Engineering 76 5 81 24   68

Mechanical Engineering 55   102 16   48

Metallurgy and Materials Engineering 20   37      

Electric-Electronic Engineering 14   48 10   29

Energy Systems Engineering 10   23       Mechatronics Engineering 4   22       Mathematics 9   41      

OUR STRENGTHSGraduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences has an outstanding

staff to educate the future scientists.

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences is at a city of strong university-industry cooperation.

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences is in the front of others in case of practical training with a close relationship of industry.

We have the wealth of distance education (e-learning) ability in Engineering Faculty.

Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences has the wealth of various M.Sc. and Ph.D. courses prepared by expert academics.

Karabük University, offers a comprehensive library service which provides access to electronic databases in order to help graduate students in their research work.

And most importantly, Karabuk University, has the wealth of facilities which are neccessary for the success of Master and PhD students and more importantly, has well-appointed R & D laboratories.

PROJECTS AND PUBLICATIONSKarabük University Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

from the beginning till the present day, 2 DPT, 1 SAN-TEZ and 6 TÜBİTAK projects proposed by Master's and PhD students cooperated-with their supervisors were accepted to support.

Among the accepted projects 1 DPT and 2 TÜBİTAK projects completed successfully and “project reports” submitted to related departments.

As of 2009-2010 academic year, Karabük University, found 12 BAP projects acceptable for PhD students to support. In addition, in 2010-2011 academic year decided to give the BAP project as well as to the Master's students.

In addition, from the thesis given to Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences many national and international publications (articles, papers, etc.) contribute to the research field.

PROFESSIONAL ACHIEVEMENTSAlumnis of Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences with14

departments are educated to gain academicians and researchers in science field and qualified personnel in private sector;

Primarily and especially, have knowledge and experience in order to be able to develop possible solutions and find a solution in the face of problems at working life.

ALUMNIS, have the capabilities that can use the scientific and technological potential they gained most effective and most qualified.

ALUMNIS, help the production process to meet the requirements of the developing world, to get a share from the competitive market environment and to be produced at high quality.

ALUMNIS, taking into account the changing and evolving technological information, can prepare projects at their specialization field, can manage and implement the projects.

And most importantly ALUMNIS, at their specialization area, if needed can examine the industry’s needs in place and can submit proposals with cause-effect relationship for the solution.

JOB OPPORTUNITIESFirst of all, since they have learned scientific research and project

preperation techniques with their education in graduate programs, both in the private sector and public institutions, they can prepare projects according to the needs of the region and their job.

With the project reports they have completed they can shed light on the future of our country.

They can lead the researchers followed them.

The majority of the alumnis is working in public institutions and the private sector, deepening their knowledge and skills in the areas of graduate education.

The alumnis educated by an outstanding academicians may set up their own businesses.

THE MOST IMPORTANT, they can be successful professionals and scientists able to work anywhere globally.

AREAS OF STUDYUniversities (Academic)

Government departments (educator, conductor, administrator, etc.)

The private sector (Educator, designer, entrepreneur, and supervisory control, etc.)

Their own businesses (R & D center, laboratory, etc.)

Public and private sector to increase efficiency, occupational health and safety projects

Get a promotion on their work area.

GENERAL ACHIEVEMENTS ThinkingCreativeAble to express thoughtsSelf-renewingEntrepreneurInquiryLikely to collaborateOpen sharing of informationSensitive to social problemsDeveloped sense of responsibilityContemporary in scienceInnovative in EducationEnterprising individuals who grow up in the study.

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