holy spirit help us based on alive-o 3: term 3, lesson 6 refer to teacher’s book pp. 320-327 what...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Holy Spirit Help UsHoly Spirit Help Us

Based on Alive-O 3: Term 3, Lesson 6Refer to Teacher’s Book pp. 320-327

What am I trying to do?To introduce the children to the story of Pentecost.

Why?So that they will begin to be aware of the gift of the

Holy Spirit in their lives and be able to respond to the promptings of the Spirit to live and to love as

Jesus asks us to.

The friends of Jesus were sad and lonely without him.They huddled together in a room all by themselves.

Their faces were sad, their heads hung low, they sighed. They missed their friend.

Then suddenly as they huddled close

together, they heard the sound of a


It grew stronger and stronger until in no

time a powerful wind filled the whole


A bright light, like flames of fire, shone

all around them.

“What’s going on?” they called

out, jumping to their feet and raising

their hands in alarm.

At first they were afraid, but the wind kept blowing and the fiery light kept shining.

Then one of the friends suddenly remembered what Jesus had said:

“ I will ask the Father and he will send you the Holy Spirit to be with you forever.”

He jumped to his feet, he was no longer afraid.He held his head high and he shouted in a loud

voice, “The Holy Spirit Jesus promised us

is here with us now!” The others shouted joyfully.

They danced out of the room and out onto the streets. They were no longer sad or lonely.

They knew what they had to do. They told everyone about their friend Jesus.

They told them about the Holy Spirit who had come into their lives this very day and filled

their hearts with joy and gladness and courage.

People listened in amazement.

People wanted to know how they could become

followers of Jesus.

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