
Post on 16-Dec-2015






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  • Collection of Questions from Jet TFO exam 2013


    1. Shape of earth : Ellipsoid

    2. How many segments constitute an instrument approach? 3, 4, 5, 6? Ans: 5 (arrival, initial, intermediate, final,missed approach)

    3. Ohms Law Statement.

    4. What is the voltage if current of 300mA is passed through resistor of 20 ohms?

    5. TAS is 150. Crosswind is 50. What is the GS? 200, 150, 100, 50?

    6. A/C weight is 908 kg. Load applied is 6000 lb. What is the load factor? 2G, 3G, 5G?

    7. Unit of Capacitance.

    8. ZIGZAG is the call sign used by? Aircraft doing Search and Rescue.

    9. How many ADIZ are there?

    10. Which clouds gives continuous rain?

    11. TSI Principle

    12. Geostrophic wind, how does it blow? a) Parallel to straight isobars b)Parallel to curved isobars and two otheroptions

    13. Manouvering Speed: Va

    14. Bourdon tube is used to measure? ( Ans : Pressure and Temperature )

    15. Maximum % of water vapor in the atmosphere ( options a)1% b) 4% )

    16. Clearance for high altitude flight above the sea or water body is given by? DGCA, Operator, State of Registration,FIC over high seas?

    17. Validity of ATPL Medical ( age above 40 or below 40 no mentioned )

  • 18. Aircraft flying on easterly heading at 30 N at 200kts. What will DI show?

    19. In which layer of atmosphere is ozone layer present? Stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, troposphere?

    20. Time at 60 East is 1530. What is the time at 30 West?

    21. You are taking off from R/W 088 variation 2 E winds 030/15. You will get a) 10 knots tailwind b) 10 knotsheadwind c) 17.4 knots crosswind

    22. How much distance you cover while covering 8Degree long at equator?

    23. Height of Troposphere above equator?

    24. You are flying with indicated 150 knots, Abeam crosswind of 50 Knots. What is your TAS?

    25. Tokyo convention of 1975 deals with?

    26. Continuous heavy rains are found in which clouds?

    27. Aircraft Operations comes under which CAR Section? Section 8

    28. Pitot-static vents are connected with which all instruments? a) Altimeter, b) Cabin Altimeter, c) ASI , d) Cabinrate of change of indicator, e) VSI

    29. Fog and westerly disturbances.

    30. The gas that is found in the greatest amount in the atmosphere? Nitrogen

    31. Working principle of Radio Altimeter.

    32. Primary engine instrument? Fuel flow, Tachometer, Torque meter, Air speed?

    33. Dihedral angle is measured by?

    34. Best L/D ratio gives? Max endurance, Max range,...2 other options

    35. If an aircraft enters a prohibited area, the pilot may be cautioned of the same by: The firing of projectilesshowing Red and Green Stars on bursting.

  • 36. Echo has frequency of 900 microseconds. What is the range?

    37. What all factors determine the stalling speed of aircraft?

    38. Longitudes are measured? (east n west of equator, east n west of Prime meridian,*,*)

    39. What is the function of stalling strip?

    40. When do we hear aural warning? (When about to enter stall, Stall imminent, and 2 more options)

    41. Chord of wing definition

    42. Compass Variation is the angle between?

    43. What system is de-activated when LG is retracted?

    44. What illusion do water droplets on windscreen have? Higher then approach, Lower than approach, No effect? (effect of rain on depth perception)

    45. EFIS converts? Digital to analog , Analog to digital , 2 other options

    46. EFIS signals are what type of signals?

    47. Temp at 20,000 feet is -5C, what is ISA deviation?

    48. Climbing at constant IAS, what happens to Mach no? a. Increases b. Decreases c. Remains constant d.(someother option)

    49. Differential controls are used in?

    50. An aircraft uses 1000kg of fuel for 200NM. What is the specific range?

    51. Specific range when F/C is 200kg/hr and distance of 1000NM?

    52. Vertical fin is used to give? Lateral stability, Directional stability, Vertical stability or Normal stability?

    53. If QNH is lower than standard pressure, then? (pressure altitude>elevation, pressure altitude< elevation,pressure altitude=elevation, no effect)

    54. In cyclone wind blows in which direction?

  • 55. Symptoms of Hypoxia?

    56. Which cloud gives continuous precipitation?

    57. Which cloud leads to the formation of another cloud?

    58. In which stage of CB both updrafts and downdrafts occur?

    59. When reducing power in an aircraft with variable pitch propeller, the procedure to follow?

    60. TCAS resolutionary advice?

    61. The best fuel ratio for max thrust?

    62. The best glide angle is otherwise known as?

    63. What causes spatial disorientation in Pilots?

    64. In a series of resistance what is constant?

    65. What causes aerodynamic buffeting?

    66. What is V1? Options were a) Decision Speed and b) Action Initiation Speed . Correct Answer is b) Action Initiation Speed

    67. Sunrise at 0545, earliest VFR flight possible at?

    68. What axis does AP control during climb? Longitudinal, Lateral, Pitch axis (1 more option)?

    69. Radiation fog is seen in?

    70. What is found is high pressure area? (Fog, strong winds, 2 more options)

    71. In aircrafts circuits are protected by?

    72. Why is AC preferred over DC in aircrafts?

    73. If compressibility came into effect what happens to CAS

    74. Validity of ADC?

    75. To fly an designated route Q how many RNPs are required?

    76. A/c flying 200 NM in 20 min and later 200 NM in 30 min. Find average speed.

  • 77. Length of wire and resistance relation.

    78. Takeoff configuration warning activation.

    79. One question on secondary cells.

    80. Which mixture burns quickly....rich mixture or a lean mixture?

    81. Class D fires extinguished by?

    82. Diluter Demand Oxygen system

    83. Rated thrust based on? (gross thrust, net thrust, average thrust and one more option)

    84. Payload is calculated on the basis of?

    85. Sequence of working of Piston Engine? 86. Sequence of working of Jet Engine? 87. Convergent-Divergent tube

    88. Propeller reduction gear

    89. Special VFR flights allowed in?

    90. Rate of climb of an a/c climbing frm 10000ft to 30000ft in 20mins 91. Aspirated TAT probe.

    92. Category of aircraft for public transport?

    93. Q on Spark plug fouling.

    94. Symbol Generator on EFIS

    95. Q on Servo Tab

    96. Conditions for CAVOK

    97. Q on Static stability

    98. Aspect Ratio is inversely proportional to Induced drag

    99. electric current consists of (chemical,heat,magnetism)

    100. Bernoulli's principle

  • 101. Winds Friction more at?

    102. Wind veering is clockwise in NH

    103. Altimeter setting which gives pressure altitude

    104. On ground MAP gauge reads?

    105. If an a/c is set to takeoff and warning is there about something wrong in configuration, what is the action tobe taken?

    106. Max thrust is given by?

    107. Performance based limitation in take off

    108. Q on Semi-monocoque. (Options were: spars, ribs, longerons, stringers)

    109. Q on Cabin Altitude

    110. Any wheel which spins on its axis is called?

    111. Effect of increase in wing area on lift?

    112. What are advantages/disadvantages of swept back wing?

    113. When temperature increases with height, it is called? Inversion layer

    114. How is current surge controlled in aircraft?

    115. Radiation fog in northern hemisphere is formed? (options were ahead of WD or behind)

    116. Control zones in India shall be at least what airspace category?

    117. What Happens to Total Voltage when connected in series?

    118. What is standard lapse rate of temperature? ( Answer 3.5 F /1000 Ft )

    119. What is accumulator?


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