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Post on 19-Aug-2015






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Email Marketing

When creating an effective email marketing campaign for your

business, you have many things to consider. You not only need

to create interesting, compelling messages that your prospects

will read and act on, but you also need to craft marketing

messages that target prospects exactly where they are on the

A to Z buying scale.

Successful email marketing really all comes down to the fact

that you can’t send the same email marketing messages to A

to Y scale buyers that you send to Z scale buyers.

A to Y scale buyers are people who haven’t decided to buy

yet. They’re interested, but are still doing their research and

are shopping around. Z scale buyers are ready to buy now.

They’ve done their research. They’ve shopped around. They’re


These two types of prospects are totally different, and you

must target your email marketing to them differently as well.

About us

Hartmann Marketing Group strives to be the leader in in-

novative marketing strategies providing your company with

measurable growth and results. Every business desires to

be noticed online in the midst of the overwhelming amount

of competition. We speak with these business owners every

day! They want to be #1 in the search engines, they want

people to notice who they are and take action! Ultimately they

are looking at the bottom line – they want their revenues to


This is a fair enough objective – after all, you are in business

primarily to make money and if the money stops so does your

business. So the ultimate plan is to get numerous buyers on

every level of the buying spectrum to notice you and want to

do business with you over your competition. This is where

Hartmann Marketing Group can make your dreams come


PPC Marketing

If you need to attract immediate traffic to your website, but

don’t have the time to wait for search engine optimization or

other advertising to kick in, pay per click marketing is the easy


Not only is pay per click marketing an excellent way to attract

instant traffic to your website, it’s also ideal for tracking and

split testing different offers you make on your website. This

gives you the power to adjust your campaigns to success.

Many business owners avoid pay per click marketing simply

because they’ve either been burned in the past by paying a lot

of money for little results, or they just don’t know how to create

a pay per click campaign.

Whether you’re a business owner brand new to pay per click,

you’ve had little success with pay per click, or are just seeking

someone to take over management of your pay per click

marketing campaigns, Four Step Marketing has the experience

to do it right.

Many businesses call our marketing consulting company with

various ideas of what good marketing is. What is even more

startling is that many of these business owners spend count-

less amounts of marketing dollars without even knowing if their

efforts are even working. We think this stinks! It absolutely

does not make fiscal sense to spend money without knowing

that your efforts are working. This is why Hartmann Market-

ing Group is dedicated to 100% measurable and accountable

marketing. We are also not focused on branding! While we

realize that this is the most conventional form of marketing fed

to us, it is simply not the best way to effectively market your

company. Instead we prefer to use a proactive approach when

marketing called direct response. With direct response market-

ing we always look for measurable results no matter if we are

sending a direct mail piece, or utilizing organic search results

in the search engines. By abiding by this concept we are not

so concerned about creating a well-known brand, but are more

interested in finding buyers who are directly interested in your

product and then cultivating that relationship so that they buy.

SMM Marketing

What’s the newest marketing method that’s all the rage these

days? Without a doubt, it’s social media marketing. This

includes using social media networks like Facebook, Twitter,

YouTube, and others to connect with prospects like never


So is social marketing just hype? Will it help your business?

The answer is yes, but only if your business fits into the social

media world mindset.

Surprised I didn’t say social marketing will work like gangbusters

for any type of business? Unfortunately, it doesn’t, but the good

news is it works for more businesses than it doesn’t work for.

If social marketing is a good fit for your business, Hartmann

Marketing Group can implement a number of strategies that

can help you connect with friends, followers, fans, and more.

I.Facebook – Fan pages and fans, groups and members

II.Twitter – Custom pages, custom tweets, building a large


III.YouTube – Account creation, video creation video promotion,

comment services

We can help start you off with a following of thousands of

people that will help you grow your fans and followers naturally,

so your social media accounts build mozzmentum quickly.

Hartmann Marketing Group begins by offering websites,

social media help, and setting up business email for clients.

They saw us as the experts because we were helping them

in an area that can be dauntingly confusing at times. As we

began to consult with these clients we quickly realized the

potential of evolving into a full service marketing agency. We

began structuring our company to accommodate this type

of change and went for it. Our incredible staff and team of

web developers, SEO & social media experts, writers and

designers all work together seamlessly to provide outstanding

results for our clients. We continue to grow, and advance in

innovation so that we can offer our clients sound advice for

their marketing strategies. We work with clients in our home

town of Ft. Worth, TX and we also service clients across the


SEO Marketing

Without a doubt, the best way to increase your traffic long term,

which will in turn increase your sales long term, is to increase your

search engine rankings with search engine optimization (SEO).

While search engine optimization will get your website ranking high

in the search engine results, it also helps you accomplish a whole

lot more. High rankings build the trust of your target audience.

Think about it, if Google thinks your website is worthy of a

page one ranking, your prospects will gain instant trust in your


Hartmann Marketing Group breaks the search engine

optimization services down into three different areas that

provide high search engine visibility: Onsite, Offsite & Other.



Phone: 888-429-6447

HMG © 2015

Taking Your Business to the Next Level!

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